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Marko Rodin

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  • Hi Jamie. What an honour to have you on the forum. Welcome. And of course you need to commercialise the coil. My only concern was that patenting would delay applications.

    I'm sure we'll all be most interested to see the developments of this and the variations. Can't wait.


    • David, you'll have to experment with this one.


      Last edited by Bit's-n-Bytes; 12-04-2009, 02:52 AM.


      • Welcome Jamie, your vids are very nicely done and they have taught us a lot We appreciate your coming to share with us.

        The monopoles are of course of very great interest. Besides that and the obvious possibilities for audio speakers, lol... Can you think of any other anomalous or interesting features of the Rodin Coil you have seen in your experiments?


        • Ok Jamie. Here are some of my questions.

          What would happen if you changed the winding from copper to typical resistive wire?

          Or some combination?

          And I'd be glad of an explanation of the 'pick up' in those juxtaposed motors that also resulted in a lessening of the current flow from the supply.

          Do you run DC or AC through the coil. (I probably should know this from the videos but don't. Sorry)

          And have you tried the coil in conjunction with a switching circuit?

          Be most grateful if you could answer some of these questions.


          • Hello Jamie! Great to have you here reading and joining these discussions!! You can see the amount of interest that has grown in just these past few months - you should be proud, your work and innovation has inspired much. Not to detract from Rodin himself, LoL, but you know. You have enabled Marko to put a little more up-to-date practicality into his speeches.

            I am ever appreciative of what yourself and others have shared on YouTube, and I endeavour to maintain that openess with my own experimentation. It seems we (and as well some others) may have some similar lines of research and results. I want to assure you that where there may be overlap, I will respect any claim you make to patentable devices and methods, so long as Marko is directly involved and affiliated. I trust others would do the same. Anyone may feel free to PM me if they have any questions.

            Now we have Jamie here, we should try to get "geomatrix11" from youtube here as well! If you haven't seen his vids, check them out - he has a massive collection of rodin coils, and has been showing the interesting inductance and resonance response tests on his Oscope. If he and Morpher44 got to talking...

            Anyhoo, back to my garage! Winding a new one today... 18 AWG wire, 9" (outer) diameter toroid. 360-degree style, as that's my favorite.


            • Welcome

              Hello Jamie,
              Posted some questions to you in youtube last week. You havent logged on so I suppose you were pretty busy. Man your gonna be answering some questions on here for a while im sure. On that note, THANK YOU for being gracious enough to come here and share your knowledge with us. If you were going to to reply to my questions I posted to you on youtube (same user name I think) feel free to post the answers here. I would much rather everyone else be able to hear your answers as well. Thanks for your time.


              • geomatrix11

                Originally posted by geminitric View Post
                Now we have Jamie here, we should try to get "geomatrix11" from youtube here as well! If you haven't seen his vids, check them out - he has a massive collection of rodin coils, and has been showing the interesting inductance and resonance response tests on his Oscope. If he and Morpher44 got to talking...
                Yes I've seen geomatrix11's videos. He is using a light meter to study
                LED brightness.
                We need to get him a camera/tools that won't produce backward images.


                • Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
                  Yes I've seen geomatrix11's videos. He is using a light meter to study
                  LED brightness.
                  We need to get him a camera/tools that won't produce backward images.
                  Just drop it into windows movie maker - video effects - mirror horizontal.


                  • Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
                    We need to get him a camera/tools that won't produce backward images.
                    it's hilarious Apparently he has been directly working with Marko for years, good stuff.
                    Also - LOVED his infomercial spoofs!!


                    • Bits & Bytes

                      Thanks Bits,

                      as i understand the circuit you posted...

                      when the 555 pin-3 goes 'high' it turns off the PNP which disconnects the coil from the cap while at the same time it turns ON the NPN which connects the cap to the power supply..and of course.....vice versa for when pin-3 goes low, ie:- disconnects the cap from the power supply while at same time connecting the coil and cap in a lil' circuit of their own?

                      3055 for the NPN and 2955 for the PNP would you say?

                      By George i think i might just be starting to get the hang of this electronics thingy !!!

                      David. D

                      ps will build it later today as soon as i get back from work ( day shift now thank god )


                      • Hi everybody. Thanks for the nice welcome. I'll do my best to answer what I can. It's camping season here in Sedona and i try to get out and sleep in nature a couple of times per week. So, if I don't respond right away I'm probably out with my girlfriend and Rottie enjoying a warm fire.

                        Redrichie, I'm sorry your email fell through the cracks. You asked about 4- and 5-filar windings. Marko has an idea for using a Base26 Mod25 numbering system that would produce 4 wires (eight ends). He discovered the only mathematical number systems that produce a toroid are prime squares like 3, 5, and 7. The coils built to date are based on Mod9.

                        I built a coil using Twistite wire. The kind of Twistite wire I used was three wires wrapped into one. I have tried several ways to energize this coil but it doesn't seem to produce better results. The geometry of the magnetic field produced by this kind of wire seems to interfere with the geometry of the toroid. More tests should be done but I have moved on as it cost $300 for enough wire to build one coil. Very expensive stuff.

                        I see if I can get Lazzar (Geomatrix11) to join in discussions here. I doubt he will have the time because every time we talk on the phone he is running somewhere for work.

                        Witsend, I use AC and pulsed DC in my coils. The pulsed DC, created from a bridge rectifier from 120VAC to a light bulb, is what I use to produce my monopole video. The other videos use varying frequencies of AC produced from a 2-channel function generator on my computer. The software comes from Virtins Technology. You can download their Multi-instrument for a free 30 day trial then pay the $24 USD for just the signal generator if you like it. The software used your PC sound card to produce the frequencies. I use my headphone jack out into the MP3 player of my stero amplifier. Then those 4 wires get connected to the coil. Left channel positive to Circuit A starting, left channel negative to Circuit A ending. Right channel negative to circuit B starting and left channel positive to circuit B ending. This gives you counter rotation. Then you set the signal generator so the 2 channels are 180 degrees out of phase with one another.

                        My guess is if you used resistive wire like NiChrome you could create a hotplate to cook food on. At least until the plastic donut melted :-)

                        I'm working on a power conditioning device that will connect between the power company's meter and your house panel box that could reduce power consumption by 40% or more using an arrayed magnet configuration and pick up coils.

                        The other thing i want to do is build a Rodin-Telsa coil. Tesla was sending plasma out from his toroid. I want to combine the 2 to create a focused, self-contained plasma in the center of the coil creating a benchtop Sun.

                        More later.



                        • David, you are exactly right. Good luck.



                          • Tesla-Rodin Coil

                            Originally posted by spiritualresults View Post
                            The other thing i want to do is build a Rodin-Telsa coil. Tesla was sending plasma out from his toroid. I want to combine the 2 to create a focused, self-contained plasma in the center of the coil creating a benchtop Sun.
                            That sounds way-cool!

                            Although I think the Rodin thing is all about magnetic field
                            creation ... and therefore its CURRENT that you want to pump
                            through ... not necessarily hi voltage. Although, you never
                            know what you find until you try it.

                            The Rodin coil is interesting in that one coil can be the
                            Tesla Primary ... and the other can be the Tesla 2ndary.
                            So instead of a pancake primary driving a tall cylinder coil,
                            the Rodin coil can have both primary and 2ndary in same

                            I suspect that the Rodin, when used in this transformer-mode,
                            will have the field come into the toroid as it inductively couples
                            at the event horizon.
                            Hence, by drawing power from the 2ndary, more of the field
                            is pulled in for this coupling. Remove the load, or as the load
                            approaches infinity, the magnetic field from primary
                            will start to burst out.
                            Hence, by having a load that varies in resistance (in a pulsing
                            manner), the field can exert itself and retire in the toroid.
                            This is pure speculation on my part ... but would be fun
                            to try.


                            • Rodin-Tesla Coil

                              Here is a .pdf document of my design for a Rodin-Tesla Coil. Maybe you guys can look at it and tell me what you think.



                              • Rodin-Tesla

                                Jamie - excellent document and description, thank you for posting. I too have been thinking about centralizing the activity of a Tesla within a Rodin Coil, one of the reasons I'm using heavier wire on my newer coil. There is also the Dr. R. Stiffler 'SEC Exciter' which is on my mind. And yet still I play with Bedini / generator stuff... too many ideas!

                                Morpher found that changing DC offset (duty cycle) changes the 'centering' of a magnet in the center of the rodin coil when pulsed with a SG. I think it was morpher, my apologies if was someone else's videos, I've watched way too many now... heh. anyways - I believe this will be a useful key to 'focusing' the plasma into the desired placement. I'm also thinking of having the Rodin Coil on a separate circuit from the Tesla action - using a tesla coil purely to create the plasma, and injecting that into the center area of a Rodin Coil that is energized using a setup maybe similar to Morpher's to control the plasma . Yes?

                                Alternately - Geomatrix's glass toroids could be vacuum pumped and/or filled with low-density gas (pick your fav), and the plasma kept within the structure of the toroid itself and not in the center?

