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Marko Rodin

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  • Already scraped it.
    Usiing a plastic pan can lid fro middle hoop, a large plastic water glass for
    bottom hoop and a plastic plant pot for top loop.

    Should be sturdy enough when glued together to hold tension on wires.
    Working the numbers to see what size wire would work best.
    what do you think use the circumfrence off witch hoop to get wire size?
    since I can't really flatten wire to match.

    Sitting here keeping an eye on my pot of chili while crunch no.s ..
    Really hard to concentrate.


    • Originally posted by wwdotme View Post
      Already scraped it.
      Usiing a plastic pan can lid fro middle hoop, a large plastic water glass for
      bottom hoop and a plastic plant pot for top loop.

      Should be sturdy enough when glued together to hold tension on wires.
      Working the numbers to see what size wire would work best.
      what do you think use the circumfrence off witch hoop to get wire size?
      since I can't really flatten wire to match.

      Sitting here keeping an eye on my pot of chili while crunch no.s ..
      Really hard to concentrate.
      Well for now the wire can be all the same size. The idea was for a future upgrade. It is gonna have to be computer flattened so that it can be as accurate as possible. What you do to flatten it is to run it thru servo controlled cylendars to a specific timing which will have to be first run thru a computer calculation to control the length as to not be too long or short for the winding process. But like I said that will be further down the road if we get results from a cruder version (what we are about to do now). Of course we could also use a copper foil for the outer coil to widen the wire without having to do the flattening aspect. Then just solder it after the wires are placed maybe...

      Oh and Morpher thats a very ineresting read you provided in that pdf. Does the dual vortex look familiar???
      Last edited by Jbignes5; 10-26-2009, 09:25 PM.


      • Lorentz-o

        Most interesting pdf Morpher


        • To add to this I wanted to show you something..

          Jamie did a video that he said Marko was wrong and I don't think that statement is entirely correct.

          YouTube - The Rodin Coil Might Be Wrong

          Jamie since there are a ton of other who have said this I am willing to go beyond just watching, in to the deepest of thoughts on what Marko was really doing.

          If Marko was mapping the field like I suspect then what you were looking at phsically is exactly that. At the scale you are looking at using dna as the smallest collective or structure. Like I said as a comment on the video is exactly what you are looking at. A wire. Marko's mapping of the field proves that dna forms because of the interaction of charges. They revolve around a central point or conductor. in the case of dna this is the connectors the outside of the dna is the conduits of charge and the inside gets formed because of that interaction of the charges. the inside is collected there giving the structure mass.
          Scale for scale dna is a wire. Looking at dna shows us the revolving nature of charges flowing thru a wire. Marko was right all along. The parts that have no substance are the 3 6 and 9. Thats where the vortexes are located and from each outside conduits of charge the vortexes form from apposing charges. The vortexes radiate out from the heart or in between the rows and can explain why a wire radiates a magnetic field. Even a pair if wires will push against each another that is laid in parallel with an opposite charge in them.
          As said before Leedskalnin knew this secret. And some suspect that he knew about phi as well.
          The problem is now how do we use this to coax more and more of those little vortexes to manifest and multiply. The coil in my6 design might just do that. I won't know until I get it built but maybe someone should get Mr. Rodin attention and let him know of these correlations to his work so he could think about the correct way to use this information. Since Marko is the one who developed this from pure thought maybe he could gleen some insight of my observations about what he was in my honest opinion doing all along. As far as I know no one was ever able to map a magnetic field from pure mathematic formulas. A truely impressive act. Alot could be done with this like being able to computer map magnetic fields using overlays so that one could examine the way it is working. Not like we have today but realtime overlays on say a camera looking at a coil and actually see the field and interact with it. This definetly could help us in designing software to see the mechanics behind the invisible force we call magnetics.
          Who knows maybe if we can see it we could actually get a better understanding about what is there and how we could better use it.

          Some food for thought Jamie & hopefully Marko Rodin


          • orientation and changes in voltage/current

            Hi rave154, spiritualresults and all

            I am also fascinated by your experiments and videos and suppose the answers to the following questions have been already given but maybe you can clarify again:

            In spiritualresults' video
            YouTube - Rodin Coil Effects 5.2 Formless and Flat Coil
            he shows Volt and Ampere measurements before placement of the magnetic ball in the coil.

            My questions are:
            1) I understand, that when the ball is freely spinning in the toroid (being held horizontally), the ball's magnetic poles are facing straight up - down (and not sideways or wobbling around).
            Is that right?

            2) After placing the magnet-ball in the (flattened) toroid's center and while the ball is levitating and spinning, are the values for current and voltage the same as without the ball?

            3) When the spinning ball is slowed down by hand, so that it stops or spins slower, do the voltage/current readings go up or down or stay unaffected?



            • Although I have to agree that the above image seems to be a hugely merited geometry, and it does resemble a basic UFO shape, I can't help but wonder whether a smaller middle ring would not enhance the vortex' power. Imagine the rings havind some beef to them, mostly to space the inner and outer windings. These could be made to run all but parallel, with such a smaller diamter middle ring.
              I'm not an electrical engineer and can't tell an Amp from a Volt, but some of your contemplations I had myself as well. I was thinking that 2 right-hand rules (inner and outer windings interacting) might add to the spinning field. Feel free to bash me as ingorant, it would only be true.

              On another note, it seems relatively easy, contrary to my former idea to use pre-cut wire/strips of exact varying dimension to wind a coil with, to make the coil for a one-piece sheet, and then cut out boundaries between "wires". You're not wind the coil. Just wrap, and cut. One layer at a time. The "windings" could even be isolated after the fact.


              • Originally posted by Jbignes5 View Post
                Jamie did a video that he said Marko was wrong and I don't think that statement is entirely correct.

                Some food for thought Jamie & hopefully Marko Rodin
                Marko saw the video several months ago and we talked about it briefly on our ride to Albuquerque. My argument was that in DNA the doubling circuits twist and revolve around the 3, 6, and 9. The Rodin coil has the 3, 6, and 9 beside the 1, 7, 4, and 2, 8, and 5. Marko's comment was that I might be right. Anyway, that was why I built my Twistite wire coil. The Twistite wire I used was 3 wires twisted together into one: red, green, and neutral color. I left out the neutral colored wire and energized the red and green oppositely. I can get the neoball to spin and levitate in the center with almost half the watts required for the other coils I have here. But the Twistite coil has 104 feet of wire and my other ones have less than 50 feet. Maybe it's only because the Twistite coil has double the wire on it.

                My other thought I posed to Marko was to make the inner wire, or the neutral colored wire, a magnet or a steel wire that has been magnetized instead of copper. Again, he said I might be right.

                The ideal coil, when properly built, will allow the flow of electrons naturally and without input. There are billions of spinning electrons in a piece of copper wire. The idea would be to form the proper coil so these electrons play off one another like gears and move naturally. Magnetricity?



                • Originally posted by marxist View Post

                  My questions are:
                  1) I understand, that when the ball is freely spinning in the toroid (being held horizontally), the ball's magnetic poles are facing straight up - down (and not sideways or wobbling around).
                  Is that right?

                  2) After placing the magnet-ball in the (flattened) toroid's center and while the ball is levitating and spinning, are the values for current and voltage the same as without the ball?

                  3) When the spinning ball is slowed down by hand, so that it stops or spins slower, do the voltage/current readings go up or down or stay unaffected?

                  1. Yes, the ball is spinning with the north and south rotating up and down.
                  2. No, the coil has more amps running through it with out the ball. With the ball spinning the amps go down on average .03 amps. The voltage remains unchanged
                  3. When I put my finger on the ball and slow it down the amps drop by .1 and the voltage might go up by .03VAC at the most.



                  • orientation experiments...

                    Originally posted by spiritualresults View Post
                    1. Yes, the ball is spinning with the north and south rotating up and down.
                    2. No, the coil has more amps running through it with out the ball. With the ball spinning the amps go down on average .03 amps. The voltage remains unchanged
                    3. When I put my finger on the ball and slow it down the amps drop by .1 and the voltage might go up by .03VAC at the most.
                    Some suggested experiments to perform are:

                    1. Orient coil vertically and see if the ball can be kept in the center.
                    2. If yes to 1., rotate the cylinder to various N-S, E-W compass locations
                    and watch current, voltage.
                    3. If no to 1., determine at what angle, relative to the plane of the
                    earth the ball is no longer held in the center but falls out.
                    Plot a curve of the power needed at every angle up to this terminal
                    4. Devise a way to SPIN the Rodin coil around a stationary magnetic ball
                    to see if power can be generated that way.
                    5. Put the ball on a stator and SPIN the ball using some other means
                    and see if power can be generated in the coil.
                    -- OR better, have two balls connected by a stator.
                    Spin one ball in a "powered' Rodin coil and have the other ball
                    spin in a "generator" Rodin coil. Measure the input vs. output power.


                    • Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
                      Some suggested experiments to perform are:

                      1. Orient coil vertically and see if the ball can be kept in the center.
                      Hi Morpher, I have seen Youtube video's where a Rodin-style coil was fed with modified (DC offset?) signal, which resulted in a left-right, fore-aft, up-down magnet calibration of sorts. If current ball magnet levitation setups do not work with a vertical orientation of the coil just now, tweeking the signal might be able to compensate for the ball's mass.

                      With all the bold claims Rodin makes, and as I've heard in relation to presumed UFO technology, I am very cautiosly wondering whether it's really 100% magnetism levitating that ball.
                      And, it kind of bugs me that spin for now only seems to be reached with magnets. It may take some light alchemy (or silver smith handywork, but a well-balanced ball that is half iron and half non-magnetic for instance, could that be gotten to spin?


                      • forces causing levitation...

                        Originally posted by Cloxxki View Post
                        I am very cautiosly wondering whether it's really 100% magnetism levitating that ball.
                        Certainly the mass of the ball spinning creates a gyroscopic effect.
                        The axis of spin will resist rapid movement like in a gyroscope.
                        So if the spin was a vertical spin, any turn left or right would need
                        to be done slowly to avoid the ball shooting out like a projectile.
                        Same goes for horizontal orientation in that any sudden movement
                        of the Rodin coil -- tipping it rapidly -- would likely make the ball shoot out
                        at some unpredictable trajectory. So if you are going for high velocity
                        spins, beware.

                        So yes there are the forces associated with the gyroscopic spin
                        of that mass ... producing a vector that rotates around the
                        axis at the balls spin velocity.

                        I suspect, though, that it is in fact magnetism holding the ball
                        IN the center. I would be very surprised if that were not the case.


                        • just a mention

                          You'd be surprised how my coil actually works. Most rodin coils work horizontally but mine is designed to work like the traditional motor axially.
                          And yes Iron will work but not in the traditional sense. I am thinking going inwards will generate and the larger portion of the coil will be the motive end. I am messin with designs now but i think I have them backwards. I can show you what I mean but remember this shot is backwards and kinda a mess but you will get the idea how I plan to use it in a passive mode self powering setup. I doubt it will work to the extent that I would like it but like I said this will give you an idea what or how I am thinking this will work as a generator motor.

                          This is a very rough thought so please if the magnets are not correct then please excuse the errors. Also like i said till I get my coil going I won't be able to tell which is the right end for the magnets or the drivers. It also needs to be looked at if pitching the drivers on an angle to nearly match the angle of the wires will increase it's effects. Further note that there will probably be bands of wires in stead of the bifilar winds would be used. the cage is probably gonna have to be dual shafted with bearings inside for it to work properly...
                          Last edited by Jbignes5; 10-27-2009, 08:13 PM.


                          • JBigness how are yo going to wind it?

                            123/2 like the latest windings talked about.
                            or the 36/ like the first coil wind.
                            I think my first one was a 36 points 18 winds each on a and b.

                            I could wind mine opposite of yours and we could compare data.
                            just a thought.


                            • Hmmm

                              I guess all winds should be tried. My first wind I havent decided upon yet. When I get the structure built to my satisfaction I'll let you know what I plan on doing. Until then I would just pick a style and try it. For the motor device I think it will need the bands (36/18 or 27) to function properly.
                              Last edited by Jbignes5; 10-28-2009, 02:11 PM.


                              • Originally posted by Jbignes5 View Post
                                I guess all winds should be tried. My first wind I havent decided upon yet. When I get the structure built to my satisfaction I'll let you know what I plan on doing. Until then I would just pick a style and try it. For the motor device I think it will need the bands (36/18 or 27) to function properly.
                                While the winds that result in magnet ball levitation are cool beyond anything, I doubt the same winding would be preferable for ultimate "thrust". The levitation of a magnet inside the coils now, seems to be more of an effect of 2 fields enclosing it, rather than one field being just strong enough to support it radially against gravity. That make any sence at all?

