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Marko Rodin

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  • i think it's normal the vertical axis

    I believe you're right about the left/right issue. You can't fire left channel signal through both wires and expect them to exist one after the other in the coil.

    Nice to see you have the same dimensions coil as i have. Same neo sphere as well.. AND same rotation plane. So either we're both doing something wrong or it just seems different from the cylindrical magnet. They can be magnetised axially or diametrically. A neo sphere basically is both depending on its position so we couldn't do something wrong here could we? Anybody have some other ideas about this?

    Have you tried lifting your coil in the air to see it the ball levitated? Maybe use higher freq since the levitation only occurs when spinning.


    • MARXIST,

      i connected up as follows,

      + of channel-1 to start of winding-A

      - of channel-1 to end of winding-A

      + of channel-2 to end of winding-B

      - of channel-2 to start of winding-B

      channel 1 & 2 are AC.

      signal generator set to 180 degrees out of phase, 20Hz.

      recorded 2 Amps @ 3.6V across the 1.8 Ohms of each winding.

      Hope this Helps.

      David. D
      Last edited by rave154; 12-20-2009, 07:24 PM.


      • Originally posted by marxist View Post
        I think there is a typo in this recipe !?
        The red "left" should actually read "right"
        Or am I wrong?

        However, please see:
        YouTube - sphere spins, but in wrong plane; around wrong axis
        I tried to describe the setup in the descriptive text of the video.

        Rave and others who can help:
        In order to levitate a sphere must spin around its polar axis, and in a horizontal plane doesn't it?
        That is to say the polar axis is and remains directly upright?

        Mine won't do that.
        Why is my magnet "rolling" as the magnets in the motors of mavendex
        YouTube - mavendex's Channel
        and of geminitric
        YouTube - Rodini Motor schematic and walkthrough

        I would like the sphere to spin upright like a spinning top and as I suppose jamie's and rave's do.
        What am I doing wrong?
        Jamies spins the same axis as your does. It looked like it was spinning around the vertical, but it wasn't.


        • Overunity with toroidal coil:

          Steorn - Convenient, Clean and Constant supply of Energy


          • axis of rotation

            Originally posted by Freezer View Post
            Jamies spins the same axis as your does. It looked like it was spinning around the vertical, but it wasn't.
            He says:
            Originally posted by spiritualresults View Post
            1. Yes, the ball is spinning with the north and south rotating up and down.


            • pattern? or voltage? or ?

              Hi rave,
              thanks for your comments regarding the right hook-up of the wires to the signals.
              What you describe in your last posting is what I used in my video.

              Please can you also clarify:
              what was the winding pattern of the coil with which you successfully achieved levitation?
              36° "traditional Rodin pattern"?
              120° stepping 41: as on Buturff 360-123/2 Rodin Coil Winding Series | Energy Research
              (I never wound/tried a coil in the "traditional Rodin pattern")

              Did you achieve levitation with several different coils and different winding patterns?

              edit 1: I slowly realize that Jamie achieved levitation with at least two different patterns: the flattened 36° "traditional Rodin pattern" from his video
              YouTube - Rodin Coil Effects 5.2 Formless and Flat Coil
              and also with what he calls "the full 360° coil" of his original video
              YouTube - Rodin Coil Effects 5.1 - Neosphere Levitation

              So the winding patterns seem to not be the critical factor.

              Maybe I have to bring the voltage down from the 12 V which I currently use to the levels you and Jamie apply.

              edit 2:
              Originally posted by rave154 View Post
              .... 2 Amps @ 3.6V across the 1.8 Ohms of each winding....
              What do you use as a load?
              Or do you connect channel 1 of the HiFi amplifier directly to winding A with no load apart from the 1.8 Ohms of winding A itself? and same for channel 2 and winding B?
              Won't that fry the amplifier, as you practically create a "short circuit" on each channel?

              Or don't you use an amplifier?
              You connect straight from soundcard to windings?

              Thanks again
              Last edited by marxist; 12-21-2009, 02:18 PM.


              • I think the pulses in the a and b wires create mirror electric fields and therefor the north and south poles keep alternating and so follows the neo sphere. Momentum will keep ik going in circles but as other experiments have shown, it could go either way.

                (i hope my english is somewhat valid, i'm dutch)


                • MARXIST,

                  my coil is wound in a "standard" format, as per youtube video at bottom of this post, i used 12 wraps per winding ( i ran out of space for any more ).

                  I only have the one rodin coil for now.

                  I didnt use a load, the amplifier was connected directly to the 1.8 Ohms of the coil with the volume down low and turned up carefully till i hit about 3.6VAC.

                  "how to make a rodin coil- part 1"

                  YouTube - How to build a rodin coil part 1

                  David. D


                  • Something new.

                    Check the last minute of this video and The man himself explains what the coil is all about.

                    YouTube - Ch 5 of 5 Marko Rodin / Rodin Coil: The Dandelion Puff Principle @ The Global Science Congress 1993

                    I would like to hear what you guys think about this revelation.

                    YouTube - New* Nassim Haramien: The Phi Ratio and The Mathematical Fingerprint of God pt 1 of 2

                    Here is something else of note about Marko's theories and how they relate to others like Nassim Haramien. In these videos please pay attention to the "fingerprint" and how it relates to the phi circles. They didn't take a torrus and overlay it they used the correct geometrical "fingerprint" to overlay on the phi circle. I think my original take on Marcos theories stand correct in that the geometric shape holds more truth and the keys to unlocking this naturally then I first thought.
                    Yes Marcos torrus is great and that he can map any spot on it but the coil itself has to be in the geometrical "fingerprint" to unlock the full potential. The map of the torrus is the energetic keys so to speak and that should be generated within the "fingerprint" coil.
                    Last edited by Jbignes5; 12-21-2009, 06:55 PM.


                    • slow progress

                      am making slow progress.
                      Looking at the attachment in Jamie's posting:
                      Settings of Jamie's sig gen
                      I realized that he used sine wave signals.

                      So I also downloaded the signal generator he and rave used
                      Virtins Technology: Turn a PC into Virtual Instrument - Home and attached the output of the sound-card of my computer to my stereo amplifier.

                      Using sine waves definitely helps. The spinning ball now lifts off the table, when I raise the coil, and remains spinning/scratching along the rim of the torus hole.

                      So again my hopes have risen, to get Jamie's nice and balanced effect with the ball freely spinning in the center of the hole.

                      You ever got it to work with square wave signals, rave? (Merry christmas)

                      edit Dec. 29th : After some success with sine waves I have also got a magnetic sphere to spin and levitate in the torus' central hole using DC square waves. As user Dogood suggested, it seems to be matter of the applied electrical power/amps.
                      However, the magnetic poles of the sphere always rotate along the equator of the spinning sphere. In none of my experiments did the polar axis of the sphere form the axis of rotation.
                      Last edited by marxist; 12-29-2009, 05:18 PM. Reason: new results from experiments


                      • MARXIST,

                        best i got with pulsed DC square waves was a sort of jogging / vibrating motion, almost as if the magnet ( due to its mass/weight ) couldnt respond quickly enough what the pulses were trying to do to it.....a similar thing happens with the AC if you raise the frequency much above 20Hz..the magnet cant respond fast enough.

                        Merry Christmas too,

                        David. D


                        • Yes and therefor, more power will do the trick. Getting the magnet to spin in higher frequencies that is.
                          Also, i had no problems spinning the magnet using DC squares..

                          edit: Not sure if this is allowed but here's a nice full working version of the microphone oscilloscope (i've tested it and it's ok):
                          Virtins Multi-Instrument v3.1 Cracked - Fixed
                          Last edited by Dogood; 12-25-2009, 12:43 PM.


                          • sig gen

                            Thanks Dogood and rave,

                            with this software
                            SweepGen : Resource detail
                            you can also set phase offset to 180° and manually alter the frequency on the fly (sweep manual)

                            BTW: Am not really sure, but I think the size of the toroid's hole is critical. Should be just a tiny bit bigger than the ball's diameter. If the hole is too big, the ball will stick to one side of it during levitation instead of hovering in the centre.


                            • The zero in Marko's geometry is not in the centre. Could you explain in one sentence why a magnet inside a Rodin coil should, please?
                              Taking it over-simplified, I could say the hole need to be bigger, to allow the magnet to spin on the zero location without being bothered by the coil itself.

                              New idea that springs to mind, Rodin fans please read!
                              Can't call it new really, as it's too obvious.
                              In stead of using a toroid, visualize 9 evenly spaced wooden pins, together forming the frame of a cilindrical barel, if you will. A wire is (or 2 are) fed from the off-central zero position at the bottom, and from there the 1-2-4-8-7-5 pattern is weaved.
                              Result is more like a 3-D spider web that a webbed toroid. The wires strictly follow the math, 2-dimensionally, stacking up to a 3D yet coil which might work in 1-dimensional fashion.
                              Has this been done, and if not, why not? This would be a more realistic comparison to a cilindrical coil, and who knows, possibly more interesting than the Rodin toroid vs. a regular spirally wound toroid.

                              The much-discussed spaces for the 3-6-9 would naturally exist, as wires would not wind over the 1-2-4-8-7-5 pins sitting on top of each other. It WOULD be spaced, as in the middle of the stack, the wires need their space to be stacked (compressed).
                              Before I even try to visualize, I bet there would be space left for imaginary or even factual 3-6-9 windings to be made. Magnetricity was recently proven, right? Let the magnetricity be allowed to flow there, if it wants to. I would be most interested in the amount of torque such a Stacked Web Rodin coil could put on a central (maybe off-centre) axle, and/or an outer rotating cylindrical barrel.

                              Please offer your thoughts, as long as they are respectable.

                              I can try to make a drawing, but be warned it will be hideous.


                              LONG EDIT: I made a quick sketch anyway, you'll see it immediately now.
                              Obviously, as I missed before, the 0 point is now a vertical axis cross-crossed by wired. Can't stick a torque axle in there for sure.
                              The 3-6-9 interests me. It could be wound triangularly wound, even V style after the things I've seen with one wire devices.
                              However, it could as well be wound circular, less tight around the pins at hand, space is there for it. It could be a tighter spiral, or wider. Or multiple of varying diameter, to pick up a wider 3-6-9 space, should it be diffuse. I can even see it being a wide spiral or wound triangular plate, intersected by the 1-2-4-8-7-5 wire webs.

                              If it would serve any purpose, the pins could be substantial in diameter, making for smoother winds for the 1-2-4-8-7-5. My uneducated gut tells me it might reduce torque some, but it would also reduce resistance of the coil (shoot me for having just rusty highschool physics).
                              I hope my idea may contribute to better ones from you.
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by Cloxxki; 12-27-2009, 12:27 PM.


                              • @cloxxki; I am working on a similar coil that you might be describing here. In between I mostly spend time on setting up the new workspaces and hope to be up and running by 1 Jan 2010.

                                I do differ from most views here:

                                9 is in the center; the point to which all other numbers leads.

                                ZERO is outside the toroid, and ZERO is also the complete toroid;
                                the beginning and the end - Alpha and Omega.

                                147(=3) and 285(=6) are two trianglular coils with open space between 8 and 1.

                                3 and 6 are oscillating delta's of the two triangular coils.

                                'The devil hides in the pentagon'

                                I wound a coil - using a circular fluorecent light as base. Just biting my nails to get my shop set-up done first then I will put it to test under various conditions.

                                It might lead to somehting - or nothing.
                                Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.

