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Marko Rodin

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  • Originally posted by spiritualresults View Post
    I have one of his glass toroids here and a bottle of argon gas for my welder. If you have any ideas how to vacuum pump it and get the gas in there tell me and I will give it a go.

    Depending on how much of a vacuum you need, perhaps you can heat it to evacuate the contents and then let it draw in the Argon while it cools. There will be a mix though, but it is a low tech method. Another method, depending on the opening, is to insert an balloon into the opening and inflate it, allowing that to push all the air out. You will need the proper fitting around the opening to allow the argon in around the balloon as you deflate and remove it.

    Another approach is to find an old refrigerator. The compressor can be used as a vacuum pump.


    "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


    • glass toroids

      While walking around Orchard Supply Hardware & Frys looking for stuff,
      I see that there are for sale, glass toroidal florescent bulbs that are
      about 1 foot diameter or maybe larger.

      It occurred to me that like Aromaz, who enjoys wrapping
      coils around cylinder florescent bulbs, that a Rodin coil
      could be wrapped around such a bulb.

      With high voltage applied to the Rodin coil, it might be interesting
      to see if the bulb in the toroid were to light and produce
      interesting light.

      Glass has a nice dielectric constant.
      Unlike an air coil, there may be a capacitive component to
      such a florescent bulb Rodin coil.

      Last edited by morpher44; 10-08-2009, 07:09 AM.


      • Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
        While walking around Orchard Supply Hardware & Frys looking for stuff,
        I see that there are for sale, glass toroidal florescent bulbs that are
        about 1 foot diameter or maybe larger.

        It occurred to me that like Aromaz, who enjoys wrapping
        coils around cylinder florescent bulbs, that a Rodin coil
        could be wrapped around such a bulb.

        With high voltage applied to the Rodin coil, it might be interesting
        to see if the bulb in the toroid were to light and produce
        interesting light.

        Glass has a nice dielectric constant.
        Unlike an air coil, there may be a capacitive component to
        such a florescent bulb Rodin coil.

        Nice find, and huge! It may be worth it to research an optimal winding pattern to get a good field focus with that relatively thin tube.

        I thought I'd google for "donut shaped" images, for things to wind. A whole donut shaped world out there:

        Apparently an FM radio. Who knows, the housing could be taken apart and re-used?

        This looks great:
        Pelvis Swing Donut Ball
        Should it not be firm enough to wind around, it might be filled with some construction foam.

        Also huge, might get the housing as spare part?
        Generate Design | Humidifier Version III by Naoto Fukasawa

        This pic reminds us how EASY it is to create a based for a custom donut. diameter, radius, you name it!

        3M Tape dispenser, nice and compact :


        • You can also make your own toroids. I made this toroid out of 4" dryer vent I folded around into itself. Then I covered it with drywall mud, sanded it and painted it. I have iron paint (to make magnets stick on a wall for kids), zinc paint and copper paint on the outside. I made it for my Tesla coil.



          • nice toroid Jamie

            Nicely done Jamie.

            I was thinking a motorcycle tire might also be interesting:


            These are more toroidal than an auto tire.
            Rubber is a great insulator.
            There is a grove inside providing access to the INSIDE
            of the toroid.
            It is a large form for higher gauge wire -- more current.
            There are tons of them -- cheap -- at junk yards.
            Last edited by morpher44; 10-08-2009, 05:16 PM.


            • Tire for Rodin Coil

              Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
              Nicely done Jamie.

              I was thinking a motorcycle tire might also be interesting:


              These are more toroidal than an auto tire.
              Rubber is a great insulator.
              There is a grove inside providing access to the INSIDE
              of the toroid.
              It is a large form for higher gauge wire -- more current.
              There are tons of them -- cheap -- at junk yards.
              Here's a picture of my 16" wheelbarrow tire. I used roofing nails for the pins that I pushed through the tire from the inside. Roofing nails have a nice wide head on them. The turn buckles you see are mounted in the 3, 6, and 9 spacing so as not to interfere with the wire. I'm going to mount it with the turn buckles into a wood frame with wire. I bought the tire with inner tube at Ace Hardware. The only problem is getting the nails out when done. I could probably cut the nails off at the top and push the heads out and then pull them through the wire in the center. But I think the inner diameter is too big at 8" which is why I haven't wrapped it yet.



              • quicky update

                hi all,

                just a quick update since ive been a bit quiet..

                finally gotten my bedini going again to use as a source of higher voltage for powering the Rodin the same way i used it in GOTLUC's "recycling the BEMF" thread.

                Thanks Bits ( & others for the help with the flip-flop stuff circuitry, finally made sense )

                Going to start with a basic dual MOSFET pwm, both driven at same time by the same 555 signal..and document the various ways of arranging the "power-in",... as in.... POS-to-A1, NEG-to-A2...combined with POS-to-B2, NEG-to-B1...and all the various combos..before going to the more exotic flip-flop arrangments.. I will try at least to get some form of standardisation by using a pickup coil in the middle of the rodin going to a cap with a resistor across it and recording voltage, there are sooooo many variations though, can get a little confusing at times..perhaps Jamie you can help us out with which combinations of wiring etc have shown promise.and which ones havent?

                To Jamie... in your latest vids, you show the NEO being rotated at high speed and alse levitated in mid air by the Rodin coil... have you experimented at all with placing a pickup coil near the NEO while it is rotating..and noting current drawn changes etc?

                Thanks for all the help, be back soon, fish-cakes are ready now...yummy..

                Ahimsa all,

                David. D


                • Rodin Generator

                  Originally posted by rave154 View Post
                  To Jamie... in your latest vids, you show the NEO being rotated at high speed and alse levitated in mid air by the Rodin coil... have you experimented at all with placing a pickup coil near the NEO while it is rotating..and noting current drawn changes etc?
                  Hi David. I'm working on that this week. I'm actually going to build an array of neospheres around the coil and put pick up coils around those. I have noticed, however, when I put my finger on the spinning neosphere in the center the amps on the meter go down.

                  Another thing I found out yesterday...I hooked up my Twistite coil (I showed it in Rodin Coil Effects 2 I believe) the same way as in the neosphere vids. I can get the ball to spin and levitate much stronger and at half the amps in the video. The video I show 1.5 amps and the ball wants to fall out easily, as you saw me chase it around the floor. But with the Twistite coil, the neosphere hangs in the center much stronger and at .75 amps. But the other thing I wanted to share is this:

                  The Twistite wire I have is 3 wires twisted around each other: red, green, and neutral. I left the neutral colored wire out of the system and connected 1st ending to 2nd starting then measured the voltage on the other 2 ends without the neosphere in the center. I got nothing. Then I put the neosphere in the center, spinning, and I get 5 volts on it which is the input voltage from my amplifier. If I measure the 2 neutral wires without putting them in series I only get 1.5 volts. It's acting like a transformer but I didn't expect 5 volts, just 1.5 + 1.5 = 3. Is that weird?

                  If you guys want a video of this let me know and I will try to get it done and posted today.



                  • big inner diameter

                    Originally posted by spiritualresults View Post
                    But I think the inner diameter is too big at 8" which is why I haven't wrapped it yet.
                    Now your talking!
                    I think having a big inner diameter affords some interesting room
                    for experimentation.

                    With high current, you could set up a very large magnetic
                    vortex perhaps.

                    Proton magnetogyric ratio = 42.576 Hz/μT
                    Earth's magnetic field ranges from 30uT to 60uT depending upon
                    your location.

                    If you produced a magnetic field LARGE enough to create
                    a SPIN that exactly FIT in that inner diameter,
                    the spinning field would better interface with the wiring.

                    An 8 inch diameter is 25.13 inch circumference.
                    A particle could travel, at C, that circumference in approx.
                    2.128 nanoseconds which is approx. 470Ghz.
                    I think that works out to be about 11 Tesla.
                    So you would need to create a magnetic field
                    in such a coil of about 11 Tesla to spin
                    things directly down into it.
                    For that you would need some pretty intense current
                    flowing through your wires.
                    I'm not sure how to work out how much current that
                    is because the Rodin coils "boasts" that a high magnetic
                    field is created with less current.
                    So it would be interesting to have some data
                    on the relationship of pulsed DC, duty cycle, and current
                    relative to the magnetic field produced.


                    • love to see it

                      Originally posted by spiritualresults View Post
                      Hi David. I'm working on that this week. I'm actually going to build an array of neospheres around the coil and put pick up coils around those. I have noticed, however, when I put my finger on the spinning neosphere in the center the amps on the meter go down.

                      Another thing I found out yesterday...I hooked up my Twistite coil (I showed it in Rodin Coil Effects 2 I believe) the same way as in the neosphere vids. I can get the ball to spin and levitate much stronger and at half the amps in the video. The video I show 1.5 amps and the ball wants to fall out easily, as you saw me chase it around the floor. But with the Twistite coil, the neosphere hangs in the center much stronger and at .75 amps. But the other thing I wanted to share is this:

                      The Twistite wire I have is 3 wires twisted around each other: red, green, and neutral. I left the neutral colored wire out of the system and connected 1st ending to 2nd starting then measured the voltage on the other 2 ends without the neosphere in the center. I got nothing. Then I put the neosphere in the center, spinning, and I get 5 volts on it which is the input voltage from my amplifier. If I measure the 2 neutral wires without putting them in series I only get 1.5 volts. It's acting like a transformer but I didn't expect 5 volts, just 1.5 + 1.5 = 3. Is that weird?

                      If you guys want a video of this let me know and I will try to get it done and posted today.

                      Hi Jamie.
                      Yes .. I'm sure we would love to see this.
                      Re: putting finger on neo and observing amps go down.
                      You really need a sense of the waveform here -- using oscilloscope.
                      Waveforms can be complex and have odd shapes and a simple
                      meter may produce an RMS value that is sort of a crude
                      average of the odd shape. When you tweak the neo like this,
                      phase relationships can change between voltage and current ...
                      so you may see current go down .. yet voltage go up ...
                      watts remaining the same -- conservation of energy maintained.
                      So its not enough to only look at current to know what
                      is going on. Measuring this stuff is tricky.

                      re: strong levitation
                      I think your levitation video really got people excited.
                      Yes ... do more of that. Good stuff.
                      With other magnetic tops added near by, I'm wondering
                      if the added drag would cause the levitating ball to
                      waver and start to drop ... or enhance its ability to levitate.


                      • Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
                        that circumference in approx.
                        2.128 nanoseconds which is approx. 470Ghz.
                        I think that works out to be about 11 Tesla.
                        correction ... 0.470Ghz ... I read my calculator wrong. OOPS!
                        I think the 11Tesla is correct though.


                        • magnetic strength

                          How strong are magnets?

                          Earth's magnetic field 0.00005 Tesla 0.5 Gauss

                          Small bar magnet 0.01 Tesla 100 Gauss

                          Within a sunspot 0.15 Tesla 1500 Gauss

                          Small NIB magnet 0.2 Tesla 2000 Gauss

                          Big electromagnet 1.5 Tesla 15,000 Gauss

                          Strong lab magnet 10 Tesla 100,000 Gauss

                          Those doing work with Rodin coils might investigate ways
                          of measuring the magnetic field using Hall Effect detectors,
                          Gauss meters, or something of that nature.

                          I was wondering if a Rodin coil could be made into
                          a sort of Hall Effect detector.
                          Pass current through one coil ... one circuit.
                          Move the coil around over various known magnetic fields ..
                          and observe voltage changes on the other coil.

                          The inner diameter may be a very sensitive place
                          to "pick up" subtle magnetic field changes.

                          Also, see: Build your own Gaussmeter
                          Last edited by morpher44; 10-09-2009, 12:49 AM.


                          • another quicky update

                            Hi all,

                            just got started testing, starting from the most basic set-ups and working thing has already struck me...

                            im using the coil from a shaded pole motor ( from a micro wave oven ) in the centre of the rodin coil as the rodin coil is being pulsed by the a mosfet which in turn is powered by the output of a bedini ( from the bedini cap actually )...

                            the ouput from the shaded pole cole is going to a microwave cap (via one rectifying diode ) which in turn has a 120 Ohm resistor across it...

                            if i connect the leads from the shaded coil one way..i get 0.09 VDC.....if i reverse the leads from the shaded coil...i get....0.70 VDC, quite a difference you'd agree....

                            this to me is giving evidence that the fluctuations in the middle of the rodin coil are very much "directional"..go with that "direction" and you get a higher ouput ....oppose that "direction" and you get a very much lower output...with this in is my thought...

                            since the rodin coil itself is VERY MUCH based on geometry( VIA the Math of course )....wouldnt it make sense therefore to build a pickup coil not in the normal way ( the one im using,,,,your basic coil )....but instead build a sort of... anti-rodin coil to go in the middle of the Rodin.....

                            an anaolgy.... imagine the rodin a gear..with teeth........ the pickup coil im using..would be the equivalent of say.... not another gear.....but say..... a pulley.... sort of works......but no where near as good as another gear that has been designed to "MESH" with the main gear...

                            in other words.....what we need for "picking up" in the middle of the a pickup coil that ALSO has been designed and built according to the math, so that the two coils fit hand-in-glove so to speak.

                            Hope this makes sense and perhaps you Jamie can add to this thought with your own. ( could Marko himself give any thoughts to designing such a pickup coil ? )

                            David. D


                            • I think Art and Crafts shops or Florists should have foam donuts in different Sizes.
                              And else, i really would try to place a large Coil with the middle inside the rodin Coil, and then measure, what you get out from it.
                              Large, like 5-6x larger then the Rodin Coil thick or high is, when you lay the Coil at the Table.
                              Wires can be about #20-22.
                              Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                              • Rodin as Transformer...

                                Originally posted by rave154 View Post
                                since the rodin coil itself is VERY MUCH based on geometry( VIA the Math of course )....wouldnt it make sense therefore to build a pickup coil not in the normal way ( the one im using,,,,your basic coil )....but instead build a sort of... anti-rodin coil to go in the middle of the Rodin.....
                                Hi David,

                                You may be on to something. I think the Rodin coil has several
                                applications ... one being inductive coupling ... aka Transformer.

                                When you provide DC pulses with a very narrow pulse width,
                                the power supply providing those pulses doesn't need to work
                                very hard. Its relatively low power.
                                However, the magnetic field at the Rodin is pretty strong
                                due to the unidirectional spin.
                                The Rodin wiring has certain advantages in terms of keeping
                                the wires away from each other as they spiral into the
                                center of the donut -- avoiding inter-winding capacitance.
                                The field, once spinning, is not difficult to maintain ... like
                                a flywheel.
                                So yes ... inductively picking up the energy may result in
                                some surprises.
                                If it is true that the magnetic field in there is stronger
                                than would be expected ... then that is one logical thing
                                to attempt to measure and refine.

