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Free Digital Storage Oscilloscope Using Linux On Your Computer

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  • Free Digital Storage Oscilloscope Using Linux On Your Computer

    Hi All,

    This might be just the thing for that old laptop sitting around and you wished you had an DSO to measure that project on your bench or earth battery outside. Designed to be an audio analyzer, it looks impressive. Go here:

    what is baudline?

    Looks like a steep learning curve for this program and Linux, but hey it's free!


  • #2
    This is a great find! Many thanks!

    Upon closer scrutiny, it looks like they distribute a free binary but you have to pay big bucks to get the GPL'ed source code.
    Last edited by Shamus; 08-08-2009, 09:05 PM.


    • #3
      You can download the program and use it on your computer for free. You have to get permission to distribute it. Maybe other companies want to use it as in part for their programs. In which case they want some money?


      • #4
        WTF? They are *selling* GPL source code?
        Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


        • #5
          Give a child a hammer, and the world becomes his nails.

          Those developing this may find the following of some use.

          Measure - OLPC

          Using Your PC Sound Card As an Oscilloscope in Linux

          xoscope for Linux

          Those last two links are the top 2 in the following googsearch:
          linux oscilloscope - Google Search

          A Phenomenon is anything which can be apprehended by the senses.

