OK i just came up with a plan, I have a three phase toroidal transfromer with a 3.25 inch inside diameter, but I don't think it has anywhere near enough turns on the primaries to be able to test this. However I will construct a rotor from a computer fan with a kind of triangular steel disc mounted flat on top of it which won't be easy to get ballanced for fast rotation, but I'll try. First I'll try it in single phase (because that's how i'm using it now, with all three poles at once. Then I'll reconfigure my controller to work in three phase if I need to. I hope to get more core's soon and also make an iron core from lots of small thickness individual iron rings of differing sizes (stacked into an oval shape cross section ) made from wire with the ends welded together (if I can get some), and maybe I will go to a scrapyard to seek some thin wrought iron flat bar, then make a welded ring laminate core, less air gaps, the round wire core I will fill the spaces as I go with something, probably wax.
Either way should work. Then I can wind it with the appropriate amount and type of wire into four coils on there.
Hmm sounds like fun.
Nikola says that these motors can be reversed almost instantly, which is hard to believe for obvious reasons. But if true that would be pretty neat. Haha especially for a vehicle.
I think if we want to drive motors cheaply this could be an option.
In the polyphase document there is also a device for regulating a motor's speed and change it's direction of rotation very easily. Looks like it could be difficult to build properly though.
Either way should work. Then I can wind it with the appropriate amount and type of wire into four coils on there.
Hmm sounds like fun.
Nikola says that these motors can be reversed almost instantly, which is hard to believe for obvious reasons. But if true that would be pretty neat. Haha especially for a vehicle.

In the polyphase document there is also a device for regulating a motor's speed and change it's direction of rotation very easily. Looks like it could be difficult to build properly though.