Can anyone please convey the message to Stefan that his website is not behaving correctly. I think he installed some sort of bandwidth cap system which blocks users when the bandwidth gets too high. In the course of two days I managed to access the website for 2 minutes before it gives this:
The funny thing is I tricked Google Translate to "translate" the website ie so google could rout the website from their server to my pc, in other words a proxy server. It worked for a few minutes and then returned to the above message. Then I tried yahoo's site translator and the exact same thing happened. This led me to the above conclusion the he installed some broken bandwidth system that kicks users out depending on available bandwidth. That or the system was fine and he is under some DDOS attack.
Is anyone experiencing this issue? I emailed him a couple of days ago and still have no response.
access forbidden due to too much traffic
Access verboten, weil zuviel Traffic gemacht wurde
Access verboten, weil zuviel Traffic gemacht wurde
Is anyone experiencing this issue? I emailed him a couple of days ago and still have no response.