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Rapid charging self oscillator w/ phased ignition coils

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  • Rapid charging self oscillator w/ phased ignition coils

    Hello all.

    I built a Bedini self oscillator.

    Thanks for the heads up on that schematic Jetijs.
    In my build i ran 3 MJL21194 transistors in parallel and have a 25k pot between the trigger and the base. The collector is hooked up to two phased ignition coils with 24k volts of capacitors for each one. One coil runs through the secondary of the tesla coil and then to the spark gap. The other goes straight to the spark gap.
    Initially i was simply attempting to generate a nice coronal discharge from the tesla coil. But in my second video with the gap disconnected i'm seeing some rapid charging on the secondary battery. So much so that i am less concerned with generating a light show and more interested in harvesting everything i can in this arrangement.

    I have only been testing this set up for a couple days now and can't say conclusively that its OU. Just wanted to share what i've been seeing here and perhaps get some suggestions as to the best way to harvest the discharge on the topload of the tesla coil into the energy equation.

    Here are links to some video documentation
    Tesla/Bedini vid1

    Tesla/Bedini vid2

    TheDude - Where technology goes Live! - Your Portal Here on Earth

  • #2
    Out of what old equipment can you find that hi voltage capacitors? I saw somewhere the call it doorknop caps


    • #3

      You can find high voltage caps in old tv and computer monitors by pulling apart the flyback transformers, about 30kv

      But any caps connected in series increases voltage and in parallel the capacity increases.

      Microwaves have 2000v caps

      Doorknob caps are pretty much limited to ebay.

      Love and light
      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


      • #4
        Tried to hammer a monitor flyback open. No luck. They are epoxied solid.
        I tried to measure capacitance between the focus lead and ground or any other pin on the flyback but also cannot find it .


        • #5
          Yes flyback transformers can be tricky to remove and reverse engineer nvisser. I damaged 2 of them before i managed to get one to work properly.
          I recommend a butane or propane hand held torch and some welders gloves to desolder it from the board. I used to hate the desoldering process until i started using a torch. Way, way faster. Just watch the hair on your arms. :P
          Some flybacks have a built in HV diode cased in epoxy and others keep them on the outside, variably.
 - Where technology goes Live!
 - Your Portal Here on Earth


          • #6
            radiant all over

            Just another vid to show the kind of radiant that is floating around my batteries (both primary and secondary). I've switched to a different Bedini self oscillator that i built using 3 watt resistors and only 1- MJL21194 transistor, however it is connected to a bifilar coil with 150 turns of RG6 coaxial cable that i have buried in the ground. I don't think the fact that it is in the ground has any effect in this experiment. This coil operates on much higher frequencies (15-30 khz, i think). I will test on oscilloscope in next video. However, i am seeing radiant current nearly everywhere. Just another video update.

            Tesla/Bedini Video 3

   - Where technology goes Live!
   - Your Portal Here on Earth


            • #7

              Hi the dude, I never developed this, nor did I see if the pickup of energy loaded the source, perhaps you can use it or take it further, or not.

              YouTube - Inquorate 22

              YouTube - Inquorate 23 detector

              Love and light
              Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


              • #8
                Thanks Inq. Have lots of neons that are attached to circuits on various projects. Had the idea to use a neon but have to pick one up, or could salvage out of a circuit somewhere on a stalled project. :P Definately want to better observe the radiant. Last night i burnt out another multimeter hooked up as a amp meter. The only meters i can use to register volts, while running my current spark gap, on either my primary or my secondary are analogue. Digital ones seem to flip out while in operation or stop working all together eventually. I am currently observing 15-16 volts register on both batteries instantaneously when i turn on my gap. I'm finding that the potential gain on these cells are not realized until nearly the next day after some rest.
                I'm going to hook up my oscilliscope and see what readings i can take as well as show this instantaneous voltage increase on both primary and secondary banks, and probably make yet another video. :P
                Thanks for the neon suggestion as well. Will try and find one to observe that in operation.
       - Where technology goes Live!
       - Your Portal Here on Earth


                • #9
                  video update

                  Just another video to better illustrate the discharge on the top load with a bulb. set up the circuit on my power hub that supports most of my experimental devices. Hub has solar powered input as well as an earth battery connected with negative lead to the primary and positive lead w/1n4007 diode on secondary connector (currently supplying 1.25 - 1.75 volts).
                  Continue to burn out multimeters while trying to illustrate the voltage levels on my battery banks while running the spark gap. Having trouble getting good instrumentation in my videos for that matter.

                  Just a video update. Tesla/Bedini Video 4

         - Where technology goes Live!
         - Your Portal Here on Earth

