Interesting.....similar writing style....interesting how it talks about a secondary frequency of the received waves paragraph 90-95. i have heard that before somewhere.
No announcement yet.
Think i found some missing info from Tesla's radiant energy patent
more Tesla speculation
He learned so much in Colorado Springs.
He had a big budget for
"Waldencliff Tower".
If you were Tesla, you wouldn't build JUST a transmitter.
You would want to mess around with receiving as well.
I was looking at the toroidal, high pressure voltage reservoir,
terminals, spherical metal platest, etc. at the top of his tower.
Tesla knew that spherical shapes will ARC less ... and avoid
dielectric breakdown ... since this shape has the most surface
area of any other shape.
We see a toroid composed of many spherical metal plates.
This is a very complex geometry actually.
The terminal arrives to it as a flat plate (circular plane) residing
in the center of the "hollow" toroid composed of spheres.
This is a capacitor like no other.
It is a sort of hybrid Van De Graff / Tesla shape.
What sort of MATH did Tesla perform to calculate this
complex geometry?
Why such complexity?
Hertzian wave transmission/reception
needs only a simple little rod.
If this Waldencliff Tower can also be a receiver,
power would arrive to his primary coil from his secondary,
down from the giant toroid.
If he were to introduce a negative charge to the toroid
so as to ionize each of the spheres within the toroidal shape,
each one would be a capacitor ... and they would sum ...
to a large value of capacitance.
His secondary is HUGE.
Hence, the resonant frequency would be very LOW.
Perhaps even the 11Hz he tried to do in Colorado Springs.
So ... let me just throw this out there ...
perhaps this was always intended to be a receiver of power
from the earth ... the very wheel work of nature...
Transmitting can be done as well ... if that is how
you want to use that power ... by simply imposing
other waves onto your HUGE - LOW FREQUENCY carrier wave.Last edited by morpher44; 02-06-2013, 05:47 AM.
the cupola
From "Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla", by Marc J. Seifer,
page 290:
"Over fifty feet in diameter, ten feet tall, and weighing fifty-five tons, the iron and steel crown, with its specially designed multitude of nodal points, would serve the purpose of storing electrical charges and distributing them either through the air or down the metal column and into the hollow. The copula was linked to four large condensers behind the laboratory, which also served the purpose of storing electrical energy, and these in turn were coupled with an elaborate apparatus which had the ability to provide every imaginable regulation in the control of energy."
Tesla also had sixteen iron pipes, each 300 feet deep in the ground radially like spokes.
You have got me thinking!!!
After reviewing hammonds patent and doing some digging. It appears that Tesla did indeed spend some time with hammond. So it is most likely as you have said that this is Tesla's revised system.
What has got me thinking is the variable capacitor in the hammond (Tesla) patent. As we know this is usually used to tune into radio stations but what if it can also be used to tune into UV and xray light waves. It appears that Tesla was using a .004 mfd capacitor at wardencliff. So perhaps that is a starting point if we assume that was also a receiving station. Anyone got any ideas about tuning a capacitor into UV & xray light waves (most likely xrays/rontgen rays)?
So the components for this system are:
1. negatively charged elevated plate (maybe insulated with ice or liquid air)
2. variable capacitor to tune into xrays
3. positively charged ground plate
xray wavelength
Originally posted by nat1971a View PostAnyone got any ideas about tuning a capacitor into UV & xray light waves (most likely xrays/rontgen rays)?
So the components for this system are:
1. negatively charged elevated plate (maybe insulated with ice or liquid air)
2. variable capacitor to tune into xrays
3. positively charged ground plate
Gamma rays, I've just learned, overlap XRays in wavelength..
but were typically thought to have a wavelength approx 10 picometers.
For the reception of those frequencies you don't build
giant collector plates, large inductance coils, and that capacitance
would be way too large.
On the other hand, capacitors with a high-voltage tolerant
dielectric (to avoid breakdown) and huge inductors, can
store more Joules of energy -- sloshing back and forth
in a tank circuit.
Tesla was trying to devise various ways to have such a tank circuit
PUSHED at just the right time to regeneratively build the power.
Such pushing could be done by tuning to a harmonic of one
of those higher frequencies I suppose ... but only if there
is sufficient power arriving at some frequency.
Also, if some astronomical event is causing the high-energy
gamma radiation, you would need to devise a tracking dish antenna
that could lock in on that object in space unless you
go wide-band and try to collect energy from a large range
of frequencies.
Hi frequencies are attenuated by inductance.
Lo frequencies are attenuated by capacitance.
If you could cancel ALL magnetic fields and have an extremely
small inductance, perhaps the higher frequencies can arrive to your
system -- wide band.
If you could create a coil with large inductance and devoid
of any capacitance (said another way, self inductance is a very
high frequency -- Q is high), then perhaps low frequency energy can
be received to your coil -- wide band.
I guess the question is, which solution was doable in Tesla's time
with his state-of-the-art.
Here's some further information on how I see the gray tube functioning based on the new information i found on Tesla's radiant energy patent.
The question is now does a diode function the same way as the vacuum tube does in producing a radiant matter stream that travells in straight lines. You dont want to be using a magnet near the radiant matter stream as it will deflect it.Last edited by nat1971a; 01-02-2010, 04:16 AM.
My next test of edwin grays circuit is to incorporate a portion from the hammond patent you posted to drive the thyratron.
What was interesting was when i placed resistance in front of the thyratron as per grays schematic. It made a funny squelching noise. I plan to investigate further.
The blue spike phenomena
Tesla's introduction to the phenomena of Radiant Energy began with early observations by linesmen working for Thomas Edison, Tesla's former employer
Before Tesla's invention of the Poly-phase AC generator became the industry standard and overtook Thomas Edison's use of DC generators, the DC electrical system was the only system available to deliver electricity to America's homes and factories. Due to the resistance offered by long transmission lines, Edison had to produce very high DC voltages from his generators in order to deliver enough voltage and current to its final destination.
water inductance
This was copied from a russian forum
Here is further evidence of energy transfer through the magnetic moments of atoms.
here the role of the base inductance is tap water.
It is known that the charge carriers are ions in fluids, ie molecules - the electric charge carriers, which are mechanically moved along the external electric field.
In the scheme can not be resistive feedback, because the base and collector circuits untied different sources of supply. There can be no capacitive coupling, as between the plates as a small resistance to water. There is only inductive coupling and is confirmed by the fact that generates Kacher
only one version of the beginnings and endings inductance (1. collector normal and 2. inductance base - tap water), when extracting inductances of the water generation is interrupted.
And now it turns sort of theory - in the atom vectors of electric and magnetic fields are rigidly connected. The linear displacement of the molecule is provided by an electric field bias source database, which tows a molecule in its electric field, which is responsible for the atomic nucleus.
In the oscillatory process to intermittently - progressive movement of water molecules added to a nod of the magnetic moments of the water and impurities caused by the collector inductance, thus providing a feedback circuit with a collector base, supporting oscillations.
This is a new way to study the properties of liquids.
Parameters: transistor CT 940A. Inductance collector 30 turns. Water between two plates of brass measuring 10 by 10 cm rasplozhennymi see photo. Ub = 0,9 In
Uk = 5V
Kacher - is not only a new way to control transistor (patent2265276), but also a new way to transmit information, as well as an absolute sensor (patent2075726), and transformer DC
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I thought i would post why i am looking at edwin grays circuit and not something else. Well it is because i have come to the conclusion after doing a HUGE amount of research into Tesla's radiant energy that it is (edwin grays patent) probably the closest thing to a complete circuit that captures all the features that Tesla refers too. Unfortunately there are details missing from his patent as well. Just need to work out the missing details.
from "Experiments with AC of High P and High F".
Tesla's book "Exepriments with Alternating Currents of High
Potential and High Frequency" has a discussion about losses
starting on page 106.
"The total energy lost per unit of time is proportionate to the product
of the number of impacts per second, or the frequency and the
energy lost in each impact. But the energy of an impact must be
proportionate to the square of the electric density of the sphere
(capacitor), since the charge imparted to the molecule is
proportionate to that density. I conclude from this that the total
energy lost must be proportionate to the product of the frequency
and the square of the electric density ; but this law needs
experimental confirmation".
He goes on to speculate that the losses are NOT transmitted
out to a considerable distance in the ether but rather produce
local heating.
To reduce this effect, he speculates that the electric density
must be kept to a minimum ... in relation to going to higher frequencies.
He then concludes that one-wire is better than two, and
goes on to encourage the development of one-wire devices --
motors, lights, appliances, etc.
This discussion caught my eye the other night.
Tesla was describing how he concluded that single wire
transmission of power should be deployed through-out the
power network to reduce losses!!!
I think you are on the right track
Hi Morpher44.
I do think you're heading in the right directionAnd I do think Carbon had something to do with it.I've been Thinking of maybe adding it to a earth type battery with a few other compounds.if anything useable come's out of it I'll post.I have had some luck with an earth battery and J Thief.its been running at 0.55 volts for about three day's I have a 2nd winding running thur a bridge rec in a loop type setup. lookup JJ Thomson 1856 maybe of some help. Tec
Why all of you don't just read what Tesla said about his radiant patents ?
Read for example this one and you should realize that it's not that simple : NIKOLA TESLA - Google Patent Search
These patents were simply describing receivers for his magnifying transmitter and thus cannot rapidly accumulate any other disturbances propagated thought ambient medium, just because cosmic rays disturbances are of extremely high frequency and no one capacitor can store them ! Do you remember that AC cannot be stored in capacitor ?
If you are lucky you can use germanium diode or any other filter to allow only unidirectional disturbances to pass to capacitor from elevated antenna - that would be better.Or use magnetic resonators.
Never said it was simple
Originally posted by boguslaw View PostWhy all of you don't just read what Tesla said about his radiant patents ?
Read for example this one and you should realize that it's not that simple : NIKOLA TESLA - Google Patent Search
These patents were simply describing receivers for his magnifying transmitter and thus cannot rapidly accumulate any other disturbances propagated thought ambient medium, just because cosmic rays disturbances are of extremely high frequency and no one capacitor can store them ! Do you remember that AC cannot be stored in capacitor ?
If you are lucky you can use germanium diode or any other filter to allow only unidirectional disturbances to pass to capacitor from elevated antenna - that would be better.Or use magnetic resonators.