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Think i found some missing info from Tesla's radiant energy patent

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  • Originally posted by Nasa Nate View Post
    will do. i sprayed it with plastidip, and since i was into mask making and foam art recently i had some liquid latex sitting around, so i am coating it in latex as well. I hapen to have a couple of - ion generators as well. $11 a pop

    120VAC (7.5kV Output) Negative Ion Generator-The Electronic Goldmine

    gotta share a brain thought.. connecting the (+) of some AA batteries in series to the copper in the ground, and the -) of some AA batteries in series to the aluminum pyramids up on the roof, perhaps that excites the dipole

    following this arrangement
    Hi Nate

    How is your setup working now with that third antenna?


    • Tesla Wardenclyffe

      I've been following this thread but this is my first post. I've been looking at alternative energy sources for a little over a year now and from what I've seen so far this may be the thread that solves Tesla's riddle of radiant energy.

      Here's my understanding of Wardenclyffe so far: Tesla was not able, due to financial constraints, to build the tower as high as he wanted so he scaled it down. I'm thinking it is a quarter wave antenna rather than a full wave antenna. So the height is related to the frequency he was trying to intercept. I don't think it is about high frequency particles but about the Schumann frequency and the metallic cap on the tower was, essentially, one plate of a capacitor being charged by the ambient charge in the atmosphere and reinforced with resonance and then transmitted through the crust of the earth. The tower was a receiver and the other equipment performed the functions of resonance and pumping the charge into the crust.

      This is what I think Tesla's vision was: when he was speaking of "radiant energy" he wasn't talking about energy directly from the sun but indirectly from the sun. The sun is always shining on half of the atmosphere. I saw in Wikipedia that the sun continually delivers ~120 Peta Watts to the earth and that there was enough energy delivered to the earth in one hour to power all human consumption for a year. It doesn't really matter which side of the earth is getting the sunshine because the power is distributed throughout the atmosphere. I've seen somewhere that there are 50 to 200 lightning bolts somewhere on the earth every second, anyone of which could deliver billions of watts of power. And that is just from the imbalances.

      Now think about Tesla's lightning rod. It prevents lightning by constantly moving the charge imbalance from the atmosphere to the earth or vice versa. So the charge imbalance doesn't build up strongly enough to produce lightning. Unlike Franklin's lightning rod, it doesn't redirect a lightning bolt. It prevents the conditions which cause lightning so there is no bolt to be redirected.

      I saw somewhere in my web wanderings a paper that had an interview with one of Tesla's assistants discussing spherical capacitors. I can't remember the assistant's name now but the more I look at the Wardenclyffe tower the more relevant it becomes. The discussion also covered the "bumps" or projections that were put on the top metal plates of the tower. Does anyone here remember this discussion and where to find it one the web or in a book? If I remember correctly, the bumps on the Wardenclyffe top plates effectively enlarged the size of the plate to that that would be achieved if a smooth plate were built to the larger radius of the bumps.

      Here's my thought although I haven't built anything other than a couple of antennas to play with the idea: Tesla's vision was that we live inside a capacitor that is charged by "cosmic rays." The outer shell of the spherical capacitor it the ionosphere. We live on the surface which comprises an inner shell of the spherical capacitor and we can extract power from the charge between the two plates that is constantly fed by the cosmic rays.

      As I understand geology at this point, the inner core of the planet is basically a rotating solid ball of iron, the outer core is a swirling mass of liquid iron that flows around the solid inner core and generates the planet's magnetic field, the next layer outward is the mantle, on top of that we have the crust and oceans that we inhabit, and above that we have the several different layers of the atmosphere, and all of these layers are enclosed within the magnetic field generated by the outer core.

      So inside our spherical capacitor that is being constantly charged on one side by cosmic rays we have a rotating magnetic field. Actually I'm not sure whether the magnetic field rotates or the planet rotates within the magnetic field but I don't think it wouldn't make much difference to someone living on the crust and attaching their antenna to it. I haven't yet figured out the relationship between the magnetic field and the electrical charge in the atmosphere. Any direction on that matter would be appreciated.

      I've spent several months just trying to figure out what was "known" during Tesla's time so I would be more able to follow their train of thought. It turns out not much was known compared to today. The scientists were discovering it at that time. So it's hard to follow their thought processes because we, today, "know" so much that they provided to us, some of which is probably wrong.

      But one thing can be said for the Elizabethan's: they thought on grand scales. Tesla didn't think about powering a city other than as a demonstration for powering the entire planet. Keep in mind he was always in his life interested in a "self acting machine." I think he figured out that the planet, taken as a whole, was a self acting machine that could supply all the power we need.

      Any help locating the paper containing Tesla's assistant's talk about spherical capacitors would be greatly appreciated. I've done a lot of web searching but haven't located it so far.


      • Yes, indeed Earth is a generator or transceiver. Magnetic field generated by crust would be too weak to fight against solar wind and cosmic rays, it has to be secondary effect.

        There is one issue which need resolving : Tesla stated that his bumps on top terminal of Wandercliff tower was for smoothly distributing charge so it couldn't escape to atmosphere. Initially the mode of operation of device was different then you described. Energy was supplied from power station but only a tiny bit was required. I'm sure Tesla magnifying transmitter was working like a big bell with resonance,Earth was a conductor of small resistance and stationary waves were the method of distributing power. Receivers were like trees converting longitudinal waves into transverse vibrations of AC currents.

        According to hidden knowledge resonance can work like a sponge , and obvious example is radio receiver but Steven Mark pointed to much more powerful effect described in literature.... and reinvented recently in the form of magnetic field solar panel effect.


        • Check out this webpage, it showes how you can charge a radiant energy
          receiver with a C-stack. Thought it was very interesting

          The C-Stack by Cris Paltenghe


          • To reduce coronal losses from any highvoltage circuit you need the charge density to remain as homogenous as possible. Otherwise you establish an electric field between different spots of the conductor. If anybody ever knew about highvoltage it was Tesla. His magnifying transmitter top load capacitor had to maintain a specific radius to charge density ratio otherwise it would start glowing which are electromagnetic radiation losses from the system. He describes this in his patents and even gives the ratio. Tesla was creating a very very polarized field up on top of the tower. He was not transmitting rf. What he was doing was changing the charge density. You have to go way back to when he was experimenting with blowing up wires in his lab. He was taking a dc generator (most probably coupled to an ac resonant circuit to filter the output) and creating a dead short. He had designed a switch that I am sure incorporated dc blow out coils. Tesla had balls but wasn't stupid. He throws the knife switch to see what is going to give. Theoretically it should have just heated the whole transmission line from scource to generator and bogged the generator down. But it didnt. It vaporized a portion of the big thick shunt he had made. He puts another shunt in and does it again. Same thing. He reshapes the shunt. Blows up at a different spot. Ah now we're getting somewhere. Seems there is some kind of geometry involved here. This "disruptive discharge" is accompanied by a pressure wave and a stinging effect that could not be shielded by glass or thick copper plates. He notices an edge effect on his copper shields. They glow or turn white. He knows that the voltage produced in the generator isn't producing any corona effects. Hell his shunt isn't even insulated. The history of his experimentation is well known from there on out.
            What were the little things that were stinging him? How is it that he was getting coronal losses in his slit cans attributed to charge densities well over that in his generator circuit? Why did increasing the frequency of makes and breaks on the knife switch get rid of the stinging things. Why does a tesla coil secondary wire radius have to be "smooth".


            • stringing was due to air ions reacting to field


              • Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                stringing was due to air ions reacting to field
                Yes it was and the effect was emanating from what I call the sweet spot in his shunt. Tesla confirmed Maxwell's displacement current theory. In any place in the Universe there exists charge. The permittivity of space or how much charge permitted to reside in space is therefore limited. Like a sponge can only hold so much water space can only hold so much charge. In any electric field between two spots of unequal charge density there exists an electrical relativity. Space can have more charge at one point than it can at another. A space spot can have some fraction of a coolumb at one time and a larger fraction at another. This information is carried through space let's say faster than the speed of light. It's space talking to space. Hey I have a bunch of charge over here you need some over there. Ya I could use some send me some over. Ok but your going to have to ask all the other guys between us to help. Oh they wont mind just dump your bucket and it will flow right to mine and everybody will have the same amount when its over. The two space spots with uneven charge are polarized or relative to each other in varying degrees of charge density. Charge is not negative or positive it just is. Say you have a box that can isolate space. You put a hole at one end to let the old space out and take a pump and pump in some new space. The new space is lumpy electrically. It has some charge over here and some charge over there it's a mess. You have devised a method to make sure this lumpy configuration stays that way as you pump it in. You then turn your device off and on real quick. Unfreezing and then refreezing the space inside the box. Then you examine the space for lumpyness. What you would find is that there is now a completely homogenous distribution of charge. You try it again but faster. You trigger the camera at the same time as you let the space unfreeze. Same picture. What's up with this. I'm taking a picture of this event at the same time as I'm causing it. Then you rig your camera so that it goes off and then triggers the event. Same picture. You put a delay between when you trigger the camera and when you trigger the device. Same picture. Now your worried. Am I insane. You go on. You increase the delay. Finally you get a picture that is different. Phew. Not like the control picture you took way before the event. But at least it's not that picture of smooth space. This is not effect before cause. If you didn't trigger the machine you would never have got the picture of smooth space. It's just that space can do things faster than light can tell us about it. They call this time dialation. This is simply because we base our perception of time on light dependent events.
                The relavent question to this thread: Was Tesla working with superluminal events? Is there a way to become relavent to the ongoing smoothing of charge distribution throughtout the Universe? Is Earth continually redistributing it's charge density to someplace in space that isn't saturated?


                • or just use a capacitor with nanosecond switching device and degenerate semiconductor and a DC potential. Shortcut capacitor with degenerate semiconductor with switch in place in on state. Charge is balanced among both plates of capacitor. Apply positive DC and negative DC near the plates and charge will be now diverged to both plates internally.Turn off DC potential while turning off switch, electrons cannot pass charge in nanoseconds in degenerate semiconductor so you end up with charged capacitor.
                  All you need is to pay off for potential generating device and a switch to charge capacitor whatever times you wish. We are fooled by science stating there is no energy in "electrostatic charge". It is extremely high frequency field, powerful but not directly usable.


                  • Polishing and insulating material

                    Originally posted by TheEye View Post
                    By polishing he could simply want to say, that the object should be clean of dust, rust, and simply polished. So when you isolate it, there will stay no bubbles or airgap. Thus you insulate it from surrounding humidity and negatively charged air.
                    But you don't want to just insulate it, i.e. with wood. You want to insulate it with a dielectric material. With the upper plate connected directly to the ground, the ground imparts a charge to the plate and so the opposite charge is drawn to the side of the dielectric material that contacts the plate. Thus the side of the dielectric material away from the plate is oppositely charged (the same charge as the ground) and the opposite charge in the air is attracted toward the outer surface of the dielectric material. So the insulated plate actually attracts charge from the air.

                    In essence, you have the same thing with the condenser in the circuit as shown in Dr. Tesla's patent.

                    The polishing is not just to remove humidity and air but also to make as good a contact with the dielectric insulation as possible. Keep in mind that the charge is not constant. It's more of a surging. Dr. Moray described it like the surging of waves in the ocean.

                    So now you are attracting charges and they are surging back and forth in the circuit.

                    One other thing is also adding energy to the circuit. Secondary emissions from the interaction of cosmic rays colliding with the atmosphere are colliding with the dielectric as well and they impart charges also. They are, however, both positive and negative but the polarization in the dielectric separates them.

                    So the choice of the insulating material is important. I'm building one now using sheet polystyrene as the insulating dielectric. I'll post results when done.

