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Hyperdimensional Physics

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  • Hyperdimensional Physics

    Richard Hoagland's work centers around 19.5 degrees,
    tetrahedrons and spheres.

    I sat thru the hours and hours of lecture by
    Nassim Haramein. Great talk.

    He too discusses the importance of tetrahedron geometry and spheres.

    Every planet and the SUN have energy vortexes at 19.5 north
    or south latitude -- as predicted by a tetrahedron circumscribed
    within a sphere. The corners of the tetrahedron TOUCH at these

    How can this knowledge be exploited in a a renewable energy device?

    It occurs to me that if someone was able to make a Plasma ball,
    with a tetrahedron INSIDE as the filament instead of an inner sphere,
    it should be clear that the various 4 apexes of the tetrahedron would
    be closest to the surface of the glass, and hence vortex streamers
    would emit from those places ONLY -- creating a STABLE effect.
    This would be a model of the CORE inside our planet and how,
    a large voltage differential would manifest on the surface of
    the sphere in places like Hawaii, or the great spot or Jupiter, etc.

    To improve the model, the sphere, and the tetrahedron within,
    would need to be rotated -- not necessarily at the same
    rate. Imagine an inner core of molten metal -- magnetic --
    forming into a complex crystalline platonic solid.

    Models of these geometries might help us understand how
    energy can be extracted from the planets.

    I would like to create a thread here to encourage experimenters
    to brainstorm on devices that could tap into some of the ideas
    that fall out of this hyper-dimensional view of physics.

    Pyramid power -- taping the power of the vortex --
    exploiting the golden ratio -- fractal universe -- etc. etc.

    Inventors such as Hubbard (with his coil), seem to have
    tripped over the important of the golden ratio to

    Experimenters with high-voltage AC have observed that
    streamers and ARCs branch out like fractal geometry.
    A good understanding of these geometries are crucial for
    coils -- as Rodin seems to have dreamed.

    These really feel like the early days of an important understanding
    of new science in harnessing natures power--
    just as the late 1800s to early 1900s were
    the start of the industrial revolution.

  • #2
    PHI - golden ratio

    The importance of the golden ratio

    Time and Quantum Physics

    The Golden ratio, ionic and atomic radii and bond lengths - Molecular Physics: An International Journal at the Interface Between Chemistry and Physics


    • #3
      Golden ratio calculator comes in handy
      Golden Ratio Calculator

      BTW you can not have molten and magnetic at the same time, to my knowledge. The hotter a metal is the less magnetic effect it has. Why the earths core is magnetic I am not sure of.


      • #4
        heat and magnetism

        Originally posted by CosmicFarmer View Post
        BTW you can not have molten and magnetic at the same time, to my knowledge. The hotter a metal is the less magnetic effect it has. Why the earths core is magnetic I am not sure of.
        conventional wisdom:
        " ferromagnet materials will lose their magnetism if heated above a point known as the Curie temperature. At this point, the energy being put into the magnet from the heat will permanently disrupt the magnetic domain structure of the material, turning it into a paramagnetic material [a similar effect occurs in materials called hard ferrites, which exhibit a form of magnetism called ferrimagnetism; the analogous temperature for these materials is known as the Neel point]. You would have to re-magnetize the magnet again, either in a solenoid or with another permanent magnet, in order to restore the magnetism. If you heat a magnet up a little bit, it will lose some of its magnetism, but on returning to room temperature [depending on how high it was heated, and on the shape of the magnet itself], full magnetism can be restored. "

        However, the assumption that experiments on the human scale
        will scale to effects on a planetary level may not in fact be true.

        conventional wisdom for planets:
        "The Magnetic Fields of the Terrestrial Planets, and of The Moon
        The magnetic fields of the Terrestrial planets should be created by convective motions within molten metallic cores. In some theories, this motion alone is capable of causing a net planetary field. In others, a relatively fast rotation of the planet is also necessary, so that the Coriolis effect of the rotation can organize the internal convection parallel to (and/or anti-parallel to) the rotation axis of the planet."


        • #5
          You may find these 4 videos interesting. Nasa discovered that there is a hexagon at the north pole of Saturn in the gas clouds. Interesting
          YouTube - Hyperdimensional Hexagon Pt.1


          • #6
            The cluster mission

            This is way cool...

            YouTube - Cluster


            • #7
              Hyperdimensional Experiment with a Plasma Ball

              I have followed Richard Hoagland's work all these years and have recently gotten very interested in electromagnetism again. Richard likes to show this picture of Saturn's pole and the odd hexagon that appears in the clouds. It occurred to me that a plasma ball is an excellent model for a planet with a core that produces high voltage. The streamers would normally bounce around the planet in a random sort of way -- unless there was a nice organizing principle at play such as pyramids placed on the surface at key latitudes and locations. Vortexes of energy could manifest in these pyramids, implying they are advanced technology. What can we see with a plasma ball in this regard. Watch the video and let me know what you think.

              YouTube - Hyperdimensional Physics Experiment - plasma ball


              • #8
                Anyhow, i think, this hexagon is not the Form of the Energie,
                but more the Shape, how the Energie is floating through.
                And still not sure, what they call N-Pole or is it the S-Pole?
                Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                • #9

                  Originally posted by Joit View Post
                  Anyhow, i think, this hexagon is not the Form of the Energie,
                  but more the Shape, how the Energie is floating through.
                  And still not sure, what they call N-Pole or is it the S-Pole?
                  I think that is partly true BUT ...
                  why are their six spokes like in a snow flake?
                  The globe is a sphere, so you would expect to see only
                  a ROUND shape if it was flow-thru phenomenon.


                  • #10
                    Yes, it is maybe partly true.
                    What i thought about later was, this snowflake is the same Pattern,
                    as Nassim Haramein do talk about, it has only lesser corners, remeber, the crop circle, what did appear.
                    The Form there is probatly the interaction of the Fields, its more like a effect,
                    but i think not a cause. Seems still, the cause is something else, but you did replicate the Pattern successful
                    Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                    • #11
                      hyperdimensional snow flakes

                      Snowflakes: Wilson "Snowflake" Bentley. Elearning.


                      • #12
                        YouTube - Einheitsfeld Theorie - Nassim Haramein 10/32
                        Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                        • #13
                          I had never seen those videos before. They were excellent! Thank you


                          • #14
                            Thanks. Yes, they are heavy, but worth every Minute .
                            Gives a complete new View, but just the Problem, to assemble it to builds and Laws.
                            Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                            • #15

                              Originally posted by Joit View Post
                              Thanks. Yes, they are heavy, but worth every Minute .
                              Gives a complete new View, but just the Problem, to assemble it to builds and Laws.
                              Haramein has kinda hijacked this hyperdimensional stuff from Richard Hoagland.

                              He's brilliant ... yes ... but I kinda agree Richard's take that we are being
                              "kept on the farm" with regard to this higher physics.

                              When I think back on my high school & college physics, the subject was taught so dryly, the equations had no meaning ... no resonance ...
                              Yes there were some fun experiments and memorable lectures, but not enough "hands on".

                              In my later years, I'm learning that the only way to really really get to the bottom of some of this stuff is to build things. Being all theoretical won't really work unless your an Einstein or a Tesla and can do it in your head.

                              I'm finding that by trying to make something, failing, trying again, failing -- more the Edison style -- you gain an appreciation for challenge.

                              Visualization is key ... and electromagnetism is invisible ... or was until this modern age of 3D graphic simulation.

                              I think what needs to "fall out" of the Nassim stuff are models that can be simulated and visualized.

                              He has a nice animation of his oscillating torus thingy... which is sort of dual Rodin coil. Hey Rodin, 50% solution?

                              There probably needs to be a re-look at material science with respect to make geometries in mater that are compatible with optimum 3d or 4d current flow.

                              The wonderful, miraculous thing about oscillating electric and magnetic is fields is that they are not constrained by wires or plastic insulation. These fields can permeate most mater but can be shaped by some materials.

                              If you liken electricity to water, we are still crude beavers trying to build dams and we wonder why water is spilling out all over the place.
                              Beavers never think to use any material other than wood and they are habitually cutting the wood the same way over and over again ... never experimenting with different geometries or materials.

                              So we need models... We need small scale proof-of-concept devices ...
                              We need refinements....

                              If everything is a black hole, and there is no dark mater, only perpetual creation and destruction ... then it should be rather inexpensive
                              to make a little black hole. CERN seems like the WRONG approach. Smashing things together is still that "everything only expends" approach ... which is probably wrong and probably going to go wrong.

                              Anyone else have a "bad feeling" about CERN?

