Hi folks, thanks for the replies. Hi DrStiffler, thanks for your opinion on this setup even though its nothing new as you know. I'm not sure what the 45-60% you quote is pertaining to, the input efficiency or overall eff.. And the example numbers were based on time albeit not including all possible losses, however I understand the points you are making. What I am thinking is we input 10 watts for an hour and charge the rechargeable batteries and light the bulb, since based on observation the bulb can be lit to the same brightness for the same input even with the countering 1.2volt parallel battery bank in place. So even if we could only get 6 watt/hours back that is 10 watts for 36 minutes, then 3.6 watt/hours back that is 10 watts for 21.6 minutes and so on. The key to getting extended run time with this setup I believe is the fact that we only have 1.2volts countering our input, whereas normally people are using a 24 volt input charging into a 12v battery which lowers the efficiency to a point where the what you say then applies, 45-60% efficiency, however in this case I think that can be exceeded. Can the parallels be seen here between Peter L.'s attraction motor principle, which is no counter emf to enable much greater efficiencies.
peace love light
peace love light