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Quantum Touch

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  • Quantum Touch

    Hello. A friend of mine gave me a link to how to survive the Pharmageddon by quantumsolutions. if you want the link its right here YouTube - How to Survive the Avian / Swine Flu Pharmageddon But in the end of that video was a mention to something called the Quantum Touch...

    Upon doing a little research on this energetic style medicine touch healing, some people report recharging batteries using ONLY TOUCH.

    This is unique... All these success stories of bones being put back in and people loosing their pain sensations... I do believe in touch therapy, but for it to recharge batteries?

    The "physics" as it were for this is to you to bring your vibrations up, and through entrainment and resonance, you bring your subjects frequency up as well. All the healing occurs because the subject enters a healing mode. Activation of biomorphogenic field?

    If this is possible, alot of circuits we are working on will be made useless...... just focus and pray for the batteries! Can I believe this? Can you?

    ANYWAY - Since this forum has not had a topic about this Quantum Touch or its ability to recharge batteries, I would like to gather opinions and experiences.

  • #3

    I'd believe the touch thing; carry a 'flat' battery with you in a pocket for a day and it will at least obtain a phantom charge.

    It will be a long time before humanity awakens to it's true abilities, and longer still until we can do things reliably and at will.

    Because, if all people could walk on water, how would you charge for the ferry?

    Love and light
    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


    • #4
      electrochemical activity in the body

      There is definitely electrochemical activity in the body
      and the electromagnetic fields are absolutely measurable
      by digital voltmeters, sensitive Gauss meters, radio receivers,
      circuits that detect inductive changes, etc.

      Creating circuits to TAP this energy to charge batteries
      sounds a bit like the movie the Matrix.

      The morality of such a technology, to be used on humans or animals
      is suspect.
      You would better serve the person or animal by giving them
      food and making them run on a treadmill attached to your generator
      than to SUCK away someone's energy life force just to charge batteries.
      They get exercise and food.

      Energy cannot be destroyed, but it can be moved from place to place.

      The notion of healing someone by improving blood flow to an area using magnetism
      or electric fields is understood. In this case, energy is used to create vibrations that
      open blood passage ways or to stimulate.
      The body has iron and magnetite.
      Certain frequency are of benefit ... others cause damage.

      I think any research of medical uses of energies taken from or applied to living organisms needs to
      be carefully regulated so as to enforce proper moral guidelines. This is a "spooky" area, not because
      of the believability of this science, but rather because of the danger of abuse.

      So called non-lethal weapons exploit technologies that hamper peoples thinking, making them want to
      leave areas during a riot, hit them with waves, sound, energy, radiation, etc. This is no different than
      bullets, they are just nano, pico, or even smaller.
      Last edited by morpher44; 09-16-2009, 12:27 AM.


      • #5
        Most empty batteries release a bit more charge when heated up even a few degrees. Any heat source will do- warm human hand, pocket next to warm body, warm room heater, warm sun, warm air from hair drier etc. I used to do it when batteries in my walkman went dead. I would either keep them tightly in my hand for about 10-20 minutes or I would put them on the radiator or even near warm lightbulb- the result is same.

        Sorry guys, there isn't anything quantum in that effect (strictly speaking probably there is but not in the sense of quantum touch). However it's astounding how quickly people accept "miracle quantum touch" explanation without doing even a basic research on the facts. And by basic research I mean at least some basic googling.


        • #6
          @ morpher-
          The evil aspect of every technology we know or dream of knowing has already been explored and made efficient. The only thing left is for the "plebes" to come up with the good ways.

          Personally if I could pray my batteries back to charge I think that would be astounding.

          @ lighty-
          I don't think the quantum touch guys are speaking of the temperature effect. I personally would have thought this to be a hoax but I did some "basic googling" myself for the web pages explaining QT hoax or QT scam, and none of their arguments had any logic, just emotions behind them. Plus all the 'comments' sections of these pages were full of people agreeing WITH QT, not against.

          It is possible one guy pretending to be multiple people went around posting fake affirmations. So I am not sure.

          I am someone to try then decide, which is the only reason I have had my experience with the Bedini SSG, Aromaz radiant light, Orgonite, and Tesla coils. If I flat out belived them at what they said I would be a fool. Reading other people's experiences from separate sources is what usually convinces me. So. I suppose I will attempt to learn this. Apparently its a breathing/meditation/chi direction technique.


          • #7
            I'm not saying quantum touch is not working for healing purposes. It might be a good thing. I don't know for sure.

            However, Occam's razor dictates that unless proven otherwise the most simple explanation in this case is thermal effect.


            • #8
              It seems someone did some tests with a volt meter.

              How to Recharge Batteries Using One's Own Energy

              .058 volts over 4.8 hours. Most likely recharged using heat.

              Looking at these testimonials with a new eye does seem to have alot of "It was cold outside so I took a battery inside and gave it a fat hug and now it works again"

              Still not completely convinced one way or another... just more info.

