Hello everyone!
This thread will discuss everything about EMP and how to survive a weaponized EMP over your nation.
Watching Youtube link on Future Weapons TV show has shown me a few things.
YouTube - Future weapons: EMP Bomb
First off cars hit by an emp will not be able to run engines, but windows and battery will retain charge.
What this tells me is inductors, such as motors, will not short horribly and blow. Also, batteries retain their charge. I'm not sure on this third point but some DC motors require a transistor to alternate the current to the motor to produce a rotation, so some transistors will still function. I'm not sure how the cars window motor in that video was made, maybe someone can enlighten me.
LEDs might still work, same with neons, and possibly incandescents too.
Capacitors might need to be reformed. I am absolutely unsure on caps.
However micro circuits such as 555 timers, opto isolators and smaller most likely will fry due to their sensitive nature.
Mechanical switches will still function.
So that leads me to believe that bedini SSGs will for the most part be immune, or not destroyed by electronic pulses, because that is what they are for.
Thinking more, a component attached to a circuit would use the circuit as an antenna to pick up more EM from the pulse, possibly frying parts that I would have previously thought un-fryable, due to the collected charge. So parts put in circuits might fail while parts still in the box might still work.
Thinking further, anything and I mean anything attached to the "grid" would most likely REALLY fry due to the antenna nature of the power lines, and the charge already in the lines. Im not sure if the power in the lines already would be amplified or what, but I know it wouldn't help. Fans might smoke and blow their inductors, where the car example didn't fry the window's motor.
The point of this thread is to get other people's ideas on which of these circuits we are playing with would fry and which ones would still work.
I believe the SEC and the bedini non-555 timer circuits would work, possibly even aromaz radiant and possibly even gray tube... Maybe have to replace transistor, but I don't think many watergas systems would survive due to the 555's or other pulse controllers. A solid state tesla coil might fry while a mechanically switched one might still work.
Also, how many layers of magnetic shielding do you think is needed to protect hard drive data from scrambling? All the videos I have seen of successful magnetic shielding usually involves 3 or more wraps.
I just don't want to be part of the "predicted" 90% of people who die to not having electronics... that number seems inflated to me...
Any one else have any thoughts on what would survive?
This thread will discuss everything about EMP and how to survive a weaponized EMP over your nation.
Watching Youtube link on Future Weapons TV show has shown me a few things.
YouTube - Future weapons: EMP Bomb
First off cars hit by an emp will not be able to run engines, but windows and battery will retain charge.
What this tells me is inductors, such as motors, will not short horribly and blow. Also, batteries retain their charge. I'm not sure on this third point but some DC motors require a transistor to alternate the current to the motor to produce a rotation, so some transistors will still function. I'm not sure how the cars window motor in that video was made, maybe someone can enlighten me.
LEDs might still work, same with neons, and possibly incandescents too.
Capacitors might need to be reformed. I am absolutely unsure on caps.
However micro circuits such as 555 timers, opto isolators and smaller most likely will fry due to their sensitive nature.
Mechanical switches will still function.
So that leads me to believe that bedini SSGs will for the most part be immune, or not destroyed by electronic pulses, because that is what they are for.
Thinking more, a component attached to a circuit would use the circuit as an antenna to pick up more EM from the pulse, possibly frying parts that I would have previously thought un-fryable, due to the collected charge. So parts put in circuits might fail while parts still in the box might still work.
Thinking further, anything and I mean anything attached to the "grid" would most likely REALLY fry due to the antenna nature of the power lines, and the charge already in the lines. Im not sure if the power in the lines already would be amplified or what, but I know it wouldn't help. Fans might smoke and blow their inductors, where the car example didn't fry the window's motor.
The point of this thread is to get other people's ideas on which of these circuits we are playing with would fry and which ones would still work.
I believe the SEC and the bedini non-555 timer circuits would work, possibly even aromaz radiant and possibly even gray tube... Maybe have to replace transistor, but I don't think many watergas systems would survive due to the 555's or other pulse controllers. A solid state tesla coil might fry while a mechanically switched one might still work.
Also, how many layers of magnetic shielding do you think is needed to protect hard drive data from scrambling? All the videos I have seen of successful magnetic shielding usually involves 3 or more wraps.
I just don't want to be part of the "predicted" 90% of people who die to not having electronics... that number seems inflated to me...
Any one else have any thoughts on what would survive?