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The case against Over Unity

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  • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
    I am just curious I would like to take the time to find out for myself but I have no clue how to get started.
    Any printed reference would be great. I haven't been able to find it with that search.
    That time (1900's) even the old USA was not as controlled as today. After all, they did not even know what nuclear was. To find records that will be able to tell you exactly what and where will be difficult. Remember the particular case of Radium was only discoverd in 1898 - in France.

    Interesting enough, the Nathan Stubblefield (NS) discovery/patent of "Earth Battery" was in the same year May 1898 - in the USA. Hey, they did not had phones and internet then! As a mater of fact the real work NS did was in wireless telephony, which was powered by his earth batteries.

    No, NS could never have bought Radium - nor is it likely that he even knew what pitchblende really was or consist of. The only thing as far as he is concerned: If he plug his plates and wires into the pitchblende, he has electricity and heat for his house.

    So then what was/is in the EARTH that he was able to extract so much energy from? Pirchblende; which also happend to make his family sick. What was the illness? Lungs and cancerous. Read about Radon gas - quite a common problem in some areas of the USA (and other parts of the world) - What is Radon gas?

    No, you will never find a detailed scientific study of the whole issue; rather many people would not WANT you to realize the reality. Same as with Hubart, Moray and others.
    Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


    • Where does the fact that his family got sick come from? The only stuff I know of is on Bedini's website. I don't recall reading that in his document.



      • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
        Where does the fact that his family got sick come from? The only stuff I know of is on Bedini's website. I don't recall reading that in his document.

        Interesting: Both Nathan Stubblefiled and Nicola Tesla was quite extensively busy with 'ground' work - as in Earth transmission of electromagnetic waves - of phone or electric; Related.

        Order the book: "Nathan Stubblefield"
        Also available from: Nathan Stubblefield, Kentucky Farmer Invents Wireless Telephone, Radio by Bob Robert Lochte

        Some info on:
        Nathan Stubblefield - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        Here is an interesting writing from Hans von Lieven on the Earth Battery and NS: THE STUBBLEFIELD PAPERS

        “The past is nothing. I have perfected now the greatest invention the world has ever known...I have taken light from the air and I did sound”.
        Nathan B. Stubblefield - March 1928
        Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


        • @Aromaz: Okay, there's your breadcrumb => Stubblefield is telling everybody he did it the same way he did sound.
          He left his best clue but he masked it. Why? Because he only wanted the very best one among us to figure it out.
          Last edited by CloudSeeder; 10-17-2009, 01:13 PM.


          • Originally posted by CloudSeeder View Post
            @Aromaz: Okay, there's your breadcrumb => Stubblefield is telling everybody he did it the same way he did sound.
            He left his best clue but he masked it. Why? Because he only wanted the very best one among us to figure it out.
            Thanks; I wish you were right. "...I have taken light from the air and I did sound ..." Doubtful he used the same setup of rings and coils. I can take my laundry out of the washing machine and I can take the water out of the washing machine (pump broken this morning!) - two different methods.

            What does tickle me is this two polished plates found in his house radiating heat. Damn, what happened with that and how were they set-up? Maybe they were the result of the elaborate grit of copper wires all over the farm.

            Anyway, this has gone way off the topic "The case against over unity" because this has nothing to do with over unity. Regardless of all these 'successful' devices - Over unity is not possible.
            Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


            • @Aromaz: Curious though, how he wrote he took light out of the earth. That must be some trick. Getting sound out of the earth too. I'll leave better people than me to figure it out.


              • Yes, this thread have gone very far. Different points of view, different thoughts and various considerations have been developed here.

                We have see that energy extraction out of a larger reservoir or "river" is possible and has been done. Either it solar, either wind, either nuclear either chemical energy. Some claimed also from magnetic source, electron spin, power of thought you name what. And those machines could be claimed to be OU.

                The point is that this kind of technology has been proven to be QUITE Advanced and requires extensive expertise. Its almost No use for the average experimenter to waste his resources at this futile end, i tend to think anymore. chance for us at making a single one is less that winning the lottarie.
                And quite suspiciously, it has been advertised for merchant purposes that is easily as sticking a magnet near to a coil or pulse charging a battery.

                So, working on reason . we must conclude that only quite few are able to do this and those are/will be somehow handicapped so as not to sell any functioning machine outside. (I wanna buy one)

                SO... Long live the oil. Period



                • Planet Dirt is like a giant plumped up grape. The surface world is partly on the surface because of upward pressure from what is below us. So only a Race of Fools would keep drill-s*cking that which holds us up out from under our feet. I strongly suggest we grow plant oil for lubricating machinery and leave the crappy black stuff in the ground where it is needed (DITTO => natural gas). These liquids are our buffer between us and the earth's core and I have heard it is very hot. 2 Peter 3:12 doesn't need men speeding it up.
                  Last edited by CloudSeeder; 10-18-2009, 04:15 PM. Reason: suggest we grow plant oil for lubricating machinery and leave the crappy black stuff in the ground where it is needed (DITTO


                  • Originally posted by CloudSeeder View Post
                    @Aromaz: Okay, there's your breadcrumb => Stubblefield is telling everybody he did it the same way he did sound.
                    He left his best clue but he masked it. Why? Because he only wanted the very best one among us to figure it out.
                    Keep going man ! You're on the RIGHT path.
                    This is really easy and you should follow your way of thinking - KISS (Keep It Super Simple).
                    Somwthing like that will fit nicely : what is going to penetrate soil ?
                    EM waves ?
                    AC current ?
                    DC current ?
                    HF HV ?
                    or maybe .... you know the answer from the begining ? Look at the compass - does it work in mines ? What about your cell phone ?


                    • How-to Stop 2012 Meteors & Asteroids <> CloudSeeder Water Balloon?

                      Simple? You Like Simple? How about a Steam explosion?

                      @boguslaw: Hey man, you wouldn't be EGGING ME ON WOULD YOU? hahahaha Let's see, well, I shouldn't disappoint you then. OK, well, on the 12th of this month I submitted a simple solution for stopping incoming rogue asteroids and killer meteors from destroying Mankind. I mailed it to an invention company online called Davison using their online system.

                      Their website promises faithfully to get back with you in 24-48 hours. I haven't heard from them yet <> but on Thursday NASA placed on Twitter that an asteroid was headed straight for planet earth at 18,163 miles per hour. MSNBC followed it up Friday @2:56 PM => Small asteroid will fly by Earth tonight -

                      I may as well come clean since it looks like the Davison people have reneged on their confidentiality. I told em to strap a half-ton tank of water in front of the nuke to blow up before impact and save your worthless hide oops I mean boguslaw's skin. The nuclear bomb instantly expands the water 800 times headed toward the incoming planetoid at 22-25,000 miles per hour. Planet Dirt is saved, without Superman and the Justice League.

                      Can anyone say BASE-A-BALL BAT?

                      400 tonnes of steam @23,500
                      Nuclear Ramming Speed.
                      Last edited by CloudSeeder; 10-18-2009, 06:12 PM.


                      • @boguslaw: Oh, Wait. You wanted to stay on topic. I have no idea what Stubblefield did. I never heard the man's name before here. However, since he used the Past Tense "did" it sounds like he got energy out of the earth first then applied it somehow to light. And the "two polished plates" sounds hmm like he was expecting company.

                        Or something like that. Try again. "He got light from the air and the earth... as he did sound". So he got light from sound FIRST -sound-to-light conversion- then #2 he got light from air + earth (= air + earth = light conversion). The man must have been a mess to be able to do all that in 1928. Doctor Holmes, I think he must have learned some great principle from his success with sound-to-light conversion that he then applied to getting light from air~earth interaction.

                        Air~Earth interaction is the natural magnetic energy cycle as it is transferred into the clouds to make lightning... so I would surmise he used moisture. He made a cloud. Possibly in a big transparent jar. The static electricity reaches such a level it was giving off light <> just like you would expect captured lightning to do if it was held in one place.
                        Last edited by CloudSeeder; 10-18-2009, 06:32 PM.


                        • Static electricity bouncing off the inside of glass might have made a frequency. I've never studied such stuff. I do believe this though, that energy should be capable of conversion from one form to another. So it sounds like he went from sound to light and then must've realized he could cause a frequency inside a jar, and then found out it gave off some light, is what sounds like happened.

                          Sounds like stuff Tesla was working on. Didn't Tesla work with harmonics?


                          • That statement was a reference to his method of wireless telephone but it has the "second bottom".

                            What is sound ? Sound is wave in air , a modulation of air flow,right ?
                            Is there any air in soil ? yes,but surely it was not used by Stubblefield
                            So he modulated something else,something which is everywhere,even underground ...

                            Earth magnetic field.


                            • Not exactly the magnetic field. There is another energy that cycles like the water cycle, heads up into the clouds. I think that's what he used. It is an energy in the ground that leaves up into the clouds, a life-energizing energy that travels up through the animal's feet and keeps them super healthy... while we wear shoes and don't get it so much <> so we get sick, animals stay real healthy.

                              You also have reminded me that when the nuke vaporizes the tank of water it will make one big disintegrating wave of sound. I bet it might even stop incoming Russian missiles, that is if they have any. So maybe my system will protect us from Canada.


                              • Do ya even need Over Unity?

                                I wonder how much heat and light comes off a lightbulb versus how much electricity goes in? Also, the light coming off the bulb is all spread out, going in every direction, so I wonder what would happen if the bulb was surrounded by mirrors and concentrated into a single beam aimed at something? Perhaps the mirror surfaces arranged in a spiral.

                                You would have very close to 100% of the filament heat converted into light. It might not pack the wallop of a laser but after a few minutes whatever it was aimed at, or into a liquid, you would raise the temperature up even with the filament.

                                Couldn't that expanding liquid be turning a generator? I believe the electricity generated would exceed everybody's expectations, because you're not just converting one energy to another. You're converting energy + metal filament properties. Right offhand I would say that's another example of Physics Fuel by using the high filament resistance to bump the energy.

                                I suppose Bill Nye the Science Guy knows.

