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The case against Over Unity

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  • If gravity is caused by or is simple magnetism, how can planets in our solar system without magnetic field (like Venus, for example) show gravitational interaction with Sun?
    Simple...The sun has a magnetic feild that holds them in place no matter what they are materially made of while inertia tries to pull them away with equal force. Orbit.

    Do you think they have no gravity on there surface? Thats the gravity I was talking about.

    So you think that just because we can't find what we define as magnetic (Iron induced) field none else exist. Boy you have some faith in science I
    can't achieve.



    • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
      Simple...The sun has a magnetic feild that holds them in place no matter what they are materially made of while inertia tries to pull them away with equal force. Orbit.

      Do you think they have no gravity on there surface? Thats the gravity I was talking about.

      So you think that just because we can't find what we define as magnetic (Iron induced) field none else exist. Boy you have some faith in science I
      can't achieve.

      Sorry Matt, that does seem a bit far fetched... but I'll keep an open mind... another question for you.. what about the moons orbiting planets without magnetic fields?

      Maybe I misunderstood your theory
      "Theory guides. Experiment decides."

      “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
      Nikola Tesla


      • All Matter is attracted to all other Matter. Magnetic field or not. But to look out in the night sky knowing some have magnetic fields and some do not yet there they all are rotating the same as if they're all the same.... is a strong indication of some overwhelming, all controlling "Master Force" ordering opposite systems to behave the same way.

        I thought Floyd Sweet discovered that force, still do. Everything else belongs inside parentheses.


        • what about the moons orbiting planets without magnetic fields?
          I'll have to quote myself, to answer that.

          So you think that just because we can't find what we define as magnetic (Iron induced) field none else exist
          Remember Ed Grey? Didn't he magnetize plastic. HMMM... I wonder if you'll find out how to do that from a text book. LOL 200 known magnetic effects yet still only 110 +- explained. Like I said Simple is easier to accommodate.

          We can go on and talk about anti gravitational effects. And how they relate to gravity if it was a magnetic field.
          If Floyd sweet and others truly had negative energy and it promoted a weightless effect this would be repulsion from gravity. This energy that caused the repulsion would create like poles with the energy that was trying to attract it, in its uncharged state. IE a North on North effect.
          This also is completely compatible with Hawking's Black Hole Theory. Positve and negative particles attract to each other. Then couple. They stall in motion and are sucked into the back hole. Until the positively charged particles so repulsed by the negative field emitted from the black hole, the particle uncouples from the negative and is projected outward.

          This is the exact opposite of what we see. The positive particles are attracted to the earth.

          What other particles are attracted to the earth and what effect might they have on us and surrounding planets? Are they charge particle that interact with matter in a field influence?
          Since we can already see this happening on a regular basis right in our own back yards I am not sure that escalating to a higher reaction is necessary.

          is a strong indication of some overwhelming, all controlling "Master Force" ordering opposite systems to behave the same way.
          Yep and some day I hope (and I am truly anxious for it to come) we all get to ask the master force why he did it that way... But until then... Simple is better.



          • Master force versus Master Force

            @Matt: I really meant Master force not God. I mean the Master of all other forces, as in superior, "overwhelming". The real Master Force that is God has enabled me to understand several ways to make upward force enough to overcome Gravity. One is derived from my Millenial Dawn engine and the other is an understanding I got from reading Tesla's last papers in the Fall of 2007. Tesla's is easier than mine. I have no plans to release either one. Every time I do release something somebody else gets rich. I'll wait til that decides to change.

            I appreciate you writing so much information about gravity and anti-gravity. You are very correct though. The engines are very simple.


            • Gravity

              For centuries people looked for and try to find some sort of proof that Gravity is 'something that is pulling' somehting comparable to magnetism - but all failed.

              If all fail, then it is time to change the hypothesis and start looking for the push effect.

              @clouseeder: "...Hold on just a sec there Aromaz! You are coming dangerously close to saying we are being held down by the push of sunlight. ..."

              Well, shockingly YES - that is exactly what I am saying - or rather the many types of radiation from ALL universal bodies. I wrote 73 pages about this till now - only a few days ago did I discover this site; and his is the same as my conclusions - but his explanations is better.

              Are you REALLY open minded? Then study this very detailed work - about 40 pages of compact explanations by Xavier Borg; My hat off to him:

              EMRP Push Gravity Theory : Introduction
              Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


              • @Aromaz: Hmm, I'm not clear why I would need to read 40 pages to convince me of something I'm already convinced about i.e. a force pushing us down. Perhaps I would if not for the major head traumas I received as a child that reduced my reading speed. I read what I need to read. Thanks for the link though. You're very thoughtful, and thorough.

                I would however suggest that ALL those radiations are conceivably forming into a meshed force combination, a kind of soft force field. Some people might perceive me very open minded to suggest it tho.
                Last edited by CloudSeeder; 11-06-2009, 01:35 PM.


                • Originally posted by CloudSeeder View Post
                  @Aromaz: Hmm, I'm not clear why I would need to read 40 pages to convince me of something I'm already convinced about i.e. a force pushing us down. Perhaps I would if not for the major head traumas I received as a child that reduced my reading speed. I read what I need to read. Thanks for the link though. You're very thoughtful, and thorough.

                  I would however suggest that ALL those radiations are conceivably forming into a meshed force combination, a kind of soft force field. Some people might perceive me very open minded to suggest it tho.
                  Well, I hope more people will study those few pages because I think there is a great truth. For IF we can really come to the point that we can understand gravity, and these descriptions are correct - THEN we are 80% done with getting 'anti'-gravity devices and crafts. I assume they would work on the principal of a jet engine - taking the 'gravitons' in one side and boost them out the other side. Speed? Well that should be able to go faster than gravitons. What is the estimated speed of 'gravitons'?

                  WOW! Life does get interesting.
                  Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                  • Actually, any rotating object creates it's own gravitational field. As an object rotates it tries to pull everything on it and around it to the center of its axis. We can create artificial gravity by rotating an object on it's axis. The faster an object rotates, and the larger the mass, the greater the gravitational field is. On a larger planet we would weigh signifigantly more, and on a smaller planet or a moon, we would weigh signifigantly less. Therefore gravity is an effect of a rotating mass producing centrifugal force, nothing more. To overcome this effect, it may only be necessary to spin an object in the opposite direction of the spinning planet or mass. Earth spins toward the East, so spinning an object toward the West may produce zero gravity, if we can overcome the rotational spin and mass. Building a gravitational motor may be simpler than we all imagine. Maybe Bessler knew this when he built his. Maybe he had to position it in a certain direction to make it work. Maybe we all missed the boat when we tried to duplicate it. Good Luck. Stealth
                    Last edited by Stealth; 11-06-2009, 06:38 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Aromaz View Post
                      Well, I hope more people will study those few pages because I think there is a great truth. For IF we can really come to the point that we can understand gravity, and these descriptions are correct - THEN we are 80% done with getting 'anti'-gravity devices and crafts. I assume they would work on the principal of a jet engine - taking the 'gravitons' in one side and boost them out the other side. Speed? Well that should be able to go faster than gravitons. What is the estimated speed of 'gravitons'?

                      WOW! Life does get interesting.
                      Stealth certainly states his ideas well. Unfortunately you both have missed something. To overcome Gravity it is not necessary to make an "anti" Gravity. You need not define gravity nor understand its causes. The only required is an upward force-producing engine that makes enough upward force that is stronger than gravity and strong enough extra to lift the craft.

                      That's what Tesla did, that's what I also figured out. Plus his. All you need is the key to the door, and I'm very sure I have it <> twice. It's much the same as figuring out gravity wheels. Once you understand the few tricks you begin to see them everywhere, all kinds of shapes & designs. I've got em that use centrifugal, others that use centrifugal plus other forces. I've got so many it's enough to drive ya nuts.

                      Even the one above in the earlier post where I show how to combine pendulums + falling weights. hahaha I didn't explain it to the minutest detail though because I wanted Peter to have it. He's earned it.


                      • Apologies, it's in The Mechanical Engine Post #610 =>


                        • @Aromaz: I didn't mean to take anything away from your comments either. In fact, about a week or so ago somebody released an ion drive that "steps up" energy out the exhaust just like you said, and then there's the EmDrive that purports to use microwave energy, also in line with what you posted => ‘Impossible’ Device Could Propel Flying Cars // Current

                          Just like gravity wheels there's a number of answers.


                          • Ion Drive => Slashdot Science Story | VASIMR Ion Engine Could Cut Mars Trip To 39 Days (posted October 19).
                            Last edited by CloudSeeder; 11-06-2009, 05:39 PM.


                            • Originally posted by Stealth View Post
                              Actually, any rotating object creates it's own gravitational field. As an object rotates it tries to pull everything on it and around it to the center of its axis. We can create artificial gravity by rotating an object on it's axis. The faster an object rotates, and the larger the mass, the greater the gravitational field is. On a larger planet we would weigh signifigantly more, and on a smaller planet or a moon, we would weigh signifigantly less. Therefore gravity is an effect of a rotating mass, nothing more. Good Luck. Stealth
                              Earth's Moon is 1/6 the size, always keeps the same side toward us. Without rotation it should not have any gravity at all? But it does have rotation around the Earth and it does have rotation around the sun, so it's only missing 1/3 the causes for rotation. <> Also, does Earth's Moon acquire some gravity by being so near to Earth -that does have gravity- that the two rotating together as a binary system the Earth somehow "loans" some gravity up to include the Moon?


                              • Making a Spinning Temperature-Opposed (Pulsing On~Off) Repulsion Engine System:

                                From what I've read about Gravity everybody seems to agree it is really a very weak energy... so even if you did have a platter spinning and it made a gravitational field, how heavy a plate would it have to be to make an appreciable level of field? However, if the plate is spinning at an outrageous speed, speed can make up for less weight/Mass. <> But at such a high speed it would be a steady speed. You couldn't change speed very fast or much at all. <> If you had two parallel plates spinning in opposite directions, and close to each other but separated by a dielectric that was a barrier to both their gravitational fields.... but you could flip a switch turning the dielectric on & off fast, maybe you could do something that way by causing a jerky energy pulse of either attraction or repulsion <> an Energy Bellows (a Repulsion Engine?).

                                You wouldn't necessarily need to depend on one big engine; you could use many small engines, which I like because in the event of engine failure the other 99 are still working. I'm not fond of hitting the ground. That's one difference between mine and Tesla's. With his one is plenty. It shouldn't ever fail. Of course there's always the incidental lightning strike passing through the atmosphere so I would still prefer a backup engine, backup circuitry. My Millenial Dawn engine could supply the electricity to power Tesla's, but from what I've read here recently it looks like my MD engine is Analog. I'd like to see it run some day but I lack the facilities and everything else to get it built. Better to go with the Digital (electronic circuits).


                                If the spinning platters were non-conductor at one temperature that could be flash-heated (flash-supercooled, flash voltage increased) that by the metal used would initiate a changeover to being a positive conductor, you might could achieve the pulsing energy without the on-off dielectric sandwich switch. And to make it even more dramatic you could do the cooling/heating/electrifying of each plate that would double the pulse effect (repulsion).

