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Current inertia, and magnetic fields

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  • Current inertia, and magnetic fields

    The other day i was reading a very nice book by sir olviver lodge on electricity. He basically started from the beggining building upon phenomenon.
    He eventually got to the statement that current has inertia. That is it resists change. When reading this i imediatly realised why. Current produces a magnetic field which consists of concentric rings. What if it is these rings which is producing the inertia effect.
    If current produced a wave in aether outwards perpendicular to the wire and the wave bounced back then there would zero nodal points. It is these nodal points where the two cancel out. It is at these locations that we call the magnetic lines of force. When the current changes the lines in the aether lag behind the new lines being created by the current thus the resistance to change.
    I have never been a fan of the idea that electrons are flowing to create a current and for the above idea to hold the electrons would not be flowing but instead rotating. So when a potential is applied accross a conductor the electrons allign themselves towards the pole. the better the conductor the faster the electrons spin. In a non conductor the electrons dont spin faster however they do still align themselves up just the same as the conductor.

    What do you guys reckon.


  • #2
    I agree with this model

    Well done damian, the theory you give explains why my magnetic diode works; whereas accepted theory says it should quench sparks once begun and not stop sparks developing as it does.

    YouTube - c30kv magnetic diode proof of concept

    Love and light
    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


    • #3
      I aggree, the cosmos is inertia so if you resist you get a backward flow of movement or slowing down of the rotation.
      if you put a white diode in light you speedup the inertia also a solenoid coil is!!!!!
      Im researching nodal point thank you


      • #4
        It's really interesting idea. Ed Leedscalnin even given experimental proof that current is magnetic wave spirally propagating from both terminals (positive and negative) . Don Smith says also that electrons rotate pushing that way away and the direction of rotation causes either magnetic flux or electric current.
        Nikola Tesla said that resistance against current flow is equivalent of friction.
        So it can be related to electron mass or to two spirally propagating magnetic waves sliding on each other.
        In fact our best move would be to completely eliminate current flow and use pure etheric energy flow to generate current only inside load ! LAter we could maybe find a class of loads which work without current flow, just pure etheric.


        • #5

          Thanks guys for the encouragement. There is one problem with the model which is that it requires the wave due to the electron to bounce back which suggests that it just suddenly fulls of however if i recall correctly it falls of at the 1/r^2. So the only way to make the model work would be to suggest that something else is rotating in the opposite direction, and the something else would be the proton, which would explain the skin effect.

