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Hendershot Replications

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  • pjotterkjen
    Be careful what you intend to build!

    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
    Hello pjotterkjen!

    I have been looking for this thread!...and got with a second one about Hendershot also...however, it was this one I was searching for.


    Hello Ufopolitics, it has been mentioned that what is shown in the pictures is a HOAX, in other words a fake. I don't think you can just build the thing and get the promised results. I think this because first there are too many light bulbs connected, the load would burn out wire very quickly, second there has not been a fine-tuning of the two LC tanks which is of great importance for the apparatus to start oscillating at all and lastly the length of the video may well just be a trick to make people believe it must be worth something - as many youtube videos are very very short and lack all sorts of information.

    That said, you're making interesting notes about a possible similarity with the Tesla LC circuit that exposes a gain instead of a decay when properly constructed. There may be a greater similarity as actually in both cases the capacitor lives inside the magnetic field that the coil creates.

    Are you planning a specific test on this or are you going ahead and build the Hendershot device? If so please refer to the original schemas and instructions and do not think it is just an easy job as the video promises. Building is the first part and just a start, then comes the difficult part which is fine-tuning the various components. You can forget about fine-tuning if using the standard capacitors which actually are packed in a rare color in the video so you cannot identify them. Its definitely a HOAX and not very likely at all to generate that much power as is shown.

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  • pjotterkjen
    Hendershot circuit considerations

    I'd like to refer once again to the work that has been done by the German Overunity forum by user Fuchs and others:

    HENDERSHOT GENERATOR - Neue Erkenntnisse, Theorie über die Funktionsweise

    In my opinion, Fuchs has done a great job of redrawing the mentioned circuit (he considered the most advanced one) into a much simpler to read one. I refer to the circuit drawn on page 14.

    My idea is to review and extend this redrawing to include the document 'The Hendershot Mystery' (the big one of 140 pages) that list practically all different schema's that are relevant to the generator, and then compare them to see if the changes done over time are logical ones.

    All is done with focus on the oscillation phenomena of two oscillating LC tank circuits where the buzzer defines the oscillation frequency but where the two LC tanks define the frequency where oscillation is actually amplified (a frequency much higher), and not damped. The energy transfers to each side through the two ordinary transformers which limit the amplification and also work only well for low frequency.

    Maybe the findings could well show some trends, but otherwise it may well show the fact that different circuits should function once this amplification and transfer of energy from one side to another has been achieved.

    I am convinced that the circuit should work and that it is actually in its simplest form a a-stable multivibrator, which has been confirmed on the German forum also. We only need to fiddle around with the thing long enough to start seeing some results.

    A hint to the ones that are currently testing their Hendershot generators, try to match as much as possible the original specifications and be sure to match the two LC circuits. This is of great importance, as is a very high Q factor

    I am quite convinced that Hendershot used a wire to shortcut several connections to start oscillation and used G-type clamps to adjust the capacitance of his hand-made LC tank circuits. The buzzer is in itself a frequency dependent load, as well as the light bulb, although both have specific characteristics.

    I searched on WikiPedia for LC circuits and found this:
    "One of the first demonstrations of resonance between tuned circuits was Lodge's "syntonic jars" experiment around 1889.[1][3] He placed two resonant circuits next to each other, each consisting of a Leyden jar connected to an adjustable one-turn coil with a spark gap. When a high voltage from an induction coil was applied to one tuned circuit, creating sparks and thus oscillating currents, sparks were excited in the other tuned circuit only when the circuits were adjusted to resonance. Lodge and some English scientists preferred the term "syntony" for this effect, but the term "resonance" eventually stuck.[1] The first practical use for LC circuits was in the 1890s in spark-gap radio transmitters to allow the receiver and transmitter to be tuned to the same frequency."
    I think we should try first to replicate Oliver Lodge's experiment which seems to me Hendershot used in his aparatus (and then he managed to control the phenomena adding additional components, to prevent escalating oscillations; I also suspect he added them to confuse everybody else).

    Many thanks to the ones that brought the thread until today and I hope you guys will continue to deliver interesting stuff.

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  • stupify12
    Self Ticking Buzzer?

    If that is the case that the buzzer is self ticking and moving because of the magnet and producing even a little power, I believe Hendershot Generator is actually working this set up is the same with the Tesla' circuit i tested to prove that amplifying resonance is true every make and break it is indeed. It is a matter of Parallel then Series combination of wiring.Actually this is a combination of Parallel Resonance and Series Resonance in every make and break. Amplifying the energy stored in the capacitor which is always connected to the primary, The two capacitor act as a buffer or the storage of source of power, If it is true that the buzzer is ticking 500hz it is indeed can light that many bulb. Its just a simple controlled amplifying resonance so long invented by Tesla.

    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
    Hello pjotterkjen!

    I have been looking for this thread!...and got with a second one about Hendershot also...however, it was this one I was searching for.



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  • Ufopolitics
    Thanks for bringing it in...

    Originally posted by pjotterkjen View Post
    Hello all, I've been reading this whole thread and most of the Hendershot documentation.

    Coming to the end of this thread it suddenly silences..., and frankly it's not what I expected, really! Much like an anti-climax...

    I must say I have become very interested in building one for testing purposes and to start adding my experiences here and elsewhere, so if anyone can comment on the current status?

    Are you guys still working on it?
    Hello pjotterkjen!

    I have been looking for this thread!...and got with a second one about Hendershot also...however, it was this one I was searching for.



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  • Ufopolitics
    Hello to All

    Hello to All,

    A friend sent me a pdf that explains (along with a video that I will eventually get)...How to make a Hendershot Generator.


    And the Final Pic...


    I don't know if anyone of You have read Vladimir Utkin Free Energy on some Nikola Tesla's Inventions and Developments...An Excellent analysis...But, there is a part called "The Asymmetric Capacitor"...



    You need to charge the capacitor using the electric component of the electromagnetic field of the inductor (using the displacement current of Maxwell’s equations)...Or:


    When the electric field in capacitor C is decaying, due to feeding electrical current into an inductor (not shown), the external electric field generated by the inductor tries to charge this capacitor with the inductor’s displacement current. As a result, the capacitor draws energy in from the surrounding electromagnetic field, and the capacitor’s voltage rises cycle by cycle.
    IMPLEMENTATION A – a central capacitor is used:


    Later on He goes into the "Triggering" (Kicking) Coil and so on...

    However, in the Diagram above the Inductor (Coil) is within the Capacitor Geometry...But...Who says we can not do Geometry the other way around?...or like Hendershot's Arrangement...where Coils are surrounding Capacitors?...Plus, Hendershot uses other external to coil Caps...

    The Basic and Elemental point based on exactly the same principle.

    Capacitor creates an Electric Field once it is charged...while Inductor generates a Magnetic Field once it is energized.

    Both Fields are of different Natures...However...both Complement each others...meaning, when there is either one...there is also the other one present within both components...but (and here comes the interesting side)...

    A Capacitor creates a very tiny magnetic field once its Higher Electric Field is activated.

    An Inductor generates a High Magnetic Field...while its Electric Field is weaker as also its Capacitance is very limited.

    One is Static...while the Other one is Dynamic...

    I believe (And I will be constructing this Hendershot Generator, as I will be uploading video and pdf for others to replicate it) ...I believe...that Both Fields, once WITHIN CERTAIN GEOMETRY...compliment each others in a "bouncing like" Dance...where there is Gain instead of decay...

    This is just my brief analysis...

    Regards to All


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  • pjotterkjen
    Latest developments?

    Hello all, I've been reading this whole thread and most of the Hendershot documentation.

    Coming to the end of this thread it suddenly silences..., and frankly it's not what I expected, really! Much like an anti-climax...

    I must say I have become very interested in building one for testing purposes and to start adding my experiences here and elsewhere, so if anyone can comment on the current status?

    Are you guys still working on it?

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  • lvleon
    Calculations of the coils for the Hendershot generators

    1) The Spectrum of working frequencies - what it should be actually? These frequencies whence undertake? What kind of their parity?

    2) Why in all variations of the Hendershot converters the basket coils have very small number of the turns (only 12 (or 24) and 64 turns) whereas it supposed, what on the ends of these coils should be enough big the difference of potentials (nearby 60-120 and more Volts)?
    What is reason for occurrence of such the big difference of potentials?

    3) Why diameters (to be exact - average length of a circle) greater and small the basket coils for the Hendershot converters are strictly fixed? Why their attitude is equal 2:1? How this diameters was calculated?

    4) Why in the Hendershot's basket coils the quantity of the staked equally spased should be expressed by the number which is not having dividers, that is enough greater simple number? (57 - staked equally spased for the big Hendershot's basket coils, and 29 - for small)?

    5) That represents "The Hand wound Hendershot capacitor" together with the resonant coil, connected to it?
    Whether it is possible to calculate somehow this "artful" resonant system?
    How it to adjust?

    6) And ...

    My answers to the majority of the put questions are published on the Russian site '' on a special branch "Hendershot Fuelless Generator".
    Reading can be begun with my first message

    Forum strangers :: Topic: Hendershot Fuelless Generator (3/18) ,

    and further up to the end.

    Leonid Volkov

    P.S. The English Programm for calculation parameters of the EH - Atenna systems is on ðÅÒÅ×ÏÄÞÉË Google
    ðÅÒÅ×ÏÄÞÉË Google
    Last edited by lvleon; 08-10-2013, 08:42 AM.

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  • Bodkins
    on the outsides put the other iron rods with one long magnet wire going around the all to be the out put

    im sorry about the crap xplonation.texting on a shtty phone...

    if anyone understand what im saying ill be amazed...LOL

    take care bod

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  • Bodkins
    hello folks..

    to me what i understand is from the book by carter..
    about orgone.. the life force you get when you breath deep..

    now to change this to power you need to build a coil that can flip the magnet field and twist it too! a rubber band... that this idea..

    eight(plus)iron rods.
    sheet iron really thin((0.009)
    pvc pipe
    iron filing
    magnet wire(**** loads)

    first pvc rap a iron rod and rap with iron sheet then rap with manget wire with a gap for iron filings and oil between the magnetwire tturns...

    now pvc rap the the whole thing and sheet iron magnet wire ect.
    and repeat until maybe one third of the lenght to wight....

    All the magnet wire on each rap is not connect to the next rap... here the magnet field is twisted by a 50hz pulse of dc...

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  • john_g
    Originally posted by T-1000 View Post
    That's fake, initialy asked for money as well..
    It seems extraordinary to make a 2.5 hour video if its fake, guess either it does work or the profit of suckers make it worth while.

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  • T-1000
    Originally posted by Duncan View Post
    full plans and schematics available from link on video
    Hendershot Generator - Free Energy tutorial - YouTube
    haven't built or tried it myself however if you read through the comments it seems Henderson's boy joins in ... I hope it legit
    best wishes Duncan
    That's fake, initialy asked for money as well..

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  • Duncan
    for consideration

    full plans and schematics available from link on video
    Hendershot Generator - Free Energy tutorial - YouTube
    haven't built or tried it myself however if you read through the comments it seems Henderson's boy joins in ... I hope it legit
    best wishes Duncan

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  • Gazzasore
    Ok I've been away working the last 2 and a half months

    What's the latest progress??

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  • stivep
    This is about Hendershot
    related to Discovery of secret of his device.
    Revolution has begun Free Energy Exposed part3

    Revolution has begun Free Energy Exposed part3 - YouTube

    look also at part 1 and part 2 of the video before you express your critics.


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  • DonBass
    Originally posted by Ruphus View Post

    Can you explain this image from the Russian site you linked?

    This picture is from a book of prof.Nikolayev and tells us that there is (founded by Nikolayev) so-called longitudinal electromagnetic field in addition to all-known transverse EMF.
    Good luck!

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