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Hendershot Replications

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  • MonsieurM
    Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
    Hence, with very LITTLE power from a solenoid, would it be possible to create these NMR induced Ghz EMF signals that are much greater in intensity then other radio noise your are trying to receive to trigger the machine to start in the first place?
    would the following patent fit the bill :


    10 The invention subject of my present application has primarily as its object to provide a simple, cheap, and effective apparatus for the production of ozone or such gases as are obtained by the action of high-tension 15 electrical discharges, although in the application to such purposes of the apparatus heretofore invented by me and designed for the production of electric currents of high frequency and potential I have made certain improvements 20 in such apparatus itself which are novel and useful in other and more general applications of the same. I have heretofore shown and described, notably in Patents No. 462,418, dated November 3, 1891, and No. 454,022, dated 25 June 23, 1891, an apparatus devised for the purpose of converting and supplying electrical energy in a form suited for the production of certain novel electrical phenomena which require currents of higher frequency 30 and potential than can readily or even possibly be developed by generators of the ordinary types or by such mechanical appliances as were theretofore known.

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  • Dave45
    Not sure if you have seen this, min2oly is using a sniffer coil to pick up the electric field around a coil Bloch Wall - YouTube

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  • morpher44
    Magenetic field - to EMF in Ghz range -- to tank circuit -- oscillation idea

    From Wikipedia - Megnetomer: specifically the Proton precession magnetometer...

    "A direct current flowing in a solenoid creates a strong magnetic field around a hydrogen-rich fluid (kerosine, and decane is popular, and even water can be used), causing some of the protons to align themselves with that field. The current is then interrupted, and as protons realign themselves with ambient magnetic field, they precess at a frequency that is directly proportional to the magnetic field. This produces a weak rotating magnetic field that is picked up by a (sometimes separate) inductor, amplified electronically, and fed to a digital frequency counter whose output is typically scaled and displayed directly as field strength or output as digital data."

    So in thinking about this. What if instead of using an inductor for the "pickup" and measure step here. ... what if you have an Antenna with Ghz reception of the EMF (or dielectric field)? The Dielectric field spining, as a result of the NMR of the proton, is NICE because it is NOT influenced by back EMF effects. You can think of it is extremely low-mass -- near zero inertia.

    Hence, with very LITTLE power from a solenoid, would it be possible to create these NMR induced Ghz EMF signals that are much greater in intensity then other radio noise your are trying to receive to trigger the machine to start in the first place?

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  • morpher44
    Magenetic field - to EMF in Ghz range -- to tank circuit -- oscillation idea

    From Wikipedia - Megnetomer: specifically the Proton precession magnetometer...

    "A direct current flowing in a solenoid creates a strong magnetic field around a hydrogen-rich fluid (kerosine, and decane is popular, and even water can be used), causing some of the protons to align themselves with that field. The current is then interrupted, and as protons realign themselves with ambient magnetic field, they precess at a frequency that is directly proportional to the magnetic field. This produces a weak rotating magnetic field that is picked up by a (sometimes separate) inductor, amplified electronically, and fed to a digital frequency counter whose output is typically scaled and displayed directly as field strength or output as digital data."

    So in thinking about this. What if instead of using an inductor for the "pickup" and measure step here. ... what if you have an Antenna with Ghz reception of the EMF (or dielectric field)? The Dielectric field spining, as a result of the NMR of the proton, is NICE because it is NOT influenced by back EMF effects. You can think of it is extremely low-mass -- near zero inertia.

    Hence, with very LITTLE power from a solenoid, would it be possible to create these NMR induced Ghz EMF signals that are much greater in intensity then other radio noise your are trying to receive to trigger the machine to start in the first place?

    I would also like to point out that if Ghz receiption is the goal, then you can calculate the full-wave and half-wave sizes for your antenna, and thus pick a cylinder for that specific frequency. It is interesting that the Hendershot device appears to have cylinders that are indeed in that Ghz size range:

    (3E8 (speed of light) / (1E9 Hz) * 39.37 inches/m) / 2 (for halfwave) = 5.9 inches diameter

    A slightly higher frequency would be a slightly smaller diameter.. such as 5.25 inches, etc...
    Last edited by morpher44; 01-11-2013, 10:44 PM.

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  • morpher44
    buzzer coils

    Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
    The buzzer coils are key and need to be investigated further.
    Hi Dave45,

    Yeah I was thinking breaking things up like this is a good way to proceed.
    Your diagram is nice.

    One thing that would be nice is a circuit that can be driven from a signal generator. I don't want to damage my signal generator, so I was thinking it should pulse an optoisolator, and then on the other side, have a power transistor PULSE a transformer, to then PULSE your "circuit-under-test".
    I've been looking around for such a circuit, but haven't found one yet. It seems an obvious thing to want to do so as to protect your equipment from back EMF, etc.
    Further, anyone who wanted to PULSE from a little microprocessor, such as PIC32, or something, would probably also want to optoisolate. That way they won't zap their microprocessor with back EMF pulses or damaging AC currents, etc.
    Computer pulsing might be ideal because you could actually programmatically try different wave shapes and adapt or respond to things happening with other sensors such as magnetometers, or voltage, current, or heat, or anything else. Much more state of the art this way.
    I have a PIC32 ... a nice little machine ... and a low-frequency signal generator ... but I'm reluctant to keep risking them with these crazy coil ideas.

    The idea of bridging from the digital world to these experimental ANALOG world devices interests me.
    Anyone want to have a go at a nice little circuit that provides optoisolation for signal generators or CPU I/O ports?

    Meanwhile, regarding the horseshoe, solenoid.
    I think we can work out how many turns need to be in the solenoid, so as to exactly MATCH the magnetic field of the magnet you have on hand. That seems doable. We don't know if Hendershot wrapped these solenoids in a special way. It stands to reason he did, given that he cared to do that with the little toy device he made. So these may be "special" solenoids in that they could use "fine" smaller gauge wire, have lots of turns on them, and possibly are wired with a special pattern of winding only Hendershot knew. You can't SEE any of this from photographs. It stands to reason, however, that the solenoid should create a LARGE magnetic field from the tiniest amount of current.

    Last night I was reading about the Magnetometer stuff at the end of "Secrets of Perpetual Power - Hendershot Mystery", by Barry Hilton, appendix E, and learned that magnetometer designs post-date Hendershot by more than a decade -- using such tricks as observing the frequencies of protons (in Ghz range) after having spun them up at "correct angle" using a solenoid, and then letting them precess due to the effects of the Earth's gravitational field. This sounds familiar doesn't it.

    These spinning protons precessing are producing a LOUD signal, and so you need a sort of cylinder shaped Antenna, at the correct wavelength, to receive this loud signal.

    So Hendershot's device may be a sort of Magnetron, Magnetometer -- hybrid, designed to exploit the harnessing of these energy exchanges that are NMR effects. Certainly there is human art for making magnetometers that use this approach with solenoids -- yet they are designed to "measure" the proton frequency only, not exploit it for energy conversion.

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  • Gazzasore
    Hendershot Generator Nachbau Teil3 - Öffentliches Projekt - YouTube

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  • Gazzasore
    Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
    You mean, would it work in space away from any planet?
    Or would it work on Mars? Or would it work inside a Faraday cage?
    Or would it work w/o Earth ground?

    Gazzasore, lets figure out how to make it here on Earth were we are, and then we can go there.

    The Earth's dynamo would be a very neat thing to be able to tap into. Yet, the core is quite DEEP, under a bunch of molten lava and the field lines it creates are pretty slow across the planet and huge. There may be little eddy currents, but you would have to be able to find one of those mystery spots where compasses spin.

    Hendershot did appear to make his own compass spin but cutting the field east-to-west. He was utilizing some aspect of the Earth's field, and changing the machines orientation would effect the results.

    If you've taken high-school or college Pysics, one thing that is often demonstrated is that you can make a rather large diameter coil, think larger than dinner plate, connect an ammeter to the coil, and run around the room with it or wave it around. Where is the magnetic field that is inducing this slight amount of power? Its all around you.

    Yes the question was would this system need or benefit from an earth ground

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  • morpher44
    Earthy Question

    Originally posted by Gazzasore View Post
    Question Time
    Would the Hendershot Generator need an earth?
    You mean, would it work in space away from any planet?
    Or would it work on Mars? Or would it work inside a Faraday cage?
    Or would it work w/o Earth ground?

    Gazzasore, lets figure out how to make it here on Earth were we are, and then we can go there.

    The Earth's dynamo would be a very neat thing to be able to tap into. Yet, the core is quite DEEP, under a bunch of molten lava and the field lines it creates are pretty slow across the planet and huge. There may be little eddy currents, but you would have to be able to find one of those mystery spots where compasses spin.

    Hendershot did appear to make his own compass spin but cutting the field east-to-west. He was utilizing some aspect of the Earth's field, and changing the machines orientation would effect the results.

    If you've taken high-school or college Pysics, one thing that is often demonstrated is that you can make a rather large diameter coil, think larger than dinner plate, connect an ammeter to the coil, and run around the room with it or wave it around. Where is the magnetic field that is inducing this slight amount of power? Its all around you.


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  • Gazzasore
    Question Time

    Would the Hendershot Generator need an earth?

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  • Gazzasore
    physics animations - The Magnetic Field

    physics animations - The Magnetic Field - YouTube

    I am now thinking a large magnet on its side

    & where does the field of the 2 electron magnets go??
    Last edited by Gazzasore; 01-11-2013, 04:22 AM. Reason: to add thought

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  • Gazzasore
    Does Magnetic field travel through wood?

    I was thinking of having Ring Magnets Like speaker ones Or maybe ones without the Hole But yes large round ones

    The flat side down Not sure what way up though North up or South up

    In or near the baskets
    Last edited by Gazzasore; 01-11-2013, 12:24 AM. Reason: Spelling

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  • morpher44
    screwy idea continued...

    > mater will accept the most effecient way from the flux

    When you learn about back EMF, they teach you that IRON is bad, copper, steal, and metal with low resistance is good.

    YET, IRON, is really really GOOD for caring magnetic fields.

    So, is it possible that you can reduce back EMF by having flux enter the IRON via a TORSION of CURVE vortex shape, rather than parallel magnetic field lines?
    Think of a nail versus a screw.

    To make the NAIL penetrate wood, you have to apply a certain amount of force.
    To make a SCREW penetrate the wood, the circular force you create to screw the screw in is PROBABLY less force when all integrated (summed) relative to the force to make a NAIL penetrate.
    I don't know if anyone has actually measure the difference in force here, but the analogy may hold for flux fields entering iron matter as well.
    Last edited by morpher44; 01-10-2013, 08:38 PM.

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  • morpher44
    screwy idea...

    Originally posted by mikec_ut View Post
    In you post #339 you finally gave some of the reasons why I selected NOT to build the Mk3. I wanted to start at the beginning working on replicating the first version of Hendershots device. I have my Mk1 about 80% built. The length of the complete device is just over 6" but a pain in the neck to figure out what to build.
    So I have this one additional thought to pass along for consideration...
    Using a RING-MAGNET, with N-S faces on the flat surfaces, you can wind a traditional coil around the periphery, and you are cutting the flux east-west per Hendershot's description.
    This will probably do the trick and you can pump a certain current through and NULL the effects of the magnet temporarily or double the magnetism, depending upon polarity. All good.

    Ok, but there is the new thought. Suppose, rather than winding the coil perpendicular to the N-S faces, suppose instead you had a basket weave, with just the right angle, such that when the field from the magnet is enhanced, of nullified, it is done so with a TORSION, TWIST, SCREWY motion.
    In other words, like a virtual screw, the flux lines can penetrate the mater of the nearby iron-core (or transformer lamination), all that much easier because they are twisting with "torsion of a curve".
    If this is an "enhancement", you would then need to determine what is the PERFECT angel to cross the wires around the circumference to create this twisting effect.

    And circling back to the sacred geometry idea, I bet the ratio of MAGNET width, and wire angel, is a pyramid angle ... 51.85 degrees (or the ratio sqrt(PHI)). My reasoning here is that this is probably the IDEAL twist that mater will accept the most effecient way from the flux.

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  • Dave45
    You gave me an idea
    Remember the vid by magnetflipper where when the magnet was powered from the side it put out a clockwise field on one side and a counter clockwise field on the other.

    One of the magnets has to be turned around, but the coils are already there and so are the connections.
    Could probably drive it with a function gen and amplifier.

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  • mikec_ut
    Start At The Beginning


    In you post #339 you finally gave some of the reasons why I selected NOT to build the Mk3. I wanted to start at the beginning working on replicating the first version of Hendershots device. I have my Mk1 about 80% built. The length of the complete device is just over 6" but a pain in the neck to figure out what to build.

    A thing to remember with all of the information given is the patent description is based on the two toy planes that were made (Mk1 and Mk2) and not the later device (Mk3). Like all patent lawyers they try to look at the devices and make some kind of document that describes them, but like all inventors that first description is always just observations not reality. The truth needs to be weeded out. There was a list of questions about the patent description but they did not get answered. Still I believe there is enough information to construct the Mk1 and a first attempt to see if I could follow the thought process from the Induction Compass to the first toy plane or Mk1 device.

    I will post more as I continue my quest for the Mk1 process.

    P.S. Your antenna theory and oscillation are spot on by using a magnet and coil to counter the magnetism. Mine is not working yet but I will continue until it does.

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