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Hendershot Replications
Because of bad transformers I've got different resonance frequencies for left and right side. Left resonates at ~3MHz, right at ~3.4MHz. In resonance I can get 2V in place of buzzer. If I will balance left and right side it should go higher.Last edited by mlurye; 11-06-2009, 10:24 PM.
Originally posted by morpher44 View PostCool. Got any photos you can share of your caps and coils ?Attached Files
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Originally posted by mlurye View PostMeasurements of my coils:
Left (uH) Right (uH)
L4=81 L4=81
I was reading this over:
E E RICHARDS - Earth Power Spectrum
and have some observations to make..
Keely liked 42.8Khz -- law of harmonics
Tesla experimented with 40hertz up to 200Khz...
Hubbard had 1200 foot aerials, each arranged on the
cardinal points of a compass. That works out to be
4 quarter-wave aerials for the 205Khz.
Hans Coler: 180Khz
On my oscilloscope, I see a periodic burst (received best at night)
with a period of approx 5uSec (200 to 209Khz).
I see that many north American beacons are in this 200khz range.
Now for the fun part...
If we assume the tank circuit has 7.8nF ... and L4 is 81uH.
The resonant frequency would therefore be
with series Q = 68 (or better if resistance < 1.5 ohms).
Is 200Khz related in some way to the magnetic field lines
as they rotate around the planet?Last edited by morpher44; 11-05-2009, 08:59 PM.
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Originally posted by morpher44 View PostI just learned about vibrator power supplies:
Vibrator Power Supplies
These were used to generate AC from DC supplies.
Hendershot may have been aware of this technology.
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vibrator power supplies
I just learned about vibrator power supplies:
Vibrator Power Supplies
These were used to generate AC from DC supplies.
Hendershot may have been aware of this technology.
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Originally posted by morpher44 View PostI see the Horseshoe magnet between the two coils -- although its
an odd looking one ... like a kid toy.
I think I can make out the bar ... and the solenoids
are likely under a domed cover.
His watch reads quarter to 3.
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Originally posted by synchro View PostThe Neutral zone is somtimes refered to as the Outer Bloch Wall.
There are two common ways to generate electricity with coils.
1. Have the coil moving relative to a static magnetic field
2. Have a magnetic field moving relative to a coil placed in a fix position.
Clearly the Hendershot coils are not moving.
Hendershot's inspiration, we know, was the Induction compass.
That device use approach #1. The coil spins within the
Earth's magnetic field to produce a current.
Hendershot spent the latter part of his life working on
this fuel-less generator -- different from his motor.
He was brilliant with magnetism.
Here is what I realized ... and its so incredibly simple.
When you buy horseshoe magnets, the good ones come with
a keeper bar. The keeper is to be left on to preserve the magnet
when not in use.
It has the interesting effect of BENDING the poles so they they
come out the sides ... and are weaker.
If you have a dual-solenoid, with current in one direction you
can make a N-S on one, and a S-N on the other.
If these are oriented to face that bar sticking to the magnet,
you have a device that can wiggle those two fields that spread
out of the sides of the magnet.
Now for the interesting thing.
If you orient your coils slightly BEHIND the solenoid, one to the
left and one to the right, you have the following situation.
When the solenoids are UNPOWERED, the coils see
only one pole. One coil sees a North ... the other sees a South.
If you provide a current in one direction such that you create
a NORTH to counter-oppose the NORTH of the magnet,
it will nullify that NORTH .. but better still the coil is closer
to the other side of the solenoid ... its south side.
So the coil sees now a SOUTH were once there was a NORTH.
The opposite situation is there on the other coil.
In this way you can have polarity reversals at the BUZZER
If the coils are situated in a particular "sweet spot", not
only is there a pole reverse each pulse to the solenoid,
but there is actually a magnetic field spinning.
This I have demonstrated in some of my older videos
using a simple compass and slow frequency pulses to the
If that SPIN were to LAND directly into the coil,
which can be arranged if your careful, the coil would experience
a steady rotating flux in one-and-only-one direction.
The opposite direction experienced by the other coil on the other
That steady spinning flux, I speculate, will alter
the inductance of the Hendershot coil ... bringing the
inductance up the B-H curve, just as is done with
IRON cores in transformers.
As the inductance increases, the tank circuits resonant
frequency drops -- approaching the buzzer frequency --
and POWER GOES UP!!! As Power goes up, the
flux increases, the inductance increases ... the power increases,
etc. This should continue until the resonant frequency
at core saturation starts to go downward on the B-H curve
knee ... which would reduce power. As the power reduces,
the inductance drops slightly ... bringing it BACK to that
resonant peak.
If your tank circuit can resonate at the very buzzer frequency,
or near to it, the maximum power can be achieved at that
There is still the question of "where does the energy come from
in the first place?"
I think that if you can achieve a really really good capacitor
design ... one that can handle high voltage spikes of a very
subtle nature due to arriving particles hitting the capacitor
plates ... producing a spike .... that those spikes, if arriving
frequently enough would keep the damped oscillations
ringing. Hence the normal background radiation that arrives
constantly from the cosmos might continue to ping
the coil frequently enough ... and the damped oscillations
might ringing long enough ... so that you could sustain power.
NOTE: Like a vaccuum cleaner, the magnetic field in the coils
may help to suck MORE particles directly down to the capacitor
since their trajectory will be altered to a narrower and narrower
spiral intersecting the capacitor.
It is very true that ONLY the capacitor can "COLLECT" energy
like this ... and the better design you have there ...
the more sensitive it will be as a high-frequency collector of energy.
This revelation leads me to believe that my coil will need to have
a MUCH MUCH smaller diameter.
My horseshoe magnet is only 2.25 inch wide ... and although it
is strong ... the magnetic fields do not extend out big enough
for these large 5 inch coils.
Hendershot used a 6 inch wide magnet ... and I'm wondering if
his near-6-inch coils were that diameter due to the
foot print of his magnet ... and nothing more complex than that.
I am interested to hear from you guys on whether this line
of reasoning makes sense.
I'm thinking of making some 3 inch coils to see if I can get better
results with my little magnet.Last edited by morpher44; 11-03-2009, 05:04 AM.
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yes I see the buzzer...
Originally posted by mlurye View PostAnother observation.
Look at this picture, do you see buzzer? Hendershot balancing the load. May be replacing buzzer with 60W bulb will be sufficient.
an odd looking one ... like a kid toy.
I think I can make out the bar ... and the solenoids
are likely under a domed cover.
His watch reads quarter to 3.
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wheeler formula
Originally posted by mlurye View PostMeasurements of my coils:
Left (uH) Right (uH)
L1=44 L1=44
L2=44 L2=44
L3=892 L3=894
L4=81 L4=81
Measurements are taken with coils not connected.
Need to rebuild caps.
to estimate what these should be ... thinking that Hendershot
would certainly have access to that formula.
With that formula, it goes wrong if the height of the coil is not
greater than .4 * diameter. This is the case with the
Hendershot windings, unfortunately. Plus, it is a basket weave
which might yield something slightly different from a straight
cylinder winding. But here is my estimate using Wheeler,
and the "error" relative to your measurements:
mlurye coil estimate error
L1=44 L1=41 7.3%
L2=44 L2=41 7.3%
L3=892 L3=902 -1.1%
L4=81 L4=58 39.7%
L4 is a straight cylinder winding ... but a very narrow width which
probably causes the Wheeler formula to be way off.
On my 5 inch coil, my estimates were all ABOVE my actuals.
I searched the web for some formula that would estimate
inductance for a basket weave coil, but I wasn't able to find one.
I suspect Wheeler was used -- assumed.
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Measurements of my coils:
Left (uH) Right (uH)
L1=44 L1=44
L2=44 L2=44
L3=892 L3=894
L4=81 L4=81
Measurements are taken with coils not connected.
Need to rebuild caps.
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If you want to build good cap use foil from oil caps. I'm using foil from HV microwave cap ~2" wide.
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Very interesting morpher44 ! Thanks for the URL ! Energy from space and, again, Tesla. No comment ;-)
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crazy Standford University
From this article:
"from Stanford University,
researchers beamed very low frequency (VLF) radio waves to the magnetosphere, the outer region where belts of charged particles stream toward the Earth’s magnetic poles. The signals followed the curves of the magnetic field back to Earth and were detected half-way around the World—amplified a thousand times in some cases. The radio signals were strengthened by gathering energy from electrons within the Van Allen radiation belts. Each time one of the world’s 50 or so VLF (3-30 KHz,) transmitters emits its signal, streams of excited particles cascade into the Earth’s atmosphere from the outermost regions of the magnetosphere. Even low frequency (LF) radio waves leak into the upper layers, causing this same phenomena. (Low Frequency: 30-300 KHz.)
The injection of small signals into the energy belts creats something like a super-transistor effect, altering the motion of free electrons thousands of miles out from the Earth’s surface. This Tesla Magnifying Resonance effect can control enormous energies by miniscule triggering signals. The Stanford physicists state, “We can amplify waves in the magnetosphere for a Global Communications at lower frequencies.” (11,12)
Plasma wave electric field maesurements with the solar-orbiting Helios spacecraft have shown that intense electron plasma oscillations occur in association with type III solar bursts. These radio bursts are produced by particles ejected from a solar flare and are characterized by an emmission frequency which decreases with increasing time; this is attributed to the decreasing electron plasma frequency, fp, encountered by the solar flare particles as they move outward through the solar corona. The measured frequency range is between 30 KHz. And 200 KHz., with the highest amplitude signals from about 40 KHz.-100 KHz. These bursts seem to show both the fundamental and second harmonic structure at kilometric wavelength.(13) "
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