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Hendershot Replications

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  • morpher44
    mutual inductance

    Originally posted by NOMDI View Post
    If mutual inductance is a reasonnably a possibility, why do we notice that the distance between the two tanks is never the same on most pictures ? Is it possible that the final effect of all this stuff would be a tuner (mysterious 5MHz ?), a phase shifting to get a significant signal difference between the two tanks and finally (i know it's an audacious thought...) a global resonance of the tanks to each other to make a high power LF amplifier ? Hendershot son talked about wholes in the ceiling if I'm not wrong... Maybe because his father unfortunately got perfect resonance which, we know, has very destructive... power. Of course I speculate...

    Yes ... good point.
    In the various photos, do we ever notice the distance between
    the two cylinders to be greater than one diameter?
    On the photo showing the device actually operating, with the
    light bulb glowing, the cylinders appears to be less than
    one diameter apart from each other.

    I guess I need to study a bit more about the relationship
    between distances here and mutual induction.

    One experiment I was doing last night, which I was trying to
    upload to youtube ... but youtube is having some problems ...
    is using two 5 inch basket weave coils in a Joule Thief circuit.
    The LED lights and things work .. until I move the coils
    to greater than one diameter distance apart from each other.
    As soon as that threshold is crossed, mutual inductance
    no longer occurs effectively ... the Joule Thief no longer

    I was surprised to see this occur at one diameter distance.
    Was this a coincidence .. or does the math work out that way

    This is very interesting for another aspect of the Hendershot
    design ... and that is with the inter-dowel distance.
    If these dowels are too close, the wire-loop around the dowel
    will inductively couple with the nearby dowel loops.
    If on the other hand they are spaced just right ...
    they will be prevented from inductively coupling with each other.
    So the question can be asked

    "Did Hendershot select 57 dowels to enhance or
    prevent mutual inductive coupling between dowels?"

    I think that mutual inductive coupling between
    dowels is another thing to consider.

    If it was me, I would work out the minimum number
    of dowels I would have to use to achieve my goal.
    So anything less than 57 might cross some
    threshold here in terms of mutual inductance between dowels.

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    Originally posted by morpher44 View Post

    I was thinking the inductance and capacitance of the
    tank circuit was the dominant set of values for tuning as well.
    But now I'm not so confident in that assumption.

    The 120uH you assume is not actually what will be seen
    by the tank circuit.
    Inductance is a funny thing in that it is influenced
    by mutual induction as well.
    So since we have a 64-turn coil UNDER that "tank" coil,
    it behaves like a transformer.
    The other side of that transformer has several other
    inductances hooked up in series.
    The tank circuit, therefore sees a much larger inductance ...
    upwards into the millihenries, since we
    are dealing with those 5:1 transformers, etc.
    Again, I'm no expert in circuit analysis ... and
    all this crazy mutual inductance makes the problem
    quite complex.

    I have clued into the fact that if you can make
    all these inductances experience the same rising and
    falling magnetic field (up and down the sign wave),
    you utilize the phases to create a nice
    180 degree phase shift. One transformer ... gives you 90 degrees.
    A 2nd transformer gives you another 90 degrees, resulting in 180.
    With a 180 phase shift you can then do "regeneration"
    of the waveforms ... adding their amplitudes...

    So if the waveform -- arriving to the left-hand side were to be
    run through essentially two transformers -- each shifting phase
    90 degrees .... when that arrives to the right-hand side,
    it too would produce magnetic fields that go up and down
    in the same way. The left and right could be made to
    synchronize in this way since their fields are moving in
    unison up and down on the same plane. They
    would be able to exchange mutual inductance ... producing
    an even larger effect in terms of feedback.

    I suspect the Hendershot device is using mutual inductance to
    some advantage.

    It is easily demonstrated that two coils that have their
    cylinder mouths oriented UP, when placed next to each
    other, can inductively couple -- just as effectively as if
    their mouths were facing each other.
    If mutual inductance is a reasonnably a possibility, why do we notice that the distance between the two tanks is never the same on most pictures ? Is it possible that the final effect of all this stuff would be a tuner (mysterious 5MHz ?), a phase shifting to get a significant signal difference between the two tanks and finally (i know it's an audacious thought...) a global resonance of the tanks to each other to make a high power LF amplifier ? Hendershot son talked about wholes in the ceiling if I'm not wrong... Maybe because his father unfortunately got perfect resonance which, we know, has very destructive... power. Of course I speculate...

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  • morpher44
    divide or multiply?

    Originally posted by mlurye View Post
    Hendershot coil will resonate at all this frequencies.
    1823 * 4 =7294 m, 41126 Hz
    C=0.1248uF (Not 1.3 as mentioned on note, 1 decimal off)
    divide by 32 = 56.949265 meters, 5264202.452715 hz ~5.26MHz (Moray was using his device with 5MHz)
    Ok. Looks like your multiplying wavelength by 4 there
    to go to a lower frequency.

    re: frequencies in the 1Mhz to 6Mhz range.
    In the 60s, space satellites were used to investigate the
    RF spectrum and it was found that most radiant energy
    arriving to earth from space lies in the 1Mhz to 6Mhz range.
    You can pick this interference up on your AM band or
    if you have a short-wave radio, you can listen to the
    stuff that arrives from 1.6Mhz upwards to 6Mhz.
    It arrives day and night ... but at night you can
    really pick it up nicely.
    Also, the signal strength from any transmitting
    source out there will vary as the Earth rotates around
    and providing good line-of-sight or not to the transmitting
    object. The sun is obviously one important "transmitter"
    out there ... and depending upon storms on the sun, etc.
    you can pick up varying amounts of energy.

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  • morpher44
    the tuning...

    Originally posted by mlurye View Post
    NOMDI based on this number I can make one assumption, they were using the same frequency to tune in to. And with info available for Hendershot device we can calculate it as close as possible.
    May be if we will scan in 5264197.63332369 area we can find source of energy that was used by those devices.
    @mlure and @NOMDI

    I was thinking the inductance and capacitance of the
    tank circuit was the dominant set of values for tuning as well.
    But now I'm not so confident in that assumption.

    The 120uH you assume is not actually what will be seen
    by the tank circuit.
    Inductance is a funny thing in that it is influenced
    by mutual induction as well.
    So since we have a 64-turn coil UNDER that "tank" coil,
    it behaves like a transformer.
    The other side of that transformer has several other
    inductances hooked up in series.
    The tank circuit, therefore sees a much larger inductance ...
    upwards into the millihenries, since we
    are dealing with those 5:1 transformers, etc.
    Again, I'm no expert in circuit analysis ... and
    all this crazy mutual inductance makes the problem
    quite complex.

    I have clued into the fact that if you can make
    all these inductances experience the same rising and
    falling magnetic field (up and down the sign wave),
    you utilize the phases to create a nice
    180 degree phase shift. One transformer ... gives you 90 degrees.
    A 2nd transformer gives you another 90 degrees, resulting in 180.
    With a 180 phase shift you can then do "regeneration"
    of the waveforms ... adding their amplitudes...

    So if the waveform -- arriving to the left-hand side were to be
    run through essentially two transformers -- each shifting phase
    90 degrees .... when that arrives to the right-hand side,
    it too would produce magnetic fields that go up and down
    in the same way. The left and right could be made to
    synchronize in this way since their fields are moving in
    unison up and down on the same plane. They
    would be able to exchange mutual inductance ... producing
    an even larger effect in terms of feedback.

    I suspect the Hendershot device is using mutual inductance to
    some advantage.

    It is easily demonstrated that two coils that have their
    cylinder mouths oriented UP, when placed next to each
    other, can inductively couple -- just as effectively as if
    their mouths were facing each other.

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  • mlurye
    Originally posted by NOMDI View Post
    Very interesting ! I guess you've found the best theory about the mysterious 1.3 origin Do you have any idea about the meaning of this Hendershot and Moray 5 Mhz common value ?
    NOMDI based on this number I can make one assumption, they were using the same frequency to tune in to. And with info available for Hendershot device we can calculate it as close as possible.
    May be if we will scan in 5264197.63332369 area we can find source of energy that was used by those devices.
    Last edited by mlurye; 10-30-2009, 07:45 PM.

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    Originally posted by mlurye View Post
    1823 * 4 =7294 m, 41126 Hz
    C=0.1248uF (Not 1.3 as mentioned on note, 1 decimal off)

    divide by 32 = 56.949265 meters, 5264202.452715 hz ~5.26MHz (Moray was using his device with 5MHz)

    Very interesting ! I guess you've found the best theory about the mysterious 1.3 origin Do you have any idea about the meaning of this Hendershot and Moray 5 Mhz common value ?

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  • mlurye
    Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
    I'm still not following.
    I get f = 164506 hz with those values ... but you already have C = 7.8nF.
    Wavelength is 1822.376 meters.

    divide by 4 = 455.594116 meters, 658025.306589 hz
    divide by 16 = 113.898529 meters, 2632101.226357 hz
    divide by 32 = 56.949265 meters, 5264202.452715 hz
    Now what?
    Hendershot coil will resonate at all this frequencies.

    1823 * 4 =7294 m, 41126 Hz
    C=0.1248uF (Not 1.3 as mentioned on note, 1 decimal off)

    divide by 32 = 56.949265 meters, 5264202.452715 hz ~5.26MHz (Moray was using his device with 5MHz)
    Last edited by mlurye; 10-30-2009, 07:27 PM.

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  • morpher44

    Originally posted by mlurye View Post
    L=120uH , C=0.0078uF based on this I calculated wave length.
    Wave length / 4 or /16 or /32 you can get resonant frequency and get C for it.
    I'm still not following.
    I get f = 164506 hz with those values ... but you already have C = 7.8nF.
    Wavelength is 1822.376 meters.

    divide by 4 = 455.594116 meters, 658025.306589 hz
    divide by 16 = 113.898529 meters, 2632101.226357 hz
    divide by 32 = 56.949265 meters, 5264202.452715 hz
    Now what?
    Last edited by morpher44; 10-30-2009, 06:07 PM.

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  • mlurye
    Originally posted by morpher44 View Post

    Could you explain your math in a bit more detail. I'm not following how you derive this.

    L=120uH , C=0.0078uF based on this I calculated wave length.
    Wave length / 4 or /16 or /32 you can get resonant frequency and get C for it.
    Last edited by mlurye; 10-30-2009, 05:39 PM.

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  • morpher44
    the math

    Originally posted by mlurye View Post
    Hendershot, did his calculations based on 1/16 of wave length for (0.0078uF) and 1/32 of wave length for (1.3uF). Or maybe he calculated it for 1/4, but it operated in 1/16. Played with numbers for 1.3uF it's different (not related) wave length then 0.0078uF, not even close. Correct value would be 0.1245uF or ~0.13uF (for 1/4 wave length), ~1.99uF (for 1/16 wave length). Looks like Hendershot was of on one decimal point.

    Could you explain your math in a bit more detail. I'm not following how you derive this.


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  • mlurye
    Hendershot, did his calculations based on 1/16 of wave length for (0.0078uF) and 1/32 of wave length for (1.3uF). Or maybe he calculated it for 1/4, but it operated in 1/16. Played with numbers for 1.3uF it's different (not related) wave length then 0.0078uF, not even close. Correct value would be 0.1245uF or ~0.13uF (for 1/4 wave length), ~1.99uF (for 1/16 wave length). Looks like Hendershot was of on one decimal point.
    Last edited by mlurye; 10-29-2009, 08:57 PM.

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  • mlurye
    Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
    Yes my thoughts exactly.
    re: the 1.3 mF, it definitely looks like MFD ... but this
    little note here has no context...
    Calculations on this note are done in kilocycles (first line). The rest is destroyed

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  • morpher44
    high voltage spikes

    Originally posted by NOMDI View Post
    we can speculate he did it only to get a very high voltage capacitor. It seems to be logical because the LC cell is made to be tuned a the resonance point, which means high voltage pikes. Can we suspect that every replication made with a single layer capacitor (made of paper which is not as good as actual plastic films for insulation) has "dead born" capacitors ?

    I also guess that this could explain the value of 1.3 mF (we've seen in his son document), which could be in fact 13 nf, almost twice the value of the 7.8 nF he could have first experiment with a parallel double layer capacitor...
    Yes my thoughts exactly.
    re: the 1.3 mF, it definitely looks like MFD ... but this
    little note here has no context...
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  • mlurye
    Another observation.
    Look at this picture, do you see buzzer? Hendershot balancing the load. May be replacing buzzer with 60W bulb will be sufficient.
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    Originally posted by mlurye View Post
    Standard caps do not affect HF resonance much, with double layer there is much better response in tuning.
    Thanks for advice !

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