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Hendershot Replications

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    Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
    I don't know which way I'm going...

    One premise I'm working from is that the "start energy" is
    received and is likely in the VLF part of the spectrum.
    This energy is not necessarily the drive energy .. because after
    you've started to feedback with the magnetic vibrations, it may
    sustain from the magnets.

    But initially, something gets it going...

    Also, it would be just fine with me to use a 9V battery to
    start it .. and I would not consider that cheating....

    It would be more impressive, though, to start it from energy received...

    Maybe Hendershot charged one ore more capacitors with a battery, a "magneto" or anything else but keep it secret until his "show" where he only used a wire to discharge them to start the device ? The self magical start is perhaps just a legend...

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  • morpher44
    magnetic levitation gadjet

    Originally posted by synchro View Post
    ART TEC - Guy Marsden's home page has a levitation kit that might be adapted to work to help oscillate an armature centered on a magnetic neutral line. The electro magnet is wired to apply pulses in both directions based on Opticutter or Hall sensor trigger signals. The armature might need guide magnets to keep on station.
    very nice little thing... Thanks for the URL..

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  • morpher44
    Moray's way

    Originally posted by mlurye View Post
    looks like you are going Moray's way. And may be it would be good direction to go in order to find working frequency.
    I don't know which way I'm going...

    One premise I'm working from is that the "start energy" is
    received and is likely in the VLF part of the spectrum.
    This energy is not necessarily the drive energy .. because after
    you've started to feedback with the magnetic vibrations, it may
    sustain from the magnets.

    But initially, something gets it going...

    Also, it would be just fine with me to use a 9V battery to
    start it .. and I would not consider that cheating....

    It would be more impressive, though, to start it from energy received...


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  • synchro
    Finally got his sketch to upload! On top is a magnet cushion of a repulsive disk and a ring neos, the disk attached to the solenoid plunger and the ring to the top of the solenoid. The solenoid plunger is attached to the soft iron bar armature, and attracted to the side of the horseshoe magnet. There are opposing tensions. A double pole double throw reed relay is triggered by the top plunger magnet and reverses the polarity of the solenoid, driving the iron bar up and down.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by synchro; 10-28-2009, 12:10 AM. Reason: adsdition

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  • synchro
    Lervitation circuitry.

    ART TEC - Guy Marsden's home page has a levitation kit that might be adapted to work to help oscillate an armature centered on a magnetic neutral line. The electro magnet is wired to apply pulses in both directions based on Opticutter or Hall sensor trigger signals. The armature might need guide magnets to keep on station.
    Last edited by synchro; 10-26-2009, 06:10 PM. Reason: correction

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  • mlurye
    Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
    This is a very interesting paper:
    looks like you are going Moray's way. And may be it would be good direction to go in order to find working frequency.

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  • mlurye
    By the way another thing about Hendershot circuit, it is in a sense symmetrical and balanced. Same parts on the left and right, and 110V 60W load is balanced by 110V buzzer.

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  • morpher44
    "Nuclear spins in the Earth's magnetic field"

    This is a very interesting paper:

    A couple things of note:

    * The circuit he presents in his paper is pretty easy ... 555 timers,
    741 op-amps, coils, transistors, etc.
    He presents this for students who want to mess around with NMR
    technology and measure proton spins using the Earth's field.

    * The Larmor frequency various, depending upon your location
    on the planet. Knowing it, you can measure the spin echo
    and actually hear proton rephasing in the audio range ..
    or see it on an oscilloscope.

    * Two coils are needed ... one polarizing coil, one receiver coil.
    The receiver coil is situated INSIDE the other and is oriented
    90 degrees within the cylinder of the polarizing coil.

    * The coils are NASTY. Converting to inches .. easy for me to
    comprehend ..
    Polarizing coil: Diameter 6.283 in, Length 6.2992 inch,
    560 turns of 14 AWG.
    Receiver coil: Diameter 2.938 in, Length 3.937 inch
    2700 turns of 30 AWG
    I'm immediately struck by the fact that these coils have
    a huge number of turns. The receiver coil has a HUGE
    resistance which would attenuate the received pulse
    from the earth's field by a large margin ..
    and the polarizing coils diameter is similar to the Hendershot

    I'm wondering if a better coil design could pick up
    this spin echo better ... providing a larger EMF.

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  • morpher44
    pickup coil technology

    One similarity to the sorts of coils Hendershot built for his
    early "toy motor" circuit and modern magnetic pickup coils
    is that they both have coils wrapped around
    permanent magnets (such as AINico).

    On a guitar pickup, when you pluck a string, the string
    vibrates over the pickup for a time ... producing an
    AC waveform that will ring for a while until the string settles down.

    A simple experiment with an electric guitar and AMP might be
    to put the AMP/guitar just on the very verge of feeding back.
    Rotate the guitar to various EARTH orientations:
    North-South ...
    Does the guitar go into feedback EASIER on one orientation
    versus the other?

    I don't have an electric guitar ... but if someone out
    there does, would you mind doing this experiment?

    Pickup (music technology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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  • morpher44
    the earth's field

    Another part of the Hendershot myth is that the Earth's magnetic field
    somehow plays a role...

    Regarding the statement I just made:

    "...ringing holds the magnet-bar-solenoid in a state whereby
    the bar can't commit which direction to go ... towards
    the magnet ... or towards the solenoid ... until it
    finally SNAPs ... producing a pulse.
    I don't really know ... but something is definitely interesting
    here .."

    The ringing in the tank circuit ... is a damped oscillation.
    The Earth is rotating in a huge magnetic field and
    Hendershot thought of the Earth like a stator in an electric
    Is it possible that as the Earth rotates
    and you pass over a certain field line,
    that it can create a TWANG or PLUCKING of the
    neutral line (ala Wesley Gary) or Bloch Wall?

    So like the string of an electric guitar being PLUCKED,
    the solenoids may pick up the pluck and pass it along.

    Wouldn't that be cool!!! Again I speculate...

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    I confirm, modern capacitors use aluminium.

    My mistake about a copper tank : you re right, the permeability would fall dramatically. It was just thoughts...

    The relative permeability is 10 000 for pure iron, 40 000 to 50 000 for steel with 3% of silicon (very high) and 70 000 to 130 000 (huge !) for Mumetal/Permalloy C.

    I have no data about aluminium or about amagnetic stainless steel but I just notice that steel with 3% of silicon is well known to be used in the best transformers and inductances and is ...magnetic.

    So I dont think amagnetic material has ever been used by Hendershot.
    The best compromise between efficiency and availability at his time is probably regular steel...

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  • morpher44
    nobody before me? -- lol

    Originally posted by NOMDI View Post
    Congrats ! I think you're really on something !! Nobody thought about Lenz before you...
    But why did Hendershot not use Copper for his tanks ?
    Or maybe he used a copper foil for the capacitors ?
    Sorry for the electric shock but i hope I'll see your experiment on YouTube !
    I'm a reverse engineer only ... speculating like crazy.
    It would be good to have more observations, more
    replications, etc.

    Lenz's law will work with aluminum as well ... and ... yup... capacitors
    have aluminum foil ... don't they?

    Be aware, however, that with diamagnetic material in your coil,
    your inductance actually DROPS -- the opposite of permeability.

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  • morpher44
    am band?

    Originally posted by mlurye View Post
    I'll give you my imagination about coil/capacitor. It was tuned to the local AM (~520KHz) radiostation. And it was building potential difference on a cap ...
    The rest is not clear yet, but I'm thinking about it

    I've been thinking about this quite a bit ... and here are some thoughts
    regarding this topic...

    The tank circuit composed of the 7.8nF cap and the 50uH (or so)
    would resonate at about 255hz -- very ball park.
    This is BELOW the AM band.
    Yet, the inductance the cap sees is not exactly 50uH ... and
    is rather MUCH MUCH large due to the very odd circuit
    on the other side of the 50uH coil. Under it is a 64-turn coil ...
    so the two become a transformer -- essentially.
    There is a formula -- in circuit analysis -- that provides
    a way to calculate at sort of *equivalent* inductance
    of a transformer ... given the inductances on either side.
    What is interesting about the Henershot circuit is that he
    wires things all around through as many inducances in series
    as he can .. including the 120/24VAC 5:1 transformers ..
    both primary and secondary.
    So in terms of an *equivalent* inductance, that 7.8nF
    cap sees an inductance -- due to the transformer over
    to a weird highly inductive circuit on the other side.
    Hence, its resonant frequency is much lower now ...
    perhaps in the audio range.

    Now comes the debatable part.

    Is the capacitor wrapped around a magnetic cylinder or not?

    It is probable that when Hendershot originally used coffee cans,
    that his cylinder was magnetic.
    He may have switched to a non-magnetic stainless steel.

    That choice becomes important here in that a cylinder
    with permeability will bring the tuned circuit even LOWER
    in frequency ... approaching the 100 Hz buzzer frequency.

    The reason that resonant frequency is important is that
    it allows for certain frequencies to travel through the circuit
    w/o attenuation.

    However, his circuit is so odd that something else might be
    occurring related to polarity change.
    His circuit seems to take up spikes ... that dampen ...
    and down spikes that dampen ... and turn them
    into more of a square wave due to the LRC timing constants
    of his big 40MFD, 80MFD caps ... and inductances.
    So it is possibly that this tank circuit, while ringing ..
    holds the magnet-bar-solenoid in a state whereby
    the bar can't commit which direction to go ... towards
    the magnet ... or towards the solenoid ... until it
    finally SNAPs ... producing a pulse.
    I don't really know ... but something is definitely interesting
    here ..
    and I'm very impressed that there are no DIODES in this
    circuit ... just passive components ... coils, caps, transformers....
    Last edited by morpher44; 10-25-2009, 08:59 PM.

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    Handmade Capacitor

    @MORPHER 44

    Congrats ! I think you're really on something !! Nobody thought about Lenz before you...

    But why did Hendershot not use Copper for his tanks ?

    Or maybe he used a copper foil for the capacitors ?


    Sorry for the electric shock but i hope I'll see your experiment on YouTube !


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  • morpher44

    Originally posted by mlurye View Post
    what did you use as a base cylinder for your capacitor?
    I am using a *pristine-empty* paint-can cylinder which measures:
    height: 4.75 in
    diameter: 4.25 in
    and is a magnetic stainless steel
    *unknown permeability*
    and purchased at Ace Hardware.

    My Hendershot-like coil has a 5 inch diameter ... not 5 15/16ths.

    I am not *yet* going for an exact replication of Hendershot's
    circuit ... but rather I'm studying various properties of this
    device to try to get a feel for what can be changed ... how
    its put together ... how to reverse engineer it.

    The 5 15/16ths diameter *may* be important ... I don't know.
    If Hendershot selected that dimension only because it was
    convenient relative to coffee cans he original built the thing
    from, then that dimension is not crucial.
    If, on the other hand, he selected that dimension due
    to some sort of standing wave geometry ... and *special* frequency,
    then that diameter becomes very important.

    I'm thinking that you can vary this diameter .. because
    from what little I know about coils and radio design, etc.
    what matters more is the inductance ... and not so much
    your coil dimensions -- within limits.
    You don't want a coil that is TOO large a diameter and
    TOO narrow a height ... unless your trying to build a loop antenna.
    You don't want a coil with a very narrow diameter and
    a long height ... as the magnetic fields will be very
    week. So I imagine this geometry doesn't exactly have
    to match ... given you can achieve inductances and resistances
    similar to Hendershot.

    So I think if you vary the dimensions a bit, like I have done,
    you still should observe some effects ... and then as
    we understand what is going on, we can optimize
    those effects.

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