Originally posted by NOMDI
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Lenz's Law!!!
Take a neodymium cylinder magnet and drop it down a copper pipe
with a diameter slightly larger than the neo.
Notice that it doesn't fall at 9.8 meters/sec*sec
Rather it slowly floats down and arrives out the other side
-- as if traveling in slow motion.
The eddy currents established in the copper due to induction
hold the magnet and resist its decent.
So, now lets instead wrap a COIL of wire around a copper cylinder
and pump AC currents through the coil at high voltage.
What do you imagine will happen INSIDE that copper pipe?
I tried it ... and to my surprise, when I switched everything
off, waited several minutes and then attempted to handle
the copper pipe, I got a BIG ZAP on my fingers. Ouch!
The cylinder retained a very large charge.
I think this can be explained by Lenz's law ... and may be
the reason that Hendershot placed his capacitor INSIDE
his coil.
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