Originally posted by jeanna
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This high-voltage, narrow bandwidth events, when arriving from
space can convey a lot of energy ... but in a very extremely short
duration. Most are attenuated by our atmosphere and ozone.
As we loose our ozone, who knows, it might become simpler to harvest
energy from space.

Also, when they arrive, they may arrive in multiple harmonics.
I don't have access to a spectrum analyzer ... but it would
be interesting to see if it can be shown that one event
amounts of a signal across several power-of-two harmonics.
If the answer is YES ... a scalar wave, or toroidal shaped wave
packet may cause particle spins at various diameters as
it travels past. Each diameter amounts to a signal at a different
frequency. So as the smoke ring passes -- analogy here --
little particle spins are left in its wake at different diameters.
As for the "cylinder" coil form having a standing wave.
Cylinders are known to LEAK at these end points.
Ping a coil at 60hz, and every power-of-two harmonic is also
ringing in the sucker ... right up the spectrum.
The one that matches the DIAMETER of the coil (if
there is a match) ... may STAND there ... and not leak away.
Standing waves and resonance are two wild-and-crazy
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