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Hendershot Replications

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  • morpher44
    tall skinny spikes

    Originally posted by jeanna View Post
    It may be just right to have tall skinny spikes and the "ooo no, they do no work" may be just a part of the disinfo game, and since at 60 hz we MUST use amps, everyone believed it to be true for all voltages. I think at higher frequencies you can get the same work out of closely packed thin voltage spikes.
    "tall skinny spikes"
    This high-voltage, narrow bandwidth events, when arriving from
    space can convey a lot of energy ... but in a very extremely short
    duration. Most are attenuated by our atmosphere and ozone.
    As we loose our ozone, who knows, it might become simpler to harvest
    energy from space.

    Also, when they arrive, they may arrive in multiple harmonics.
    I don't have access to a spectrum analyzer ... but it would
    be interesting to see if it can be shown that one event
    amounts of a signal across several power-of-two harmonics.
    If the answer is YES ... a scalar wave, or toroidal shaped wave
    packet may cause particle spins at various diameters as
    it travels past. Each diameter amounts to a signal at a different
    frequency. So as the smoke ring passes -- analogy here --
    little particle spins are left in its wake at different diameters.

    As for the "cylinder" coil form having a standing wave.
    Cylinders are known to LEAK at these end points.

    Ping a coil at 60hz, and every power-of-two harmonic is also
    ringing in the sucker ... right up the spectrum.
    The one that matches the DIAMETER of the coil (if
    there is a match) ... may STAND there ... and not leak away.
    Standing waves and resonance are two wild-and-crazy

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  • jeanna
    I have recently seen a book by collins?? from 19early and it is all about how to make inductors and what to think about.
    [The link is posted by MW383 on earthbatteryNathanStubblefield thread opened by localjoe at ou.]
    I think we have a lot to learn from those guys in the early 1900's.
    Everybody who investigated electricity back then used induction coils. They knew a lot about them, so ... I will never be bored, that is for sure!

    Hendershot dual-coil arrangement, I can see pulses from a relay -- which
    amount to just high-voltage spikes really, turned into a SQUARE wave ...
    as if they were run through a flip-flop. This done with passive
    components ... coils ... capacitors ... no diodes ... no transistors.
    Its mind bending.
    It is so incredibly simple and I am sure we can cut out enough dross to see it soon.

    Personally, I think the tall narrow spikes are the way to go.

    It is hard to describe what I was noticing mostly because I was having a hard time understanding if what I was seeing was important or a mental confusion.

    I had a set up that had pretty much fixed volts and frequency
    So 89v spikes and 208Khz frequency.
    I would look at the volts on individual lights or whole secondaries and it seemed that if I added more lights which should take the overall reading down, the reading went up.
    There were other things like this too, but since I am not too sure, I do not want to cause confusion.
    The thing about it is that it seemed that there is something that is taking the place of amps, and I think it is the frequency.
    Its like this if you look at only one spike it is immeasurably skinny, but if you cram 208 thousand of them into one second, you start to have something.

    It may be just right to have tall skinny spikes and the "ooo no, they do no work" may be just a part of the disinfo game, and since at 60 hz we MUST use amps, everyone believed it to be true for all voltages. I think at higher frequencies you can get the same work out of closely packed thin voltage spikes.

    But that is just my idea, I need to do much more to show it.

    thank you,


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  • morpher44
    coils ...

    Originally posted by jeanna View Post
    Hi Morpher44,

    This is a very interesting thread.
    Youtube is down at the moment so I will watch those vids later.

    I would like to suggest that you put induction coils IN SERIES on each of those L's.
    I found that they are even more effective than capacitors. I am beginning to use caps too to tank and otherwise, but if there were one to choose it would be the inductor.

    It is an entirely different animal from the same coil being used as a transformer.
    The reason is that in series every pulse going down the line makes another spike and that 'creates' more energy.

    Give it a try. If I can find my way back here I will check back tomorrow.
    (I keep getting lost on this forum .)

    thank you, this is wonderful stuff,

    @ jeanna
    I think your intuition is right-on-the-money.

    One odd thing about Hendershot's circuit (actually in the
    Barry Hilton book there are several alternative circuits),
    Hendershot may have wound his current path unconventionally
    through his 5:1 transformers. These are standard off-the-shelf
    guys extracted from TV or something.
    On the 120V side there would be lots of turns around an iron
    core ... making for an inductance that could well be up
    in the Henries.
    His circuit is so weird it might be difficult to do conventional
    circuit analysis on it ... unless your good at that (unlike me I'm afraid).
    There is mutual inductance all over the place here...

    I too have the feeling that he is exploiting LARGE inductances
    by simply hooking all these coils up in series essentially. His 40 MFD
    and 80 MFD do something clever as well.
    In the circuit I'm experimenting, which is essentially half of
    Hendershot dual-coil arrangement, I can see pulses from a relay -- which
    amount to just high-voltage spikes really, turned into a SQUARE wave ...
    as if they were run through a flip-flop. This done with passive
    components ... coils ... capacitors ... no diodes ... no transistors.
    Its mind bending.

    I had this thought before ... but last night got this thought again
    after studying the Hendershot material.

    The thought was ...

    "Why did Hendershot select 5 15/16 inches for the diameter of his coil?"

    This bothered me because Hubbard too, who used PHI in his coil designed,
    came up with a radius for his first prototype that was a similar diameter.

    I have to assume that Hendershot used some sort of math to come up
    with this radius ... because it is so specific ... and so unusual.
    Its not a standard coffee-can size ... I don't think.

    In fiddling with the numbers, I came up with this ... using a very
    Hubbard-ish approach:

    Start from 60Hz.
    Take it up a power of two until your in the 2Ghz range.

    60 * 2^25 = 2.013266 GHz

    That is your standing wave that will appear on the top of your

    Ok ... now compute how much distance that is using speed-of-light
    equal to 299792458 meters/sec.

    I get the value in inches to be 5.862540. The dowels were .125 inches,
    so add one half that ... twice ... yielding: 5.98754.
    Take the fractional part .98754 and multiply by 16 to get it in 16ths ..
    and truncate: 5 15/16 ... viola!!

    Better still, I wanted to check this line of reasoning ... so I thought
    to myself:

    "How did he come up with 14 turns for L1 ... which is clearly the
    coil that when combined with 7.8nF ... TUNES a special frequency?"

    "So is that special frequency also a power-of-two harmonic of
    2.013266 GHz derived above?"

    60 Hz * 2^12 = 245760 Hz (well below AM dial).

    What value of inductance would be needed to resonate at
    245760 Hz if the capacitor is 7.8nF?
    Answer: 53.768017 uH (assuming AIR-COIL)

    Now the question is...
    "How many turns on a coil form that has diameter 5 15/16 would
    be needed of 28 AWG wire to achieve 53.768017 uH?"

    Hendershot would have had the Wheeler forumla if he looked
    that up in some Radio Engineer book.
    Solving for N (number of turns), given:
    L = 53.768uH, D = 5.9375 in, H approx .33 inch (a guess)
    results in
    ***** 14 turns *****
    which is the correct answer!!!

    This is either an amazing coincidence ... or the very math
    Hendershot used.

    Caveat: The Wheeler formula is only accurate for when
    H > .4 * D which is NOT the case above. This cylinder coil
    has a height far too small for that formula to predict accurately
    the inductance. However, I'm not bothered by that too much
    because Hendershot was interviewed and stated that
    sometimes he needed to REMOVE wire since he wrapped
    the coil (presumably this last coil L1) ... with too much wire.
    So that little TWEAK to get it working might be a clue
    that this last coil requires a bit of guess work due
    to the inaccuracy of the Wheeler formula.

    If all of the above math is correct and was used ... then
    Hendershot derived his coil dimensions in a similar way to how
    Hubbard did it.
    Certainly they would have the Wheeler formula in common...
    but the bit about a standing wave across the top of the cylinder
    is a very ANTENNA-like calculation ... not normally done for coils ...
    except for perhaps TESLA COILS!!!.
    Last edited by morpher44; 10-20-2009, 04:09 AM.

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  • jeanna
    OOPS I missed the second page!
    I will leave my post unchanged, but I posted it after reading only page 1.
    Hi Morpher44,

    This is a very interesting thread.
    Youtube is down at the moment so I will watch those vids later.

    I would like to suggest that you put induction coils IN SERIES on each of those L's.
    I found that they are even more effective than capacitors. I am beginning to use caps too to tank and otherwise, but if there were one to choose it would be the inductor.

    It is an entirely different animal from the same coil being used as a transformer.
    The reason is that in series every pulse going down the line makes another spike and that 'creates' more energy.

    Give it a try. If I can find my way back here I will check back tomorrow.
    (I keep getting lost on this forum .)

    thank you, this is wonderful stuff,

    Last edited by jeanna; 10-20-2009, 03:45 AM.

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  • synchro
    Wesley Gary's neutral zone.

    The July 16th 1879 patent of Wesley Gary's Improvement of Magneto Electric Device, and his analysis of the existence of the neutral line in the magnetic field of a permenent horseshoe magnet. This can be found on line at the Rex Research Lab site. Gary's soft Iron armature was spring balanced, his actuator mechanical cam. The Iron bar only vibrates half a millimeter, or a fiftieth of an inch to reverse polarity, inside and outside of the neutral zone, which can be located when a paper clip falls off the Iron bar when brought into proximity with the poles of the permenent magnet. A half millimeter of fluctuation range is what it takes, not nano meters or centimeters. Within that range, the soft Iron bar polarizes and goes neutral, then repolarizes reversely, when it reaches the other side. Hendershot's coil capacitor tank circuit is an induction output coil that generates current when the magnetic induction current reverses polarity. It would be interesting to see how those alternate pick ups generated current from a spinning magnet from a Bedini coil. I believe that Steve Mark fluctuated a keeper with a Piezo chip inside a transformer coil, and that the Nazi's used vacuum tubes to power their UFO's with U magnet fluctuators. A south pole triggered Reed relay on each side of the armature could pulse a Solenoid just as the poles reverse each way, and make the armature flutter. Each tiny vibration equal to a full revoloution of the bar magnet. Rodin coils might be a better choice for induction output at this time, placed over the armature at each end, and wired together in a tank circuit
    Last edited by synchro; 10-20-2009, 07:48 PM.

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  • mlurye
    If you are talking about schema. I didn't built my coil yet, currently building 1st one But as soon as I'll finish both coils, I will play with directions.

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  • Joit
    Wich one especially?
    I will past over, when you tell me, wich one.
    Let me guess, all ?

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  • mlurye
    I found this schema on German overunity website. And modified it a little bit. The only thing, the direction of coils is wrong and should be adjusted.
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  • morpher44
    response to Joit

    Originally posted by Joit View Post
    Just point me at translation Errors .

    But anyway,

    The Buzzer's
    The Buzzer, what are made here have mainly very thin Wire, i think #30 isnt enough,
    maybe 34.
    I dont know, how yours are build, but most i have seen had very thin Wires.
    Our Supply's for Bells is 6-12V.

    I still have no Idea too, how they been build, but first,
    did'nt someone mention, he used Radium on them or i am wrong?
    This would give them a Potential from about 2,8V.
    And second, maybe, how he did build it, it doesnt explode, like ours do,
    he maybe used better Foil, or a other Isolater, what did make the different.
    For a unpoled Cap i would more figure, he had taken 2 Plates or the old 3 plate Caps?
    But thats just my 2 Cents.

    You have seen, what Skywatcher did do with a pulsed Transformer?
    i think, they act pretty different, when you feed them with Spikes or pulsed current,
    instead steady AC, like we usual do.
    So, yes, anyhow, it did half transform, and the other half was amplifying, i think.

    Sorry, cant help more with the other Things.

    re: buzzer
    If the ohms is low, this implies higher current is needed
    to make them respond.
    If what is wanted is current flowing back and forth
    from left to right (similar to the Tesla switch notion),
    then low ohms is wanted yes -- implying solenoids with larger
    gauge wire.
    Back in the 30s to 60s, telephone ringers likely
    were stimulated with 20 to 40 hertz AC, from 40 to 150 volts AC.
    A 0.47 uF capacitor isolated these ringers from the line.
    Most gong style ringers were resonant from 20 to 40 Hz
    but will respond between 15hz and 68hz.
    I can't find much on the inductance of a bell ringer coil ..
    or how they are made. It seems the inductance value should
    be pretty high ... such as an 11mH air coil to start ... and then
    place an iron core inside to boost its inductance up by 5000.
    Just a guess on my part ... however. Perhaps someone
    with old-school telephony experience would know the answer
    to the "what is the wire gauge for these solenoids ... and
    how many turns on what size bobbin?".
    OR, perhaps you can find an old telephone on ebay and take
    out its ringer.

    re: hand-wound capacitors
    It was Hubbard (and not Hendershot) that
    admitted to putting radioactive material -- such as Radium --
    in his coil ... to ionize it.
    That material was expensive ... and its not clear if
    this was disinfo or something Hubbard actually did.
    I think Hubbard's coil is interesting and might be worth replicating ..
    even w/o radioactive materials.
    Nuclear Magnetic Resonance -- NMR -- does not imply
    radioactive material ... even though the word "Nuclear" appears
    in the name NMR.
    Hendershot's coil may be exploiting NMR effects as well ... who knows?

    Oh .. the "exploding" comment was respect to his 40MFD/80MFD
    Pyramid caps ... used as-is in the circuit. There was information that
    these old caps were polarized.
    You can buy regular AC caps (like those found in air conditioning units
    or motor started devices).
    For his hand-wound caps, he would take one of these apart and
    remove the dielectric to harvest only the foil for his by-hand
    constructed one.

    @ transformer with spikes
    I was referring more to the unconventional way Hendershot may
    have wired these up. Normally transformers are used in
    a step-up or step-down manner. Hendershot's wiring diagram
    is "unconventional" in that the circuits winds in to the primary,
    out again to other coils, in to the secondary, out again...
    So to do circuit analysis here, you have to keep track of
    phases, mutual inductance, etc. Its non trivial -- at least for me.
    In the Barry Hilton book there are several alternative ways
    to hook up the circuit ... and so discovering which is the
    best is probably best done by attempting them all to see
    what happens ... i.e. the brute-force Edison approach.

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  • Joit
    Just point me at translation Errors .

    But anyway,

    The Buzzer's
    The Buzzer, what are made here have mainly very thin Wire, i think #30 isnt enough,
    maybe 34.
    I dont know, how yours are build, but most i have seen had very thin Wires.
    Our Supply's for Bells is 6-12V.

    I still have no Idea too, how they been build, but first,
    did'nt someone mention, he used Radium on them or i am wrong?
    This would give them a Potential from about 2,8V.
    And second, maybe, how he did build it, it doesnt explode, like ours do,
    he maybe used better Foil, or a other Isolater, what did make the different.
    For a unpoled Cap i would more figure, he had taken 2 Plates or the old 3 plate Caps?
    But thats just my 2 Cents.

    You have seen, what Skywatcher did do with a pulsed Transformer?
    i think, they act pretty different, when you feed them with Spikes or pulsed current,
    instead steady AC, like we usual do.
    So, yes, anyhow, it did half transform, and the other half was amplifying, i think.

    Sorry, cant help more with the other Things.

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  • morpher44
    energy from radio interference?

    In the Barry Hilton book, Appendix B, there is presented
    the material from "Utility Engines".
    This is very neat that this was not lost.

    In the attached circuit, we see a tank circuit on primary side
    with a 365 pf variable capacitor and a 58 uH coil on a 1 inch plastic
    pipe. I calculate that this would tune frequencies in the range of
    1 Mhz to 5 Mhz (when the 1nF by-pass cap is not connected).

    In the other attached image is a table from data
    obtained from this article.

    1965IAUS...23..309H Page 309

    The interesting feature of this circuit is that there are two
    secondary coils wired on either side of the primary coil
    and the turn ratio is about 3.18 greater on either side -- if
    we think of them as a transformer.
    On this secondary side is a dual 365 pF variable capacitor
    and some germanium diodes forming two half-wave
    rectifiers -- wired ored -- to produce a full-wave rectification.
    The DC pulses are then feed into either a speaker
    or "Hendershot's motor".

    In the book "The Hendershot Motor Mystery" (see link in 1st post of this
    thread), page 9, there is this ...

    "Hendershot was quite emphatic to me regarding the plans put
    out by the "Utility Engines" not being of his device. He was so
    emphatic, in fact, I felt he, like the maiden, "didst protest too
    much". Thus, 'the ol' hound dawrg's nose' went to the ground! In
    due course it came up with the information furnished by an
    acquaintance of Hendershot's to the effect that the Hendershot
    had remarked at the time, while the "Utility Engines" information was
    not his device, "it was pretty d--- close!".
    Attached Files

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  • morpher44

    I tried wiring up the "traced out by crusty" circuit.
    See attached.
    My transformer is a 5:1 - not this 115v/6.3v transformer,
    but still, I was curious what would happen.

    I find that with the magnet, I can bring the relay
    down to unbelievably slow frequencies.
    However, there is not much power to the load.
    The neon barely lights when I use a 6v battery
    to drive the relay pulses.
    With a 1.5v battery, neon will not light.

    Also, the oscilloscope shows unimpressive waveforms
    on L2 and L1 ... just voltage spike ... no square wave
    like the other circuit (post #2 above).

    It seems odd to wire the buzzer so that it is NOT attached
    to L2.

    There are other circuits to try
    and I figure by focusing on only the half the circuit,
    I might gain some insights into the full circuit.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by morpher44; 10-17-2009, 12:58 AM.

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  • morpher44
    some comments on German translation...

    Originally posted by Joit View Post
    If some Parts still dont make sense, feel free to point me at it.

    Thanks for the info...
    Very useful...

    Some comments:

    1. Those "bell ringer" coils don't look like they have 24 AWG wire.
    It looks, from the photograph more like 30 AWG or so.
    However, a resistance of 6ohms with 24 AWG would imply 233 feet
    of wire for both coils (100 feet per bobin approx.) .
    If it was 30 AWG, it would imply 58 feet of wire... so I guess
    I buy its 24 AWG.

    2. Hendershot's 5 inch wide, 3 pole magnet would be pretty hard to
    find these days.

    3. That is a very cool idea of using "headphones". I hadn't read that before.
    Hendershot may not have had access to an oscilloscope.
    Also, I find that when you attach a scope, the ground wire from the
    scope adds a ground to the circuit in a place you may not want it.
    His circuit probably should NOT be attached to a ground ...
    or that ground needs to be perhaps between the 40 and 80 MFD caps.
    "scratching sound"? I would assume that would be high-voltage spikes --

    4. Re: test point wired to "longer" plate inside hand-wound capacitor.
    There don't appear to be instructions calling for that longer plate to
    be brought OUT. However, it occurs to me that the cylinder, made of
    metal, is essentially an extension of the capacitor and that could be
    the place to attach any sort of wire for a test point if needed.

    5. re: TM58 - Duo electrolytic capacitor
    It seems to me that non-polarized ... non electrolytic caps
    should be used. However, I'm not sure. I suppose
    electrolytic caps could provide a DC bias ... which might be important.
    Hendershot may have been unaware that these can explode
    with AC applied ... and he may have done things in a very
    non-conventional manner. This issue will require some playing around...

    6. re: transformers placed in basket weave coil.
    I'm assuming that these may have just been put there
    to make it more convenient to move the system around.
    In practice, it may not be necessary to place these inside.
    Some Hendershot photo's show them in there .. others show them
    outside. I'm assuming that any magnetic fields they emit probably
    don't play much of a role in terms of inducing current in the
    basketweave coils. But who knows.

    7. re: American 110 V to 6.3 V transfomer
    Other circuits show a 5:1 transformer ... 120v/24v.
    Could Hendershot be using these for their inductance properties
    ... and not as a conventional transformer?

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  • mlurye
    Thank you very much

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  • Joit
    If some Parts still dont make sense, feel free to point me at it.
    I replaced the Pictures with Text, but you should could sort them out,
    when you open the PDF beside this Thread.
    I do past it here, because i dont know, where else i could host it.

    Generator built after specifications from Lester Hendershot by Arthur Aho.

    Should, according to the current owner, at activation by
    Lester Hendershot light up a 60 watt bulb.

    Picture 1

    With this Version you are surly familar from the Internet:

    Picture 2

    At the footer from in the Backround laying Brochure stands at my Opinion
    "By Arthur C. Aho.

    Picture 3

    Here you see the buzzer.

    Both electromagnets are made of a bell, or similar, removed and attached with metal strips at both Electromagents (on the side where the connection contacts are, too) attached to the piece of plexiglass and displaceable
    with the spindle to the magnet / metal strips.
    This can be seen on the last picture from this paper again.
    The DC resistance of both coils in series is 6 ohms.
    The magnet is 5 inches wide, 1.5 inches deep and 1 inch high.
    The metal strip is 5 inches wide and 1 inch high.
    The outer dimensions of the electromagnets are: 2.5 inches long with 1 inch diameter.
    The diameter of the enameled copper wire is about 0.51 mm ie around 24th AWG

    From a report by Skilling, I have learned that the buzzer act at his inner workings like a headphone speaker is built.
    I can quite not understand it, because in a magnetic speaker (see drawing),
    which in my Opinion come closest to this arrangement,
    would at last be a coil, wound on the magnetic poles associated with iron rods.
    Then, after connecting Votlage to the Coils, this generated magnetic field
    would overlay the magnetic field of permanent magnets and
    thereby modulate the magnetic flux through the iron bars and iron membrane.
    The air gap between the iron bars and the membrane can be adjusted with such a thread in headsets.
    This would be again such a similarity to the buzzer.

    Picture 4

    Magnetic speaker
    Ma = magnetic, S = coil, Me = iron membrane
    Further announces Skilling, Hendershot had used in his early experiments a set of headphones
    and if he had heard a scratching sound, this was a sign that the generator is now operating and was able to deliver Power.
    In progress of development and performance enhancement of the generator,
    this "headphone speakers' been greater dimensioned and a component of the generator.

    Picture 5

    This is the "left" PCU.
    I had always wondered what else this TEST "point" would be.
    With this detail photo and a diagram (see below), it is clear.

    Picture 6

    The coil, what is flat wound at the bottom section of the basket coil, is clamped here
    on the two "+ contacts" of the former TM58 - Duo electrolytic capacitor.

    Picture 7

    This is the right Basket coil from the right PCU. Here, the former ground pin of the TM58 Duo Elko is lead out, too.
    He was pressed directly for the test to the connector contact of the lamp base. I have it located in the diagram in dotted lines.

    Picture 8

    View of the transformer / Conductor in the "left" PCU.
    It is an American 110 V to 6.3 V power transformer.
    The metal rings used in this version of the PCU's are made of cold-rolled soft and are therefore magnetic.
    They are frequently spot-welded at the seam / overlap point. The inner diameter of the metal rings is 5.25 inch, at a height of 2.75 inches.

    Picture 9

    Rear view from the Generator.

    From these photos, I can draw the following diagram:

    Picture 10

    The circuit reminds me somewhat of the documents published by Skilling and O'Brian diagrams.
    What is new is displaying the handmade capacitors at the PCU's.
    The mass foil and -connections of the former Pyramid TM58 Duo electrolytic capacitors I have drawn in,
    because they are used in this circuit, too.

    All unmodified capacitors have a capacitance of 40μF with 110Volt AC.

    I have canceled the images because i am not in mood, to create for lukewarm the Basics
    for any articles in any "free energy" newspaper / building instructions.
    I am ready to exchange non-evaluated against good,
    for me unknown pictures / movies, etc. regarding this subject
    At Interest mail to <>

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