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Hendershot Replications

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  • morpher44
    my trouble with the buzzer

    YouTube - "Hendershot Fuelless Generator" - Buzzer Trouble

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  • morpher44
    hubbard used power-of-two harmonics

    Originally posted by Joit View Post
    Morpher can you please explain a bit more, where you got the Digits from ?
    Why 2, and why 7-26. I am anyway lost, lol.
    Hubbard was assuming power-of-two harmonics.
    This I glean from material on the web about Hubbard's coil.
    That dump above are just the frequencies that range from 2^7 to
    2^26. Those in the am band are marked so.
    Hubbard didn't assume 60hz I don't think.

    2.8Ghz (if NMR is assumed) implies his coil would produce a magnetic
    field of about .1 Tesla. That is a believable number ... but I'm not
    sure how Hubbard came to that. Perhaps he measured it when
    making a prototype ... and then refined his coil.
    It also assumes a certain current.... which would vary with load ...
    so this may be a worse-case field.

    Power-of-two makes sense in terms of multiple "paired" cycles
    into the same time period.

    btw, there is a thread here on "Hubbard Coil".

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  • Joit
    Morpher can you please explain a bit more, where you got the Digits from ?
    Why 2, and why 7-26. I am anyway lost, lol.

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  • morpher44
    Hubbard coil...

    Originally posted by Joit View Post
    Hubbards approach actually use the NMR?, its about a EM wave?
    Someone got a problem, to understand this,
    because Hs' device supports 60Hz output.
    There is a posibillity that you can do that with a subharmonic Freq,
    but it would be 2.8 GHz/60 = 46*10^9 = 46 000 000 000 000 subfrequency,
    and he dont think that this works.
    Enter frequency (Ghz) > 2.8
    2^7 = 21875000.000000 hz
    2^8 = 10937500.000000 hz
    2^9 = 5468750.000000 hz
    2^10 = 2734375.000000 hz
    2^11 = 1367187.500000 hz am band
    2^12 = 683593.750000 hz am band
    2^13 = 341796.875000 hz
    2^14 = 170898.437500 hz
    2^15 = 85449.218750 hz
    2^16 = 42724.609375 hz
    2^17 = 21362.304688 hz
    2^18 = 10681.152344 hz
    2^19 = 5340.576172 hz
    2^20 = 2670.288086 hz
    2^21 = 1335.144043 hz
    2^22 = 667.572021 hz
    2^23 = 333.786011 hz
    2^24 = 166.893005 hz
    2^25 = 83.446503 hz
    2^26 = 41.723251 hz

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  • Joit
    More Questions

    Hubbards approach actually use the NMR?, its about a EM wave?
    Someone got a problem, to understand this,
    because Hs' device supports 60Hz output.
    There is a posibillity that you can do that with a subharmonic Freq,
    but it would be 2.8 GHz/60 = 46*10^9 = 46 000 000 000 000 subfrequency,
    and he dont think that this works.

    Other thing, he's asking, why is PHI importend, but not how.
    Maybe its not a EM Wave, but something else? He would like to know,
    if hubbard did know any usefull about this.
    -I guess, thats a 1 Million Dollar Question,lol-
    You are probatly right with the Iron core, an other User did try Alloy,
    but the Ironcore did start vibrating, alloy dont.

    With non-linear you are right too, and he s guessing, that the buzzer is highly non-linear too.
    In Relation with the Caps you could can create subharmonics.
    He could create with his Sim strongh Pulses, but he still dont trust it.

    He dont think, that the Caps are like a receiver,
    at last not in electrical Manner, there would run 100W over it,
    and the Wires, where it is connected would probatly heat up.
    He would calculate it, but no time.

    With the simulation he would only show, when you see the basketcoils as Source and the Buzzer as inductivity, you can reproduce the Statement from Hendershot

    -There is a Resonance point at 60hz.
    -With the Buzzer you can tune the Generator.

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  • Joit
    You can chase the Pages through Google Translator, it translates most of the text like here.
    Google Translator Kondensator = Capacitor
    Someone did try to put a ferrit core inside, and when he did come closer with an other Ferrit,
    he did see some changes, when i did get this right.
    I read again partially through the Thread, but they make a lot of Point,
    what anyhow dont really helps, but as i saw the Basket coils,
    i do think on, what i ve done lately.
    Wrap some Wire (50 Turns or more) around the middle from a Coil,
    pulse it, like Hendershot does at his Circuits with Caps,
    and you can get a lot of HV from the large Coil just from the induction.
    I could get this way 400V with ~10khz Pulse, enough for a cfl,
    but the Coil is at 500khz Freq, complete different Freq, but stable.
    Just the middle Coil goes some hot, and draw even with #28 Wire 2 ah
    Hendershot did do that at few Coils at his Circuit, and put them in serie seems.
    And somewhere i read a note about, you can get the full induction from a Coil,
    when you got one Coil in parallel, and one pointing into the Coil in a 90° Angle.
    But anyhow i lost it, and how it was better described.
    Both seems that is something, what hendershot did use.

    Edit- i forgot, he didnt do a Sim with Pspice, because he know,
    that he cant really trust on the Result.
    Last edited by Joit; 10-04-2009, 01:20 PM.

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  • morpher44
    Negative Reactance

    The concept of "Negative Resistance" is all the rage ... and if it could be done at room temperature with off-the-shelf parts, it could be exploited for energy devices.

    Negative resistance is utilized in "powered" oscillator designs, exploiting
    certain non-linear resistance curves that dip down at certain frequencies
    and instead of rising.

    So I had a thought regarding AC systems.

    How about "negative reactance"?

    Imagine a coil with two windings... one for a DC pulse bias
    and another for your inductance in your circuit.

    Suppose you were to pulse a coil with ferromagnetic material
    to bias it (like they did in the old days of Magnetic Amplifiers).
    Use pulsed DC though, not a steady DC bias.

    When the pulse is present, the inductance DROPS.
    When the pulse is NOT present, the magnetic field
    is retained in the ferro material for a time ... but
    eventually the magnetic field starts to collapse.
    As it does, the inductance starts to rise in the coil.

    The coil, hence, would have a non-linear response curve
    that would have low inductance during the pulse and
    an increasing inductance when the pulse is NOT present.
    NOTE: This pulsed biasing can also be done inductively via
    another coil nearby providing a pulsing flux.

    So the bias coil is given pulsed DC.
    Lets suppose the other coil is fed a pure sine wave.
    What would the wave look like as it leaves the coil?

    With a certain amount of Joules of energy entering
    and leaving the coil, wouldn't there be times
    in this curve when there is a negative reactance?

    This line of thinking is very new to me ... so I honestly
    don't know.

    Does anyone have experience with the concept
    of "negative reactance" and how to exploit it?
    Last edited by morpher44; 10-04-2009, 09:26 AM.

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  • morpher44
    trying to build it...

    Originally posted by mlurye View Post
    Did you try to build it yourself?
    Thank you for the books, they are realy good.
    So far I have only built parts of the Hendershot Fuelless Generator circuit ... not the full thing.
    There are several speculations of what that circuit actually should be ... so a bit of guess work is in order.
    The number of turns on the coils is known, yes, but not the desired inductance.
    The Magnet-Bar-Solenoid device is not well understood. Lots of experiments needed to figure that one out.
    The capacitor is a bit tricky to make. I use household aluminum foil which I suspect has too much resistance. I need to re-think the capacitor.
    I have a 5 inch coil (not 5 5/16 inch) and a different number of turns.
    I have 30UF and 100UF caps instead of 40UF and 80UF.

    My objective at first is to better understand the different ways to hook this up ... and to even pulse it with a chopper circuit or powered relay ... to see how it responds... etc.

    This is a bit of a fun research project ... and I'm hoping others get excited and want to take up this challenge as well.

    I think it is due time for this Hendershot device to be reverse-engineered.
    We have excellent tools now and a much better understanding of the electronics and physics.

    From what little I've been able to discover, I can really tell that Hendershot was pretty brilliant here. This was not the invention of a guy who just wired things together and got lucky. This was a well crafted, well designed device which utilized the state-of-the-art (at the time) coil designs (basket weave / honeycomb coils used by radio engineers of his day), an "expensive" 3-pole magnet from a radar magnetron, a specially constructed mechanical solenoid device, etc. Hendershot put many many man hours into this device and it shows.

    I do not believe the disinfo that Hendershot was a wizard putting his special body-electric power in as he touched it. It was pointed out that his kids could make his device function when he wasn't even present.
    He demoed it to several dignitaries.
    It was written up in the media and was a topic of discussion around the country.
    There was an effective disinfo campaign to discourage folks
    from believing that it could work, etc.

    The story is quite intriguing and would make an excellent movie.
    Yes those books are really cool. I agree.

    I also got my hands on
    "Earth Energy, the entrancing force with a thousand names".
    That is a bizarre little book.
    Last edited by morpher44; 10-04-2009, 08:47 AM.

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  • morpher44
    some observations...

    Originally posted by Joit View Post
    I can read it, and he did rebuild a few things of the Hendershot device.
    But i dont know, what diameter he has at his Coils,
    But i think, they even tried to build the Caps with a certain Material,
    he had some Test runs, but still no luck, to get it to work.
    But the Basket coils is one thing, what i am scared for, i can figure, its a lot of work with no guarantee that they work.
    I think more, they are receivers, and the Arrangements from all parts maybe are importend.
    I looked over the photographs and simulation data but can't read German.

    A have a couple of observations about what they are doing...

    1) Their cylinder for the cap may not have ferromagnetic material.
    W/o it you have to tune for a much higher frequency.
    I'm finding that the relay I have is not able to produce
    pulses fast enough for my coil (which does have a ferromagnetic
    paint can). If it was an air coil way.
    So I suspect that what you want is LARGE inductance and
    a metal cylinder. One CLUE in a Hendershot photo is a sticker
    inside his coil that has the letters Fe (which I believe stands for IRON).
    Tune for RELAY pulse speeds and you get the highest power...

    2) I suspect simulations are not quite right because a coil with
    ferromagnetic material would have non-linear inductance ... and
    so a simulation run on a computer probably isn't accounting for that.
    It probably rather assumes a CONSTANT inductance in each coil
    and transformer.
    I believe Hendershot's device is extremely non-linear.
    The simulation could be improved to include a couple of things:
    - an accounting for the changes to inductance at a certain pulse
    frequency (due to the steady flux introduced by pulsed DC) and
    - and ways of introducing varying amounts of energy entering the
    system via the capacitor as the field gets see if that
    alters the result... These capacitors are like antenna.
    I wish I could read their stuff to see if they discuss any of this.

    3) Resonator 01 has a photo of the magnet - bar - solenoid arrangment.
    I'm still torn whether the bar is to stick to the magnet, or instead
    be sticking and removed from the solenoid. The latter makes sense
    in terms of a larger back EMF (ala Leedskalnin). Pulling the bar
    OFF the solenoid -- breaking the magnetic loop -- produces a very
    large PULSE. So mechanically this is a bit tricky.
    In playing with a buzzer, I can get the buzzer into a state whereby
    it doesn't BUZZ but rather the clapper hovers near the solenoid
    very rapidly -- 500 hz or so -- and the connection makes and breaks
    with a 500hz ARC. This is strange and odd behaviour for a buzzer.
    This occurs because the Hendershot coil provides energy back to the
    coil -- reversing the magnetic polarity -- repulsing & attracting the bar.
    I think this solenoid arrangment is a tricky thing to figure out.
    I'm still puzzled by it.
    Another alternative is that the bar should be the FULL MAGNET HEIGHT
    so as to BEND the fields LEFT and RIGHT out toward the Hendershot
    coils to induce current in them. The Solenoid may simply
    tweak those fields up and down near the coils. That too would be a way
    to produce SPIKES of current in the coils if they are placed close
    in proximity to the solenoids. So their bar would need to be larger.
    Last edited by morpher44; 10-04-2009, 08:27 AM.

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  • Joit
    I can read it, and he did rebuild a few things of the Hendershot device.
    But i dont know, what diameter he has at his Coils,
    But i think, they even tried to build the Caps with a certain Material,
    he had some Test runs, but still no luck, to get it to work.
    But the Basket coils is one thing, what i am scared for, i can figure, its a lot of work with no guarantee that they work.
    I think more, they are receivers, and the Arrangements from all parts maybe are importend.

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  • Michael John Nunnerley
    Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
    Some folks in Germany are also working on Hendershot
    replications and sent me the following URLs.
    Much of this is in German which I don't speak:

    HENDERSHOT GENERATOR - Neue Erkenntnisse, Theorie über die Funktionsweise

    There is also a download section, where we put our documents, measurements, simulations, diagrams and photos:

    Freie Energie Free Energy Deutsches Open Source Alternative Energie und ZeroPoint Forschungs Forum - Hendershot Generator
    This is the German part of, same owner.


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  • mlurye
    Did you try to build it yourself?
    Thank you for the books, they are realy good.

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  • morpher44
    guys on

    Some folks in Germany are also working on Hendershot
    replications and sent me the following URLs.
    Much of this is in German which I don't speak:

    HENDERSHOT GENERATOR - Neue Erkenntnisse, Theorie über die Funktionsweise

    There is also a download section, where we put our documents, measurements, simulations, diagrams and photos:

    Freie Energie Free Energy Deutsches Open Source Alternative Energie und ZeroPoint Forschungs Forum - Hendershot Generator

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  • morpher44
    messing around with a buzzer

    YouTube - "Hendershot Fuelless Generator" - Relay Pulsing (Part 2)

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  • morpher44
    well researched article on "free energy"

    Very nice "free energy" article...
    from 2/19/2004:

    Radiant Energy -- Wireless Transformer of High Power Lines?

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