81uH ... interesting...
I was reading this over:
E E RICHARDS - Earth Power Spectrum
and have some observations to make..
Keely liked 42.8Khz -- law of harmonics
Tesla experimented with 40hertz up to 200Khz...
Hubbard had 1200 foot aerials, each arranged on the
cardinal points of a compass. That works out to be
4 quarter-wave aerials for the 205Khz.
Hans Coler: 180Khz
On my oscilloscope, I see a periodic burst (received best at night)
with a period of approx 5uSec (200 to 209Khz).
I see that many north American beacons are in this 200khz range.
Now for the fun part...
If we assume the tank circuit has 7.8nF ... and L4 is 81uH.
The resonant frequency would therefore be
with series Q = 68 (or better if resistance < 1.5 ohms).
Is 200Khz related in some way to the magnetic field lines
as they rotate around the planet?
Originally posted by mlurye
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I was reading this over:
E E RICHARDS - Earth Power Spectrum
and have some observations to make..
Keely liked 42.8Khz -- law of harmonics
Tesla experimented with 40hertz up to 200Khz...
Hubbard had 1200 foot aerials, each arranged on the
cardinal points of a compass. That works out to be
4 quarter-wave aerials for the 205Khz.
Hans Coler: 180Khz
On my oscilloscope, I see a periodic burst (received best at night)
with a period of approx 5uSec (200 to 209Khz).
I see that many north American beacons are in this 200khz range.
Now for the fun part...
If we assume the tank circuit has 7.8nF ... and L4 is 81uH.
The resonant frequency would therefore be
with series Q = 68 (or better if resistance < 1.5 ohms).
Is 200Khz related in some way to the magnetic field lines
as they rotate around the planet?