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Hendershot Replications

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  • Gazzasore
    Got it

    and the other Basket coils must had induced and produced enough power for the motor to run
    Last edited by Gazzasore; 02-05-2013, 03:37 PM.

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  • Gazzasore
    Ok in the photo above is the Basket Coil lying down in the front is it just a Diagram for the Basket Coil standing up

    and I bet that front coil had magnets in it thats what will be in the Basket lying down with the window in it they will be magnets inside that window
    Last edited by Gazzasore; 02-05-2013, 03:21 PM.

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  • Gazzasore

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  • morpher44
    response to Gazzasore

    Originally posted by Gazzasore View Post
    Hi Morpher
    Does the Basket coil make its own magnetic field or energy field ?
    Would having heat near a coil help to get the field flowing?
    Ps What if the shaft for the motor was energised had power to it or the shaft was a magnet??
    All coils of any style will self-oscillate with a tiny oscillation.
    There is input from the ambient environment. There are radio
    spectrum signals, lightning strikes around the planet, solar
    phenomenon, all making little "radiant" events that impact the coil.
    Basket weave coils are an attempt to reduce capacitance so that
    the coil has a linear response curve from low frequencies up
    to much higher frequencies. It makes the coil more "ideal",
    in other words. At the resonant peak, the curve will DROP
    down due to the capacitance -- so we want to minimize this
    if we are after the high frequencies. There is more energy
    in the higher frequencies.

    Heat and magnetism don't mix. If you put a magnet in a flame,
    for example, the magnet will loose its magnetism temporarily.
    Tesla used this to create a crude generator. A pendulum would
    swing a magnet towards a magnetic material near a flame.
    It would stick. The flame would erase the magnetism,
    the pendulum would swing the other way, only to repeat.
    Its slow .. but works.

    See Chapter XXXVI, "Thermo-Magnetic Motors And Pyro-Magnetic
    Genrators", page 424 of the book
    "The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla",
    1992 Barnes & Noble Books, ISBN 0-88029-812-X.

    Not sure about the shaft idea. Certainly everything could be tried
    and looked at .. if you imagine it helps. You never know what you might

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  • MonsieurM
    Originally posted by Gazzasore View Post
    What's the go with Files on this site there is very limited space
    I had to delete 3 files so I could post 3
    Is there a way around this??
    personally i use Photo and image hosting, free photo galleries, photo editing to host my pics ..... but there other site that do that as well

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  • Gazzasore
    What's the go with Files on this site there is very limited space
    I had to delete 3 files so I could post 3
    Is there a way around this??

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  • Gazzasore
    [QUOTE=morpher44;223818]Yeah... The Iron age appears to be over. I noticed that too.
    Railroad spikes. Earth Ground pipes @ hardware store.

    Really various metals that are magnetic can work, you just have
    to account for there permeability in your design. So if the permability
    constant is LESS than IRON, it may mean you need more turns
    in your coils to compensate. If there is a diamagnetic material in the
    metal, things get more complicated.

    There are metals that have an even higher permeability than Iron.
    So those would be ideal but even more esoteric.

    Ok could we use Ferrite instead of Iron?

    or the metal in a Microwave Transformer?

    Ok I bought this what I thought was a Wrought Iron spike it looks like Iron but doesn't break like iron

    One photo here is Iron the one that looks stringy
    I am told thats the best way to tell if you have iron or If you cut half way through and break it It should look stringy
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Gazzasore; 02-04-2013, 03:12 PM.

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  • Gazzasore
    Another interesting site
    Magnetism and Electromagnetism | S-cool, the revision website

    Now just to add to the post above

    I have noticed while watching some HHO guys testing
    They find their systems while unplugged begin to work if left for a while

    Now I suppose these systems the circuit is very similar to a Battery


    Lester was playing with his system.

    Maybe it didn't need playing with,

    Maybe it just needed time to start to work

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  • Gazzasore
    Hi Morpher
    Does the Basket coil make its own magnetic field or energy field ?

    One thing I remember reading when Lester was making his model plane motor
    while sitting by the fire after being shot in the foot

    "The propeller "began" to spin"

    I wonder how long it had just been sitting doing nothing

    Would having heat near a coil help to get the field flowing?

    It might be while testing we need to set up a test and leave it running to see if there is any change

    Is a shame we can't get Mark or Mike to join to ask such question

    Had there just been a thunderstorm?

    Anyway just some outside the box ideas

    Ps What if the shaft for the motor was energised had power to it or the shaft was a magnet??
    Last edited by Gazzasore; 02-04-2013, 02:53 PM.

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  • morpher44
    IRON & more thoughts...

    Originally posted by Gazzasore View Post
    It seem getting Iron is near on impossible Can I use something other than Iron?and even Magnet wire is proving very hard although Ebay seems my likely source
    Yeah... The Iron age appears to be over. I noticed that too.
    Railroad spikes. Earth Ground pipes @ hardware store.

    Really various metals that are magnetic can work, you just have
    to account for there permeability in your design. So if the permability
    constant is LESS than IRON, it may mean you need more turns
    in your coils to compensate. If there is a diamagnetic material in the
    metal, things get more complicated.

    There are metals that have an even higher permeability than Iron.
    So those would be ideal but even more esoteric.

    Air has a permeability of "1"... It is the baseline.
    When you think about the Earth's field being so tiny .. say 50 uT,
    then "AIR" might be OK, because what we really want
    to be spinning is an invisible field in the air. My reasoning
    here is that this is ideal because:
    a) everyone can do it... we all live in air... nothing special needed,
    b) no friction, no heat -- at low power
    c) we are dealing with subtle energies at first ... and then
    building up enough power to move magnets eventually...

    So, the little spinning magnet on a thread experiment,
    which btw works even w/o a coil ... to a lesser degree ..
    reveals that a spin can be established using the Earth's field,
    w/o any INPUT from any power source, as long as you
    maintain the correct orientation relative to the VECTOR
    of the Earth's field.

    It stands to reason, therefore, that you can create a spinning field
    with wires and geometry, induce a small bit of power, and then
    with that small amount of power, attempt to move a magnet...

    And.... BTW... the permeability of a magnet may be "near" Iron.
    I was trying to figure that out and found some people saying that is so.
    I am not certain about this. More research needed.
    Last edited by morpher44; 02-03-2013, 09:15 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Originally posted by Gazzasore View Post
    No I'm not confused between the 2

    Its just no one has had any success yet
    So we have to start looking outside the box

    I'm the one to do that because I don't know much about about electrical stuff
    So I won't be blinded by it!
    I do have a problem though
    It seem getting Iron is near on impossible Can I use something other than Iron?
    and even Magnet wire is proving very hard
    although Ebay seems my likely source
    It is usually the " Virgin" Mind that finds the most ease in out of the box ideas .... unhindered by the shakles of "Squared" Laws ..... and capable of circling the angles

    The Emerald Tablets of Thoth Tablet 9

    circled the angles
    that hold man in bondage.

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  • Gazzasore
    Originally posted by Gazzasore View Post
    Ok sounds good

    So mine will be 3 Baskets with Capacitors inside and a Large Ring Magnet underneath

    Now the magnet should be what way up??
    No I'm not confused between the 2

    Its just no one has had any success yet
    So we have to start looking outside the box

    I'm the one to do that because I don't know much about about electrical stuff
    So I won't be blinded by it!
    I do have a problem though
    It seem getting Iron is near on impossible Can I use something other than Iron?
    and even Magnet wire is proving very hard
    although Ebay seems my likely source

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  • MonsieurM
    sorry i can't remember the title of the vid but the following might interest you :

    found it :

    plasma forcefield! - YouTube

    Plasma Forcefield melting metal - YouTube

    Neodymium Magnet High Voltage Rotating Spark, arc, plasma - YouTube


    in addition read the headers describing the phenomena of the Tesla Egg of Columbus

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-03-2013, 12:03 PM.

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  • morpher44
    Response to Gazzasore

    Originally posted by Gazzasore View Post
    Ok sounds good

    So mine will be 3 Baskets with Capacitors inside and a Large Ring Magnet underneath
    Now the magnet should be what way up??
    Ok Gazzasore,
    I think your mixing up the various devices.
    Hendershot's "motor/generator" would have a ring magnet and would be
    spinning a shaft.
    Hendershot's fuelless/generator would have the horseshoe magnet,
    bar, solenoid arrangement.

    I think a ring magnet just sitting under a coil won't do much.

    On the other hand, I and others have done the FUN experiment of
    taking a high-voltage lead from a FLY-BACK transformer,
    and bringing it near a Neodymium magnet. When this is done,
    it forms an ARC that SPINs in a cone shape. The voltage has to be
    pretty high for an ARC to form in just air. The dialectric break down
    is a pretty high voltage. When NOT arching, there still may be
    an invisible vortex there spinning and unseen to the eye.

    So give it a try and report back.

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  • Gazzasore
    Getting back to the Hendershot Motor
    seems a bit like a Newmans device

    If you where the Magnets are in conjunction with the Copper coil
    Last edited by Gazzasore; 02-03-2013, 08:08 AM.

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