Originally posted by Dave45
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enable the device via reed-switch or mercury switch. I think it is like
a paranoid fail safe that he thought was cute where only he knows
where to put the magnet, and only if it is there does it work, etc.
That is what I read other people speculate it was for.
Further, one guy investigated the Mark stuff and figured out that
Mr. Mark lived in a house RIGHT near high-tension power lines.
He went to his house and filmed all around it, and showed the
tension lines, etc.
I've seen another video of a guy in a car who drives under a high
tension line, takes a device out of his car, and powers several
light bulbs "for free". Crazy stuff.
I can't say of the Mark TPU is a hoax or not .... but that story
is a bit fishy and Mark is a bit shady for my taste.
Of course all of us working with this stuff have to be careful we
don't delude our thinking and start to think we are succeeding, with no
proof and no ability for anyone else to replicate, etc. That is easy to
do, and I certainly feel I've made huge mistakes in reporting things
I thought were working, only to find later, I goofed in some assumptions.
This stuff is squishy ... like jello.
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