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I wonder if this is what Steven Mark was doing, remember he placed a magnet on the choke of his device.
I tried the ring it works,
Great find Morpher44
Magnet power
I don't think so. I think Mr. Mark was instead using his magnet to
enable the device via reed-switch or mercury switch. I think it is like
a paranoid fail safe that he thought was cute where only he knows
where to put the magnet, and only if it is there does it work, etc.
That is what I read other people speculate it was for.
Further, one guy investigated the Mark stuff and figured out that
Mr. Mark lived in a house RIGHT near high-tension power lines.
He went to his house and filmed all around it, and showed the
tension lines, etc.
I've seen another video of a guy in a car who drives under a high
tension line, takes a device out of his car, and powers several
light bulbs "for free". Crazy stuff.
I can't say of the Mark TPU is a hoax or not .... but that story
is a bit fishy and Mark is a bit shady for my taste.
Of course all of us working with this stuff have to be careful we
don't delude our thinking and start to think we are succeeding, with no
proof and no ability for anyone else to replicate, etc. That is easy to
do, and I certainly feel I've made huge mistakes in reporting things
I thought were working, only to find later, I goofed in some assumptions.
This stuff is squishy ... like jello.
I think you will find info about Hendershots motor in that they
tested it and it could run at 1800 RPM -- if I'm remembering this
correctly. That is 30Hz for you calculator challenged.
Not a B-flat ... although spinning a magnet that fast would be
exciting -- and potentially quite risky if it got loose.
24KiloRPM.. Yikes.
So last night I was thinking that if you add a capacitor, a large one,
the "generated pulse", which is an UP spike followed by a Down spike,
will be lagged out by the capacitors timing constant.
Hence, the capacitance you add is like the SPEED-LIMIT cop.
The motor would go no faster than some equilibrium imposed
by capacitance, on the resonance curve.
You can, however, PICK where you want this pulse to return,
after making its round-trip.
Inductance, on the other hand, works the opposite way. As your
motor turns faster, your power increases, your motor spins faster,
until you hit resonance. You also add a delay too.
Back to the little thing I made.
Oops! There is an up pulse and a down pulse.
So we generated a tiny bit of AC ... but it doesn't help us SPIN
faster. It is interesting we spin. I think we have a funky Lenz's Law
thing happening where the magnet "thinks" its falling thru a copper
tube, and so it wants to spin. The Earth's field will eventually win,
and I've noticed that the magnet will stop with its North face
facing the North pole (since the North pole is actually a magnetic
south pole), as you would expect.
So ... so more thoughts....
1. Hendershot had a device he called a "resonator" in his MKIII. It looks
like a capacitor, but is it? What if, those diamond shapes in the
honeycomb coil, where eddy currents live, or the pegs in the
MKIII basket-weave coil, are suppose to interface with the resonator?
In other words, could the resonator be the "plate antenna"?
If yes, then in the motor device, you want to put a foil capacitor
AROUND the honeycomb coil. Again we have Lenz's law at play.
You can TRANSFER energy between capacitors and coils, although
it is not traditionally taught in school. These magnetic eddy currents,
are spinning little guys that generate power into FOIL surfaces via
Lenz's law. You can harvest that AC power right off the foil.
2. We will need to convert the "generated AC", to DC. Lets use diodes.
You probably need germanium because this is lower power, low freq.
This is an area I'm a little weak on, not being an Electronic Engineer.
I've never taken a course on diode selection. Resistance is the enemy.
The "Tate Ambient Power" circuit may fit the bill perfectly. It needs
ONE-WIRE AC input and can produce DC output. Now that we have
DC again, we can produce the STATIC magnetic field in the coil to
spin the magnet. REMEMBER, the magnet spins NOT because of
a PULSE ... although it gives us a pulse ... it spins because of
constant -- uniform -- and hopefully increasing magnetic field.
So this is a TRUE DC motor ... that generates AC as it runs. Weird.
I'm thinking the one-wire input into the Tate will need a capacitor
in line so that only AC flows to the TATE.
More experimenting to do....
I may have to re-think how to build this to incorporate the so called
Also, more thoughts.... sorry I'm rambling....
Hendershot didn't use diodes. So in his mind, he probably is thinking
in the Leedskalnin sort of way where instead of an oscilloscope view
of the waveform, he's thinking little magnets running in wires,
or ROPES wiggling or something. So the up/down bumb that occurs
on the wire as the magnet goes by, in reality, is an UP charge going
one direction in the coil, and the DOWN charge going in the
other direction in the coil. Hence, you might put two additional
coils on either side (to create the larger inductance effect and
the timing constant for the pulse). If timed correctly, those pulse
could be returned to the coil in just the right time to PUSH the
magnet again at whatever frequency your trying to spin the sucker.
So, if 30Hz (1800RPM) was your goal, you would work out the
inductances (as a big delay line), to get that pulse to arrive back
to you at the right time.
Along this reasoning, it might explain why we see so many coils,
on either side of his magnet coil.
Further, if you wanted to FLIP a DOWN bump and turn it into an UP
bump, and you didn't have DIODEs, you might use a transformer.
Make sense?
1, Static Electricity ?
2 Radio Waves?
3, Magnetic Energy
4, A mix of all
Good stuff Gazzosore. I'm curious to see what there so called
"fake battery" is. Notice all the ring magnets and foil around the
circumference. Hmmm.
To answer your question, applying my working hypothesis (which
I admit may be wrong since I have more to investigate here ...
but I'll try).
Radios waves may be used yes ... but also radiant energy.
The latter is particles hitting a metalic surface. If that surface is small,
you don't get much .. unless you can somehow create a nice STRONG
magnetic field that helps BRING them down to your plate.
Magnetic energy?
Not really. Magnets, I think, are these passive devices that will just
do things based on what is happening to them field wise. So you push
one with a field, it moves .. or pushes back... Think of magnets
as a fancy springs. Could you make a device that runs on so called
"spring power"? So no the power is not coming FROM the magnet.
Rather, the magnet is a tool that helps you PULL energy from
the ambient environment. Magnets can also be used to STORE
power for a time in the form of oscillation. I read a book about
Tesla and there is a funny story there with regard to him trying
to explain to JP Morgan all the different ways to use energy or store
energy. Tesla is mr. oscillation, so to him, an oscillation, if it keeps
going ... is STORED power unlike how most people think which
is wanting there energy to end up in some DC battery or something.
A machine that moves and oscillates, even mechanically, can have
lots of stored power -- such as a spinning wheel with a friction-less
bearing. There is certainly power there .. enough to take a finger off
or more.
Energy is coming ultimately from the Sun. The Sun spins our planet
and makes it orbit and influences the magnetic field, etc.
The Earth has a dynamo, etc. There is a lot of power here. More
than we need.
So the trick is to convert a little from one form to another...
and this is NOT invention .. but discovery really.
So we make little toys to do that at first ... then bigger machines.
I think that our knowledge of physics has far exceeded our ability
to make little inventions. There are not enough inventors tinkering
with the physics. If we wanted to solve this problem, and had
some smart folks with the will to do it, not because they are payed,
just because they are tired of the status quo and want to create
change for the better. So, we need to exploit some of the knew
knowledge ... but also go back and look at these "semi-documented"
inventions from the past and attempt to explain WHY they worked,
and use modern approaches to doing the same thing, only better.
So as to where the energy comes from for the Hendershot device --
so that we don't violate any laws of physics.
There are machines that you can get going, that demonstrate
positive feedback and building power up to some equilibrium.
Put a load on them, and they may DRAG down and stop working.
The trick here is to exploit some of the physics to "cheat" a little
so that the DRAG doesn't occur.
So in the Hendershot device if you could convert magnet fields,
into a sort of virtual vaccuum cleaner that sucks particles down
into a tiny little surface area, and then harvested the power
created from a resonant tank circuit, you could use a bit of that
power to keep your field alive. You only need enough power to
keep the field established (and no more), and then just wait
for the stuff to arrive to your plate. It is also true that
as the energetics increase in an area, ionization may eventually
start to occur to a degree. As that occurs, reception improves.
In that sense it is like static-electricity or a van de graaff generator,
but doing much more .. because we have magnetic fields going on too.
Harvesting onto a plate is zero intertia, zero friction.
Also, imagine if you were up in a plane (or flying disk), and wanted
to pull stuff directly out of the air as you are flying, wouldn't that
be grand. Ham radio operators would probably hear
"whistler" noises on their radio as you fly by.
The Wardenclyffe tower was designed to use a completely different type of electricity - called cold electricity or radiant energy. Nothing at all like this video. Look up "Magnifying Generator" - plus it's much more safe than regular electricity. This video is crap, it's method is highly inefficient and unsafe.
Stanley Myer frequency
Would this be the right angle Morpher?
I don't really know what the right angle is for wire crossing.
On the drive home I was trying to reason this out, actually.
If it is true that the capacitance is created ONLY where
the wires cross, then the ideal would be to minimize this
surface area.
So doing the math, let us assume P is the angle with the equations:
tan(p) = d / x
with d being distance between the pair of toothpicks, and x
being the distance between any given pair of toothpicks.
The area of the wire cross region, therefore is
A = 2 * w^2 * sin(p) * cos(p)
where w is the width of the wire.
Assuming I did this correctly, then the largest area (being BAD),
would occur when you have a 45 degree angle. This would give you
a square, not a diamond, the area is biggest. Hence your capacitor
that is created there is biggest.
But in this simple equation I failed to consider that as we approach
0 degrees or 90 degrees, the wires actually overlap, which would
give MORE intersection, MORE capacitance. So that is not the right
answer either. The equation is a bit trickier, in other words.
We can clearly see though, that 45 is no good, and 0 and 90 are no good.
We do want a diamond shape, and we can create an eddy current
in there. Yet, the diamond could either be elongated, or narrow.
Back to the pyramid angle idea. It is an idea of circling a square.
The circle is the standing wave -- "heaven". The square is the
physicality -- "earth". In electromagnetism, the electric field component
is in one dimension, and the magnetic field component is 90 degrees
perpendicular in another dimension. A diamond, is two pyramids
concatenated -- one up -- one down, forming a place for an elipsoid
eddy current (a vortex manifestation of these two fields whirling
around like wind). The electric component is contained here because
it can't re-enter the wires since the capacitance is too small --
attenuation. If it were to SEE a larger capacitance as an escape route --
path of least resistance -- the AC current can travel thru --
LIKE BUTTER, oscillating in that resonant cavity.
There is POWER in oscillation.
Of course all of us working with this stuff have to be careful we
don't delude our thinking and start to think we are succeeding, with no
proof and no ability for anyone else to replicate, etc. That is easy to
do, and I certainly feel I've made huge mistakes in reporting things
I thought were working, only to find later, I goofed in some assumptions.
This stuff is squishy ... like jello.
We all do its the adventure, but it also shows your willingness to share
With every replication we learn even if it fails, we will find the key and build on it.
I personally think its all about spinning fields, I have been thinking a normal magnetic field may be natures way of neutralizing energy bringing it back to balance maybe we need opposite spinning fields like in the Wimshurst machine.