Lester Hendershot-inventor of fueless motor - Astrologers' Community
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Hendershot Replications
superior ?
Originally posted by boguslaw View PostI can't stop thinking that maybe Hendershot took idea from Hubbard device or from the same source of information which let young Hubbard built his generator.
Actually if we remove all relay/oscillator part of Hendershot device it become two strange coils each one around center circle core. Like two slightly modified Hubbard devices. Hmm.... Hubbard device seems still superior to me because feedback is self-contained within coils system and do not need any oscillator type device. Surely this device is on top of all others due to simplicity.
No wonder we don't know anything about Hubbard device while Hendershot one is quite documented....
After having read some biographies of Tesla, he was black-listed, and went into a mode where he released his inventions THRU other people -- or SEEDED the technology. A case in point is Tesla's relationship with Hammond, and all the many Hammond pattents that "smell" of Tesla's know how.
Hendershot, on the other hand, didn't have a relationship with Tesla, and appears to have been trying to solve the induction compass problem. The circles he traveled in would have exposed him to military and aviation know how, etc.
Both of these device do appear to have DISINFO associated with them ... so LOTS of documentation isn't necessarily good if it confuses everyone.Last edited by morpher44; 01-08-2013, 10:13 PM.
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I can't stop thinking that maybe Hendershot took idea from Hubbard device or from the same source of information which let young Hubbard built his generator.
Actually if we remove all relay/oscillator part of Hendershot device it become two strange coils each one around center circle core. Like two slightly modified Hubbard devices. Hmm.... Hubbard device seems still superior to me because feedback is self-contained within coils system and do not need any oscillator type device. Surely this device is on top of all others due to simplicity.
No wonder we don't know anything about Hubbard device while Hendershot one is quite documented....
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Originally posted by T-1000 View PostI would recommend to stick with and ask Mark Hendershot (if he is still alive) for details while rebuilding device.
The Lester baskets surely has to do something with magnetic fields manipulation from unconventional approach with shorted coil-core, capacitor on top and coils interacting with that capacitor in single system.
The "Hendershot Fuelless Generator" - The new coil - YouTube already showed unusual ringing effect and two of these baskets need to be interconnected. They may still need inital pulse with help of additional inductor to start process and the rest could be self sustaining.
P.S> Also you need to keep in mind this is noise pickiung up circuit and all filtering chokes or other filtering components must be not used there. It is inverted aproach from conventional signal filtering and the goal is to amplify noise, not signal...
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I would recommend to stick with and ask Mark Hendershot (if he is still alive) for details while rebuilding device.
The Lester baskets surely has to do something with magnetic fields manipulation from unconventional approach with shorted coil-core, capacitor on top and coils interacting with that capacitor in single system.
The "Hendershot Fuelless Generator" - The new coil - YouTube already showed unusual ringing effect and two of these baskets need to be interconnected. They may still need inital pulse with help of additional inductor to start process and the rest could be self sustaining.
P.S> Also you need to keep in mind this is noise picking up circuit and all filtering chokes or other filtering components must be not used there. It is inverted aproach from conventional signal filtering and the goal is to amplify noise, not signal...
Cheers!Last edited by T-1000; 01-08-2013, 05:14 PM.
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Good stuff thanks
Hell I'm still trying to Get Magnet wire
Where I live not so easy
I found this also
a Good read
Peswiki archive
Self-sustaining electric-power generator utilizing electrons of low inertial mass to magnify inductive energy - Levitronics, Inc.
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Originally posted by Gazzasore View PostI thought it was Grease Proof Paper like for cooking
I could be wrong I often am
I can give you my suggestion for the best paper source, Its the same recommended source TESLA himself reccommended in his pattent application for his raidient energy system antenna insulation! namely ruby mica, ie. muscovite mica which is manufactured in sheet and paper roll (.004" and .006") by the USA company shown in the thumbnail info. the company site info states that it is used for high insulation dielectric and high thermal resistance purposes. excellent for capacitor uses.
the thumbnails give you all the contact info you will need, I have called them in the past for quotes and purchases. just thought I would pass it on!
mike, onward!
PS: I suggest pulling up their site and click on their PRODUCT LINE for your own satisfaction!Last edited by clarence; 02-09-2013, 11:29 PM.
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Originally posted by morpher44 View PostI don't. But I do have Wild Talents which I got on ebay for cheap:
Wild Talents by Charles Hoy Fort - Free eBook
The chapter on Hendershot is here:
Wild Talents: 32
Amazing Stories September 1946 Volume 20 Number 6 - Classic Books and Ephemera - Used and Rare Books, Paper and Maps
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Wild Talents
Originally posted by Gazzasore View PostAmazing Stories Magazine September 1946 Has info on Lester Hendershot
Does anyone have it ??
Wild Talents by Charles Hoy Fort - Free eBook
The chapter on Hendershot is here:
Wild Talents: 32
--morpher44Last edited by morpher44; 01-08-2013, 08:27 AM.
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Amazing Stories Magazine September 1946 Has info on Lester Hendershot
Does anyone have it ??Attached Files
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Originally posted by drak View PostWhat type of paper is used to seperate the foil in the handmade caps? I keep reading craft paper, then thin craft paper, then thin paper (KRAFF) Kraft? Is Kraft a brand name? I found some Kraft paper, but it doesn't seem to thin, it is brown colored. What about the other thicker paper, what type of paper is that?
Any links of where I can get this type of paper?
Hey Drak do you have Secrets of Perpetual Power Hendershot Mystery by Barry Hilton
It has all instructions for building the Capacitors
If you don't send me you email through Messaging and I will send you a Torrent link
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Kids could start it up
Originally posted by morpher44 View PostPart of the myth is that the machine would only work for Lester. Not exactly true because his kids could start it up, or so I read.
After reading as much as possible and starting to build a Mk1 version, your statement about Hendershots kids could start it up only applies to the Mk1. Nothing is said about the Mk2 or Mk2b. Remember the Mk3 was many years later and very different. The Mk1 was the toy plane that only worked in one direction. The Mk2 was another plane but could face any direction. The version I call the Mk2b was the one build by the engineers at the air field which was much larger. These were all build in the late 20s and early 30s but the Mk3 was in the 50s.
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wax paper
Originally posted by drak View PostWhat type of paper is used to seperate the foil in the handmade caps? I keep reading craft paper, then thin craft paper, then thin paper (KRAFF) Kraft? Is Kraft a brand name? I found some Kraft paper, but it doesn't seem to thin, it is brown colored. What about the other thicker paper, what type of paper is that?
Any links of where I can get this type of paper?
Re: Thickness.
There are actually equations for capacitance that are quite easy.
The accuracy for hand-made plate caps is even easier to get right
than winding coils in terms of the math and shape.
Winding the cap isn't easier though. I found it to be really difficult to
keep the foil flat, to cut it, to wrap it without ending up with a big mess.
Wax paper is also kinda slippery.
Capacitance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If your shooting for exactly 7.8nF, it should be doable. You then have the problem of measuring your capacitance. Many multi-meters these days can do that (within certain ranges of capacitance).
Hence, unlike Hendershot's day when you could quite be sure of what your getting, we can exactly get the right capacitance within whatever tolerance we want. We don't know what the tolerences should be, however. I would try for say 1% tolerance here -- 7.722nf to 7.878nf.
We also don't know if a SLOPPY capacitor or a real tight stable one is wanted. A SPLOPPY, JITTERY, WIGGLY capacitor might be ideal for creating all sorts of glitches, and pops, and sparks to further excite the coils. Remember this thing is running with a very JITTERY solenoid-bar-magnet thing.
So another degree of freedom here is SLOPPY capacitor vs. PERFECT capacitor.
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