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Hendershot Replications

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  • morpher44
    more theories - speculation...

    Originally posted by mlurye View Post
    I was doing some thinking and here is my understanding of coils:
    L1 - Rotor
    L2 - Electromagnet
    L3 - Stator
    L4 - Radio antenna
    morpher it's more in your area to validate, you are good with theory.
    L4 coupled with hand made cap is the so called "resonator".
    Ping it with a spike of voltage ... and it will ring for a while until
    it dampens down.

    To me, L4 & L3 are a transformer. They will be a more perfect
    transformer if the cylinder is a magnetic core. Turn ratio 1:4.57,
    providing a voltage increase by that amount relative to the voltage
    that appears on the L4 tank circuit. So if that goes say 5 volts,
    22.9v would appear on L3.
    These two coils use magnetic wire.

    L2 & L1 -- I speculate -- are a feedback path -- or tickler coils like
    found in the Armstrong oscillator (or Joule Thief coil).
    There are probably two of them so that you can get a 90 phase
    shift -- twice. With close to 180 phase shift, you have an
    ingredient for regenerative oscillations.
    In a Joule Thief, the transistor does one of the 90 phase shifts.
    In the Hendershot FG, we have no transistor.
    Amplification of the voltage is done using the transformer, I suspect.
    If the resistance is low (and it would be with only 12 turns on L2 & L1),
    the phase shift will be near 180 when it goes through both of them.
    Further, since they reside above L3 & L4 ... the feedback
    may also occur magnetically via mutual induction.

    Lastly, since the circuit has the current flow through all these
    inductors -- including the 5:1 transformers & solenoids --
    in series, all inductances
    add, creating essentially a LARGE inductance relative to the hand-made
    cap. This, I bet, make it possible to respond to energy from low frequencies up to the higher ones -- in a wide band manner.
    The bandwidth, in other words is large probably ... influenced by
    all the resistances in this series path for the current.

    I'm hoping there is a bit more too it regarding the coil-capacitor

    IONIC's comment about "photon drag effect" and essentially
    subverting "Lenz's law" is also a hope of mine.
    I see from the patents filed for what amounts to the Hubbard coil,
    that when the Hubbard coil is placed in an area of "ionized" electrons,
    the situation of electrons with less-mass -- or something occurs --
    for photonic inductive coupling. Less mass on the electron, less
    drag ... or so the patent seems to imply.
    So a similar thing might occur with the Hendershot FG in that
    as the capacitor creates an oscillating field, with molecular bombardment
    and collisions occurring in that cylinder, the coils might find
    themselves in an ionic field ... and hence work a bit differently
    than one would expect.

    I am absolutely captured by the idea of placing a capacitor inside
    a coil ... or vice a versa.

    Another observation has to do with the solenoid and its orientation
    to the cylinder coils.
    I've found that if you place the two cylinders say one cylinder diameter
    distance from each other ... and place the solenoid directly
    between them, the mutual induction from each side of the solenoid
    will effect each respective cylinder ... and there is energy transference.
    You can improve it by pulling the solenoid slightly up (or down).
    There is a sweet spot where the maximum energy transference
    can be made to occur -- ala mutual induction from solenoid
    to cylinder coils. Depending upon the magnetic footprint of your
    horseshoe magnet, the cylinders may need to be brought closer
    together, or move away from each other.
    So in terms of finding those sweet spots, I would make the cylinder
    coils so that they can be made to move close together or away,
    and to make the solenoid so that it can be brought directly between
    the cylinders or back away from them. The horseshoe magnet, too,
    might need to be placed in an appropriate place for the best
    effect -- of BENDING the fields to the side.

    From one cylinder's point of view, when the solenoid receives
    a pulse, the cylinder too will pick up that pulse via mutual induction.
    If that pulse produces a SOUTH pole, for example, the cylinder sees
    a SOUTH, and current flows one way in the coils.
    When the pulse is removed from the solenoid, the field disolves
    and the NORTH pole from the horseshoe magnet is seen strongly
    by the cylinder. That might make the current flow the other
    direction in the coil ...
    .... BUT ....
    there is a certain geometric location whereby these polarity
    changes as seen by the cylinder do NOT producing an alternating
    current, but rather, the flux can be made to SPIN
    a spinning magnet around the coil.
    The coil has no choice but to generate power from the spinning

    So I suspect that what Hendershot may have figured out is
    how to produce a spinning flux in two locations relative to the
    solenoid/bar/magnet ... and by placing coils in those
    two locations, he can generate power.

    It might be possible to separate the solenoid/bar/magnet
    out as one circuit, driven by a signal generator, and then
    to move the cylinders around until you get the BEST pickup
    from them. This would be a crude way to find the location
    where they are suppose to live ... You probably have
    to map it out carefully with various frequencies and voltages
    and duty cycles, etc.
    Hendershot's circuit likely self resonates at some frequency --
    say 60 to 120 Hz -- and these would be frequencies to try
    when searching for where the cylinders are to live.

    I think we should not be afraid to move the geometry of these
    objects around ... since mutual induction clearly plays a role here.

    PS> Nice to meet you IONIC. Your input is very much appreciated.
    Last edited by morpher44; 11-30-2009, 05:56 AM.

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  • mlurye
    I was doing some thinking and here is my understanding of coils:
    L1 - Rotor
    L2 - Electromagnet
    L3 - Stator
    L4 - Radio antenna
    morpher it's more in your area to validate, you are good with theory.

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  • mlurye
    Originally posted by IONIC View Post

    I used the schematic from "The Hendershot Motor Mystery". I would like to perform the tests, however the units are disassembled and in storage at this time. Here is an old pix of the coils and vertical output transformers shown after disassembly. Inner capacitors were discarded. I built the coils on separate bases with connectors so I could play with separation distance. What is the nature of the test?, I have all kinds of generators to several hundred megahertz.
    In the book you mentioned there is different schemas. The one I was talking about is in this book: From the Archives of Lester J Hendershot by Mark Hendershot
    The test is to find out the resonant frequency for the left and the right coils. In my build it's different But in order to do test you need to put schema together, no need for inner caps so.

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    I used the schematic from "The Hendershot Motor Mystery". I would like to perform the tests, however the units are disassembled and in storage at this time. Here is an old pix of the coils and vertical output transformers shown after disassembly. Inner capacitors were discarded. I built the coils on separate bases with connectors so I could play with separation distance. What is the nature of the test?, I have all kinds of generators to several hundred megahertz.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by IONIC; 11-29-2009, 11:35 PM.

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  • mlurye
    IONIC Did you use Lester Hendershot schema? Do you have function generator up to 5MHz ? Can I ask you to do simple test for me with your Hendershot generator?

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  • mlurye
    Originally posted by NOMDI View Post
    Hi ! Too late... I've just modified my transformers (the only difficult thing to do is not cutting the wires while cutting the adhesive tapes...;-) for perfect inductance matching. How do you test yours , With a neon and a signal generator ? Need some current amplification or not ?
    Neon or 2 LEDs in opposite direction, no need for current amplification.

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    Originally posted by mlurye View Post
    I've got my new transformers, new pare looks better lower inductance and they are closer to each other. NOMDI you should be good with yours without rebuilding, transformers do not affect resonant frequency of the coils.
    But I'm afraid I have to rebuild one of my coils, resonant frequencies of coils are different
    Even so I observed one interesting thing, instead of load and buzzer I'm using High power LEDs. And when I'll get coils to resonate I do see LEDs flickering even so frequency I'm pushing in is very high.
    Hi ! Too late... I've just modified my transformers (the only difficult thing to do is not cutting the wires while cutting the adhesive tapes...;-) for perfect inductance matching. How do you test yours , With a neon and a signal generator ? Need some current amplification or not ?

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    I built my first Hendershot machine back in 1985. I was convinced there were only a few devices out there that had merit. I never was able to get it to operate even though I used fairly exact components and spent a long time fiddling with it.

    Recently I've had a few insights I'd like to share. Consider that Hendershot filled the space between the coils and cylindrical capacitors with beeswax. This was a clue I had missed. Consider also that the "basketweave coils" were not optimized for RF energy i.e. minimum capacitance between windings. Quite possibly Hendershot had a different idea in mind. Take a look at what real basketweaves of that era looked like. The turns angle is much less.

    Consider the interplay of an acoustic resonance between the cylindrical capacitors which may have acted as ultrasonic transducers coupling to the strangely wound coils via the beeswax.

    Imagine electrons in the wires (which have mass) being vibrated radially by the transducers, forced into the peaks and valleys of the windings. Ordinarily this will not result in electron flow. Add one more lower frequency component and you can visualize an acoustic pumping of electrons around the loops.

    Since most FE devices are constrained by Lenz's law, a different method of propelling electrons in a wire should be sought after. I offer an acoustic resonance model as it is not subject to Lenz's law.

    There has been the discovery of anomolous electron flow in conductors due to "phonon drag effect".

    Just my WAG as to what may be happening in the Hendershot machine after much meditation on the device. I may dig out the first build and try it some time.

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  • mlurye
    I've got my new transformers, new pare looks better lower inductance and they are closer to each other. NOMDI you should be good with yours without rebuilding, transformers do not affect resonant frequency of the coils.
    But I'm afraid I have to rebuild one of my coils, resonant frequencies of coils are different
    Even so I observed one interesting thing, instead of load and buzzer I'm using High power LEDs. And when I'll get coils to resonate I do see LEDs flickering even so frequency I'm pushing in is very high.

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    Originally posted by morpher44 View Post

    Hendershot used paraffin between his coil and caps ... to sort of
    seal it like done in the old days of radio.
    One article about him mentions "carbon rods" ... which is sort
    of a mystery. The author could have mistaken the wooden dowels
    for carbon rods. OR, carbon rods may have been used in the design for something.
    I was imagining that paraffin could be doped with crushed carbon,
    prior to it being poured around the coil and capacitor.
    Carbon/charcoal is used in super caps because it has a higher
    energy density ... so as a dielectric ... it has some very nice
    Using fiberglass for a dielectric is a good idea too. I see D-glass
    has a very high dielectric constant.
    I also think that the secret of the Hendershot device could be the only thing we cannot see on any picture : the "recipe" of the wax between coils and steel cylinders. I guess we'll have to test many "blends" with different crushed materials, magnetic, dielectric, diamagnetic... So materials like ferrite, carbon, bismuth... A huge field of experiment... But if we want to do serious experiments we cannot forget these unknown data...well, I presume...

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  • morpher44
    charcoal & paraffin

    Originally posted by Bodkins View Post
    if anyone cares to try fibreglass in the middle on the cylindrical vortex field this make help the breath in and out of the energy(the lungs),it may not but Im not doing this research so i cant try it, you may find the unseen force will like it, fibreglass=organic matter!
    we will not now if noone trys it.
    just trying to help

    Hendershot used paraffin between his coil and caps ... to sort of
    seal it like done in the old days of radio.
    One article about him mentions "carbon rods" ... which is sort
    of a mystery. The author could have mistaken the wooden dowels
    for carbon rods. OR, carbon rods may have been used in the design for something.
    I was imagining that paraffin could be doped with crushed carbon,
    prior to it being poured around the coil and capacitor.
    Carbon/charcoal is used in super caps because it has a higher
    energy density ... so as a dielectric ... it has some very nice
    Using fiberglass for a dielectric is a good idea too. I see D-glass
    has a very high dielectric constant.

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  • morpher44
    variable cap

    Originally posted by NOMDI View Post
    Don't you think that instead of clamping the handmade capacitors it could be better to add a 500 pF variable air capacitor in parallel, like vintage big and ceramic capacitors used in radio ? Just to avoid unwanted variations and to get a precision adjustment ?

    That idea may work, but it presumes that you create your
    cylinder capacitor to be less than 7.8nF by about .25nF ...
    i.e. 7.55nF so that you can add 250pf to get to 7.8nF.
    You'll have to recalculate the plate dimensions for the
    hand wound cap to make the capacitance smaller like that --
    or have a distance between plates different or different dielectric.

    Also, in playing with AC circuits with Joule Thief, Aromaz circuit
    and the 555 timer chopper, etc., I see that when you put
    your hand on a capacitor (in this case the tuning cap),
    the capacitance from your body changes everything.
    So when you hold it, you can tune to that sweet spot,
    but when you let go, it goes off tune. You will need
    to insulate your variable cap from you.

    I'm still suspecting that the coil - capacitor allow for
    a sort of beneficial energy transfer .. perhaps not subject
    to the back EMF. The cap may create an ionizing field,
    and the coils may be able to interface with that field ...
    so having the capacitor be in that cylinder shape may
    be important.

    On thing that occurs to me re: how Hendershot built it,
    is that he could adjust the C-Clamp and get it right on 7.8nF -- yes.
    But any minor change in temperature would bring it off of that
    value. It is more likely that the tuning is used WHILE trying
    to run the thing ... and tuning either side may be the way
    to make up for any non-symmetric differences such as
    slightly different transformers, or caps, etc.

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  • Bodkins

    if anyone cares to try fibreglass in the middle on the cylindrical vortex field this make help the breath in and out of the energy(the lungs),it may not but Im not doing this research so i cant try it, you may find the unseen force will like it, fibreglass=organic matter!
    we will not now if noone trys it.
    just trying to help

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    Originally posted by mlurye View Post
    You can do it that way too What caps are you planning to use? I've got 80uF electrolytic ones and I will use motor run caps in place of 40uF
    I also have motor run caps. I bought 40 and 30 microfarads to try different combinations... because they are so many differents schematics...

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  • mlurye
    Originally posted by NOMDI View Post
    I guess it could be possible to modify the windings number to get perfect matching, if needed. I'm not sure that at Hendershot time, transformers matching was as good as now...
    You can do it that way too What caps are you planning to use? I've got 80uF electrolytic ones and I will use motor run caps in place of 40uF

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