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  • More on Obama's fraudulent birth certificate

    So much about this "official" birth document is obviously faked.

    Much of the fakery is described in this video, which Aaron brought to our attention, but there is still a lot more involved, and which can readily be observed as fact by anyone who has eyes to see and is not blinded by refusal to accept the truth when it is shown.

    Another prime and irrefutable example of document fraud is one I saw pointed out at where the question was asked, "Why does the security paper pattern not follow the curved bend of the paper on the left side?"

    This is an excellent question. Let's take a closer look at the area that is referenced:

    As you can see, I have added a thin line to this area, drawn between the horizontal green lines of the background pattern. The pattern lines remain in straight alignment all the way across - even through the paper curve! This simply is not possible on a curve of this nature. The pattern lines should curve and slant downwards, just as the black line does. After all, on an authentic document the horizontal black lines would all be printed parallel to the pattern lines, and printed upon the patterned background. Therfore, if the black line curves then the pattern lines must of necessity curve along with it. To even consider any other explanation would be foolhardy at best. It is quite obvious that the preparer of this document, while careful to curve the black line, either carelessly overlooked the need to curve the background lines, realized it was a difficult task beyond his or her ability to achieve, thought that no one would notice this through the added shading, or intentionally left this as one of many clues as to the blatant fraudulence of this document. I'm seriously beginning to wonder if the last suggestion is the correct one. I can just picture someone working this up and sending it to the Obama camp as a "gift" from an "admirer" that would have the potential to end the birth document dispute once and for all. In actuality, though, the person who made this blatantly obvious faked document, which looked good enough at first glance to make Obama happy enough to post it on the White House website without delay, intentionally left us plenty of clues that we could easily discover and use to charge Obama with fraud, impeach him, and remove him from his throne. Obama was extremely careless in not having a graphics expert evaluate the document before releasing it to the public, but he was being hammered by Trump and had to do something fast. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find out that it was actually someone in the Trump team who concocted this document and surreptitiously forwarded it to the Obama camp specifically for the reasons that it would make Obama and the mainstream media all look like idiots, while vindicating Trump and making him the darling of everyone who opposes Obama for whatever reason. And Lord knows there are plenty of good reasons! Trump would probably never reveal this plot if it is true, but I seriously can't help but wonder.......

    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Hi Rick/ALL

      It cant be the people behind the Kennedy assassination video tweaks or the 911 pentagon video is all i can say , surly they would know that it would be debunked, its so obvious it makes me wonder some times. They must have better technology than this?


      • And still more....

        Another peculiarity about the Obama document which I haven't seen mentioned elsewhere is the actual shading of the "shadowed" area at the left side. Let's first take a look at the overall shaded area.

        As you can see, this "certificate" is either printed on paper perforated to allow tearing out, or has been cut at the left upper portion to make it appear that way. Looking at the shaded portion, these facts strike me:
        1. The shaded area appears to be of a fairly consistent width from top to bottom. This is not possible if it were a true shadow caused by the paper being opened downward in a curve. The reason I say this is because only the upper area is open and curved inward, while the lower portion has no curve and is not open at all. A true shadow, therefore, would be wide at the top and taper as it goes lower, until disappearing where the paper is not opened.
        2. The hue of the shaded area is consistent throughout, rather than being darker in one area and lighter in another. For the reasons I mentioned in #1, a true shadow would be much more prominent, and therefore quite noticeably darker at the upper end, while becoming lighter and lighter as you go downwards, until no longer noticeable. Also, as the next photo shows, the termination of the shadow at the bottom is very well defined, and this should not be so.

        At this point there should be no shadow at all, let alone one with a well defined, crisp edge as shown at the arrow point. Now for another anomaly, look at the white space adjacent to the left of the vertical black line. That could not exist in a shaded area, and neither could the white space seen surrounding the number 20, or the lettering above that.

        And what of the green, patterned paper? Was this used in 1961? The next photo shows a certificate issued to an Edith Coats, and while it was issued in 1962, and the background pattern appears to be similar, the color is quite different.

        You can see, judging by the natural coloration of the thumb and fingernail, at the left edge of the document, that the document color shown here must be fairly accurate. I believe that I showed this photo earlier, but that it was too dark to make the coloration apparent. I simply adjusted the brightness to display the above image. Notice, folks, that in this photograph of a real Hawaiian birth document there are no white spaces around lines or lettering. All of this is clearly printed, typed, and signed directly upon the patterned background. Now some will say, "okay, but perhaps the color was changed to this hue in 1962, but was green in 1961. Well, that deserves an answer, so here it is. The following photo is of the Susan Nordyke certificate. You may remember that she was born August 5, 1961 - the day after Obama. So Obama's original certificate would be of the same color and pattern as hers. I'm sure that I previously displayed her certificate image in this thread, though it was displayed in the way I found it on the Internet - a negative image - very dark and with white lines and characters. That of course is because the certified copy given to the Nordykes was duplicated from a photo negative. To see the actual color, I loaded the Nordyke photo into Adobe Photoshop and performed a color inversion, with no further adjustments. Here's the result:

        As is rather apparent, the coloration is not green like the Obama document, and has an entirely different background pattern. The coloration, however is much the same as in the Edith Coats certificate. Therefore, the Obama document can not possibly be a true image of his original birth certificate. Notice too that nowhere on Obama's document is it even claimed that it is a true image of the original certificate, wheareas the Nordyke document clearly does state this in its lower section, saying, "This certifies that the above is a true and correct copy of the original record on file in the research, planning and statistics office Hawaii state department of health." The Obama document shows a faked "certification" stamp of Alvin Onaka, which states, "I certify this is a true copy or abstract of the record on file...." (emphasis mine). It's definitely not a true copy, but in what manner is the Obama document even an abstract? In this instance I would only consider the word used as an adjective (thought of apart from concrete realities or actual instances) or verb ( to divert or draw away the attention of; to steal).
        The only thing real about this document is that it is a real fake, pieced together from parts stolen from other documents.

        Notice also the official raised seal shown just above the date of certification on the Nordyke certificate, which is not found on the Obama document. And compare the certificate number of the Nordyke document (61 10637) with that of Obama's (61 10641) and note that while his certificate is said to have been approved by the Registrar General on August 8 (see box #22), Nordyke's was not approved until August 11th. In 1961, the date the birth document was accepted by the registrar general was the date the birth certificate number was stamped on the birth record. The birth certificate number was stamped on the form by a rubber stamp that automatically increased by one digit each time a birth certificate was stamped. This reeks of fraud, and causes me to wonder who the number shown on Obama's document was actually assigned to. No doubt it is probably someone who died and would therefore never question Obama's use of the number.

        This has to be the most obvious case of fraudulent documentation that I have ever seen, and it should be readily apparent to anyone who views the document with a discerning eye. The fraudulence involved is so blatantly evident that there is really no need to call in an expert document investigator to point out the blunders. That said, though, I wonder if we will ever hear the media reporting on the results of an official examination of the Obama document, or of the document that it was supposedly copied from. Trump remarked more than once that the document should be investigated for authenticity, and I hope he will keep demanding that. Of course if a document evaluation team is appointed, who will do the appointing - Obama? That's a lot like President Johnson appointing the Warren Commission to investigate Kennedy's assassination, or Clinton appointing an investigator for his Whitewater scandal, or Bush appointing a 911 Commission.

        What does amaze me is that we hear absolutely no concessions from any of Obama's supporters. There have to be some intelligent supporters who have examined the document themselves - if for no other reason than to attempt to disprove what we are saying and showing. But instead of any admissions that the document is even questionable, all I see when looking around the Internet forums, and on YouTube, is Obama-bots claiming that for us to even question Obama is nothing less than a racist act on our parts. What utter nonsense! It is the only card they have left to play, of course, so they will be using it at every opportunity - any time that Obama's integrity or policies are questioned.

        Last edited by rickoff; 04-29-2011, 06:46 AM. Reason: added thoughts and info
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Originally posted by Moe R View Post
          There are good observations here. It's so fake, you have to wonder exactly what the ptb are using it for. Is it the Trump card? No pun intended. A sheeple distraction? The US has been so played. A 2 party system that is really 1 party. The puppet party. These are some smart bastards, happy to delete many and any who stand in their way. But, we are many that get in their way. Keep the info flowing. Many are waking up. Reach as many as possible. I only hope they understand what is at stake.
          Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
          Hi Rick/ALL

          It cant be the people behind the Kennedy assassination video tweaks or the 911 pentagon video is all i can say , surly they would know that it would be debunked, its so obvious it makes me wonder some times. They must have better technology than this?

          “Is there a Conspiracy?”
          That is the question that is plaguing so many intelligent, concerned people today. As we see our once proud nation brought to its knees economically, as we see our soldiers being butchered at the hands of a phantom enemy, as we see our liberties here at home being eroded daily, as we stand by helplessly watching our elected leaders betray our interests; it seems a question that is inescapable.
          “Is there a Conspiracy?”

          Well-intentioned people stop looking for solutions to problems and start looking instead for people to blame. If they detect the scent of conspiracy, they become obsessed with identifying the conspirators and then uncovering evidence to convince others of their theories. “The truth is out there” becomes the siren song leading them down bewildering paths of confusion and obfuscation.

          ... they play into the hands of the conspirators. Not only have they wasted their time, they have undermined the credibility of anyone who agrees with them, anyone they agree with, or anyone that is working to find a solution to the problems created by the conspiracy.

          “Divide and conquer” is the essential strategy of all unholy conspiracies. An often unrecognized fact is that most people are basically good. A corollary is that bad people are always outnumbered and continually run the risk of being ganged up on and defeated by sheer numbers. I think this is the main attraction for conspiracy theorists. We feel that if only we could expose these vermin for what they are, the public would rise up and get rid of them once and for all. It is a very seductive thought but one that sadly has never seemed to work. Watergate brought down a president, his administration, and even sent some of his cronies and co-conspirators to prison. The poisonous legacies of President Nixon (and his puppet-masters) live on, however, continuing to undermine the Republic: the Federal Reserve Note, unquestioned legitimacy of the undeclared war, deficit spending, a “moderate” Republican Party. We won the battle and lost the war.

          The Virtual Conspiracy | Ron Paul 2012 | Sound Money, Peace and Liberty

          Submitted by SIERRAHPBT on Sat, 08/23/2008 - 16:34
          in Daily Paul Liberty Forum
          BOMBSHELL: Barack Obama Is Not a US Citizen, Not Eligible to be US President.
          Birth Certificate Found in Kenya. Citizen of Kenya and Indonesia. Hawaiian Certificate Forged.

          BOMBSHELL: Barack Obama Is Not a US Citizen, Not Eligible to be US President. | Ron Paul 2012 | Sound Money, Peace and Liberty



          • Thats why they are called 'Revolutions';

            Cause it keeps going round and round; even if your succesful in exposing and 'throwing the Barstuds out', the new 'group in charge' quickly lose their idealism, and become corrupt Barstuds themselves.Jim


            • I have to agree with the last few posts, there’s too much distraction with people focusing on the smallest of details while losing sight of what really matters. It's time for some real Dark Angel, Eyes only style spanner in the works (for those not sure what I'm talking about - Dark Angel was a TV series which James Cameron co-created back in 2000–2002)

              . . .
              Regular service Signature:
              Follow along on my Algae growing adventure, where I'm currently growing Spirulina and two mystery strains (one of which can also produce Biofuel). All is revealed in the Growing Algae thread...


              • Originally posted by Savvypro View Post
                It's time for some real Dark Angel, Eyes only style spanner in the works
                Unfortunately people are manipulated since birth to reject the truth. The truth is that our biggest threat, the government in the shadow is the jiewsh cirminal network.
                But a hollywood movie about the so-called holocaust every 10 days renders people unable to critize their executioners and they even defend them.


                • Originally posted by bugler View Post
                  Unfortunately people are manipulated since birth to reject the truth. The truth is that our biggest threat, the government in the shadow is the jiewsh cirminal network.
                  But a hollywood movie about the so-called holocaust every 10 days renders people unable to critize their executioners and they even defend them.
                  Hi bugler
                  It is true that people can be desnsitized to things even tramitic things. They are to the point where the truth no longer matters becuase they think that since they have seen images of it They know the truth, but in fact they have just lost thier ability to decide right or wrong for themselves. As a result they beileve anything they are told and don't question it. Not for one moment thinking it could be false.
                  I actually met someone who thought the holocaust was nothing more than a Hollywood plot.
                  He didn't even beleive me when I told him that I have been to Buchenwald, Auschwitz und Bergenbelsen. I saw the gas chambers and the buildings. I even met a survivor while i was at Bergenbelsen.
                  That is the differance between doers and followers. People who do things and go places, experience life and can appreciate it so much more. Those who get life fed to them through the TV have a difficult time dicerning truth from lies.
                  On a side note ...every freedom loving person should take a pilgrimage to one of the Konsentarationsläger, to remind us what happens when freedom is lost.
                  I saw them when they had been shut down for 40 years and the images are still hauntingly vivid in my mind.
                  Smile it doesn't hurt!

                  Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                  • Hospital Name

                    I got sent this today - I have not checked the facts:

                    Because Obama messed up on the forging of his own birth ceritificate... This is any interesting piece of the puzzle.
                    Hate to bring this up, but I just checked the official web site for Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital and according to the information there, the name of the hospital at the time of his birth should have been Kauikeolani Children’s Hospital. According to the web site the name didn’t change to Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until Kauikeolani Children’s Hospital merged with Kapiolani Maternity Home in 1978. So how could his official long form birth certificate that was generated in 1961 have the name of the hospital that wasn’t created until 1978?


                    • Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
                      I saw the gas chambers and the buildings. I even met a survivor while i was at Bergenbelsen.
                      That is the differance between doers and followers. People who do things and go places, experience life and can appreciate it so much more. Those who get life fed to them through the TV have a difficult time dicerning truth from lies.
                      On a side note ...every freedom loving person should take a pilgrimage to one of the Konsentarationsläger, to remind us what happens when freedom is lost.
                      I saw them when they had been shut down for 40 years and the images are still hauntingly vivid in my mind.
                      You think you have seen a gas chamber and you think you know about the holocau$t. But you just have seen a show and have read propaganda.

                      I challange you to see this video done by a jewish historian in his visit to Auschwitz: YouTube - David Cole in Auschwitz (Full Documentary)

                      The death camps was the ones that jewish Eisenhower make where he killed over a milllion german soldiers AFTER the war. Dresden can also be considered a death camp.
                      Jewish Lenin killed over 19 million Christians and jewish Stalin killed over 44 million Christians but not a single movie have been made about it so they didn't happened to most people.

                      If after watching the video of jewish historian you want to learn more about the biggest lie of XXth Century you can watch the highgly researched videos in Holocaust Denial Videos

                      And also you can read the book by Douglass Reed:

                      etc, etc. The information it out there but again, a jewish-owned hollywood making a holohoax movie every 10 days (and ignoring the real genocides) has manipulated everybody feeling sorry for the executioners.


                      • Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
                        I saw the gas chambers and the buildings. I even met a survivor while i was at Bergenbelsen.
                        That is the differance between doers and followers. People who do things and go places, experience life and can appreciate it so much more. Those who get life fed to them through the TV have a difficult time dicerning truth from lies.
                        On a side note ...every freedom loving person should take a pilgrimage to one of the Konsentarationsläger, to remind us what happens when freedom is lost.
                        I saw them when they had been shut down for 40 years and the images are still hauntingly vivid in my mind.
                        You think you have seen a gas chamber and you think you know about the holocau$t. But you just have seen a show and have read propaganda.

                        I challange you to see this video done by a jewish historian in his visit to Auschwitz: YouTube - David Cole in Auschwitz (Full Documentary)

                        The death camps was the ones that jewish Eisenhower made where he killed over a milllion german soldiers AFTER the war ( General Dwight Eisenhower ). Dresden can also be considered a death camp.
                        Jewish Lenin killed over 19 million Christians and jewish Stalin killed over 44 million Christians but not a single movie have been made about it so they didn't happened to most people.

                        If after watching the video of jewish historian you want to learn more about the biggest lie of XXth Century you can watch the highgly researched videos in Holocaust Denial Videos

                        And also you can read the book by Douglass Reed:

                        etc, etc. The information it out there but again, a jewish-owned hollywood making a holohoax movie every 10 days (and ignoring the real genocides) has manipulated everybody feeling sorry for the executioners.


                        • Originally posted by bugler View Post
                          You think you have seen a gas chamber and you think you know about the holocau$t. But you just have seen a show and have read propaganda.

                          I challange you to see this video done by a jewish historian in his visit to Auschwitz: YouTube - David Cole in Auschwitz (Full Documentary)

                          The death camps was the ones that jewish Eisenhower made where he killed over a milllion german soldiers AFTER the war ( General Dwight Eisenhower ). Dresden can also be considered a death camp.
                          Jewish Lenin killed over 19 million Christians and jewish Stalin killed over 44 million Christians but not a single movie have been made about it so they didn't happened to most people.

                          If after watching the video of jewish historian you want to learn more about the biggest lie of XXth Century you can watch the highgly researched videos in Holocaust Denial Videos

                          And also you can read the book by Douglass Reed:

                          etc, etc. The information it out there but again, a jewish-owned hollywood making a holohoax movie every 10 days (and ignoring the real genocides) has manipulated everybody feeling sorry for the executioners.
                          Wow I dont know where to begin. First of all I have persanlly walked in those same camps were the Nazi's killed millions and was repulsed. I spoke with a survivor and was shocked by the stories. I personally knew a German national who served in the Wehrmacht and had freind in the Geheimnis Staaten Polizei. I am a Chrsitian but after seeing what I have seen there is no doubt in my mind the suffering the Jews went through under Nazi Germany.
                          Secondly I have a great uncle who served as a radio man on Eisenhower's staff and I can tell you Eisenhower took great pains to keep prisoners safe and cared for. In fact a dear freind of my family was a german POW and cut timber for my grandad here in the states as a POW.
                          No, I am afraid that you are drinking way too much koolaid if you beleive that Eisenhower did those things and if you beleive the holocaust is fake.
                          I have seen these things, not in operation thank God, but I have seen them after the fact. I know they are real.
                          Before you question the truth go see for yourself.
                          Walk the railyards in Auschwitz see the creametoriums of Buchenwald. They are real they exist and they happened. And they still stand as am accussing finger at the depths to which humanity will sink.
                          Last edited by Bizzy; 04-29-2011, 10:42 PM.
                          Smile it doesn't hurt!

                          Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                          • Bizzy are you jewish?

                            Will you see the video of jiewish historian David Cole or you will just pretend it doesn't exist?
                            Last edited by bugler; 04-30-2011, 06:53 AM. Reason: update


                            • Originally posted by bugler View Post
                              Bizzy are you jewish?

                              Will you see the video of jiewish historian David Cole or you will just pretend it doesn't exist?
                              Hi Bugler
                              No i am a Christian, but my savior is Jewish! And Jews are just Christian brothers who haven't met Jesus yet, but they will.

                              I know what I saw. I know who I spoke with. I cannot deny what I have seen with my own eyes. And i feel sorry for anyone (you or this David Cole)who thinks the holocaust was not real, because those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. And that is one past I would not care to live through.

                              Onto the other things more germaine to the US....Obama's birth certificate.
                              It is fake.
                              Why hasn't anyone ie Trump Palin etc exposed the fraud and errors? Are they just going to give him a pass now that he showed us a piece of paper.
                              It took him two years to shows us the paper after so much controversy and now Obama expects us to accept it and shut up. He must think all Americans are as dumb and ignorant as the people who voted for him. Not me!!
                              If Jan Brewer would have signed the Birth Certification bill they could have offically examined Obama's birth Certificate and exposed it or certified it. Either way it would have been an offical examination by a "trusted" party.
                              Smile it doesn't hurt!

                              Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                              • I have uploaded a youtube video with the rickoff method of proving that the Obama's certificate is fake:

                                YouTube - jewishcrimenetwork's Channel

                                Well done rickoff!

