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The American Ruling Class

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  • Not working for Money

    Court case for not having money for food was dismissed.

    "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws."
    The root of the problems are not in politics, government, laws, voting, etc. it's money ...

    They labor for free and not for the money. They have no money.
    It is not that they do not work, just that they do not work for money.
    Dominion over the earth means all is ours.

    Claiming Our Inheritance With Action
    Step 1) They were arrested for having no money (not paying) for groceries
    and the court case was dismissed.
    Step 2) repeat step 1
    Step 3) moving into a house.

    If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.
    If the root problem is not addressed the side-effects it causes
    can not be fixed.
    Working for money can not be fixed ... money is the only problem.
    Remember to be kind to your mind ...
    Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


    • An Open Letter to David Rockefeller

      Originally posted by Vortex View Post

      "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws."
      The root of the problems are not in politics, government, laws, voting, etc. it's money ...

      Working for money can not be fixed ... money is the only problem.
      money is the only problem = guns kill people
      Guns Kill People. Period. - A Capital View (

      "Give me control of a nation's moneyand I care not who makes the laws."
      "Yes, mankind has been painfully foolish in following your many destructive directives. We understand whose bidding you do. One only need look at the fruits of your work to understand that. Your usurious banking cabal has virtually enslaved mankind in a kind of mental trap as many have yet to wake up to the reality that there is no debt to the World Bank. "
      The Shot Heard Around The World - H1N1 Vaccination Dangers


      • Nearly half of US Congressional Representatives are millionaires

        Makes you wonder who these representatives are representing.

        According to a new report from the Center for Responsive Politics, 44 percent of our Congressional representatives are millionaires.

        Only 1 percent of their constituents have that much money.

        All told, at least seven lawmakers have net worths greater than $100 million, according to the Center’s 2008 figures.

        "Many Americans probably have a sense that members of Congress aren't hurting, even if their government salary alone is in the six figures, much more than most Americans make," said CRP spokesman Dave Levinthal.

        "What we see through these figures is that many of them have riches well beyond that salary, supplemented with securities, stock holdings, property, and other investments."

        Among executive branch officials, CRP says the richest is Securities and Exchange Commission Chairwoman Mary L. Schapiro, with a net worth estimated at $26 million; Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is next, worth an estimated $21 million. President Barack Obama is the sixth-wealthiest, worth about an estimated $4 million.

        Many lawmakers have profited from investments in companies that have received federal bailouts; dozens are invested in Wells Fargo, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and Bank of America.

        Now we see why they were so intent on funding these bailouts. It wasn't to save the banks - it was to save themselves!
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • American Ruling Class

          Originally posted by rickoff View Post
          Makes you wonder who these representatives are representing.

          According to a new report from the Center for Responsive Politics, 44 percent of our Congressional representatives are millionaires.

          Only 1 percent of their constituents have that much money.

          All told, at least seven lawmakers have net worths greater than $100 million, according to the Center’s 2008 figures.

          "Many Americans probably have a sense that members of Congress aren't hurting, even if their government salary alone is in the six figures, much more than most Americans make," said CRP spokesman Dave Levinthal.

          "What we see through these figures is that many of them have riches well beyond that salary, supplemented with securities, stock holdings, property, and other investments."

          Among executive branch officials, CRP says the richest is Securities and Exchange Commission Chairwoman Mary L. Schapiro, with a net worth estimated at $26 million; Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is next, worth an estimated $21 million. President Barack Obama is the sixth-wealthiest, worth about an estimated $4 million.

          Many lawmakers have profited from investments in companies that have received federal bailouts; dozens are invested in Wells Fargo, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and Bank of America.

          Now we see why they were so intent on funding these bailouts. It wasn't to save the banks - it was to save themselves!
          Ambition and legitimate sources of wealth makes you wonder whom these representatives are representing.
          How deep is the rabbit hole?



          • More evidence of the coming police state


            The Pelosi Obamacare bill has passed by a narrow margin in the House of Representatives, and now we can only hope that the Senate will reject the bill. Healthcare insurance is something I have always carried, and was glad I had it a few years ago when my wife had an emergency appendectomy. The total bill for that was about $13,000 and insurance paid for all but about $400 of that. Still, if I socked away the same amount of money each year that I pay for health insurance, and put it in a emergency savings account, I'd be further ahead in the long run and the money would be available for medical care when needed. I don't think that those who live healthy lifestyles should be forced to pay for the medical care of those who don't, but that's exactly what will occur if this bill passes the Senate. And those who refuse to pay for mandated insurance will face stiff fines and time in jail.

            The nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation reported that the House version of the healthcare bill specifies that those who don't buy health insurance and do not pay the fine of about 2.5 percent of their income for failing to do so can face a penalty of up to five years in prison!
            The bill describes the penalties as follows:
            * Section 7203 — Misdemeanor willful failure to pay is punishable by a fine of up to $25,000 and/or imprisonment of up to one year.
            * Section 7201 — Felony willful evasion is punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and/or imprisonment of up to five years." [page 3]

            That anyone should face prison for not buying health insurance is simply incredible. Just another example of the police state being foisted upon us.

            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Looks like I will have to start looking for another country to call home for this one doesn't want me any more!

              Originally posted by rickoff View Post

              The Pelosi Obamacare bill has passed by a narrow margin in the House of Representatives, and now we can only hope that the Senate will reject the bill. Healthcare insurance is something I have always carried, and was glad I had it a few years ago when my wife had an emergency appendectomy. The total bill for that was about $13,000 and insurance paid for all but about $400 of that. Still, if I socked away the same amount of money each year that I pay for health insurance, and put it in a emergency savings account, I'd be further ahead in the long run and the money would be available for medical care when needed. I don't think that those who live healthy lifestyles should be forced to pay for the medical care of those who don't, but that's exactly what will occur if this bill passes the Senate. And those who refuse to pay for mandated insurance will face stiff fines and time in jail.

              The nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation reported that the House version of the healthcare bill specifies that those who don't buy health insurance and do not pay the fine of about 2.5 percent of their income for failing to do so can face a penalty of up to five years in prison!
              The bill describes the penalties as follows:
              * Section 7203 — Misdemeanor willful failure to pay is punishable by a fine of up to $25,000 and/or imprisonment of up to one year.
              * Section 7201 — Felony willful evasion is punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and/or imprisonment of up to five years." [page 3]

              That anyone should face prison for not buying health insurance is simply incredible. Just another example of the police state being foisted upon us.



              • Guys there are a lot more rights you have civil and under common law then you might realize we created this educational research resource for ALL.

                Evidence of Concern



                • Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                  Guys there are a lot more rights you have civil and under common law then you might realize we created this educational research resource for ALL.

                  Evidence of Concern

                  Thanks Ash,

                  That was some very good reading I had no idea the 13th Amendment was taken out by fraudulent means, and it is needed back inplace now more than ever. I also find it said that the first President of color has openly commited treason by holding another job, head of the world court or something like that. But lets do what has to be done and bring out the firing squad.

                  Plus Ash I hope you take the time to read my little thread as I think it will make the world of difference to the members of your teams results with Meyer's work: and the summary: hope that helps,



                  • insurance is the crime

                    Yes, I agree Rick. Saving instead of spending for insurance is best.
                    Criminals are cash cows, making everyone a criminal is the goal.

                    Mennonites and Amish traditionally do not believe in insurance

                    Insurance avoids "strict liability" for your actions.

                    Ignoring scripture health laws makes one sick, buying medical insurance only
                    compounds the woes due to lacking strict liability.

                    Only 3 things are not insurable: acts of God, nuclear war
                    and vaccination shots (yes really!)..

                    The reasons for canceling all insurance policies are:
                    # Insurance is a fool's gamble for the math-challenged; insurance schemes are motivated by fear, designed to enrich the insurers by taking money that should be used to 'love your neighbor.'
                    # You cannot simultaneously be insured and independent of man's domainance over you. Insurance places you under many levels of man's jurisdiction. (Key words for further study are admiralty, strict vs. limited liability, and equity jurisdiction.)
                    # We believe that anything an insurance company can do to protect us, our Father and creator will do better, but not if we are hedging our bets by buying protection from men.
                    # Insurance violates the strict liability statutes of the scripture which state clearly that you should bear in full the liability for your actions.
                    Audio recordings:
                    Insurance is a Crime, Parts 1-7 recorded on:
                    2/1/2009, 2/2/2009, 2/3/2009, 2/4/2009, 2/5/2009, 2/6/2009, 2/7/2009

                    National Healthcare Insurance, Parts 1-7 recorded on:
                    8/2/2009, 8/3/2009, 8/4/2009, 8/5/2009, 8/6/2009, 8/7/2009, 8/8/2009,

                    Originally posted by rickoff View Post

                    The Pelosi Obamacare bill has passed by a narrow margin in the House of Representatives, and now we can only hope that the Senate will reject the bill. Healthcare insurance is something I have always carried, and was glad I had it a few years ago when my wife had an emergency appendectomy. The total bill for that was about $13,000 and insurance paid for all but about $400 of that. Still, if I socked away the same amount of money each year that I pay for health insurance, and put it in a emergency savings account, I'd be further ahead in the long run and the money would be available for medical care when needed. I don't think that those who live healthy lifestyles should be forced to pay for the medical care of those who don't, but that's exactly what will occur if this bill passes the Senate. And those who refuse to pay for mandated insurance will face stiff fines and time in jail.

                    The nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation reported that the House version of the healthcare bill specifies that those who don't buy health insurance and do not pay the fine of about 2.5 percent of their income for failing to do so can face a penalty of up to five years in prison!
                    The bill describes the penalties as follows:
                    * Section 7203 — Misdemeanor willful failure to pay is punishable by a fine of up to $25,000 and/or imprisonment of up to one year.
                    * Section 7201 — Felony willful evasion is punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and/or imprisonment of up to five years." [page 3]

                    That anyone should face prison for not buying health insurance is simply incredible. Just another example of the police state being foisted upon us.

                    Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                    Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                    • Arc

                      Originally posted by h20power View Post
                      Looks like I will have to start looking for another country to call home for this one doesn't want me any more!
                      Goyim have no place to escape to see:
                      True Torah Jews Against Zionism
                      History of the Jews in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                      Obamas jewish roots
                      Urban Dictionary: Goyim


                      • All are corrupt

                        Originally posted by h20power View Post
                        Looks like I will have to start looking for another country to call home for this one doesn't want me any more!
                        Unfortunatly in todays world there is no where to run...
                        No place to hide from world corruption.
                        "But ye shall receive power..."
                        Acts 1:8


                        • How the US Funds the Taliban

                          "Welcome to the wartime contracting bazaar in Afghanistan. It is a virtual carnival of improbable characters and shady connections, with former CIA officials and ex-military officers joining hands with former Taliban and mujahedeen to collect US government funds in the name of the war effort.

                          It is an accepted fact of the military logistics operation in Afghanistan that the US government funds the very forces American troops are fighting. And it is a deadly irony, because these funds add up to a huge amount of money for the Taliban. "It's a big part of their income," one of the top Afghan government security officials told The Nation in an interview. In fact, US military officials in Kabul estimate that a minimum of 10 percent of the Pentagon's logistics contracts--hundreds of millions of dollars--consists of payments to insurgents. "

                          How the US Funds the Taliban



                          • Even more bazaar is the name, "Al Qaeda" means "the base" if translated to english and look what I found on the net:
                            Shortly before his untimely death, former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook told the House of Commons that "Al Qaeda" is not really a terrorist group but a database of international mujaheddin and arms smugglers used by the CIA and Saudis to funnel guerrillas, arms, and money into Soviet-occupied Afghanistan. Courtesy of World Affairs, a journal based in New Delhi, WMR can bring you an important excerpt from an Apr.-Jun. 2004 article by Pierre-Henry Bunel, a former agent for French military intelligence.

                            Wayne Madsen Report
                            read more here: Al Qaeda -- the Database
                            So every time you hear the words, "Al Qaeda" go ahead and translate it to it's real meaning for more perspective of what is really going on. As with every war after the civil war, the Ruling Class has been both sides of the war to line their pockets with gold.

                            Talk about being had, most Americans have no clue how much wool has been pulled over their eyes to keep them from seeing the truth.


                            Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                            "Welcome to the wartime contracting bazaar in Afghanistan. It is a virtual carnival of improbable characters and shady connections, with former CIA officials and ex-military officers joining hands with former Taliban and mujahedeen to collect US government funds in the name of the war effort.

                            It is an accepted fact of the military logistics operation in Afghanistan that the US government funds the very forces American troops are fighting. And it is a deadly irony, because these funds add up to a huge amount of money for the Taliban. "It's a big part of their income," one of the top Afghan government security officials told The Nation in an interview. In fact, US military officials in Kabul estimate that a minimum of 10 percent of the Pentagon's logistics contracts--hundreds of millions of dollars--consists of payments to insurgents. "

                            How the US Funds the Taliban



                            • Hello Rick, sat down to do 10mins on the copmp: that was a hour and a half ago! some great comments on this track, many things to think about once again. I say again, because those of us of certain years will have already been there, in past useful struggles. I talk of times when we filled the streets, and chanted 'ban the bomb' 'free vietnam' 'bring the troops home' 'smash aparthied'
                              And here we are again full-circle, all those young people full of hope and ready to change the world, he said in his song 'where have all the flowers gone', truth was we had no idea then the strength and guile of the oppossition, it takes debate the kind you have started here to open our eyes to the struggle.
                              Many thanks for the time you put in.

                              Regards, Bren.


                              • Who can provide a link to a video segment, probably youtube, showing Gore questioning Congress –man/women (with petitions supported by thousands of signatures) if they had certain numbers of Senators supporting their cause?
                                I think petitions had something to do with Gore-Bush-Florida vote scandal.

