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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
    Yes, it really does. Frankly, I think Osama actually died long ago from a known severe illness. I heard that they have supposedly "dumped his body at sea," which is a rather convenient excuse for not providing any proof of this kill raid. Besides, if they could get close enough to shoot him in the head, why not simply take him captive and place him on trial? Why was a kill mission supposedly ordered?
    On September 20, 2001, at 2:05 A.M., Ryan International Flight 441, a Boeing 727 contracted by the Saudi embassy, departed the United States from Boston, Massachusetts, for Newfoundland.

    The screening of this flight was directed by an FBI agent in the Baltimore Field Office who was also a pilot. This agent, coordinating with FBI headquarters, sent an electronic communication to each of the field offices within whose jurisdiction the Bin Ladin flight was scheduled to land; it including the proposed flight manifest and directions regarding what screening should occur. The communication directed agents in those offices to verify the identities of the passengers and ensure “that the flight did not pose a threat to US security.”The Baltimore agent monitored the flight as it moved around the country—from St. Louis to Los Angeles to Orlando to Washington Dulles and to Boston Logan— correcting for any changes in itinerary to make sure there was no lapse in FBI screening.

    Most of the 23 passengers were Saudi nationals. Most of the Saudis were relatives of Usama Bin Ladin, and 12 had the last name Bin Ladin.

    Flight 441 (the “Bin Ladin Family Flight”), page 1


    • The fake certificate (probably at plain sight so everybody can be sure it is fake) proves that most people can't think at all.

      I have posted a video in a forum with the rickoff method (copy + paste in paint) and more details and not a single person has come back saying he has checked it is fake. Many are just insulting me for believing in conspiranoids.

      It seems that no matter how obvious a lie is most people will believe if it is told on TV. There is no solution for human kind. It sems that thanks to TV we will always be slaves of the criminal elite. Sad.


      • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
        Pogo was right.
        "We have met the enemy, and he is us."

        My point is, those dweebs in Hollywood, USA, Washington DC, and Big City, NY aren't making society. They're making what society wants.

        And what the people want, the last time I checked, is strongly influenced by the fact that most of them inhabit the middle third of the intelligence curve (Integration for the area under a curve lost in transmission); you know, that big bell-shaped hump centered at an IQ of 100, the equivalent of an emotional age of 13.

        Not only that, but the Very Smart People who manipulate the means of distributing all this propaganda have figured out how to tap into their customers' most primal wants.

        Because in a democratic republic, all questions of political economy are ultimately decided by an aggregate IQ of one hundred. We do not possess, collectively, the wisdom to govern ourselves in a way that will ensure our long-term viability as a species.

        The government always has had, and always will have, its way with us, BECAUSE WE ARE TOO STUPID TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.

        Car Talk

        Intelligence quotient - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        Religiosity and intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



        • It seems to me

          This document is not what it purports to be, obviously.What should have been provided was a photocopy (or whatever process) of his original long form.Thats what they USED to provide, when someone asked for a copy, if i understand correctly.
          Then, at some point, they started providing, instead, this 'certificate of live birth'.Maybe because so many people were using the old 'dead baby birth certificate' trick, to create fake I.D.'s. The certificate of live birth is basically like a note from your parents.It is the Vital statisitcs people saying "We have a birth certificate on file for this person, and here is some of what it says."

          What Obama has provided, is the equivalent of a long form certificate of live birth.It is not a 'copy' of the original long form.i.e it is not a photograph, or other method which provides an image of the original long form. It is a newly generated document, which purports to convey all the information that would be conveyed on his original long form.At least that is my understanding.

          I suspect there is some truth in whats being reported; that is, this document probably was created right there in the vital statistics office in Hawaii.The people who created it were obviously not master forgers.They were state beurocrats.Probably not THAT knowledgable about all the stuff Rick has shown. I know I didn't know all this stuff, about how you can use photoshop to de-construct a document, etc.I'm betting some functionary in the Vital statistics office didn't, either.I also suspect that there was some urgency to getting this done; He, (Obama) put this off for a long time, until pushed into it. Therefore, it was a rush job.And, his primary requirement in getting someone to deal with this problem was NOT to find someone who was a master forger, but to find someone who would remain loyal, and keep their mouth shut.

          The obvious question; why didn't he just have them release an actual photocopy of his original long form? Why all this foolishness with releasing such a bogus bastardised document? Only reasonable answer; either there IS no original, or there is something on it that Obama doesn't want anyone to see.Anyway, just my thoughts, based on my limited understanding. I do think that, with the help of a complicit press, the majority will believe this issue is put to rest, and I see where they are increasing the accusation that 'birther' equates with rascism.SO, we shall see what we shall see.Jim


          • Bin Laden dead

            I don't know if it is true or not but the White House may release
            a photo of Bin Laden's corpse.

            But that doesn't prove WHEN he was actually killed, which is probably
            up to several years ago. It seems that the compound where Bin Laden
            was, he was already buried there and they excavated his body and took
            it to sea - making the claim they just killed him.

            This pic was circulating but is an absolute fake and has been online
            since 2009 - graphic image so don't look unless you want to see it:
            Osama bin Laden corpse photo is fake | World news |
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • Here's a new video by Ron Paul renewing the call for an honest and full audit of the Federal Reserve. We need to get behind Ron on this and ensure that the Audit The Fed bill passes the House and Senate this time, without being watered down. While the Bernie Sanders version which passed the Senate did reveal some inappropriate Fed dealings, it didn't go nearly far enough, and failed to address much of what was in the original bill. We need to contact each of our representatives and get a firm commitment from them as to whether or not they will cosponsor and work to pass this legislation. If any of them cannot confirm their absolute support, we need to find out why.

              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • I was reading the lies in a newspaper about Osama and how there are fears of a new terrorist attack by AlCiada and I thought that maybe the lie about the death of Osama is just to give some needed publicity to Obama but maybe it could be that the mossad is ready for the next 911 which would then be blamed on AlCiada with the help, of course. of Iran.

                I know if sounds farfetched and let's hope there is no new 911.


                • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                  I do think that, with the help of a complicit press, the majority will believe this issue is put to rest, and I see where they are increasing the accusation that 'birther' equates with rascism.SO, we shall see what we shall see.Jim
                  Shulamit Aloni "It's a Trick, We Always Use It."
                  Shulamit Aloni Interviewed By Amy Goodman On Democracy Now! | Ron Paul 2012 | Sound Money, Peace and Liberty

                  YouTube - "It's a Trick, We Always Use It." (calling people "anti-Semitic")

                  YouTube - Ben Stein Accuses Ron Paul of Anti-Semitism on Larry King



                  • Originally posted by bugler View Post
                    I was reading the lies in a newspaper about Osama and how there are fears of a new terrorist attack by AlCiada and I thought that maybe the lie about the death of Osama is just to give some needed publicity to Obama but maybe it could be that the mossad is ready for the next 911 which would then be blamed on AlCiada with the help, of course. of Iran.

                    I know if sounds farfetched and let's hope there is no new 911.
                    Welcome to, home of the National Radiation Map, depicting environmental radiation levels across the USA, updated in real time every minute. This is the first web site where the average citizen (or anyone in the world) can see what radiation levels are anywhere in the USA at any time.
                    Radiation Network



                    • Obama administration grants US citizenship to 3 convicted terrorists!

                      In a recent report issued by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) it was stated that the three men were caught up in a post 9/11 investigation involving “an identified link to international terrorism." The three were "charged with violating other statutes, including fraud, immigration, drugs, false statements, and general conspiracy charges.”

                      Two of the men were convicted of “unlawful production of an identity document” and the other of breaking sanctions by transferring funds out of the country. These offenses are referred to as “Category II” terror-related cases.

                      Two were granted US citizenship in 2009, and the third in 2010, all under the Obama administration. Outrageous? You bet! We might as well roll out a welcome mat proclaiming that we welcome anyone who wants to become a citizen, regardless of past affilliations or convictions. Some would rightly point out that, through non-enforcement of illegal immigration laws, we already lay out a virtual welcome mat to countless convicted thugs and felons who may easily enter and stay in our country while continuing their violent crimes. But to grant such people citizenship? It is rather obvious that no one checked to see if these three men had any arrest or conviction records, let alone recods of such significance. It just shows how Obama's non-enforcement policy on immigration matters has resulted in customs and immigration officials turning a blind eye to immigration applicants, and rubber stamping their applications with virtually no background investigations ever conducted.

                      I aggree with the following statement made by Representative Steve King, the chairman of the House Subcommittee on Immigration Matters, who after learning of these outrageous occurrences said this:

                      “When you think of all the things that we went through after September 11 to try to put security in place so that we can protect this nation from terrorists and then to find out that we are granting them citizenship — it is something that America should not tolerate and the patience level of the American people should have been worn thin a long time ago on these kind of mistakes.”
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • The unfolding Osama Saga

                        This morning I sat down to have breakfast and clicked my TV on to see what the latest claptrap released by the mass media giants might be. I figured it would still have something to do with Bin Laden, as they have been running this story constantly the past two days to the exclusion of pretty much anything else. The first thing I saw today, to my amazement, was a CNN reporter showing a newspaper story photo of Obama shot dead. I couldn't imagine them actually showing this photo when it has long since been exposed as a fake, but then the reporter explained that it was indeed a photoshopped fake, and went on to talk with another reporter about whether an actual photo, or video, might be forthcoming. Immediately, these questions came to mind:
                        1. If the media can recognize that the Bin Laden death death photo was obviously a photoshopped fake, why haven't they done a serious story showing why Obama's "certificate" is also a fake?
                        2. If the TV media has no qualms about showing, on daytime TV, a photo that looks like Obama having a blood stained face with a bullet hole above his eye, then why has there been all this talk about not showing the "official" death photograph because it would be "inappropriate," especially if seen by young children?
                        3. There was talk today about whether or not the Pakistan raid was actually captured on video, and the reporters claimed they didn't know for certain. Thing is, though, the same reporters on Monday showed us photos of Obama and other administration officials "watching video of the raid in real time," while it was being conducted.

                        This whole Bin Laden saga has shown that either the White House, the mainstream media, or both, cannot seem to get their stories straight and in agreement. First they say that Osama's wife was killed, and that Osama was holding a gun when he was killed. Now they say his wife was only shot in the leg, and that Osama did not brandish any kind of weapon. The question arises as to why the story has been changed. Certainly CNN wouldn't want to admit it was a blunder in their reporting, and the White House would not want to admit that their press release of the information was untrue. So why then did they change the story, which the public had already been spoon fed and had accepted as reality? It just doesn't make sense to change the story, unless perhaps one or more of the persons who took part in the raid refused to lie and go along with the "official" version. This also brings to mind the "official" story of the purported daring raid on an Iraqi facility, and brave rescue of a captured female US soldier, which was also released as a made for TV movie. She later revealed that the government's story on this rescue operation was a blatant farce. In reality, she was being treated at a medical facility which was short staffed, and absolutely no opposing forces were encountered.

                        I'm sure we will never learn the actual facts regarding this Bin Laden saga, but one thing is for certain, which is that, like the Obama "certificate," the official story answers nothing, but instead raises many doubts and questions.

                        Last edited by rickoff; 05-04-2011, 07:01 PM.
                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Interesting Documentary

                          Hi Guys,

                          Thought you might like this documentary about whats really been going on:




                          • no proof of live video

                            They could all be watching a rerun of Gilligan's Island for all we know.

                            Most likely, they are watching some video of Osama being killed but just
                            because they believe they are watching it live does NOT mean they
                            are actually watching live video. As far as I'm concerned, all mainstream
                            news media and releases from the govt are about as trustworthy as
                            a Hollywood movie's special effects. No matter what, we'll probably never
                            know the truth to almost anything going on.

                            I think OBL has been dead for several years at least and if he was
                            assassinated by our govt, which he probably was, they probably filmed it
                            and waited until the best opportunity to release it at a later time. Distracting
                            from a photoshopped birth certificate is about as good of a reason as you
                            can get.

                            It is possible Obama, Clinton and the rest have been kept in the dark
                            about the reality of OBL for plausible deniability - cia pulls this stunt and
                            leads them to believe they are watching a live assassination so that
                            Obama, Clinton and the rest are stating what they believe to be true.

                            And the mainstream masses of sheeple go along blindly believing anything
                            and everything they see on tv.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • Originally posted by tezzaa View Post
                              Hi Guys,

                              Thought you might like this documentary about whats really been going on:

                              zeitgeist tezzaa
                              I think that most anyone participating in this forum has probably viewed the Zeitgeist series of videos already. For all who have, as well as those who haven't, I urge caution in accepting all you see at face value, especially the underlying theme and conclusions, which are that what we need (and should aspire to have someday soon) is a system where all our wants and needs are taken care of by whomever or whatever is running the new system. The videographers would like us to believe that there would be no need for any of us to have a job and go to work, because we have the technology available to use robotic equipment to take care of everything that needs doing. We could simply sit at home and play video games, cruise the Internet, watch our favorite movies, and catch up on the latest celebrity gossip and TV news, while robots till the soil, plant the seeds, harvest the crops, and deliver all our food and other necessary items to splendid and comfortable housing units that would be provided free of cost to all of us. But wait a minute - if no one would be required to work, and everyone gets the same benefits regardless of what they do, what incentive would there be for anyone to plan and develop the technology that would be required? And who would work to build, maintain, upgrade, and/or replace all these technological innovations, or the housing units and other infrastructure? Who would bother going to college for several years to become a doctor, or scientist, when attaining that status would be of no additional benefit beyond what a lazy, uneducated moron would expect to receive?

                              To me, this is simply an effort to strengthen the reasons for disenchantment with the system that now exists, and offer all who feel disenchanted a fantasy solution for "change we can believe in." Those who believe the underlying message that embracing such change would usher in a new era of utopian living are distancing themselves from reality. Believing that such a system would be wonderful may help people to temporarily escape from reality and feel hopeful as they daydream of such a utopian life, but that is a dangerous escape. The times when you feel most challenged by all that goes on around you are precisely the times when you need to face reality and take a stand against those who would hope to dumb us down and lead us astray.

                              Last edited by rickoff; 05-04-2011, 07:57 PM.
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • It just shows how Obama's non-enforcement policy on immigration matters has resulted in customs and immigration officials turning a blind eye to immigration applicants, and rubber stamping their applications with virtually no background investigations ever conducted
                                Such events as described instill bewilderment yet again - I am expecting removal proceedings to begin upon myself at any moment !
                                My full story, though now a rather outdated site, is at

                                After meeting my future wife in 2005, on a non dating mutual interest messageboard online, we kept within the guidelines of such international courtship. She visited England a couple of times, I visited the USA a couple of times and then we decided to become man and wife. No stay was for longer than 90 days.
                                On my entering the USA in February 2007 under the Fiance Visa, we were instructed to be married within 90 days, which we did. Funds were secured, paperwork filled in, fee's sent in and then there was the wait for their decision upon my wish for permanent residency.
                                I had worked in England within CCTV security, manning a town center camera security system.
                                My background has been 100% clean.
                                No credit cards
                                No criminal history
                                Full health without any needed medications
                                All instructions from USCIS adhered to as best we could and all appointments kept, such as USA Visa office in London and biometrics in Oklahoma City.
                                During the wait, we moved house. We couldn't afford the mortgage on the house in Minnesota as my wife was now no longer working and I was disallowed from doing so by the procedures and rules of immigration. We therefore bought a house, in cash, from the sale of the house, in a less prosperous area of the country. That removed any mortgage debt, as well as fully enabling paying and disposing of any credit cards. Change of address was forward to USCIS via their website form.

                                I was denied !

                                The Chicago office cited the lack of Affidavit of Support for my wife and that we didn't tell them we had moved. Work that out, when the letter of denial had arrived at our new address.

                                We found a pro bono lawyer, raised funds near to the fresh application fee's ($1500) and my wife continued to try to find work in this area of the country. We then discovered that the tax returns forwarded by her father as Affidavit supporter would have to be renewed, because of the length of time taken to raise the reapplication fee's. That understandable length of time, due to neither of us earning monies brought further problems.
                                Money has dwindled, until now we have just $400 and my wife has an interview on Thursday at KMart.
                                We have no running water after a pipe burst that we cannot afford to fix. If you watch my YouTube video of 'Extending the field with power' you'll see one of our livingroom windows is boarded up, because we can't afford to replace the glass which broke during a storm. We have no TV service, no cellphones and anything else like internet service is as and when we can meet payments. I collect toilet water during thunderstorms. I don't qualify for DHS Food Stamps, so we eat with my wife's allowance for those.
                                All of this because of not working 'on the side' and keeping to rules.

                                I regularly read this thread...very insightful and important discussions being brought forward. I just had to explain and expand on the larger issues regarding immigration to this country, which are by and large missed by many.

