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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
    That's right, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the chief of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has been jailed without bail on charges of attempted rape, sex abuse, a criminal sex act, unlawful imprisonment, and forcible touching, of a maid who was sent to clean his $3,000 a night New York City hotel suite.
    YouTube - ‪Sold into bondage?: IS BEYONCE AN ILLUMINATI SEX SLAVE PUPPET?‬‏



    • Borders of the Six day War

      Hussien Obama has just told the Isrealis to move back to the lines prior to the Six day War to make room for the Palistinians.... I am appalled that he would mistreat and stab a trusted ally in the back like that. It doesn't surprise me but I am appalled....
      That just goes to show that he truely does side with the Muslims in any and all positions, and that Americans, Isrealis and everyone else mean nothing to him.
      Smile it doesn't hurt!

      Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


      • Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
        Hussien Obama has just told the Isrealis to move back to the lines prior to the Six day War to make room for the Palistinians.... I am appalled that he would mistreat and stab a trusted ally in the back like that. It doesn't surprise me but I am appalled....
        That just goes to show that he truely does side with the Muslims in any and all positions, and that Americans, Isrealis and everyone else mean nothing to him.
        You must be kidding. I think you just showed your true colors.

        Decent people are appalled that the isrealies have been comitting a genocide for 70 years and counting. Decent people are appalled that:
        1. Israel was established upon the ruins of another nation that she destroyed; Palestine
        2. Israel holds the world record in the number of towns and villages she ethnically cleansed; +500
        3. Israel holds the world record in the number of refugees she deported; +4 million
        4. Israel hols the world record in the number of houses she demolished; 60 000
        5. Israel is the country with the highest record of UN condemnations; +500 times
        6. Israel hs killed more innocent civilians per capita that any other country; +50 000
        7. Israel has imprisoned more civilians per capita than any other country; +250 000
        8. Israel has rendered more innocent civilians handicapped per capita than any other country; +50 000
        9. Israel has injured more civilians per capita than any other country; +200 000
        10. Israel has only 2 countries so defend its policies in the UN - USA and Micronesia (beside Australia)
        11. Isreal is the only country on earth that denies the rights of return of refugees
        12. Isreal is the only country on earth that still occupies a whole other country and parts of 2 other countries
        13. Isreal is the only country on earth thatpublicly steals the water of tis neibours
        14. Isreal is the only country on earth that has legalized home demolishing as a method of collective punishment!
        15. Isreal is the only country on earth that uproots trees as a method of collective punishment
        16. Isreal is the only country on earth thatdelibratly targets civilians infrastructure and justifies it
        17. Isreal is the only country on earth that has legalized ASSASSINATION!
        18. Israel stands unique in using human sheilds in military operation
        19. amongst all countries Israel is the only one that has legalized TORTURE!
        20. Isreal is the only country on earth that builds illegal settlement in occupied land
        21. Isreal is the only country on earth that publicly jails activists without trial
        22. according to guiness book of world records, Israel has created the highest number of checkpoints
        23. according to guiness book of world records Israel holds the world record of days of curfew she installed on the Palestinians
        24. Israel is the only country on whose checkpoints women denied access to hospital, give birth (usually the babies die!)
        25. Israel is exeptional in being the only country on whose checkpoints patient die due to denied ccess to hospitals
        26. Isreal is the only country on earth thaton whose chekpoints wedding parades end
        27. Isreal is the only country on earth that on whose checkpointsschool children denied access to their school and to have their classes
        28. Israel holds the wordl record in the number of soldiers refusing to serve in the army (actually a cool fact about a not so cool army)
        29. Israel is one of 2 countries that is againts the international law, use cluster bombs and depleted uranium bombs
        30. Israel, despite being a rich country, recieves the highest financial aid more that the sum aid to all sub- saharan africa
        31. Israel claims its enemies want to wipe it off the map but she has indeed wipes a whole country off the map
        32. Israel is the country that introduced nuclear weapons to the middle east but is the only country in the middle east that refuses to sign the non- prolifenation treaty
        33. Israeli engineers developled the worlds first cities turned into fenced jails with gates and opening hours, electrified segrecation, eye specific rubber bullets abortion efficient infant killing tear gas and humiliation guarenteed human cages
        34. Isreal is the only country on earth that has a political party that publicly advocates ethnic cleansing of the native citizens
        35. Isreal is the only country on earth that still has racist laws that discriminate its native citizens
        36. Isreal is the only country on earth that is known to have a memorial dedicated to one of their terrorists where his followers gather and dance
        37. Isreal is the only country on earth that imprisons KIDS for political reasons
        38. Isreal is the only country on earth that where you get one month community service for INTENTIONALY SMASHING A CHILDS HEAD!
        Last edited by bugler; 05-19-2011, 08:41 PM. Reason: spelling


        • Bugler
          I dont know if any of what you are saying true. You could be making that up in your head and actually beleiving it I dont know. I see no facts or proof to that end.

          But what i do know is this Obama is a liar... Obama is a muslim simpithizer... Obama is bad for this country. (my opinion an dthe opinion of many folks)
          I also know that EVERY muslim I have ever meet hates me simply becuase I am American in fact one tried to kill me in 1985 in Germany for that very reason.
          I also know that the Isrealis are our allies and have been up until this point in time.
          Isreal deserves to survive as does every law abiding peaceful nation ...and in giving up land pre 1967 will be thier death sentence. Neville Chamberlin taught us the price of land for peace. And in my humble opinion the palistinians and the muslims are nothing more that Nazis who cant speak German.
          Smile it doesn't hurt!

          Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


          • Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
            Hussien Obama has just told the Isrealis to move back to the lines prior to the Six day War to make room for the Palistinians.... I am appalled that he would mistreat and stab a trusted ally in the back like that. It doesn't surprise me but I am appalled....
            That just goes to show that he truely does side with the Muslims in any and all positions, and that Americans, Isrealis and everyone else mean nothing to him.
            What politicians say, what they are seen to do and what they actually do are three completely different things.

            The only thing that matters is what they actually do - and I don’t mean with the mouth or ass.

            Good example: Obama Helps Obstruct Israel Investigation (Article)
            Last edited by Savvypro; 05-19-2011, 10:10 PM.

            . . .
            Regular service Signature:
            Follow along on my Algae growing adventure, where I'm currently growing Spirulina and two mystery strains (one of which can also produce Biofuel). All is revealed in the Growing Algae thread...


            • Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
              Isreal deserves to survive as does every law abiding peaceful nation
              Israel and law abiding peaceful nation = oxymoron

              Some other perspectives - so that this isn't one sided:

              If Americans knew...

              White Phosphorus

              Israel: The Jewish Homeland?

              Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
              And in my humble opinion the palistinians and the muslims are nothing more that Nazis who cant speak German.
              Pro-Israeli New Yorkers<br> endorse a "final solution"

              . . .
              Regular service Signature:
              Follow along on my Algae growing adventure, where I'm currently growing Spirulina and two mystery strains (one of which can also produce Biofuel). All is revealed in the Growing Algae thread...


              • Yo mix many subjects probably to try to confuse. You show your true colors but I won't say the J word.

                Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
                I dont know if any of what you are saying true. You could be making that up in your head and actually beleiving it I dont know. I see no facts or proof to that end.
                Yeah. Search internet. It is easy.

                Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
                But what i do know is this Obama is a liar... Obama is a muslim simpithizer... Obama is bad for this country
                I 100% agree but not because he is a muslin sympatizer (cause he is not). Obama is a zionist puppet like Bush, Clinton, etc. They all are kosher approved by AIPAC. Your comment is racist by the way meaning all muslims are evil.

                Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
                I also know that EVERY muslim I have ever meet hates me simply becuase I am American in fact one tried to kill me in 1985 in Germany for that very reason.
                This a racist sentence. You generalize and I am sure Aaron will tell you to stop it or he will ban you.

                Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
                I also know that the Isrealis are our allies and have been up until this point in time.
                Isreal deserves to survive as does every law abiding peaceful nation ...and in giving up land pre 1967 will be thier death sentence.
                This is jewish propaganda (your true colors) and a lie. Israel is a terrorist state who did 911, London, Madrid, Bali, etc and the palestinian genocide for over 70 years. It certainly deserved to be dismantled.

                Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
                ... in my humble opinion the palistinians and the muslims are nothing more that Nazis who cant speak German.
                This is again a generalized racist comment and Aaron will surely compalin.


                • Time out to laugh

                  Osama Death Cert.


                  • This will happen the US. Unless, ALL the "decent" people must wake. Thanks for the post.

                    Originally posted by bugler View Post
                    You must be kidding. I think you just showed your true colors.

                    Decent people are appalled that the isrealies have been comitting a genocide for 70 years and counting. Decent people are appalled that:
                    1. Israel was established upon the ruins of another nation that she destroyed; Palestine
                    2. Israel holds the world record in the number of towns and villages she ethnically cleansed; +500
                    3. Israel holds the world record in the number of refugees she deported; +4 million
                    4. Israel hols the world record in the number of houses she demolished; 60 000
                    5. Israel is the country with the highest record of UN condemnations; +500 times
                    6. Israel hs killed more innocent civilians per capita that any other country; +50 000
                    7. Israel has imprisoned more civilians per capita than any other country; +250 000
                    8. Israel has rendered more innocent civilians handicapped per capita than any other country; +50 000
                    9. Israel has injured more civilians per capita than any other country; +200 000
                    10. Israel has only 2 countries so defend its policies in the UN - USA and Micronesia (beside Australia)
                    11. Isreal is the only country on earth that denies the rights of return of refugees
                    12. Isreal is the only country on earth that still occupies a whole other country and parts of 2 other countries
                    13. Isreal is the only country on earth thatpublicly steals the water of tis neibours
                    14. Isreal is the only country on earth that has legalized home demolishing as a method of collective punishment!
                    15. Isreal is the only country on earth that uproots trees as a method of collective punishment
                    16. Isreal is the only country on earth thatdelibratly targets civilians infrastructure and justifies it
                    17. Isreal is the only country on earth that has legalized ASSASSINATION!
                    18. Israel stands unique in using human sheilds in military operation
                    19. amongst all countries Israel is the only one that has legalized TORTURE!
                    20. Isreal is the only country on earth that builds illegal settlement in occupied land
                    21. Isreal is the only country on earth that publicly jails activists without trial
                    22. according to guiness book of world records, Israel has created the highest number of checkpoints
                    23. according to guiness book of world records Israel holds the world record of days of curfew she installed on the Palestinians
                    24. Israel is the only country on whose checkpoints women denied access to hospital, give birth (usually the babies die!)
                    25. Israel is exeptional in being the only country on whose checkpoints patient die due to denied ccess to hospitals
                    26. Isreal is the only country on earth thaton whose chekpoints wedding parades end
                    27. Isreal is the only country on earth that on whose checkpointsschool children denied access to their school and to have their classes
                    28. Israel holds the wordl record in the number of soldiers refusing to serve in the army (actually a cool fact about a not so cool army)
                    29. Israel is one of 2 countries that is againts the international law, use cluster bombs and depleted uranium bombs
                    30. Israel, despite being a rich country, recieves the highest financial aid more that the sum aid to all sub- saharan africa
                    31. Israel claims its enemies want to wipe it off the map but she has indeed wipes a whole country off the map
                    32. Israel is the country that introduced nuclear weapons to the middle east but is the only country in the middle east that refuses to sign the non- prolifenation treaty
                    33. Israeli engineers developled the worlds first cities turned into fenced jails with gates and opening hours, electrified segrecation, eye specific rubber bullets abortion efficient infant killing tear gas and humiliation guarenteed human cages
                    34. Isreal is the only country on earth that has a political party that publicly advocates ethnic cleansing of the native citizens
                    35. Isreal is the only country on earth that still has racist laws that discriminate its native citizens
                    36. Isreal is the only country on earth that is known to have a memorial dedicated to one of their terrorists where his followers gather and dance
                    37. Isreal is the only country on earth that imprisons KIDS for political reasons
                    38. Isreal is the only country on earth that where you get one month community service for INTENTIONALY SMASHING A CHILDS HEAD!
                    Last edited by Moe R; 05-20-2011, 10:29 PM.


                    • Academy Award winning actor Jon Voight is currently in Israel to express his fervent support for the Jewish people and his opposition to exchanging land for peace with the Palestinians.
                      YouTube - &#x202a;NTEB: Jon Voight - God gave this land to the Jewish people!&#x202c;&rlm;

                      Jon Voight Talks About Israel
                      YouTube - &#x202a;Jon Voight on Israel&#x202c;&rlm;



                      • Some bizarre things found in Obama's &quot;certificate&quot;

                        I earlier reported on the anomaly found within the registrar's certification stamp on Obama's "certificate" where the word "THE" is spelled "TXE." That was such a blatant error that, being focused on it, I missed seeing something else which is even stranger. Let's take a look, once again, at the certification image. Look closely, and see if you can spot the oddity.

                        Notice anything else peculiar about the above image? If not, take a look at the "A" in "Alvin." Now do you see it? The left side of the "A" has been made into a side profile of a smiley face, with eye, nose, and smile added! It would seem to me that both the "TXE" and smiley face anomalies were deliberately added to the "certificate" to taunt and laugh at anyone performing a serious analysis of the document. The registrar's stamp does not show either of these anomalies in another Hawaiian document released a month prior to the Obama document, and which is shown below.

                        In view of the many anomalies that have been found, there isn't much more that anyone could find that would surprise me, but the following image of the Obama document, which was produced using color filtering, is just as bizarre as anything else concerning this faked document. What can be clearly seen in the following image is that portions of Obama's short form COLB actually show through the image of the new long form "certificate."

                        I see two possibilities that might explain how this could happen:
                        1. A scanned copy of both the short form and long form documents was made, the copy of the long form was placed face down in the scanner, the copy of the short from was placed face down on top of the long form copy, and a new copy produced which combined the images. But what would the reason be for copying in this manner?
                        2. The forger who manufactured the Obama long form "certificate" began with the short form document in order to capture the image of the patterned security paper background. This would have been a first step, upon which succesive layers were added to build the document. In Adobe Photoshop, the document creator has the option of specifying the degree of opacity for each layer, and if the opacity is set to some value less than 100% then underlying layers will show through. An experienced forger, and for that matter anyone experienced in photoshopping techniques, would never do this in error, so this would appear to be just one more intentionally created anomaly.

                        All it takes for a document to be considered questionable is just one anomaly. Cleary the Obama document, which features a multitide of anomalies, is far more than simply questionable. The only thing Obama has proven to those in the truth movement is that the document was faked.
                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Great analysis Rickoff. For me you have provided the easiest clue to proof the certificate is fake.

                          I found weird that the fake certificate is still on the whitehouse webpage. they really want everybody to check that it is fake so there is no doubt. Unfortunately the subject is boring and unimportant for most people.


                          • Originally posted by bugler View Post
                            Great analysis Rickoff. For me you have provided the easiest clue to proof the certificate is fake.

                            I found weird that the fake certificate is still on the whitehouse webpage. they really want everybody to check that it is fake so there is no doubt. Unfortunately the subject is boring and unimportant for most people.
                            While there is still a link provided at the White House website, I've been told that it is different than the original one, so some things may have been altered in the replacement version.

                            By the way, the color filtering analysis shown in my last post was not performed on the pdf document from the White House site. It was done on an image of a paper copy of the document that was handed out to reporters at the White House press room on April 27th, and which is seen below. Note that the paper copy given to the press does not have the green background shown on the pdf document. My own thinking on the reason for this more subtle background is that, being lighter, it does not vividly show the white space around text that is so apparent on the green document, which could have caused some reporters to ask questions. Here's the document:
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Barack H. Obama = Harrison J. Bounel?

                              Listen that that interview - very interesting.

                              Barack H. Obama = Harrison J. Bounel?

                              YouTube - &#x202a;TRUNEWS - BARACK OBAMA IS HARRISON J. BOUNELL (1/3)&#x202c;&rlm;
                              YouTube - &#x202a;TRUNEWS - BARACK OBAMA IS HARRISON J. BOUNELL (2/3)&#x202c;&rlm;
                              YouTube - &#x202a;TRUNEWS - BARACK OBAMA IS HARRISON J. BOUNELL (3/3)&#x202c;&rlm;

                              Harrison J Bounel - Google Search

                              Harrison J Bounell - Google Search

                              (searches with 1 L and 2 L's)

                              Those interview's are some Christian radio show it sounds like from the end of the program so
                              if you're not Christian, don't let that turn you off - just listen to the guy getting interviewed.
                              Last edited by Aaron; 05-21-2011, 09:23 PM.
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                                Listen that that interview - very interesting.

                                Barack H. Obama = Harrison J. Bounel?

                                YouTube - &#x202a;TRUNEWS - BARACK OBAMA IS HARRISON J. BOUNELL (1/3)&#x202c;&rlm;
                                YouTube - &#x202a;TRUNEWS - BARACK OBAMA IS HARRISON J. BOUNELL (2/3)&#x202c;&rlm;
                                YouTube - &#x202a;TRUNEWS - BARACK OBAMA IS HARRISON J. BOUNELL (3/3)&#x202c;&rlm;

                                Harrison J Bounel - Google Search

                                Harrison J Bounell - Google Search

                                (searches with 1 L and 2 L's)

                                Those interview's are some Christian radio show it sounds like from the end of the program so if you're not Christian, don't let that turn you off - just listen to the guy getting interviewed.
                                I had not known that there was a connection to the Bounel name, though I was familiar with what was revealed in the interview about Barry's Chicago residence being listed as owned by several prominent people. As to the Bounel name, it was stated in the interview that a search of the Social Security death index did not show any deceased Harrison Bounel, so it does not appear that Barry stole Bounel's identity. To my thinking, the Bounel name is just an alias designed for Barry in the event that he needed to disappear for some reason or another.

                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

