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The American Ruling Class

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  • Hi DrStiffler

    Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
    Here is the conundrum with fighting the corrupt government the US is now in control of.

    You can not join forces with even (one) other person to talk or work out how to correct the problems and bring us at least partially in order with the constitution, because that second person may indeed be either a real or just a paid flunky agent for the establishment. It would be fool hearty to join any group that stated they were in the business of recovery of our governance. More than one is one two many. Therein is the problem. Yes one person can do something, but not enough to make real change, indeed that one person may make it worse for the rest because of his/her actions.
    As soon as you think it impossible, it will be. Don't get me wrong, I agree wholeheartedly with the above however, trying to solve our problems now will put us all in a hell of a lot better position later down the line.

    Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
    It takes numbers, large like thinking groups of people that can plan and proceed, yet with 3.5 Million (? maybe far more) people in the US intelligence community and all the paid informants, I can't see it ever getting off the ground.

    Maybe I have just been worn down also, it is indeed sad to think about what is coming.
    You are still here, providing invaluable information. I like your spirit!

    It is people like you that have the knowledge and willingness to change things. Unfortunately, That change will only come when people understand it is required. It cannot be forced.



    • Dr. Stiffler

      Once again, we are in accord.This was what i was saying to Rick, earlier.i.e. Its fine that he's putting out this info, but 'preaching to the choir'.
      Again, seriously, its optimist vs. pessimist.
      I just think we've already passed the point of no return.We can't 'take back' our liberties, working through the existing system; too corrupted, etc.

      My own thinking, is we just have to wait for the whole thing to collapse; it will of its own accord, without any action on our part.

      The Optimists like Rick, and others, can continue their campaign to 'spread the truth', and I say good for ya!

      Personally, I don't think it will make a difference, one way or the other.People inherently act in their own 'enlightened self interest'. When enough people realise their 'enlightened self interest' is being seriously HARMED, they will wake up. Until then, there is nothing we can do but wait.

      There is nothing you could do, even if you gathered a bunch of people you felt you could 'trust'.The system is well prepared for an armed assault.That would be stupid and pointless.But, what the system needs from the citisenry is active consumption, and active production. As long as 'we' give it that, it can tolerate all sorts of grumbling and *****ing/moaning.
      Its when masses of people stick their head out the windows and yell "I'm MAD as HELL, and I'm not going to take it anymore!", and then STOP going to work.Stop going to the store. Stop feeding the beast.The system cannot tolerate that for very long, at all. Once everything stops working, the system breaks down.Contemplate that, and smile. Patience, my friend.Jim


      • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
        Once again, we are in accord.This was what i was saying to Rick, earlier.i.e. Its fine that he's putting out this info, but 'preaching to the choir'.
        Again, seriously, its optimist vs. pessimist.
        I just think we've already passed the point of no return.We can't 'take back' our liberties, working through the existing system; too corrupted, etc.

        My own thinking, is we just have to wait for the whole thing to collapse; it will of its own accord, without any action on our part.

        The Optimists like Rick, and others, can continue their campaign to 'spread the truth', and I say good for ya!

        Personally, I don't think it will make a difference, one way or the other.People inherently act in their own 'enlightened self interest'. When enough people realise their 'enlightened self interest' is being seriously HARMED, they will wake up. Until then, there is nothing we can do but wait.

        There is nothing you could do, even if you gathered a bunch of people you felt you could 'trust'.The system is well prepared for an armed assault.That would be stupid and pointless.But, what the system needs from the citisenry is active consumption, and active production. As long as 'we' give it that, it can tolerate all sorts of grumbling and *****ing/moaning.
        Its when masses of people stick their head out the windows and yell "I'm MAD as HELL, and I'm not going to take it anymore!", and then STOP going to work.Stop going to the store. Stop feeding the beast.The system cannot tolerate that for very long, at all. Once everything stops working, the system breaks down.Contemplate that, and smile. Patience, my friend.Jim
        Yes. Indeed you appear to view it correctly, except we disagree on action now and waiting. I wonder if they are really prepared to place 90 million people in camps?

        I agree that if you remove someone, another just takes his/her place, this must also be realized by the bad side, yet I think it is indeed get them where it hurts, their money, without their money so goes the power. So what would a group do to help now, just this, hundreds of thousands joining together in 'Non-Compliance'. Do you see then pulling into a city and taking it over because the citizens grouped in non-compliance? Maybe, but if the city and the ones supporting it honestly backed up the action, I wonder if they would see it may not be the best approach.

        I do not see in the US what we see taking place in the middle east. I just can not envision Toyota truck with hand welded mortar mounts running up and down the streets of some subdivision. I think there are indeed enough smart like thinking people that this is a rather crude way to envision what needs to be done. Problem is how to find like thinking people without being removed from action.

        No! I don't think waiting for an implosion is wise because it is going to get worse before it might get better and you face the possibility that support individuals will be converted, broken or worse.


        • Here's an example of how what we can do can make a difference. As a group, the TEA Party was successful during the 2010 elections in electing dozens of Constitutional candidates. One of them was senator Rand Paul. Today, Harry Reid hoped to get a cloture vote on ramming through Patriot Act extensions without any debate whatsoever. Rand Paul thwarted Reed's plan by taking to the senate floor for more than 7 hours today, to explain why the Patriot Act is unconstitutional and should be left to die. That doesn't mean Reed won't keep trying to pass the extensions, but it does mean that he'll have a hard time of it as long as Rand and other new senators are there to fight for us. If not for the fact that only 1/3 of the senate seats are up for grabs every two years, I'm sure we would have seen many more of the establishment Democrat and Republican senators replaced in 2010. With the 2012 elections, we will see many more new replacements voted in by a public that is totally disgusted with the antics of establishment politicians. We have a real chance to make it happen in 2012, but we need to be proactive. The establishment politicians will fight like hell to keep their seats, and they all started building their reelection warchests the day they were elected, so they definitely have a leg up on us. On the other hand, we have the support of an outraged public in our favor - an outraged public determined to throw these bums out. So never get the idea that we can't make a difference, and never give up trying.
          Last edited by rickoff; 05-24-2011, 11:38 PM.
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • The Future is Yours: Do something about it!

            For those choosing to do something about it, these resources will be of help:

            For the naysayers - they will mock anything they do not understand.

            What Is Dowsing and What Can You Do With It?
            YouTube - ‪What Is Dowsing and What Can You Do With It?‬‏

            The Future is Yours: Do something about it!
            Raymon Grace

            All things are composed of energy, including our thoughts and future events are composed of thoughts not yet materialized. If we combine our knowledge with that of the Spirit World, and use it properly, we can help change the energy around us and thereby change our future.

            Techniques that Work for Me:

            The purpose of this manual is to give you the power to manage energy in such a way as to benefit those to whom or situations at which you direct it. One point to emphasize is that we do not need complete information to solve a problem. What we do need is a willingness to do something about it. If we do nothing, nothing will happen. If we do something, something will probably happen. Of of my beliefs is that no act of kindness, regardless of how small, is ever wasted.

            Walt Woods has many free instructional PDF's for those new to dowsing and who have an open mind and are willing to learn:




            • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
              the TEA Party was successful during the 2010 elections in electing dozens of Constitutional candidates. One of them was senator Rand Paul.
              Rickoff I enjoy reading all the detailed information you post.

              But regarding politics we are in different places.

              Rand Paul like his father are part of the problem. You know where their loyalty is (A tiny country far far frrom the States).


              • Originally posted by bugler View Post
                Rand Paul like his father are part of the problem. You know where their loyalty is (A tiny country far far frrom the States).
                YouTube - ‪Bob Marley - Chant Down Babylon‬‏



                • Here is a link to an audio stream of Jerome Corsi calling in to the Alex Jones radio show to report on a call that he received from Donald Trump. Very interesting, and well worth the listen. It appears to confirm that Trump may very well be aiding the White House in their birth certificate cover-up.

                  Corsi also said that a fraud case concerning the Obama document is about to be filed with the FBI.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Rand Paul like his father are part of the problem.

                    YouTube user 85AllTheWayLive posted a video endorsing Ron Paul.
                    He spoke from the heart and inspired many supporters.
                    I uploaded this video to add closed captioning, via a transcript my mother completed for me.

                    YouTube - ‪A Personal Endorsment for Ron Paul 2012‬‏



                    • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                      Rand Paul like his father are part of the problem.

                      YouTube user 85AllTheWayLive posted a video endorsing Ron Paul.
                      He spoke from the heart and inspired many supporters.
                      I uploaded this video to add closed captioning, via a transcript my mother completed for me.

                      YouTube - ‪A Personal Endorsment for Ron Paul 2012‬‏

                      May I ask about why there is this so called hangup with who does or does not endorse, back, support or love Israel. They will never invade the US, they will never take us over and remove the constitution. Hey in Israel they can have guns and are issued gas masks and other survival items by their government, a DAMN better set of conditions that we are allowed in the US.

                      Forget Israel and UAE etc., and if you are American, focus on America. Clean up ones own house and all will be fine. Really...


                      • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                        Here is a link to an audio stream of Jerome Corsi calling in to the Alex Jones radio show to report on a call that he received from Donald Trump. Very interesting, and well worth the listen. It appears to confirm that Trump may very well be aiding the White House in their birth certificate cover-up.

                        Corsi also said that a fraud case concerning the Obama document is about to be filed with the FBI.
                        Beware of those that preach from the Gold pulpit.


                        • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                          May I ask about why there is this so called hangup with who does or does not endorse, back, support or love Israel. They will never invade the US, they will never take us over and remove the constitution. Hey in Israel they can have guns and are issued gas masks and other survival items by their government, a DAMN better set of conditions that we are allowed in the US.

                          Forget Israel and UAE etc., and if you are American, focus on America. Clean up ones own house and all will be fine. Really...

                          Smile it doesn't hurt!

                          Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                          • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                            Now I can totally agree with you, yet you error in part of the view. Depending on who you talk to; 1) FEMA Camps do NOT Exit, 2) FEMA Camps are meant for illegals if and when rounded up, 3) FEMA Camps are a safe haven in case of national catastrophe, 4) FEMA Camps are indeed re-education camps for intelligent American Citizens.

                            Of course the best of all worlds is what silly Jerry Brown said, 'Increase Taxes' to pay for keeping them.

                            I have my entire life been torn on the prison issue, I feel if you do the crime you serve the time and it don't mean a country club. I worked in a jail as a jailer and they do not need T.V., cell phones, steak and baked potatoes with a kosher cream sauce. They do not deserve unlimited phone privilege and access to law libraries so they can bog down the system with frivolous self filed law suits on civil liberties. I worked there and know that if you are to be punished it is little punishment in many environments. Wrongs done, yes indeed as I have seen that also, yet it does not last in honest jail environments.

                            How else to corrupt society worse than it is, release all the felons. I am I think preaching to the choir. Its wrong our government is corrupt, we know it and can't seem to get an honest handle on what to do about it, and indeed it may already be to late.[/QUOTE]

                            Okay, I will not step forward, but I did indeed work in a jail as a jailer and did get sued for violation of human rights on a felon escapee that murdered 4 people, escaped and murdered 5 more before being caught. He had more rights than I did. Left LE and went back to something else easier in LE.
                            Attached Files


                            • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                              Now I can totally agree with you, yet you error in part of the view. Depending on who you talk to; 1) FEMA Camps do NOT Exit, 2) FEMA Camps are meant for illegals if and when rounded up, 3) FEMA Camps are a safe haven in case of national catastrophe, 4) FEMA Camps are indeed re-education camps for intelligent American Citizens.

                              Of course the best of all worlds is what silly Jerry Brown said, 'Increase Taxes' to pay for keeping them.

                              I have my entire life been torn on the prison issue, I feel if you do the crime you serve the time and it don't mean a country club. I worked in a jail as a jailer and they do not need T.V., cell phones, steak and baked potatoes with a kosher cream sauce. They do not deserve unlimited phone privilege and access to law libraries so they can bog down the system with frivolous self filed law suits on civil liberties. I worked there and know that if you are to be punished it is little punishment in many environments. Wrongs done, yes indeed as I have seen that also, yet it does not last in honest jail environments.

                              How else to corrupt society worse than it is, release all the felons. I am I think preaching to the choir. Its wrong our government is corrupt, we know it and can't seem to get an honest handle on what to do about it, and indeed it may already be to late.
                              Okay, I will not step forward, but I did indeed work in a jail as a jailer and did get sued for violation of human rights on a felon escapee that murdered 4 people, escaped and murdered 5 more before being caught. He had more rights than I did. Left LE and went back to something else easier in LE.[/QUOTE]

                              Dr Stiffler
                              I worked for 6 years as a CO at our county jail I worked in RHU as well as the 3rd shift CERT team.

                              The two things I learned is that inmates have more rights than the COs

                              ...and they knew what jail was like before they did the crime, because they were usuaally in there already or knew somebody who was. If the California jails are over crowded the inmates knew it before hand they knew the stakes played the game and lost...So no matter the conditions they should serve the time. It is not cruel nor unusal, it is an eviroment of thier own making, so let them live in it.

                              God Bless all the COs who walk those pods and ranges unarmed to provide care and custody for those who dont deserve it.
                              Smile it doesn't hurt!

                              Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                              • We can't blame the prisoners for what our governments give them. Maybe they get it so good as a concession to all the innocent people in there who should not be there.

                                There is one right the prisoners don't have but you do, they cannot leave the facility of thier own accord. I don't have any sympathy for murderers and violent criminals, thieves etc. But honestly the more stuff they are given the more likely they will ask for more. The prisoners don't give stuff to themselve's.

                                It does seem as though it is a poke in the eye for good people to see how much money gets spent on prisoners.

                                There are two ways to make crime less attractive, as I see it anyway.

                                1. Tougher prisons and jail terms.
                                2. An easier life for people in general, (less comlpicated and less competition) less taxes, less laws, less hunger, less harmfull drugs ( precsription too), less social pressure's, less everything bad really.

                                Some people see life inside prison as better than life outside, many in this country do. I think it would be difficult to reason with them to not break the law just so they can go back to prison.

                                Prison bad and outside prison bad too = not much difference, may as well be in prison.

                                Prison bad and ouside prison good = big difference, definately don't want to go to prison now.

                                It is very easy to lump everyone in prison in the same catagory as a murderer or rapist, but that is just not the case. Some people locked up have done thing's other's don't even see as crime's.

                                It's a very strange situation with prisons here.

                                A very well known high level drug dealer identity was beaten to death with a piece of gym equipment in a maximum security prison in the exercise yard in full view of several prison guards, but they didn't see anything even though one of them should be watching the prisoners at all time's, the murderer had to tell them when he was done. The victim was to give evidence against police. The murdered guy's name was Carl Williams. I don't feel sorry for him or his killer. I feel for us we have to pay for it all.

                                Interesting events to say the least. So we make our own conclusions.


