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The American Ruling Class

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  • Sound Off

    IMO, Rickoff has the more reasonable point of view. I say, THINK THINK THINK. Do you own thinking and do something personally to improve the world. Lay back and do nothing and you will end up like the Jews in Germany. You MUST support ethical and moral leaders and oppose the crooks and criminals in high places. If you don't do the right thing then it shows you are on the side of EVIL. If you don't know it already, Obama is a LIAR and a CRIMINAL. If the Senate was ethical they would have gotten rid of him a long time ago nowl.
    There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


    • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
      We can't blame the prisoners for what our governments give them. Maybe they get it so good as a concession to all the innocent people in there who should not be there.

      There is one right the prisoners don't have but you do, they cannot leave the facility of thier own accord. I don't have any sympathy for murderers and violent criminals, thieves etc. But honestly the more stuff they are given the more likely they will ask for more. The prisoners don't give stuff to themselve's.

      It does seem as though it is a poke in the eye for good people to see how much money gets spent on prisoners.

      There are two ways to make crime less attractive, as I see it anyway.

      1. Tougher prisons and jail terms.
      2. An easier life for people in general, (less comlpicated and less competition) less taxes, less laws, less hunger, less harmfull drugs ( precsription too), less social pressure's, less everything bad really.

      Some people see life inside prison as better than life outside, many in this country do. I think it would be difficult to reason with them to not break the law just so they can go back to prison.

      Prison bad and outside prison bad too = not much difference, may as well be in prison.

      Prison bad and ouside prison good = big difference, definately don't want to go to prison now.

      It is very easy to lump everyone in prison in the same catagory as a murderer or rapist, but that is just not the case. Some people locked up have done thing's other's don't even see as crime's.

      It's a very strange situation with prisons here.

      A very well known high level drug dealer identity was beaten to death with a piece of gym equipment in a maximum security prison in the exercise yard in full view of several prison guards, but they didn't see anything even though one of them should be watching the prisoners at all time's, the murderer had to tell them when he was done. The victim was to give evidence against police. The murdered guy's name was Carl Williams. I don't feel sorry for him or his killer. I feel for us we have to pay for it all.

      Interesting events to say the least. So we make our own conclusions.

      Hi Farm hand,
      First let me say that there are 987 innocent men and women currently locked up in the ECP. Most of them feel they have done nothing wrong. Some do have genuine remorse, some even try to change ...but most dont.

      The general population is actually comfortable in our jail. two inmates to a cell three hots and a cot. 2 TV for 94 inmates.

      I know I am probably very jaded becuase I worked in RHU (restictive housing unit aka the hole) Those were the worst of the worst. The loonies, the wacked out druggies, fight risks, suicide watch, and anyone who was dangerous to themselves or others. Locked up in a 10X10 isolation cell for 23 hours.
      I know most in general population were not as severe as in RHU,... DUI, theft, perjury, child support etc, Most are propbaly very nice people in the outside world. In fact a good freind of mine is currently in lock up for child support violations. He had the capacity to pay but chose to use the money to for his business instead(trust me he didnt have to)
      However even in general population when only two unarmed officers walk in to a pod of 94 inmates for an eight hour shift you have to treat every inmate as a potential threat. Otherwise you may not walk out alive. we had a case just 4 months ago in the next county... an inmate in general population attacked a CO for no apparent reason and killed him. The point is, as a CO you only trust your partner. Becuase it is a whole other world in Jail. Every inmate is treated with respect and dignity (even in RHU)but also watched closely as a potential threat.
      Every person black... white... jew... christian.... republican... democrat... male... female we all make choises in life and we have to live and accept those choices. the folks in jail are no exception they made choices, ...bad choices but still choices, and they must live with those choices
      Last edited by Bizzy; 05-26-2011, 05:02 PM.
      Smile it doesn't hurt!

      Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


      • Our Elected Officials at Work

        First Arizona and now the biggest state in the kingdom caves with no 'BALLS'.

        » Financial Terrorism: TSA Holds Texas Flights Hostage Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
        Austin news, sports, weather, Longhorns, business |

        What doe under the Radar mean, More corruption?, More Color of Law?, More Rules that are NOT Law?, all and a hundred other possibilities, none of which are based under the OLD valueless Constitution.

        Obama: We're Working on Gun Control 'Under the Radar' - Guns - Fox Nation


        • AAron

          I suppose its in poor taste to say "Ding Dong, the witch is dead", but I am relieved to see this action being taken. Such posts, taken out of context, do give a very wrong and bad impression of this group.
          On the one hand, I LIKE the idea of a "Free Marketplace of ideas", where you allow all ideas to be heard, under the premise that faulty ideas will not gain traction.Unfortunately, it is obvious some faulty ideas DO gain traction, and allowing them to stand on 'equal footing' with other ideas, gives them a stature they do not merit.So, i understand the reticence to take such action, while seeing the necesity. Jim


          • Sinsorship, think about it. Aren't we supposta disagree now and then? Bad and good ideas need to be discussed, not squashed. Limit my speech, limit yours. You need not agree with me and me not you. Delete all who disagree with the popular view and what do you have. I'll let you think about this one. This is a great forum please keep it that way! Love and peace!!


            • i agree, censorship when you have a coherent point to make is worrying.
              Has aaron checked what bugler has said? I know bugler is correct from my research and anyone takeing a close look at the central banks will understand that the creation of money (currency) from nothing will bring you unlimited power and control and who runs these banks? Why does america pay billions of tax dollars to israel per year? I think we need to answer questions sensibly with research not censor them.


              • By Adam Kohen (Santa Monica, California)
                This review is from:
                Adolf Hitler - Founder of Israel: Israel in War With Jews (Paperback)
                I have read the very controversial and hard to "swallow" "Adolf Hitler - Founder of Israel: Israel in War With Jews", and despite its seemingly offensive title, I strongly recommend this book. Foremost, I recommend this book to the Holocaust survivors and their families who seek the peace of mind about the horrors of the past and why they happened to them and their loved ones. Next, I recommend this book to all those who seek the truth (Kardel's motivating factor for writing it in the first place), and to all others who wonder why World War II has never ended but still 55 years later rages on in the Middle East and elsewhere. And most importantly, why in the process so many millions of us and even more of others have perished and continue to perish. In other words, borrowing from the book's subtitle, why ever since its inception thousands of years ago Israel has been in War with Jews and the rest of Humanity.

       Adolf Hitler - Founder of Israel: Israel in War With Jews (9780965752305): Hennecke Kardel: Books

                By Dr. French (Fascism, USA)
                review is from:
                Hitler Was a British Agent (Paperback)
                Whether Hallett's tomb on history is 100 percent accurate should not be the stumbling block for more mainstream people to understand the hidden hand that is and has always been behind human affairs on this planet. The pain, outrage and embarrassment of being mere puppets in a very well orchestrated play will cause those same people to turn a blind eye to Hallett's version. Brilliant discussions on Dunkirk, body doubles, compromising leaders by recording their sexual deviance, and mind control / physiological changes by remote electro-magnetic means. The description and function of Hitler's dental work alone will astonish you. Overall, one of the most fascinating books I have ever layed eyes on, of any genre. Endlessly relevant to today's political and economic climate. His general philosophy is that the World is run on shame, and that pedophilia / homosexuality / Satanic murder / drug use are the principle generators of human shame, thus the people who are into these avenues are incredibly important to the "controllers" because they can be profoundly compromised, which is why they are always promoted and positioned into powerful roles within our modern socities. [...]So bloody true and seemingly obvious once said.

       Hitler Was a British Agent (9780473114787): Greg Hallett; Spymaster: Books



                • I dont know why i think...,
                  that Israel will never be a Country, but allways in promise they want and in search for, to be one.
                  At any cost over other Countrys, and they are anyway sproaded all over the World. So it does not seems like, they ever will have and want such a Country, where they feel like home, like the Game about equal the Debts, as hard you will try it, you will never come there.

                  And i dont kow why i think, when ignoring this Network, you will end up in a Loop.
                  Some may can probatly fix her Country, but for how long. 1 generation or maybe 2?
                  At the US you may have luck and a loaded Gun, but at Europe you dont have it anymore, they set up the EU without asking anyone, they Guys what are there are not elected, just placed in. Europe is in her Pocket even Media controlled, that there are still to much Peoples what even believe into the System and dont even accept any other clues
                  They prepare allready, to set up the Northern Union, without asking the Peoples. If one or Few Countrys will resist, how long will it takes, till they been takenover too. 10 20 or 50 Years are no Time at this Big Game.
                  Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                  • Found, after i did search for Israel Palestine
                    Netanyahu US-Congress
                    Why such a warm reception for Benjamin Netanyahu at US Congress? -

                    The moment many US lawmakers were waiting for came toward the end of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech Tuesday to a joint session of Congress. "Israel will not return to the indefensible boundaries of 1967," he said, to a vigorous burst of cheers and applause.
                    Skip to next paragraph
                    Related Stories

                    Netanyahu's real message to Congress: There will be no peace talks
                    Netanyahu's make-or-break speech to Congress
                    Obama to AIPAC: I won’t back down on Israel-Palestine border issue

                    With that, Mr. Netanyahu may have demonstrated that the American Congress stands with Israel, and not with President Obama, on the matter of a starting point for resuming peace talks with the Palestinians – if and when such negotiations ever do resume.

                    That, perhaps, does not come as a huge surprise, given the shared Judeo-Christian tradition and shared democratic values. But there's also the pro-Israel lobby, long one of the most effective on Capitol Hill. Since 1990, pro-Israel groups have contributed more than $97 million to congressional candidates – 67 percent to Democrats and 33 percent to Republicans, according to the Center for Responsive Politics in Washington. Some 38 lobbyists are registered on pro-Israel campaigns, spending more than $8.6 million to lobby Congress and the White House since Mr. Obama took office.
                    Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                    • forum rules

                      User Conduct and Obligations:
                      You agree to follow all applicable laws and regulations when using this website. Furthermore, you agree that you shall not:
                      a. upload, post or otherwise transmit through or to this website any content that:

                      1. is unlawful, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, lewd, offensive, defamatory or otherwise objectionable;
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • It is time to move past all this

                        It is time to move past what happened ysterday....

                        Obama just renewed the Patriot Act for another 4 years...But not surprising he did it while in France. I guess he wanted to show his socialist mentors that he agrees with them
                        Smile it doesn't hurt!

                        Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                        • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                          User Conduct and Obligations:
                          You agree to follow all applicable laws and regulations when using this website. Furthermore, you agree that you shall not:
                          a. upload, post or otherwise transmit through or to this website any content that:

                          1. is unlawful, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, lewd, offensive, defamatory or otherwise objectionable;

                          Aaron there are two words that pertain to the enforcement of law(s) and rule, these words and the resulting actions are the reason for much discourse in every part of humanity in which laws are developed and placed into enforcement. That words are 'Selective Enforcement'. Is a law a law, if so it should be unilaterally enforced without exception, bias, or class. To my knowledge and during my entire life I have never seen a law or rule where 'Selective Enforcement' did not enter into the enforcement of that law or rule. It only takes a summery look and 'Selective Enforcement' can be seen in all its glory.

                          I would dare say there are few threads on this web site where infractions have not occurred, few enforced according to your (1) as stated above. If you will not fall into the abyss of 'Selective Enforcement' then most of the threads on this Forum need a vast cleaning, and without doubt I would be included.

                          Never the less, 'Selective Enforcement' is a very, very bad thing.
                          Last edited by DrStiffler; 05-27-2011, 01:23 PM.


                          • moderation

                            Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post

                            Aaron there are two words that pertain to the enforcement of law(s) and rule, these words and the resulting actions are the reason for much discourse in every part of humanity in which laws are developed and placed into enforcement. That words are 'Selective Enforcement'. Is a law a law, if so it should be unilaterally enforced without exception, bias, or class. To my knowledge and during my entire life I have never seen a law or rule where 'Selective Enforcement' did not enter into the enforcement of that law or rule. It only takes a summery look and 'Selective Enforcement' can be seen in all its glory.

                            I would dare say there are few threads on this web site where infractions have not occurred, few enforced according to your (1) as stated above. If you will not fall into the abyss of 'Selective Enforcement' then most of the threads on this Forum need a vast cleaning, and without doubt I would be included.

                            Never the less, 'Selective Enforcement' is a very, very bad thing.
                            Dr. Stiffler,

                            It is impossible to police every thread. I only see what I read in threads
                            that interest me.

                            But when people click this icon:

                            That flags posts and all moderators are notified and action is taken if
                            it does violate the forum rules. There are posts in different threads
                            that do violate forum rules and they usually are not moderated because
                            the members usually work it out themselves and we're not about
                            censorship. But when they don't, the posts will be removed if they
                            are offensive.

                            Also, I don't get involved with moderating posts by members that I
                            personally know. I leave that up to the other moderators so I can stay
                            out of it. If they don't moderate certain posts, then I respect their
                            judgment about them and leave it alone.

                            There is no fine line of what needs to be moderated. Sometimes it is
                            obvious and sometimes it is a case by case basis. In all cases, when
                            there are persistent complaints about posts by certain members by
                            multiple members, that is usually a strong indicator that the posts do
                            indeed need to be removed.

                            Anyway, this is just my opinion and the other moderators will have their
                            own perspective of the issue.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • Bad Day
                              A Public service announcement followed me home the other day
                              I paid it nevermind. Go away.
                              ****s so thick you could stir it with a stick- free Teflon whitewashed presidency
                              We're sick of being jerked around
                              Wear that on your sleeve

                              Broadcast me a joyful noise unto the times, lord,
                              Count your blessings.
                              We're sick of being jerked around
                              We all fall down.

                              Have you ever seen the televised St. vitus subcommittee prize
                              Investigation dance? Those-ants-in- pants glances.
                              Well, look behind the eyes
                              It's a hallowed, hollow anesthesized
                              "save my own ass, screw these guys"
                              smoke and mirror lock down

                              Broadcast me a joyful noise unto the times, lord,
                              Count your blessings.
                              the papers wouldn't lie!
                              I sigh. Not one more

                              Its been a bad day.
                              Please dont take a picture
                              Its been a bad day.

                              We're dug in the deep the price is steep.
                              The auctioneer is such a creep.
                              The lights went out, the oil ran dry
                              We blamed it on the other guy
                              Sure, all men are created equal.
                              Heres the church, heres the steeple
                              Please stay tuned--we cut to sequel
                              ashes, ashes, we all fall down.

                              Broadcast me a joyful noise unto the times, lord, Count your blessings.
                              Ebrace the lowest fear/Ignore the lower fears
                              Ugh, this means war.

                              Its been a bad day.

                              Broadcast me a joyful noise unto the times, lord,
                              Count your blessings.
                              We're sick of being jerked around
                              We all fall down.

                              Its been a bad day...

                              YouTube - ‪R.E.M. - Bad Day (Video)‬‏



                              • Yesterday Donald Trump submitted a written statement to leftist Mother Jones magazine denying that he had stated, in a conversation with author Jerome Corsi, a belief that Obama's "certificate" is fraudulent. He also said that he had not read Corsi's book, "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama Is Not Eligible To Be President."

                                Here is Trump's statement (bold text emphasis is mine):

                                I am proud of the fact that I was able to get President Obama to release his birth certificate," said Trump's statement to Mother Jones. "President Clinton couldn't do it, Senator McCain couldn't do it – no one else could do it! Frankly, many people were surprised that it took so long for this to happen. Is his birth certificate legitimate? I hope it is for the good of the country, but that's for experts to determine – not me. I have not read the book written by Jerry Corsi nor did we discuss whether or not the birth certificate was computer generated or in any way fabricated. I merely asked him how his book was doing and wished him good luck.
                                Trump's statement is quite different than what Corsi has stated about their telephone conversation, and his statement about not having read the book seems rather questionable since Trump had his staffers sign a non-disclosure agreement in order to obtain a pdf copy of the book three weeks before its May 17th release date. Of course Donald may not have personally read the book, and may have had a staffer read through, highlight, and report back to him on the important stuff. Then again, perhaps his reason for obtaining the pre-release copy was simply to hand it off to White House aides. While we can't be certain what Trump's actual motives were, his statement to Mother Jones magazine definitely appears to be an attempt to distance himself from the Obama eligibility controversy.
                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

