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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
    Notice that at after the "background" music stopped, President showed displeasure by not drinking.
    It appeared to me that Obama planned to have a drink, but upon seeing QE refusing to partake thought it better to follow her example and set the glass back down. Notice that Prince Philip, on the other hand, had no problem sucking down a swig.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Melatonin Practically Free Jest for Sleeping

      Dr. Pierpaoli's ground-breaking work suggests that melatonin is a crucial factor in the treatment for aging itself and these ideas formed the basis of his lecture at the Second Monte Carlo Anti-Aging Conference.

      Melatonin and the pineal gland:
      The answer to programmed neuroendocrine and immune aging, to its prevention and its reversal.

      Melatonin must be taken late in the evening at bedtime in order to mimic and restore the physiological night peak, which normally declines progressively during the course of aging. As mentioned in the literature reported above, the progressive abrogation of melatonin night-cyclicity during aging is considered to be a basic signal expressing the extinction of the most fundamental regulatory system in the body. This brain "clock" is genetically and evolutionary linked to the sun, the planetary system and the obvious dependence of our health from daily and nocturnal, rhythmic cyclicity. Every person expresses their own genetically inherited nocturnal peak of melatonin, with very large individual variability. However, in the majority of the population, the night elevation of melatonin declines and most of us become "flat" after 80 years of age. This is a basic aging message from the "clock"11.

      Monaco Anti-Aging Conference - Vitamin Research Products

      HBHealth ~ What's New In Anti-Ageing

      Pierpaoli W[au] - PubMed result



      • Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
        Entirely why i'm in such a tizz Bizzy !
        I guess every law and procedure will be ironed out on all fronts at some point in the future...and then we nuke ourselves.

        Got a beer brewing kit in the shed, that has sat there for about a year. I daren't open it and get the stuff together to start the brewing. Without knowledge of what the mail may bring daily, or the lack of answer when USCIS were asked on the phone whether suits would turn up at the door, i've just left it there...fermenting by itself most probably.
        I had wished to begin a Real Ales festival in Tulsa, to be known as Tulsales...a regional beer, wines and ciders festival and, because of brewing experience back in England and CAMRA membership, felt it a good opportunity for micro-brewers to show off their creations. That idea would never work because of legislation it seems...but again is hopefully another example of my small business ideas. Point being, I daren't think like a small business owner or an organiser, personal worth is lessened each time a bright spark of a thought comes along..

        How does one acquire a bottle of that Bizzy Mead ?

        Long pause

        An unregulated part of our lives might be bedroom athletics ! As far as I am aware, a couple may draw the curtains and do as they wish.
        *EDIT* wait, let me qualify that - a heterosexual non married male and female non married partner
        Hi Slider
        First let me say that even though our government cannot be trusted it is no reason for us to lower our standard of living because some govrnment agency says it is wrong...revolt make your beer. Eat drink and be merry becuase the US may be bankrupt tomorrow.

        As far as "bedroom athletics" I do know that some "athletic activities" are concidered by some local and county agencies as immoral and illegal Lets just leave the details for your imagimation (there is no age limit to join this site and I dont want to get arrested for corrupting the morals of a minor)
        But even then there are federal rules that are concerned about bedroom activities. One such law would be the age of concent. In the US it is 18 in Switzerland for example it is 16. There is also a host of laws about marring or "dating" relatives as well as incest laws. Even though you and I would never do anything like that the fact that the government does concern itself with those things also means that they must have some way of enforcing and noting violations.
        There is also the idea that a person can divorce a spouse on the grounds of infideltity shows that the government is very concerned about your "bedroom athletic program"
        We wont even get into Dont ask dont tell or passing out condoms in schools.
        So whether by law or policy Big Brother has your bedroom under survellence.

        Keep trying the Mead I picked out for this contest is our
        "2009 Mead ala Moe"

        Yes named after Moe Howard. It was a great hit at the Midevil faire last year.

        Smile it doesn't hurt!

        Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


        • Ok squire, cos I haven't had a drink of anything since New Year !
          But I also have fond memories of the only real historically accurate mead i've ever tried, at a Roman reenactments festival back in Cheshire, England.
          If anything, along with the other topics currently being discussed in this wonderfully dynamic thread of Ricks, we can probably verify the validity of your point.

          I do apologise for the next argument concerning laws imposed and indeed for any crudeness.
          As far as I am aware, beside (probably) the state of California, there are no laws governing air pollution from mid torso 'vapors'. The emissions from the body have no laws concerning output levels of *cough* exposure, to those surrounding the emissive person. Claims cannot be brought against another person, for health issues resulting from such unfortunate emissions.
          I do hope I phrased that right

          Btw Bizzy, if you wanted a name for a RomeroUk replication, it might be DynaMoe
          Last edited by Slider2732; 06-01-2011, 08:28 PM.


          • Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
            As far as "bedroom athletics" I do know that some "athletic activities" are concidered by some local and county agencies as immoral and illegal Lets just leave the details for your imagimation (there is no age limit to join this site and I dont want to get arrested for corrupting the morals of a minor)
            But even then there are federal rules that are concerned about bedroom activities. One such law would be the age of concent. In the US it is 18 in Switzerland for example it is 16. There is also a host of laws about marring or "dating" relatives as well as incest laws. Even though you and I would never do anything like that the fact that the government does concern itself with those things also means that they must have some way of enforcing and noting violations.
            There is also the idea that a person can divorce a spouse on the grounds of infideltity shows that the government is very concerned about your "bedroom athletic program"
            We wont even get into Dont ask dont tell or passing out condoms in schools.
            So whether by law or policy Big Brother has your bedroom under survellence.
            Lawrence v. Texas:
            States may not prohibit private homosexual activity between consenting adults.

            In Lawrence v. Texas, the Supreme Court, in a 6-3 decision, declared unconstitutional a Texas law that prohibited sexual acts between same sex couples. Justice Anthony Kennedy, writing for the majority, held that the right to privacy protects a right for adults to engage in private, consensual homosexual activity.

            Justice Sandra Day O'Connor concurred in the judgment and said that she would not overrule Bowers, but would declare the Texas law unconstitutional on equal protection grounds because it prohibits sexual acts between same sex couples that are allowed between opposite sex couples.

            Justice Kennedy's majority opinion forcefully declared that there is a fundamental right for consenting adults to engage in private sexual activity. Justice Kennedy said that this right is protected under the word "liberty" in the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Justice Kennedy spoke eloquently of the importance of this interest.

            Justice Kennedy expressly analogized to Supreme Court precedents protecting the rights to purchase and use contraceptives and right to abortion as aspects of privacy.

            Lawrence v. Texas is important for many reasons. Thirteen states still have laws prohibiting private, consensual homosexual activity. These laws are now clearly unconstitutional. The decision is obviously an enormous victory for advocates of gay and lesbian rights. More generally, the decision is the strongest to date by the Supreme Court of a fundamental right of adults to engage in consensual sexual activities.

            Lawrence v. Texas

            Lawrence v. Texas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



            • Is thinking an activity?

              If activity requires action, then I guess, no.Otherwise, I want my Mead!
              Actually, do you make a non-alcoholic version? HepC means ETOH is a no-no.
              "What ya doin?" "Thinking" Sounds like an activity, to me! Jim


              • Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
                Ok squire, cos I haven't had a drink of anything since New Year !
                But I also have fond memories of the only real historically accurate mead i've ever tried, at a Roman reenactments festival back in Cheshire, England.
                If anything, along with the other topics currently being discussed in this wonderfully dynamic thread of Ricks, we can probably verify the validity of your point.

                I do apologise for the next argument concerning laws imposed and indeed for any crudeness.
                As far as I am aware, beside (probably) the state of California, there are no laws governing air pollution from mid torso 'vapors'. The emissions from the body have no laws concerning output levels of *cough* exposure, to those surrounding the emissive person. Claims cannot be brought against another person, for health issues resulting from such unfortunate emissions.
                I do hope I phrased that right

                Btw Bizzy, if you wanted a name for a RomeroUk replication, it might be DynaMoe
                Ok Slider I concede you found one. I looked all over the web last night for any kind of law or regulation concerning "human emmisions" The closest i could find was in Canada last year When A man was ordered off of a plane for ...well lets just say extreme emissions oder. Although I am sure the men in black who monitor this site will notice this loop hole and quickly move to stop such stinky disobediance.
                Last edited by Bizzy; 06-02-2011, 04:16 PM.
                Smile it doesn't hurt!

                Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                  If activity requires action, then I guess, no.Otherwise, I want my Mead!
                  Actually, do you make a non-alcoholic version? HepC means ETOH is a no-no.
                  "What ya doin?" "Thinking" Sounds like an activity, to me! Jim
                  Hi Jim
                  no activity doesnt require action but you know as well as I do that the thought police is out there making sure our opinions do not offend others The Fairness Act the Liberals are trying to force of conservative talk radio is a good example of that
                  Smile it doesn't hurt!

                  Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                  • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                    Notice that at after the "background" music stopped, President showed displeasure by not drinking.
                    What are the odds that President’s stuff did not know the correct protocol or did not rehearse?
                    What are the odds that this was not orchestrated?
                    What happened to the phrase "God Save the Queen" as cue?

                    KikesInTheCupboard: And You Thought They Were British - HA!

                    Originally posted by pengrove View Post
                    Because the world is under attack right now by the Queen of England.

                    USA a Brittish Colony and you a Slave. // Current
                    One of the comments for // USA a Brittish Colony and you a Slave. // Video

                    People still fighting of black,white,christians,muslims and all stupid stuff. This is what the Puppet Master does best. He divides and conquer. While we do this, they behind close doors planning our demise. These EVIL ELITES. got us living in a illusional world with sports,hollywood,entertainment. In reality he just keeping the slaves mind full of ......peace out IMHOTEP.

                    Last edited by aljhoa; 06-02-2011, 05:00 PM.


                    • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                      One of the comments for // USA a Brittish Colony and you a Slave. // Video

                      People still fighting of black,white,christians,muslims and all stupid stuff. This is what the Puppet Master does best. He divides and conquer. While we do this, they behind close doors planning our demise. These EVIL ELITES. got us living in a illusional world with sports,hollywood,entertainment. In reality he just keeping the slaves mind full of .......

                      Hi Al
                      Yes it is very similar as what they did to the population in George Orwell's 1984
                      Give the general public an enemy to hate and keep them distracted from the truth. And the elite can do anything they want with us.
                      Smile it doesn't hurt!

                      Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                      • Bizzy

                        Without going back and looking, I believe your challenge was to name an activity that isn't regulated by the gov't.Not name an activity that some wouldn't LIKE to regulate.LOL Jim


                        • CDC admits flu vaccines don't work
                          (which is why you need a new one every year)

                          Sunday, May 29, 2011
                          by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

                          Vaccines wear off, they say

                          The flu vaccine manufacturing machine is on high output

                          The great vaccine marketing con: Annual vaccine shots

                          You can immunize yourself against the winter flu

                          And the same ignorant consumers line up year after year to get the same failed flu shots year after year... then they wonder why they still get sick year after year.

                          Do the math, folks. This is not rocket science. If flu shots worked as well as your own immune response to a natural infection, then you would only need one shot in your entire life for any given viral flu strain. But that, of course, would be bad for vaccine profits. They need suckers to believe in annual flu shots so they can keep raking in the big bucks year after year.

                          CDC admits flu vaccines don't work (which is why you need a new one every year)



                          • 'Regular" vaccines don't work, either

                            If your child is not vaccinated, they can keep them out of school.WHY?
                            If all the OTHER kids are vaccinated, and only YOUR kid isn't, why keep YOUR kid out of school? How are they a threat to the other kids, since THEY are all vaccinated?!!! I asked this, and was told because 'some' kids, even when vaccinated can still catch the disease.So, I said, then WHY are you making me get my kid a Vaccination that doesn't work? They hemmed and hawed, but couldn't come up with an answer.
                            Fortunately, I know hoew to deal with beurocracies; they want a piece of paper. They won't believe you, they won't trust you, they only trust a piece of paper. So, I gave em a piece of paper. Like most people, I extend others a certain, reasonable amount of trust, and expect the same in return.Howver, if you lie to me, my trust of you is gone. And, if you make it clear to me that you DON'T trust me, well than I have no compunction about lieing to you.After all, whats going to happen? I'm going to loose your trust? You already don't trust me.So, I lie to insurance companies, hospitals, and any other beurocracies, including Gov't.They want a piece of paper, i give em a piece of paper. Jim


                            • vaccines


                              Some states have vaccine waivers for the students. The school applications
                              will not tell parents they can opt out, they just have the vaccine forms.
                              The parents have to know about the waivers on their own and submit them.
                              Not sure how many states have this option.

                              Good point - if the vaccines are so good, what do those children have to
                              fear from an unvaccinated child.
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                                If your child is not vaccinated, they can keep them out of school.WHY?
                                .So, I said, then WHY are you making me get my kid a Vaccination that doesn't work? They hemmed and hawed, but couldn't come up with an answer.
                                : Jim
                                Hi Jim
                                darn I wish I would have thought about that argument when my kids were younger and had to get vaccines. Although my ex-wife was a hypocondriac and would have had them vaccinated regardless.
                                Smile it doesn't hurt!

                                Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27

