Originally posted by aljhoa
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My 2nd wife Biffie(the one pictured next to me in my profile picture) is big into natural healing and organic foods etc. According to her and my experience with it, is that raw unprocessed garlic is by far the best antibiotic by far. We take it routinely to prevent colds and flus. She works in a large grocery store so she is arround the public all the time. My kids are in public schools and we dont get sick.
Many doctors also agree garlic works best because the antibiotic properties are organic. the properties in garlic cant be circumvented by the viruses bacteria etc so they work very well. The problem the medical system has with garlic is they dont get paid for us using them. Always remember follow the money.
So I guess that sucks to be them becuase we have a great free medicine growing in our back yard and we are not changing.
