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The American Ruling Class

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  • Yeah, and

    If wishes were horses! It ain't going to happen.Thats like saying I could solve all our problems, if only I didn't have to deal with people! Their intransigence, cowardice,venality and greed, shortsightedness and Hubris, etc.

    So dream on, gallant warrior.Keep on tilting at windmills, and spreading the word.Our 'civilisation' is going to collapse down around our ears, eventually, regardless of anything you or I do.Its just that its like waitig for the other shoe to drop; the anticipation is KILLING me.Jim


    • Jim i dont believe that for a second, if that was the case than one person could of never made a difference in this world, I think Rick is 110% right what he is doing is very useful.



      • double-dip recession?

        U.S. has record $61.6 TRILLION in liabilities and is borrowing astonishing $125 billion a month....$61.6trillion amounts to $534,000 per household and is more than five times what Americans have borrowed for mortgages, cars and other debt. Daily Mail | Jun 7, 2011,By Mark Duell

        We knew the U.S. economy’s financial health and future was looking bad – but amazing figures show how rapidly it deteriorated even further last year.

        The federal government has a record $61.6trillion of financial promises not paid for after $5.3trillion of new financial obligations were added in 2010.

        This gap between spending commitments and revenue in the year gone by equals more than one-third of the nation’s output, reported USA Today.

        The new obligations were mostly for retirement programmes such as Medicare and Social Security – and paint a situation far worse than the $1.5trillion in new debt taken on to finance the budget deficit.

        Medicare added $1.8trillion in new liabilities and Social Security took on $1.4trillion in obligations, which is partly down to longer life expectancies.

        Military and federal retirement programmes also added more to the hole, reported USA Today in an analysis of federal finances.

        $61.6trillion amounts to $534,000 per household and is more than five times what Americans have borrowed for mortgages, cars and other debt.

        The government borrows an average of about $125billion a month.

        Meanwhile on Tuesday, President Barack Obama insisted the country is not at risk of slipping into a double-dip recession.
        But he conceded he does not know whether a sudden slowdown in job growth is a blip or an indication of a longer and more worrisome trend.

        The President said the nation is on a solid but uneven path to recovery and the key is to ‘not panic’.

        ‘I am concerned about the fact that the recovery that we’re on is not producing jobs as quickly as I want it to happen,’ Mr Obama said.

        ‘Obviously we’re experiencing some headwinds,’ he added, at a joint news conference with visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

        Elsewhere, the number two Republican in the House is ‘cautiously optimistic’ over ongoing budget talks led by Vice President Joe Biden.

        Majority Leader Eric Cantor believes they will produce an agreement on budget cuts at least as large as the accompanying increase in the government’s ability to borrow.

        He said the group is scrubbing all of the federal budget’s major spending programmes for savings, including healthcare for the elderly and poor.

        Speaker John Boehner has put forth a marker that any increase in the so-called debt limit should be matched by spending cuts at least equalling the new level of permitted borrowing.

        The national debt has reached the $14.3trillion cap, but the Treasury Department is juggling government accounts to free up enough money to prevent the government from defaulting on its obligations until August 2.

        ‘I am cautiously optimistic we can find sufficient common ground with the administration to enact spending cuts that meet the goal outlined by the speaker,’ Mr Cantor said.

        Mr Biden said last month that the group, which includes top lawmakers from both parties, is on pace to generate savings exceeding $1trillion.
        'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

        General D.Eisenhower


        • Ash

          I don't LIKE what I see coming, don't want it to happen.But can you honestly look at Blackchisels post, and believe that 1 person or 100 or 1000 can make any difference? The die is cast.I admire Rick, and respect his abilities.
          But suggesting that 'we' (any 'we' you want) are going to persuade Congress to abolish the Federal Reserve Bank is simply unrealistic.
          We all SEE the problems, tho we may disagree as to the exact cause.And they are pretty terrifying, so its understandable that people would be looking for someway to avoid or fix or change things. But sometimes things are too broke to fix.I'm not sure now, whether the Democracy Rick talks about EVER existed, or if it was just a dream.It certainly doesn't exist now.
          I can't not see what I see, or think what I think.Denial just doesn't work, for me.Proposing solutions that have no possibility of being implemented is a way of avoiding facing a painful truth; THERE ARE NO SOLUTIONS.Sorry but thats the way I see it.Jim


          • Jim, Maybe this will make you more optimistic

            Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
            I don't LIKE what I see coming, don't want it to happen.But can you honestly look at Blackchisels post, and believe that 1 person or 100 or 1000 can make any difference? The die is cast.I admire Rick, and respect his abilities.
            But suggesting that 'we' (any 'we' you want) are going to persuade Congress to abolish the Federal Reserve Bank is simply unrealistic.
            We all SEE the problems, tho we may disagree as to the exact cause.And they are pretty terrifying, so its understandable that people would be looking for someway to avoid or fix or change things. But sometimes things are too broke to fix.I'm not sure now, whether the Democracy Rick talks about EVER existed, or if it was just a dream.It certainly doesn't exist now.
            I can't not see what I see, or think what I think.Denial just doesn't work, for me.Proposing solutions that have no possibility of being implemented is a way of avoiding facing a painful truth; THERE ARE NO SOLUTIONS.Sorry but thats the way I see it.Jim

            Homeowners foreclose on Bank of America June 08, 2011 by: Neev M. Arnell, Natural News.

            - " In a role reversal that would bring satisfaction to many a struggling American, a foreclosed couple foreclosed on a Bank of America branch last week.

            Warren and Maureen Nyerges, of the Naples, Fla. area, bought a home with cash in 2009, yet in 2010 Bank of America tried to foreclose on them. It eventually took a court intervention to remedy the situation. (The Two-Way : NPR...)

            In December 2010, a judge said that the bank wrongfully tried to foreclose on the Nyerges home ( and ordered the bank to pay the couple $2,500 for the attorney fees resulting from the mess. But months later, the bank still had not paid up.

            The Nyerges hired a lawyer, who pursued a levy, and Friday, June 3, it all came to a head. The lawyer came to the local Bank of America branch with the sheriff, the media and a moving truck.

            "I'm either leaving the building with a whole bunch of furniture, or a check or cash or something," the attorney, Todd Allen, said.

            Sheriff's deputies entered the branch shortly after 9 a.m., and presented the bank manager with a court writ and the choice familiar to so many former homeowners in America: Pay the money or prepare to lose possessions.

            Allen ordered the deputies to take photocopiers, desks, computers and whatever cash was in the drawer to settle the debt. The bank manager on duty was "visibly shaken" he said.

            "Having two sheriff's deputies sitting across your desk and a lawyer standing up behind them demanding whatever assets are in the bank can be intimidating, but so is having your home foreclosed on, when it wasn't right," Allen said. "They've ignored our calls, ignored our letters, legally this is the next step to get my clients compensated."

            The Nyerges submitted multiple pleas for the money owed directly to the bank many times.

            "I talked to branch managers, I called anyone who would listen to me," the couple said. "And I wrote a certified letter to the president (of the bank). No response, nothing."

            After about an hour of being locked out of the bank, the bank manager relented and handed Allen a check for the legal fees.

            "As a foreclosure defense attorney this is sweet justice" Allen said, because this situation is just a symptom of a larger problem".
            'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

            General D.Eisenhower



            • Uploaded by MrTimotheus85 on Feb 3, 2011
              Rush - The Obama Administration Found In Contempt Of Court On Gulf Oil Drilling Moratorium,That's two..We are living under a lawless government.

              YouTube - ‪Rush - The Obama Administration Found In Contempt Of Court On Gulf Oil Drilling Moratorium‬‏

              A May Day rally in Los Angeles, co-sponsored by the SEIU and various communist groups, as well as other unions, reflected yet another step in the normalization of self-identified communist and socialist ideologies in the Obama era.....
              Southern California citizen journalist and photographer “Ringo” was on hand to record the day’s events, and posted a full-length photo essay on his site Ringo’s Pictures.

              Zombie » SEIU drops mask, goes full commie



              • Blackchisel

                THANK-you FOR THAT! Truly made my day.
                Maybe a metaphor or analaogy would help, in clarifying my position;
                For many years prior to Catrina, The New Orleans Public School system was universally recognised as the SECOND worst public school system in the U.S.
                The Washington DC public school system had the unique distinction of not only being th WORST, but of also spending MORE $ per pupil than any other public school system.

                By coincedience, for those who believe in such things, soon after Catrina hit N.O., the Mayor of Washington Dc decided this had to change, and brought in an outsider to be School superintendent, with unprecedented authority to FIX it.She tried, hard. She put principles on notice they were on probation, and fired those who didn't improve.She closed schools, and did all she could to get rid of bad teachers, who wouldn't improve.She fought/worked with the unions, to try to end teacher tenure, while offering them very generous performance bonus package.
                A week after the start of the school year, she took a clipboard full of requisitions (for books, etc) that had been sent back to the schools with "e don't have" (IN Beurocratise) written on them, and some local TV news crews, and went into the district supply building. Without much effort, she found ALL the materials, (New textbooks, etc) that was on these 'Don't have' requisitions.
                The parents, teachers unions, and just about everyone else fought her, tooth and nail.She DID close a # of failing schools.She DID improve, somewhat, the supply situation, (although I don't think she was able to fire any of the employees, who had been writing "Don't Have" on requisitions, so they could get back to their card games).So, she made some modest improvements, around the edges, and brought up the test scores, and improved the morale of both students and teachers, a little.A couple of months ago, she resigned. There is real question whether any of the modest improvements she made will 'take', or not.
                In comparison, after Catrina, New Orleans had NO public school system.Buidins were ruined, (although many were over 100 y.o., and were unsafe and falling apart BEFORE Catrina.Many of the teachers and administrators moved to other locals, and had no home to return to.
                And so they brought in an outsider, to build a new school system from scratch.New buildings, a significant reliance on Charter schools, new teachers, new administrators, new compensation package and contracts.
                He also retired, and now New Orleans currently has one of the best public education systems in the country.Only time will tell whether the laize faire attitude of the 'Big Easy' will degrade things, or whether they will be able to 'keep it up'.
                The point is, sometimes things are so broke, you can't fix things, by working WITH the current system.You just have to scrap the whole thing, and start over from scratch.
                And thats the way I feel about the centralised system we've developed, whether its preparing our youth to live as adults, or our system of Governance, or our financial system,healthcare system, food supply system, transportation system, and on and on.
                None of these systems was designed and built for their current use and load.We just added on and patched them, as society developed.They all were either built on insecure foundations, or have been added on to and expanded far beyond what those foundations can carry.
                One big wind, or eathquake, and down they will come.Don't know WHAT the wind is gonna be; maybe the financial collapse, maybe something else.But sooner or later, it IS gonna come. And when it does, they WILL fall.
                Trying to 'patch' them or 'fix' them in the meantime, is like the DC school system.That woman gave it a valient effort, but was doomed before she started.
                So, we NEED a Catrina, so we can build new, from scratch.Thats what I'm saying.MAYBE I'm wrong, but I gotta believe what I gotta believe.Jim


                • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                  THANK-you FOR THAT! Truly made my day.
                  Maybe a metaphor or analaogy would help, in clarifying my position;
                  For many years prior to Catrina, The New Orleans Public School system was universally recognised as the SECOND worst public school system in the U.S.
                  The Washington DC public school system had the unique distinction of not only being th WORST, but of also spending MORE $ per pupil than any other public school system.

                  By coincedience, for those who believe in such things, soon after Catrina hit N.O., the Mayor of Washington Dc decided this had to change, and brought in an outsider to be School superintendent, with unprecedented authority to FIX it.She tried, hard. She put principles on notice they were on probation, and fired those who didn't improve.She closed schools, and did all she could to get rid of bad teachers, who wouldn't improve.She fought/worked with the unions, to try to end teacher tenure, while offering them very generous performance bonus package.
                  A week after the start of the school year, she took a clipboard full of requisitions (for books, etc) that had been sent back to the schools with "e don't have" (IN Beurocratise) written on them, and some local TV news crews, and went into the district supply building. Without much effort, she found ALL the materials, (New textbooks, etc) that was on these 'Don't have' requisitions.
                  The parents, teachers unions, and just about everyone else fought her, tooth and nail.She DID close a # of failing schools.She DID improve, somewhat, the supply situation, (although I don't think she was able to fire any of the employees, who had been writing "Don't Have" on requisitions, so they could get back to their card games).So, she made some modest improvements, around the edges, and brought up the test scores, and improved the morale of both students and teachers, a little.A couple of months ago, she resigned. There is real question whether any of the modest improvements she made will 'take', or not.
                  In comparison, after Catrina, New Orleans had NO public school system.Buidins were ruined, (although many were over 100 y.o., and were unsafe and falling apart BEFORE Catrina.Many of the teachers and administrators moved to other locals, and had no home to return to.
                  And so they brought in an outsider, to build a new school system from scratch.New buildings, a significant reliance on Charter schools, new teachers, new administrators, new compensation package and contracts.
                  He also retired, and now New Orleans currently has one of the best public education systems in the country.Only time will tell whether the laize faire attitude of the 'Big Easy' will degrade things, or whether they will be able to 'keep it up'.
                  The point is, sometimes things are so broke, you can't fix things, by working WITH the current system.You just have to scrap the whole thing, and start over from scratch.
                  And thats the way I feel about the centralised system we've developed, whether its preparing our youth to live as adults, or our system of Governance, or our financial system,healthcare system, food supply system, transportation system, and on and on.
                  None of these systems was designed and built for their current use and load.We just added on and patched them, as society developed.They all were either built on insecure foundations, or have been added on to and expanded far beyond what those foundations can carry.
                  One big wind, or eathquake, and down they will come.Don't know WHAT the wind is gonna be; maybe the financial collapse, maybe something else.But sooner or later, it IS gonna come. And when it does, they WILL fall.
                  Trying to 'patch' them or 'fix' them in the meantime, is like the DC school system.That woman gave it a valient effort, but was doomed before she started.
                  So, we NEED a Catrina, so we can build new, from scratch.Thats what I'm saying.MAYBE I'm wrong, but I gotta believe what I gotta believe.Jim
                  What we need is more people able to see and stop perfecting denial, stop reading or watching morning news designed to drain ability to think independently even further. There are true information in the news but you need to know how to decipher them and sort from trash.
                  Every, even small effort counts and makes a difference, influences others into thinking and action. Gives them more faith and power.
                  It is just a matter of time. Final countdown has begun already and they know it.

                  'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                  General D.Eisenhower



                  • World Bank Power
                    Congress and The Bretton Woods Agreements
                    Ron Paul and Ben Bernanke on financial crisis
                    YouTube - ‪Ron Paul Slams Ben Bernanke... AGAIN | CSPAN | 2-10-2009‬‏


                    • Police gun down man in street, threaten to shoot witnesses for filming incident

                      Police gun down man in street, threaten to shoot witnesses for filming incident

                      YouTube - ‪Miami Beach Memorial Day Shooting May 30th 2011, cellphone video‬‏

                      'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                      General D.Eisenhower



                      • Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                        Jim i dont believe that for a second, if that was the case than one person could of never made a difference in this world, I think Rick is 110% right what he is doing is very useful.

                        Thanks for the vote of confidence, Ash. As you and I both know, the powerful elites would love nothing better than for us to sigh, throw our arms up in the air, and give up the fight because we believe it is useless to even try. I can understand where that defeatist attitude comes from, and I don't blame anyone for feeling that way at some time or another when the load just seems too much to bear, but it is precisely at those times when we need to rise up, get off our knees, and fight like all hell. We have to realize that we do influence others around us, and while a defeatist attitude will have strong negative influence upon others, a positive attitude will result in strong positive influences - the kind that can bring about the changes we desire. Yes, it starts with a dream, and dreams won't change anything if we are only dreamers. If we want things to change then we have to actively and ardently pursue what is needed to bring such change about. My purpose in this thread is to help others understand what we can do - and must do - to take our country back from the banksters and powerful elites. We have nothing to lose, and everything to gain, for trying, so I for one will try until I die. I hope that's not for awhile, lol, as I still have a lot of work to do.

                        Last edited by rickoff; 06-09-2011, 03:58 PM.
                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Chinese cities in America?

                          China Wants To Construct A 50 Square Mile Self-Sustaining City South Of Boise, Idaho

                          This sounds very treasonous for any state or federal rep to be for
                          something like this.
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                            China Wants To Construct A 50 Square Mile Self-Sustaining City South Of Boise, Idaho

                            This sounds very treasonous for any state or federal rep to be for
                            something like this.
                            It surely does, and it is a pathetic reminder that we must constantly remain vigilant and expose such schemes for what they truly are.
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                              China Wants To Construct A 50 Square Mile Self-Sustaining City South Of Boise, Idaho

                              This sounds very treasonous for any state or federal rep to be for
                              something like this.
                              Arizona State Legislature
                              BILL STATUS OVERVIEW

                              TITLE: sovereignty; tenth amendment.
                              HOUSE FIRST READ: 02/05/09
                              TRANSMIT TO SENATE: 06/10/09
                              SENATE FIRST READ: 06/29/09
                              SENATE SECOND READ: 06/30/09
                              FINAL DISPOSITION: Held in Senate
                              Format Document

                              List includes 911 properties
                              UNESCO World Heritage Centre - World Heritage List



                              • Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                                Jim i dont believe that for a second, if that was the case than one person could of never made a difference in this world, I think Rick is 110% right what he is doing is very useful.

                                Well I agree in part with Jim. Take for example a simple child's teeter totter and both children are closely matched. They banter back and forth with neither gaining much advantage and the game proceeds ad infintum. Yet take a bully walking by and placing his big hand to aid one child. The total mass is now dominated in one direction and the unaided child is at a loss to recover. In the case of the US we have become fully imbalanced by a bully and a simple recovery is not possible without the aid of a comparatively sized counter balance. Why is this so difficult to understand? How often has someone been successful in pleading with a rattle snake to move on? Herein lies the reason we are going under, we are just to damn civil or complacent for our own good and survival. I picture the cave man pleading with the dinosaur, 'Please don't eat me, I'm a good Cave Man and do not deserve to go out this way, I am valuable and will do all the good things you ask of me, and follow all the rules you set forth, please don't eat me.
                                Last edited by DrStiffler; 06-09-2011, 07:35 PM.

