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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post


    Even indispensable seed grain was forcibly confiscated from households. Any man, woman, or child caught taking even a handful of grain from a collective farm was to be executed or deported. Those who did not appear to be starving were often suspected of hoarding grain. The NKVD and a system of internal passports prevented peasants from leaving their villages. Permanent hunger caused mass mental disorders, which led to the horrible facts of cannibalism. At the height of the famine Ukrainians were dying at a rate of 25,000 per day. Nearly 1 in 4 rural Ukrainians perished as a direct result.

    Death toll from the 1932-33 famine in Ukraine has been estimated between seven and ten million.

    At that, the famine was accompanied by a devastating purge of Ukrainian intelligentsia, as well as of the representatives of Ukrainian Communist party, which attempted to uphold the principle of Ukrainian autonomy. At present, it is almost impossible to determine the exact number of people, who were executed, imprisoned or deported to Siberia as “the people’s enemies”.


    GMO-Genetically modified organism


    To date the most controversial but also the most widely adopted application of GMO technology is patent-protected food crops which are resistant to commercial herbicides or are able to produce pesticidal proteins from within the plant, or stacked trait seeds, which do both. The largest share of the GMO crops planted globally are owned by the US firm Monsanto.[12] In 2007, Monsanto's trait technologies were planted on 246 million acres (1,000,000 km2) throughout the world, a growth of 13 percent from 2006. However, patents on the first Monsanto products to enter the marketplace will begin to expire in 2014, democratizing Monsanto products. In addition, a 2007 report from the European Joint Research Commission predicts that by 2015, more than 40 per cent of new GM plants entering the global marketplace will have been developed in Asia.

    "Terminator" and "traitor"

    An often cited controversy is a "Technology Protection" technology dubbed 'Terminator'.[77] This uncommercialized technology would allow the production of first generation crops that would not generate seeds in the second generation because the plants yield sterile seeds.

    Genetically modified organism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Hi Al
    I didnt know that about the Ukraine. Thanks for sharing. It sounds like something Obama would do. If/when it comes to that here I am certain the malitia would be activated by then.
    My wife is very much into health foods and beleives in using as much organic foods as possable. As a result much of our garden comes from organic seed that we have repeatedly harvested for the past several years. We also use no pesitcide or herbicides. We weed by hand and allow the birds to eat the bugs as a natural " incesticide". We may loose some of the crop but retain most and we are ensured it is healthy.
    I know about the altered seeds. In fact in the latest issue of Countryside Magizine there is an article about hebicide reisitant soybeans.
    Sterile seeds are probbaly the best reason to start saving seeds. Seeds cost so little now, but wait until there is a monopoly on them.
    Smile it doesn't hurt!

    Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


    • Hi

      Recall a tecknigue of farming, can't remember the name.Instead of planting all of 1 kind of plant together, and all of a different together, you mix them all up; that way its not as easy for birds, bugs or disease to spread. We make it 'easy' for us, we also make it easy for the 'predators' and disease.The 'garden' looks much more like what you see in nature, with various plants all mixed in, together. Any of you country boys know what I'm prattleing on about? Jim


      • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
        Recall a tecknigue of farming, can't remember the name.Instead of planting all of 1 kind of plant together, and all of a different together, you mix them all up; that way its not as easy for birds, bugs or disease to spread. We make it 'easy' for us, we also make it easy for the 'predators' and disease.The 'garden' looks much more like what you see in nature, with various plants all mixed in, together. Any of you country boys know what I'm prattleing on about? Jim
        Hi Jim,
        I havent heard of that but it sounds interesting. We may have to try that next year.
        Has any one else tried that??
        Smile it doesn't hurt!

        Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


        • As much as I remember

          It was in MotherEarthNews, many years ago.20+, at least. I think it came from china or Japan, could be wrong.The 'Garden' looked more like a section of a field,not at all like the neat little rows.And as you know, there are some plants that are naturally repellent, not engineered, you can mix them in there, as well.Think what a feast we must offer, with our standard farming techniques.Hey, bugs and birds, you don't have to flit around, to find food, we put it all in one place, in nice neat rows.Its like a grocery store, for bugs/birds.Jim
          Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
          Hi Jim,
          I havent heard of that but it sounds interesting. We may have to try that next year.
          Has any one else tried that??


          • C-Sub

            Why submarine yachting makes sense
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            concrete submarine yacht, yacht submarine, submarine yachting (

            YouTube - ‪concrete submarine yacht, raw building, hull‬‏



            • Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
              Hi Jim,
              I havent heard of that but it sounds interesting. We may have to try that next year.
              Has any one else tried that??
              Something more effective than planting an intermix of vegetables is planting certain flowering plants among your vegetables which are known to be very effective natural pesticides. Best known of these are marigolds, but also very effective are lavender, mint, and rosemary. Organic gardeners often use water base sprays, made by soaking crushed marigold flowers and leaves, to spray other plants and vegetables. Check out this website for some excellent and easily prepared natural pesticide recipes.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                Something more effective than planting an intermix of vegetables is planting certain flowering plants among your vegetables which are known to be very effective natural pesticides. Best known of these are marigolds, but also very effective are lavender, mint, and rosemary. Organic gardeners often use water base sprays, made by soaking crushed marigold flowers and leaves, to spray other plants and vegetables. Check out this website for some excellent and easily prepared natural pesticide recipes.
                Hi Rick
                we tried the merigolds a few years ago but honestly I dont recall if they worked that well or not. I'll have to ask my wife. Mint and rosemary work well too however they also are very invasive once they are planted. We have mint and I like it in tea etc, BUT we cant get rid of it. the entire sallieport of our garden is covered in mint.
                There is also a company called natures alive. I am sure they have a website but I dont have it here at work, they specialize in selling natural garden solutions. We use thier products on our grapes apples and pear in our yard and at the camp
                Thanks for teh other site it looks very promising and helpfull.
                Smile it doesn't hurt!

                Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                • Did anyone see this, found it on ATS:


                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • The day before Rep. Ron Paul announced his bid for the Republican nomination for president, the Republican Jewish Coalition issued a press release on May 12th, “RJC Expresses Concern about Ron Paul Candidacy.”

                    In short, asserts the RJC, “keeping the world free and safe for democracy is critical to our ability to be free citizens of our own country.” The RJC makes this incredible statement, “It’s not enough to have a strong military to protect our own borders; our national security also relies on us actively combating the forces of evil in the world.”

                    The RJC incredibly opposes Ron Paul’s presidential candidacy claiming he has “extreme” positions, while it supports the warfare state unequivocally. One of the major reasons the RJC opposes Ron Paul is that he wants to end all foreign aid, including the multibillion-dollar aid package Israel receives from the United States annually. The United States has to borrow every dollar it sends overseas. This is financial insanity.

                    A free society cannot have limited government at home and unlimited military interventions overseas. Apparently, the RJC believes the welfare-warfare state is compatible with Jewish values. They are not. Jewish values of freedom, integrity, compassion, peace and good will can be found in the Ten Commandments and the Declaration of Independence, not in the neoconservative handbook on ruling the world.

                    The Republican Jewish Coalition and Ron Paul’s presidential candidacy |

                    YouTube - ‪Two Steps From Hell - Am I Not Human?‬‏
                    YouTube - ‪Two Steps From Hell - Protectors Of The Earth‬‏

                    Last edited by aljhoa; 06-16-2011, 03:45 PM.


                    • I don't have time enough available to determine what "THE PLAN" is all about, and the video doesn't really say. Could you please look into this and report on what you find. Thanks,

                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • FEMA, FCC Announce Nationwide Test Of The Emergency Alert System
                        Similar to local Emergency Alert System Tests, this Test is Scheduled to Take Place on November 9, 2011 (11/9/11)

                        Release Date: June 9, 2011
                        Release Number: HQ-11-099

                        WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will conduct the first nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS). The nationwide test will occur on Wednesday, November 9 at 2 p.m. eastern standard time and may last up to three and a half minutes.

                        FEMA's mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

                        FEMA: FEMA, FCC Announce Nationwide Test Of The Emergency Alert System

                        How do you define your nationality?
                        Are you a/an

                        1. American
                        2. United States citizen
                        3. National of the United States
                        4. Citizen of the United States
                        5. State National, e.g. Delawarean, Coloradoan. . .etc
                        6. Foreign National (Please explain)
                        7. No nationality (I am stateless)
                        8. (Other)I Don’t know, please help?

                        If you have read this far, I thank you, and I hope this has been educational. You may ask, "So what? I have gone this far in my life, and everything seems fine. Why should I care about my nationality? I am an American, no matter what the law says!"

                        ANSWER: Because you were poorly educated, and have been lied to think that way.

                        The following is the LEGAL REALITY as it pertains to ALL US citizens.

                        As has been established above, all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to its jurisdiction is a national/citizen of the United States.

                        The next question is to ask, "What is the United States?" An appropriate answer might be to state what it is NOT.
                        The United States IS NOT a country
                        The United States of America IS NOT a nation
                        So what is the United States? The United States of America is a federation of 50 sovereign states or nations coming together for their own protection and benefit under the Articles of Confederation and finally the Constitution.

                        How do you define your nationality?

                        Last edited by aljhoa; 06-17-2011, 04:45 AM.


                        • Hey

                          Wonder if its ever occured to anyone; the best time to attack, would be during a scheduled nationwide alert.
                          And the PLAN, is to get everybody watching the plan, LOL.
                          And yeah, Rick, I meant to mention the marigolds, etc. but don't see why that can't be done along with the interspersed planting.Jim


                          • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                            I don't have time enough available to determine what "THE PLAN" is all about, and the video doesn't really say. Could you please look into this and report on what you find. Thanks,

                            Hi Rick
                            I watched the video. You are right they dont mention what the plan is or what they expect of people other than to fight the "system" but they never say who the system is. They use a mock UN symbol and at first I thought it may be against the New World Order or maybe part of the John Birch Society. So i thought ok so far.
                            But later on they started using words like unit, street artisians, come together as one. They are asking people to spread the plan through thier literature, blogs and music, never mentioning work or family or church etc.
                            Their website also mentiond something about beating back Bernanke(sp)...

                            So my gut reaction is that it is an orginization of anarcists, like I used to see in Germany in the 80s. And like always show up at the G8 or G20, (which ever number they are using now), to riot and protest.
                            So in short i would say the "plan" is an anarcist movement

                            Two of my best freinds in Germany were anarcists one was a communist one was a green party member and I a Reagan Republican...They freely admited to me that they were anarcists and that that movement was supported by the then Soviet Union to disrupt West Germany Nato so then Europr could be "liberated" by the Soviets. But I am not sure who backs the anarcist now since the Soviet Union is gone. Perhaps George Soros?!?!?

                            Smile it doesn't hurt!

                            Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                            • The mixing of the plants is called companion planting - as stated you can use:
                              As well as Garlic and Onions.

                              Another benefit of the plant mixing is that not all plants are equal in photosynthesis efficiency. Not all plants like direct sun light, as some prefer shade over direct sun light. Then you have to solar saturation limit where the plants will stop photosynthesis by about mid day - if they don't have shade cover.

                              If anyone has seen the David Blume “Alcohol can be a gas" videos, from min 29:30 to the 1 hour mark (of the following one), he covers a lot of what plants actually do - and it's a real eye opener.

                              David Blume "Alcohol Can Be A Gas"
                              Last edited by Savvypro; 06-17-2011, 12:07 PM.

                              . . .
                              Regular service Signature:
                              Follow along on my Algae growing adventure, where I'm currently growing Spirulina and two mystery strains (one of which can also produce Biofuel). All is revealed in the Growing Algae thread...


                              • Eisenhower's Holocaust - His
                                Slaughter Of 1.7 Million Germans
                                Author Unknown

                                Eisenhower's Holocaust - His Slaughter Of 1.7 Million Germans

                                Other Losses is a 1989 book by Canadian writer James Bacque, in which Bacque alleges that U.S. General Dwight Eisenhower intentionally caused the deaths by starvation or exposure of around a million German prisoners of war held in Western internment camps briefly after the Second World War.

                                The U.S. Army's surgeon general described some of the camps as resembling Andersonville Prison in 1864 and noted that the lack of food in some cases led to "extensive malnutrition".

                                There are no longer any surviving records showing which German POWs and Disarmed Enemy Forces were in U.S. custody prior to roughly September 1945. ......... By way of contrast, the Soviet archives contain dossiers for every German POW they held, averaging around 15 pages for each.

                                Other Losses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


