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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
    Hi Rickoff
    I see your point about it purposely being a "bad" forgery. It would and has driven us birthers in a frenzy trying to get people to notice these errors and try to convince the "powers that be" that he shouldnt be in office. The left can then point to us and call us extremists and radicals.
    Since most if not all of Obama's followers are mindless socialists they will beleive it. Hell they'll believe anything they are told. So Obama can then demonize the right and look like an "innocent victim" just as Clinton did while he was in office.
    Who are the ( "powers that be" ) again, anyone in particular in mind? Should it not be "we the people", that are indeed lost.?


    • BO

      Hi Jim,
      I agree the Rebuplicans do have a very good chance in 2012. I also think that the best chance we have for a true Reagan Conservative is Bachmann. And the fact that the left wing media is desperately trying to discredit her shows I am right. She'll get my vote. Although at this point my shih tzu: Dobbie, who is also republican could win against BO in this economy.

      The only thing that could hurt Republican/American chances of winning is another terroist attack or a disaster so BO can look like a hero on a white horse charging in to help us. His sheople like that sort of thing so it would motivate them. Also look for pictures of dead bin Laden to be "leaked' just before the election to show what a strong defender of America he is.

      The only other thing that could hurt us if we nominate a moron who is nothing more than a mediocre politician who is willing to compromise with the enemy. This election is ours to win or loose.

      BUt until he is out we will be subjected to the most viscious chicago style politicing and bold faced lies in the history of our country. BO will not go out without a fight.
      Smile it doesn't hurt!

      Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


      • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
        Who are the ( "powers that be" ) again, anyone in particular in mind? Should it not be "we the people", that are indeed lost.?
        Hi Dr Stiffler,
        by the "powers that be" I meant the courts and congress. In order to oust Obama through legal means it would have to be through one or both of those so we would have to convince them of the validity of our claims. But As i menationed I dont see that happening anytime soon. the only chane we have is to have history judge the validity of our claims and we would have some satisfaction in knowing we are right, but that will not help us now.
        Smile it doesn't hurt!

        Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


        • Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
          Hi Dr Stiffler,
          by the "powers that be" I meant the courts and congress. In order to oust Obama through legal means it would have to be through one or both of those so we would have to convince them of the validity of our claims. But As i menationed I dont see that happening anytime soon. the only chane we have is to have history judge the validity of our claims and we would have some satisfaction in knowing we are right, but that will not help us now.

          With (zero) disrespect, Please. I just have to say it how I think it and it does not go over well with a very lot of people.

          *Great, History will prove that Mr. O was a lie and should never have been president, yet he was and the people did nothing about it. The people (speaking from your perspective) my grand parents lived during that time and felt secure that history would deliver us from evil. We can at least say, huddled around this meager fire in this re-education camp that we do get a ration of food and do indeed have this fire to warm us. Besides all of our current generation is in this camp, some cousins are somewhere else, but I'm sure they are as well off as we are. If only my grandparents could see now what history said was so right, (We would indeed be here).

          Good call Bizzy, I'm sure your legacy will enjoy whatever they get!, right, because you were satisfied that History would shake it all out.

          Edit: So what is History? If correctly done it is a recording of past events, it in no way has modified or changed those events. History is not capable of correcting suffering and injustice suffered by those in which it reports.
          Last edited by DrStiffler; 06-30-2011, 08:00 PM.


          • I dislike pointing the obvious,

            And please don't think that I am trying to prick a boil,

            But -- I was 3 years old when Pres Kennedy was shot. I was in school when MLK and the next Kennedy were killed. As I got older, I read about them and later the War back then, as it was on the cover of magazines that would come into the house. Horrible images.

            As a teenager - I did get involved in shooting, had an Air Force Warrent, as my instructor. I learned about trajectories and energy and distances, which brought me to engineering to build stuff and rockets and plane engines and how to make cars and motorcycles move faster. Incremental improvements in carbs, ignitions and anything else I could think of.

            I read the Warren Commission papers, As a teenager and even I could read that they were no answers in that thing. I kept reading more, because I felt that someone had to be truly evil to kill a president. When you read his words, they were ideas, however killed all these men, were afraid of words? And what they could do to who? The public - the people?

            Its been 50 years - almost - no one knows - but we all can agree, that magic bullets don't exist and no matter how many times a lawyer says that, does not make it ballistic fact.

            I accept that the world has good and bad. History has already hidden many tragedies.


            • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post

              With (zero) disrespect, Please. I just have to say it how I think it and it does not go over well with a very lot of people.

              *Great, History will prove that Mr. O was a lie and should never have been president, yet he was and the people did nothing about it. The people (speaking from your perspective) my grand parents lived during that time and felt secure that history would deliver us from evil. We can at least say, huddled around this meager fire in this re-education camp that we do get a ration of food and do indeed have this fire to warm us. Besides all of our current generation is in this camp, some cousins are somewhere else, but I'm sure they are as well off as we are. If only my grandparents could see now what history said was so right, (We would indeed be here).

              Good call Bizzy, I'm sure your legacy will enjoy whatever they get!, right, because you were satisfied that History would shake it all out.

              Edit: So what is History? If correctly done it is a recording of past events, it in no way has modified or changed those events. History is not capable of correcting suffering and injustice suffered by those in which it reports.
              Hi Dr Stiffler,
              No disrespect taken and none given here. I never said that I would be satisfied with that legacy or that history. I guess it was meant as a sarcastic way of looking on the brightside ...

              As far as I am concerned Obama is a disgrace to this nation and the people who follow his example are traitors and should be dealt with as such. And when it comes down to it we should never be satisfied with the mediocrity of compromising with the likes of him. (violent tirade removed here)

              In my humble opinion he should be dealt with completely without compromise and his policies outlawed so they cant be dredged up in the future. He is no more a president than any other dictator who rules by force and opression, the only differance is Obama's opression is more subtle.
              No I would never be satisfied with that legacy around the necks of my children.
              Smile it doesn't hurt!

              Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


              • Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
                Hi Dr Stiffler,
                No disrespect taken and none given here. I never said that I would be satisfied with that legacy or that history. I guess it was meant as a sarcastic way of looking on the brightside ...

                As far as I am concerned Obama is a disgrace to this nation and the people who follow his example are traitors and should be dealt with as such. And when it comes down to it we should never be satisfied with the mediocrity of compromising with the likes of him. (violent tirade removed here)

                In my humble opinion he should be dealt with completely without compromise and his policies outlawed so they cant be dredged up in the future. He is no more a president than any other dictator who rules by force and opression, the only differance is Obama's opression is more subtle.
                No I would never be satisfied with that legacy around the necks of my children.
                That is indeed a relief to hear. I was worried that the Fluoride or Lithium had got to you. Thanks for explaining so I understand, getting slower I guess? (no not true, just more suspect).


                • Originally posted by wizofid View Post
                  And please don't think that I am trying to prick a boil,

                  But -- I was 3 years old when Pres Kennedy was shot. I was in school when MLK and the next Kennedy were killed. As I got older, I read about them and later the War back then, as it was on the cover of magazines that would come into the house. Horrible images.

                  As a teenager - I did get involved in shooting, had an Air Force Warrent, as my instructor. I learned about trajectories and energy and distances, which brought me to engineering to build stuff and rockets and plane engines and how to make cars and motorcycles move faster. Incremental improvements in carbs, ignitions and anything else I could think of.

                  I read the Warren Commission papers, As a teenager and even I could read that they were no answers in that thing. I kept reading more, because I felt that someone had to be truly evil to kill a president. When you read his words, they were ideas, however killed all these men, were afraid of words? And what they could do to who? The public - the people?

                  Its been 50 years - almost - no one knows - but we all can agree, that magic bullets don't exist and no matter how many times a lawyer says that, does not make it ballistic fact.

                  I accept that the world has good and bad. History has already hidden many tragedies.
                  Hi wizofid
                  Unfortunately we'll never know the extent of the cover ups by our government. You've only mentioned a couple but I would wager there are more than you could imagine....I am not saying that just becuase I am paranoid about our government, but they freely admit there are "some things which need o remain secret for national security" unfortunately for us they also include thier job security with national security so they tend to cover thier socialist butts with the same banner.
                  Smile it doesn't hurt!

                  Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                  • Desegregation of "god’s chosen", "ferocious", "cannibalistic" and "inbreeding" human’s at work.
                    YouTube - ‪The Toulambis Tribu Primitiva/Primitive Tribe Primer Contacto/Firts Contact‬‏
                    YouTube - ‪Tribe meets white man for the first time - Original Footage (1/5)‬‏

                    When European Union becomes a country?
                    When European Union becomes a nation?

                    Last edited by aljhoa; 07-01-2011, 01:40 PM.


                    • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                      Desegregation of "god’s chosen", "ferocious", "cannibalistic" and "inbreeding" human’s at work.
                      YouTube - ‪The Toulambis Tribu Primitiva/Primitive Tribe Primer Contacto/Firts Contact‬‏
                      YouTube - ‪Tribe meets white man for the first time - Original Footage (1/5)‬‏

                      When European Union becomes a country?
                      When European Union becomes a nation?

                      Segregation Attempt

                      Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                      Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                      SHOCKING statistics exposing the biggest special interest of all!
                      YouTube - ‪Special Interests...EXPOSED!!!‬‏


                      • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post

                        I see the Lamestream media has gotten out the long knives, and is going after Michelle Bachman with a vengence.Its the old 'tricky Dick' strategy; try to manipulate who your opponent is going to be.Ron Paul they don't see as a threat, but M.B. scares them.Jim
                        We have gangster government when the Federal Government has set up a new cartel and private businesses now have to go begging with their hand out to their localhopefully well politically connectedCongressman or their Senator so they can buy a peace offering for that local business.
                        YouTube - ‪We Now Have A Total Gangster Government‬‏

                        Who tends to be more suicidal MB or RP?



                        • Heard on The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson:

                          "Whitey Bulger’s brother was a politician. So one brother was operating in a world with no morals, dealing with the lowest of the low, and the other one was a mobster."

                          Funny, but quite true.

                          I suspect that most readers are aware that James "Whitey" Bulger, a South Boston mob boss fugitive wanted for 19 murders and on the run for 16 years, was finally captured June 22nd in Santa Monica, California. What some may not know about Whitey Bulger is that he was a top echelon FBI informant, and fled after being tipped off about his imminent arrest and indictment hearing in 1995 by his corrupt handler, former FBI agent John J. Connolly Jr. Whitey's status as a top informant allowed him to continue his illegal activities and killing spree under protection of the FBI. It was not until this corrupt relationship was exposed that the FBI began a "search" for Whitey, who somehow eluded capture in spite of the FBI's alleged efforts.

                          Many people, myself included, believe that it is not just mere coincidence that Whitey Bulger eluded capture for so many years while remaining on the FBI's "10 most wanted" fugitive list. Whitey, now 81 years of age, and his longtime companion Catherine Greig, were found, along with a considerable amount of cash and guns, in a Santa Monica apartment where they had lived for 15 years. Whitey has admitted that he and Catherine had traveled back and forth many times between the US and other countries while being "armed to the teeth" with weapons.

                          Anticipating that he would someday have to disappear to avoid capture, prosecution, and prison, Whitey had the foresight to establish a new identity as Thomas Baxter, complete with I.D. and credit cards in that name. He rented safe deposit boxes in several US cities, Canada, and European countries, where he stashed cash and handguns, so that he could leave wherever he was at a moment's notice and not need to take anything with him. Whitey likely had a great deal of cash stashed away, and not just from his proceeds from illegal activities in South Boston. He also received a 1/4 share in a Massachusetts state lottery winning ticket worth $14 million that was allegedly purchased at a store he owned. In 2002, the FBI declared they had found a safe deposit box registered to James Bulger at a Barclay's bank branch in Mayfair, Massachusetts, which contained $50,000 in various currencies and the key to another safe deposit box in Dublin, Ireland. Word later leaked out that Theresa Stanley, a former girlfriend of Whitey Bulger, had told the FBI about the Barclay bank safe deposit Box in 1996, some 6 years earlier. Commenting on that bit of FBI ineptitude, Congressman Burton said, "There was either some sloppy work done, or [the FBI] didn't want to do it." The latter would seem to me to be the most reasonable conclusion.

                          Whitey's two younger brothers, William and John, have also been rather notorious figures. John "Jackie" Bulger is a retired Massachusetts court clerk magistrate who was convicted in April 2003 of perjury to two grand juries regarding sworn statements he gave concerning contacts with his fugitive brother Whitey, and knowledge of Whitey's safe deposit boxes (stuffed with cash) in Clearwater, Florida. William "Billy" Bulger, in spite of brother Whitey's notorious criminal record, became an influential leader of the Democrat Party in Massachusetts, and rose to become President of the Massachusetts State Senate. After retiring from the Senate, he was appointed President of the University of Massachusetts. There he remained, at a salary of $359,000, while setting himself up for a 72% disability pension retirement, until 2003 when he was outed by then Governor Mitt Romney because of comments Billy had made, concerning his interactions with his fugitive brother Whitey, during his testimony in a 2002 US Congress investigation into FBI corruption. According to his testimony, Billy obviously was aware of Whitey's whereabouts, or at least of how to contact him, as he admitted to engaging in telephone conversations with Whitey made at a remote telephone booth.

                          I just wonder now as to how much more, concerning FBI, city of Boston, and US government corruption, will be revealed by Whitey Bulger now that he faces imprisonment for the remainder of his life. Of course the FBI can either lie and say that most of what Bulger states is a fabricated story, or that any such corruption is all in the past and only the result of a few rogue agents that no longer work for the agency. Then too, Whitey, who is now 81 and said to be in poor health, may just up and die quite suddenly, before being able to tell all he knows, and that would come as no surprise.

                          Last edited by rickoff; 07-03-2011, 07:24 PM.
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                            I see the Lamestream media has gotten out the long knives, and is going after Michelle Bachman with a vengence. Its the old 'tricky Dick' strategy; try to manipulate who your opponent is going to be. Ron Paul they don't see as a threat, but M.B. scares them. Jim
                            The media will definitely continue bashing Michelle Bachman, and use this as a psychological tool to shape public perception and opinion. There are 2 uses for negative media promotions:
                            1. The media can make any idea, or any candidate, look totally foolish and therefore sway public opinion against voting for that idea or candidate.
                            2. The media can attack an idea or candidate in such a way as to make it obvious that the attacks are unfair, and therefore sway the public to side with and defend the idea or candidate. This second method is even more effective than the first when done properly, as it is less evident to people.

                            In any case, I can't see the Ruling Class allowing the final remaining Republican and Democrat candidates to be anything other than their hand picked choices. Therefore, if Bachmann does make it to the final round then it will only be for one of two reasons:
                            1. They believe that her candidacy poses the least possible threat to Obama's reelection.
                            2. They would be pleased with either candidate winning.

                            In the case of Bachmann, it might seem that the second choice is illogical. After all, Bachman is a relative newcomer in the House of Representatives and appears to have little, if anything, in common with establishment Republicans. She is the leader of the House TEA Party Caucus, opposed the bailouts and ObamaCare, opposed the Federal Reserve's "Quantitative Easing" strategy, denounced global warming as a hoax, and has been quite vocal about the need to return to a limited, Constitution abiding government. She even went so far as to publicly denounce the current administration as "gangster government," and label Obama as anti-American. Now all that is fine and well with me, but is it real or is it just talk? I really wonder.

                            One serious negative for me is that Bachmann worked for six years as a tax attorney for the IRS. Now what true American patriot, understanding what the IRS really is, would choose to work for them? I suppose one could argue that maybe she took that position in order to get the real inside scoop on what the IRS was all about, but once inside their legal department how long would it take to figure that out? And what has she done with that knowledge?

                            Another thing that bothers me about Bachmann is her apparent acceptance of Obama as a legitimate President. In an April 21, 2011 interview with George Stephanopolous, just 6 days before Obama released his long form "certificate," Bachmann agreed with George that Obama's short form Certificate of Live Birth was adequate proof of Obama's legitimacy and eligibility to serve as POTUS. And now that the long form "certificate" has been thoroughly proven to be fraudulent, Bachmann remains curiously silent about it. One could argue that perhaps she is going to wait until much later in the campaign to use this to her advantage, but why wait? We all saw how quickly the masses rallied around Trump when he brought up the eligibility question, so surely Bachmann understands that picking up that torch and carrying it forward would make her an overwhelming favorite of Republican and Independent voters. Why not start using that now, and use it relentlessly to discredit Obama and even call for an investigation into his eligibility to currently serve as POTUS, or run for reelection in 2012? Could it be because she is on the record as voting to approve House Resolution 593 in July of 2009, a resolution to honor the state of Hawaii, which included in its text a statement saying, "Whereas the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961," and that acknowledging her support of that statement would now be an embarrassment? In fairness, Bachmann did attempt to halt the passage of HR 593 when it first was brought to a vote, but the reason she stated for that opposition was that a quorum was not present. For a simple, non-binding resolution like HR 593, a House quorum is simply a majority of the 435 House members, which equates to 218 Representatives. The final vote to approve HR 593 was 378 Yeas, and 0 Nays. Twenty Rebublicans (among them Ron Paul) did not vote on the resolution. I would respect Bachmann more if she had either refused to vote on the resolution (which was already a done deal because of the Democrat House majority at that time) or if she had demanded that the text concerning Obama be stricken as an unproven statement, and had been the sole opposing vote against approving this obvious anti-birther resolution. HR593 was proposed by then Democrat Hawaii Representative Neil Abercrombie, whom you may recall is now governor of Hawaii, and who has been a player in the Obama birth certificate cover-up. Abercrombie correctly reasoned that any Republicans who opposed the resolution would be perceived as aligning themselves with the birther movement, and quite apparently none of the Republicans wanted that stigma attached to them. Now that the Republican candidates have witnessed the meteoric rise of Donald Trump's popularity after taking the Obama eligibility question to the media, they can all see that the birther movement is not just a small fringe group, but actually represents the concerns of an overwhelming majority of Republicans and Independents. Why then are all of these candidates not jumping on the fraud issue and demanding that Obama either prove his eligibility by allowing independent forensic examination of original Hawaiian records, or be expelled from the White House and charged with treason as an ineligible usurper? Think about that, folks.

                            Last edited by rickoff; 07-04-2011, 12:56 AM.
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                              One serious negative for me is that Bachmann worked for six years as a tax attorney for the IRS. Now what true American patriot, understanding what the IRS really is, would choose to work for them? I suppose one could argue that maybe she took that position in order to get the real inside scoop on what the IRS was all about, but once inside their legal department how long would it take to figure that out? And what has she done with that knowledge?

                              Now that the Republican candidates have witnessed the meteoric rise of Donald Trump's popularity after taking the Obama eligibility question to the media, they can all see that the birther movement is not just a small fringe group, but actually represents the concerns of an overwhelming majority of Republicans and Independents. Why then are all of these candidates not jumping on the fraud issue and demanding that Obama either prove his eligibility by allowing independent forensic examination of original Hawaiian records, or be expelled from the White House and charged with treason as an ineligible usurper? Think about that, folks.

                              When did JFK become, United Republics of North America, President?



                              • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                                When did JFK become, United Republics of North America, President?
                                Never, to my knowledge. To my understanding, references to the United Republics of North America (URNA) are either references to the frontier nations that existed in North America (such as the Republic of Texas, which was an independent nation from 1836 to 1845) or a reference to the proposed North American Union of the US, Mexico, and Canada.

                                John Kennedy only became President of corporation United States, as have all US Presidents since 1916, when the original jurisdiction government of the United States ceased to exist.
                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

