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The American Ruling Class

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  • In my June 20th post regarding the ATF providing automatic weapons to the Mexican drug cartels, I suggested that acting ATF director Melson would probably just accept all the blame in the matter and either retire with a "golden parachute" pension or be offered a cushy job elsewhere. It now appears that Melson has chosen a third option. Instead of resigning, or being fired as a scapegoat, he has turned against his Department Of Justice (DOJ) bosses, saying in a July 4 secret deposition to Congress that they were trying to stymie an investigation into the Operation Fast and Furious scandal.

    According to Representative Darrell Issa and Senator Charles Grassley, who are heading Congressional investigations into the scandal, Melson "said that Justice Department officials directed them not to respond and took full control of replying to briefing and document requests from Congress. The result is that Congress only got the parts of the story that the Department wanted us to hear. If his account is accurate, then ATF leadership appears to have been effectively muzzled while the DOJ sent over false denials and buried its head in the sand.” Issa and Grassley also said that Melson claimed that the Justice Department falsely leaked stories to the press that he was about to resign over Fast and Furious. They warned Holder against firing him now. “It would be inappropriate for the Justice Department to take action against him that could have the effect of intimidating others who might want to provide additional information to the Committees. Knowing what we know so far, we believe it would be inappropriate to make Mr. Melson the fall guy in an attempt to prevent further congressional oversight,” they concluded.

    Of course US Attorney General Eric Holder is responding by claiming that the DOJ had no knowledge of allowing the automatic weapons to fall into the hands of Mexican drug cartel buyers. While I seriously doubt Holder's claim is true, I also doubt that any congressional investigation is going to implicate him, despite the media reported calls made by congressional leadership for Holder to resign. I see all these events as nothing much more than circus acts. An ATF whistleblower made the gunrunner story public, and that's the only reason we are hearing anything about it at all. Once the story went public, the lamestream media was quick to put all the blame on Melson. At the same time, the Congressional investigation determined that it wasn't really Melson's fault, and that the gunrunner plan was hatched in higher offices that led to the DOJ. The DOJ then denied any knowledge of the plan. So, what you now have is a situation where all those responsible are simply "passing the buck," and claiming someone else is to blame. The public will tend to forget all about this as soon as the "next big thing" comes along, and in the end it is doubtful that anyone will be held accountable.

    Probably the most damning information of all comes from a statement made in March of 2009 by the Deputy Attorney General who revealed that Project Gunrunner was known and approved by the DOJ and the Obama administration, and funded by a $10 million clause written into the Reinvestment and Recovery Act, otherwise known as the "Stimulous Bill."

    I may see this differently than some, but it would appear to me that this whole scenario of putting high powered automatic weapons into the hands of ruthless drug cartel killers, while obviously knowing they would be used for that purpose, was premeditated on the idea that the many killings which resulted would cause the Mexican government, and the American public, to demand a ban on guns in general, and assault weapons in particular. In fact, one of the first things that Eric Holder did in 2009, after being appointed Attorney General by Obama, was to call for re-instituting a ban on semi automatic rifles as an answer to Mexico's concerns. Therefore, anything that was done to aggravate the situation in Mexico, where gun killings are commonplace, would generate exactly the kind of responses from the Mexican government, and anti-gun US public, that Obama and Holder would hope for. It's just one more instance of the Ruling Class employing the old problem-reaction-solution construct that I talked about in this post.

    Problem - The Ruling Class creates the problem of US made guns falling into the hands of Mexican killers.

    Reaction - The Mexican government complains about the American guns being used to slaughter Mexican police and countless unarmed civilians, the use of these guns then results in the death of US agents, the media promotes the idea that we need a ban on semi-automatic weapons, and the US public blindly reacts to all of this by demanding that Congress pass a law banning all guns.

    Solution - The Congress then "hears" the public's demand for a gun ban and is ready to provide the "solution," which is what the Ruling Class wanted all along. You see, for Congress to simply impose an outright ban on gun ownership rights would never fly, but by getting large numbers of the public to demand it, it is easy to accomplish the Ruling Class agenda of disarming Americans.

    Last edited by rickoff; 07-21-2011, 04:12 PM.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Hi, all

      Yes, Doc, its the same old wine, in the same old bottle.And most people are more concerned about some dumb broad that killed her little girl and got away with 3 years time served, than with whats going on.Obamas unemployment situation will be better, if he gets re-elected in 2012, not anyone elses.

      Rickoff, I always knew I didn't like Holder, but couldn't figure out whether he was a P*ick, or an A**, course theres only about 2" difference between the 2, but now I know he's a P*ick.Sneaky one, too.Jim


      • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
        Where are the people with GUTS? We do not have two parties, No Jackasses and no Elephants, they are all Asses, what is so damn hard to understand?
        The U.S. government has a history of commandeering military technology for use against Americans. We saw this happen with tear gas, tasers and sound cannons, all of which were first used on the battlefield before being deployed against civilians at home. Now, as John Whitehead reveals in this week's vodcast, the drones—pilotless, remote controlled aircraft that have been used in Iraq and Afghanistan—are coming home to roost.
        YouTube - ‪Drones Over America: Tyranny at Home‬‏

        YouTube - ‪POLICE STATE 2011: Predator Drone Missions Inside The U.S. Being Expanded‬‏

        Greece Is a Kleptocracy (June 28, 2011)
        Strip away the bailouts and the bogus austerity plans, and the truth is revealed: Greece is a kleptocracy, and the banks and the ECB Eurocrats are both complicit.
        Despite a veritable flood of financial and political analysis about Greece, nobody seems to have noticed the obvious: Greece is a kleptocracy. Just as a refresher, here is the definition of kleptocracy. Ask yourself is this doesn't fit Greece like a supple leather glove:
        Kleptocracy, alternatively cleptocracy or kleptarchy, from the Ancient Greek for "thief" and "rule," is a term applied to a government subject to control fraud that takes advantage of governmental corruption to extend the personal wealth and political power of government officials and the ruling class (collectively, kleptocrats), via the embezzlement of state funds at the expense of the wider population, sometimes without even the pretense of honest service. The term means "rule by thieves".

        This is a classic description of a kleptocracy: a financial and political Elite which skims and concentrates the wealth of the nation via corruption and embezzlement while being protected by the winking complicity of their fellow plunderers who hold civil and financial authority.
        Only the Greek kleptocrats just beat them at their own game. The entire game plan of the "one Europe" Elites depends on nation-states actually complying with non-enforceable codes of conduct and on European banks making prudent loans.
        The game is over for the ECB, the Greek kleptocracy and the european banks. All that needs to happen now is for the players to reveal their miserable cards and fold. The losses will be stupendous, but they will only get more horrendous the longer the game is allowed to go on.



        • Part 1 of a historical review

          Originally posted by rickoff View Post
          I had hoped that through the grass roots efforts of the common folk, through organizations such as the TEA Party, that we could install enough true patriots in Congress to make the changes that are really needed. I had hoped that those new patriots could become the majority in Congress and pass new legislation to dissolve corporation US, abolish the Federal Reserve and IRS, and return our country to a legitimate and Constitution abiding Republic. While it could be done, I sadly believe that it won't - not by those in Washington DC, anyways. Fortunately, though, there is still hope for We The People to bring about all the necessary changes to save our nation and steer it into liberty, justice, and prosperity for all. And the means to do this is already in our possession and has absolutely nothing to do with demonstration rallies or armed revolution. I will be writing about this very real and peaceful option in the days ahead.
          Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
          Great 'teaser', sounds like you and I may be getting closer together, and MAY not need to agree to disagree, as this sounds very similar to where I'm at. Looking forward to seein' what ya got!
          I doubt that you will find the solution to be what you are expecting, Jim. You have made it clear that you believe the current state of our nation, and its government, has nothing to do with a pre-planned conspiracy aimed against the people, and that you believe all we can do (or need to do, for that matter) is to sit back and simply watch everything crumble and fall. I cannot agree with either of those beliefs, or the course of inaction that you prescribe.

          Before you and I can come closer to agreement on the state of our nation, how we came to be in the current state of rapid decline, and what this has to do with government, we must first reach agreement on the following historical facts:

          There are three US Constitutions:
          • The first is the Constitution for the United States of America as originally drafted by the Founding Fathers.
          • The second is the same as the first, but with the Bill of Rights added as Amendments 1 through 10, and additional Amendments 11 through 16 later added. The original 16th Amendment was the Amendment proposed in 1869 and ratified by the states in 1870, and stated, “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” You may wonder, then, why the original 16th Amendment is numbered as the 15th Amendment in the third Constitution.
          • The third Constitution, the United States Constitution (the Constitution that most people are familiar with today, and presented to us in school history books) stripped out the original 13th Amendment as if it had never been an Amendment, and renumbered the 14th through 16th Amendments as 13 through 15. Then, in 1909 the Congress proposed a new 16th Amendment, which stated, “The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.” This Amendment is quite arguably unconstitutional, and in fact was never ratified by the required 3/4 of the states. Instead, then Secretary of State Philander Knox fraudulently announced in 1913 that the Amendment had passed and was in effect. Article V of the Constitution states that all Amendments to the Constitution must be approved by a Ύ majority of the States. In 1913, there were 48 states, which would have required at least 36 states to ratify an Amendment. Knox claimed that 38 states had ratified the 16th Amendment, but in a memorandum sent to Knox by his Solicitor (legal counsel) of the Department of State, and found in the National Archives in 1984 by William J Benson, the Solicitor stated that four of the States (Kentucky, Oklahoma, California, and Minnesota) which Knox claimed to have ratified never did so. After concluding his research into the 16th Amendment’s ratification, Benson determined that in fact only 2 States had properly and legally ratified the Amendment. A complete list of the defects found in the ratification of the 16th Amendment can be found here. With this already existing unconstitutional and unratified Amendment to the Constitution, Congress then proceeded to quickly pass a 17th Amendment, which was equally unconstitutional. The 17th Amendment stated a new method by which US Senators would be placed in office, and this new method (through elections) was (and still is) in conflict with the method defined in Article 1 , Section 3 of the Constitution (direct appointment by State Legislatures, or by a Governor when a vacancy arises for any reason). The Constitution gave Congress no right to even discuss the matter of how Senators would be chosen.
          I could go on and on concerning other flawed Amendments beyond the so-called 16th and 17th Amendments, but there is no need to do that. One only needs to understand the following principles:

          • Since there are unlawful Amendments contained in this third Constitution, it cannot possibly stand as a lawful Constitution, or a basis of supreme LAW of our nation. Therefore we must revert to the second and first Constitutions as being the only legitimate versions.
          • We must understand that since the so-called 17th Amendment of 1913 unconstitutionally changed the way that US Senators were chosen, the election of 1916 failed to lawfully elect any freshmen Senators, or to lawfully re-elect any incumbent Senators
          • We must further understand that since the Electors in the Electoral College were, under the Constitution, required to be of a number equal to the number of Senators and Representatives of each State, and that each state was designated to have 2 Senators, this means that 2 Electors from each State were improperly placed in those positions and ineligible to cast a vote for either the President or Vice President. Thus, the election of 1916 failed to reseat a legitimate US Senate, President, or Vice President, and the original jurisdiction government of the United States of America ceased to exist. The same can be said of every election that has followed since 1916, and thus no constitutional Amendment or law passed by Congress, and signed by any President after 1916, has any legal basis under the true Constitution of the United States of America.
          Study the material which I have outlined in this post, and you will see that these are established historical facts. If anyone disagrees with any of the statements made, then please cite the statement you feel is in error and present your reason for such determination. Once we reach a consensus of agreement on these facts, I can then move on to discuss what our perceived system of “government” (both State and Federal) actually is, and finally discuss what we can do to restore our original jurisdiction government.


          Last edited by rickoff; 07-13-2011, 05:42 PM. Reason: sp
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • What Are We Capable Of - THIS IS ANONYMOUS!, page 1

            What Are We Capable Of - THIS IS ANONYMOUS!,

            worth to watch...
            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Nican Tlaca

              Nican Tlaca

              Obviously this is an allegory of Europeans coming to our continent as invaders, slavers, exploiters, as evil doers. The world needs to fully understand the allegory. Perhaps the director of this movie will have the strength of character to tell the sequel from the Nican Tlaca, from the native point of view, without the need of a white man for us to identify with.

              Nica Tlaca is translated as The Natives when it could easily be translated as The People Here, etc.
              On the 'Nican Tlaca' Enigma

              Look at our people. We are slaves without schools in our interests, without warriors to protect us. Slaves need no schools in their interests. Slaves need no warriors to protect them.

              YouTube - ‪"INDIAN" SCHOOLS: History of Genocide‬‏

              The Newlands Resolution, was a joint resolution written by and named after United States Congressman Francis G. Newlands. It was an Act of Congress to annex the Republic of Hawaii and create the Territory of Hawaii.
              In 1898 President of the United States William McKinley signed the treaty of annexation for Hawaii,
              but it failed in the senate after the 38,000 signatures of the Ku’e Petitions were submitted. After the failure Hawaii was annexed by means of joint resolution called the Newlands Resolution.
              Newlands Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority is an 1867 essay by American individualist anarchist, political philosopher and legal theorist Lysander Spooner. It is one of his most famous political tracts.

              In this lengthy essay, Spooner argues that the United States Constitution is a contract of government (see: social contract theory) which was irreparably violated during the American Civil War, and is thus void. Furthermore, since the government now existing under the Constitution pursued coercive policies that were contrary to the Natural Law and to the consent of the governed, it was demonstrated that the document was unable to adequately stop many abuses against liberty or to prevent tyranny from taking hold. Spooner supports his argument by noting that the Federal government, as established by a legal contract, could not legally bind all persons living in the nation, since none had ever signed their names or given their consent to it – this consent had always been assumed, but it fails the most basic burdens of proof for a valid contract in the courtroom.

              No Treason - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



              • WND adds to their billboard signs

                The sign is along Route 15 northbound, two miles south of Dillsburg, Pennsylvania, for Harrisburg-bound traffic, some 10 miles south of the Pennsylvania Capital City beltway.
                Last edited by rickoff; 07-11-2011, 05:12 PM.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Illegal immigrant sells heroin while collecting food stamps!

                  On June 14, Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd announced that a 14-month investigation had culminated in the arrest of 33 suspected drug traffickers. The alleged head of the operation is Pablo Borgen, an illegal alien from the Dominican Republic. According to police, Borgen was getting at least a pound of heroin every month from New York. Most of those taken into custody have long criminal records. Most interestingly, several of those arrested, including the group's ringleader were receiving food stamps and other government assistance.

                  Borgen was reportedly receiving $900 a month from the government, on top of the estimated $70,000 a month he was raking in from illegal drug sales.

                  How insane is that!

                  Last edited by rickoff; 07-21-2011, 03:13 PM.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Obama Gun Control

                    His under the radar work is slowly surfacing.

                    NRA-ILA :: Obama Administration Plans New Gun Control

                    It time if not already done to buy private party, stock ammo and hide from the dogs.

                    How many of us will be here in 2013?


                    • Children, Listen To Me Now!

                      Obama is showing his true colors when he openly makes statements like this; 'Time to Eat Our Peas'. Gather round all you little children and listen to the instructions of the 'Master'.

                      Boy are we in deep sh__ when the populace puts up with this.

                      Obama: Time to "eat our peas" and pass debt deal - Political Hotsheet - CBS News


                      • Preview of Obama Care?

                        Help me I'm starving to death. 6st woman with paralysed stomach refused life-saving operation | Mail Online

                        It's all in the law, plain English, Bureaucrats determining your worth to society!

                        What have we allowed to be done in the US by these ignorant self serving government officials? A picture of the future of who shall remain.


                        • Hi Guy's, This is a disturbing little video anyone know anymore about this,

                          Before It's News

                          Something seems wrong there. I didn't even end up being able to work out what the speaker was trying to say.

                          How very rude of them to do that to her.



                          • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                            Hi Guy's, This is a disturbing little video anyone know anymore about this,

                            Something seems wrong there. I didn't even end up being able to work out what the speaker was trying to say.

                            How very rude of them to do that to her.
                            Here's a direct link to the video. This took place June 28th, and is way more than rude. Jennifer Jones had properly taken the microphone in hand during the public comment portion of a town council meeting, and had every right to be heard. As you can see from the video, Jones was not loud, obnoxious, or insulting to anyone as she began speaking, but after saying just a few words, some of the council members began talking and ordered her to relinquish the microphone. Then, as police Sgt. Fabiola Garcia attempted to take the microphone away from Jones, Mayor Ed Foster came to the defense of Jones and interjected, "Officer, that woman has the floor. You're violating my rules of order here. Sergeant, I have control of the meeting."

                            When Jones refused to give up the microphone, officers forcibly removed her from the premises, and cited her for disorderly conduct. Jones suffered a torn ligament in her elbow during the scuffle, and was transported to La Paz Regional Hospital. In an interview with World Net Daily, Jones said she was never informed she was "under arrest," and so she'll seek charges of kidnapping and aggravated assault against the officers.

                            Read more: 'Nazi' police 'kidnap' woman at town hall
                            Last edited by rickoff; 07-15-2011, 02:02 PM.
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Gun Control Begins

                              NRA-ILA :: Four border states face new rule on gun sales
                              NRA-ILA :: NRA Statement on Obama Administration Decision to Require Rifle Sales Reporting

                              Examples of how BATF can break the law under project 'Gun Runner' and 'Fast and Furious' then turn around and break the law again by moving the focus and countering the Second Amendment with rules such as these.


                              • Hey, All

                                I had always doubted the constitutionality of what the Union did, during the civil war; it just seems obvious, that given our founding, states should retain the right to suceed, or withdraw from the union.An earlier posts or two confirmed that.Now you cite historical material that several amendments to the Costitution were improperly added, and that every President and Congress since 1916 are invalid.I haven't double checked your research, cause quite frankly, at this point I willing to accept it, provisionally on your say so.So, obviously we can't put the toothpaste back in the tube, or take a ride in a time machine back to 1916.
                                Just the legal nitemare involved, is staggering.i.e.How many legal decisions are null and void, based on this? WOW, the Lawyeres could work forever and not sort that out.So, Rick, I'm on the edge of my chair to here what you have next.For now, I am ready to agree with what you've said in your earlier post.Whats next? '-) Jim

