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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
    Hi Rick and guys, I am always interested in the information presented here about the Central banking system, for you guys in the U.S. it is the Federal Reserve for us in Australia it is the Reserve Bank of Australia.

    My concern is that even if the U.S. gets rid of the Federal Reserve, how would that affect the buisness between the U.S and other countries that are still saddled with the central banking system, seems to me if the U.S. abolished the federal reserve and all the other countries still have thier Central banking system run by the same folks who run the Fed there would be problems.

    It appears to me that the only way would be if all countries work together to abolish the whole system or at least a fair proportion of other countries would also need to abolish the central banking system or the U.S. would be all on it's own. And with the U.N. the I.M.F. and the world bank all tied up in the mess it would seem the system is booby trapped. If an attempt is made to disarm it might explode with the rest of the tied in entities/organisations coming to the aid of the fed in some twisted way.

    Any thoughts on that scenario.

    Seems to me if the Fed were abolished the U.N. the I.M.F. and the World Bank folks might get upset and try to do something about it.

    Hi Farmhand,

    Yes, of course the banking cartels would be upset by the ousting of the Federal Reserve, but there would be nothing they could do about it if the lawful government of the United States of America is restored and the IMF and World Bank are booted out of Washington D.C., where they are now headquartered. We don't need these corrupt banksters in order to carry on our business. If our government issued its own currency, as is the lawful method prescribed by our Constitution, there would never be a debt or a reason to "borrow" anything that would have to be repaid with interest added. In a very short time, our country would experience unprecedented economic growth and financial well being. The banksters understand this, of course, and wrote about this at the time when President Lincoln took control of the monetary system away from the central bankers and had the United States Treasury print up $450 million of its own United States Notes, which came to be called "greenbacks," as legal tender in 1862 and 1863. Here's what Lincoln said of this strategy:
    “The government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credit needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government, and the buying power of consumers. The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of Government, but it is the Government’s greatest creative opportunity. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be the master, and become the servant of humanity.” – Abraham Lincoln
    Lincoln was right, and that had the banksters scared. Here's the banksters' reply to Lincoln's plan:
    An editorial in the Times of London, which like all other major media organizations is controlled by the banksters, explained the central bankers’ attitude toward Lincoln’s greenbacks in an attempt to sway British public opinion against the United States: “If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origin in North America, shall become endurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country [the United States] must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.
    Lincoln was right, and the banksters were right too - the economic situation of the United States would have immediately and dramatically improved, and ushered in a new and never ending era of prosperity for the American people if the United States could have maintained control over its monetary system. We all know what happened instead - Lincoln was assassinated and the banksters once again regained control over our monetary system after the Civil War. It is way past time that we corrected this grave error, and this is exactly what needs to be done now to save and restore our nation. The rest of the world could do the same, and it is my hope that the other countries will in fact take control away from the banksters. I don't believe this is likely to happen, though, until such time as the lawful United States government is restored and sets the example for the rest of the world to follow. It can't be done by those currently in Washington D.C., as they are not our lawful government, but instead are corporate officers working for the owners of Corporation U.S., the IMF. If you haven't read my post #1990 yet, that will explain to you a solution for fully restoring our lawful US government by 2012, which will quickly bring an end to the banksters' stranglehold.

    Last edited by rickoff; 07-28-2011, 02:08 AM.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Take the Dirty Spending Secrets Test and see if you can guess the answers to some of the most ridiculous and wasteful spending by Corporation U.S. Congress.
      Last edited by rickoff; 07-28-2011, 10:56 PM. Reason: fixed incorrect link
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Is it this one ?
        Dirty Spending Secrets


        • Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
          Is it this one ?
          Dirty Spending Secrets
          Yes, Slider, that's the one, and thanks. I went back in and corrected the link for post #1998.

          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Ya got me, Rick

            First off, I gotta say I think this 'plan' has a snowballs chance in hell, on the other hand, I've been hearing rumblings elsewhere against Fed Reserve, IMF, etc.I could see a 'triggering event' setting people off, and venting their pent up frustration/anger at the status quo by enacting this plan. A couple of questions; Does the 'tea party' leaders know about this? If not, why not? If yes, are they going to play a role?
            Secondly, how do I find out who the electors are in my area, and if there already is a 'Govenor' in my state? I know this is part of what your 'working on' right now, but have to ask.I would be interested in linking up with others in my area, and in Arizona, I suspect there would be lots.
            Arizona just passed legislation, and created a website, soliciting donations to complete the fence along our southern border.The websites only been up 1 week, and they already have $100,000 in donations.
            SB 1070 is going to go to the Supreme Court next year, and the Obama Admin gave it a big boost; ICE memo's have been made public, that their policy is ONLY to 'go after' illegals who are committing felonies, other than illegal immigration, and NOT to enforce immigration laws within the borders, only AT the border. Which makes Az.'s case for state enforcement, as the Fed. Government isn't doing its job.;-) Jim


            • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
              First off, I gotta say I think this 'plan' has a snowballs chance in hell, on the other hand, I've been hearing rumblings elsewhere against Fed Reserve, IMF, etc.I could see a 'triggering event' setting people off, and venting their pent up frustration/anger at the status quo by enacting this plan. A couple of questions; Does the 'tea party' leaders know about this? If not, why not? If yes, are they going to play a role?
              Come on, Jim, don't think so negatively. Remember, a great deal of progress has already been made in implementing the plan, in that nearly all the original jurisdiction State Governors are already seated. Four more will be seated in elections in 2011, as the candidates and electors are already in place, so success by 2012 in seating all the Governors is as close as you can get to a sure thing. And with that phase complete, the Governors can quickly appoint each State's 2 U.S. Senators, the Electors can vote on a President and Vice President, and the Senate can confirm the Electoral College votes. The President will have authority to appoint the 9 US Supreme Court justices, as well as all US Court of Appeals and US District Court judges, and the Senate will have the authority to confirm them. So you see the plan is exactly what needs to occur if we are to take our nation back, and is the only plan that can lawfully and peacefully succeed at doing so. And that is why we need to get behind it, support it, and work to make it happen.

              To answer your questions: From what I can see, the TEA Party is unaware of both the history of what went wrong, and the plan to correct those wrongs. The TEA Party movement is very strong, is obviously well intentioned, and is responsible for the changes to Congress that came in the 2010 election. Those new members of Congress which were elected by TEA Party efforts are enough to thwart the efforts of establishment Democrats and Republicans to heap unsustainable debt increases upon us, but there is extreme pressure being laid upon the TEA Party caucus from all sides to accept a compromise, and the establishment politicians and media is going all out to make the public believe that the debt ceiling must be raised - that there is no alternative. They want the People to believe that failure to do so will result in failure to pay Social Security, etc., but are only using this as a scare tactic to hopefully get the People to demand that the debt ceiling be raised. The IMF, which we know is the true owner of Corporation U.S., is leading the charge in concert with the Federal Reserve and Corporation US Treasury, which are all insisting that the debt limit must be increased. Just yesterday, the IMF stated,
              “The deficit reduction plan will need to include both changes to entitlement programs and revenue-enhancing measures."
              In other words, their plan is to cut benefits to the People, while at the same time enhancing Corporation U.S. revenue streams by increasing the taxes that the People must pay. So, the only ones affected adversely would be the People. This is totally absurd, as I'm sure you would agree. What we really need is less spending, less taxation, a balanced budget, and elimination of debt. The alternative that no one in our so-called "government," or the media, is talking about, is to eliminate ObamaCare and cancel all other legislated spending increases, while at the same time eliminating all of Corporation U.S.'s sacred cows - such as the Federal Reserve, IRS, Department of Energy, Department of Agriculture, Department of Education, Department of Transportation, and all those other bureaucratic agencies that perform no useful services that aren't already performed by the States, and which operate on humongous appropriations funded by the taxpayers. This would be the right thing to do, while leaving the People unscathed, but I think we all know that there's hardly a snowball's chance in hell that Corporation U.S. will ever make it happen if it is left to them to do what is right. Instead, their plan is to pursue the status quo, and to raise it. I'm sure that everyone in the Tea Party now understands this, but their belief is that we can change the situation by electing a TEA Party majority to Congress in 2012. While I do think that many more TEA Party candidates can win in 2012, I don't believe that they will have a clear 2/3 majority in the House, and certainly not in the Senate, where only 1/3 of the seats will be up for election. Remember, there are a total of 100 Senate seats, and currently only about 6 of these are held by the TEA Party. So even if all 33 of the Senate seats up for grabs in 2012 go to the TEA Party (which is unlikely, of course) the TEA Party will have only 42 voices, which is far short of a solid 2/3 majority which requires 67 votes. This fact alone dooms TEA Party success in 2012. And most importantly, whatever TEA Party candidates are seated will only be seated as corporate officers of the foreign owned Corporation U.S., which means that the corporation owners still get to pull all the strings from behind the scenes.

              The TEA Party does not appear to realize that they are only promoting and electing corporate officers of a foreign owned corporation controlled by the IMF. This is no surprise, because hardly anyone has been exposed to learning the historical truths about the loss of our lawful, original jurisdiction government. If the TEA Party people did realize this, I'm sure they would quit what they are doing and focus on the real plan to restore our lawful government. Obviously this would be a 100% guarantee that the plan would succeed by 2012. That is why it is imperative that we do everything possible to communicate with TEA Party members and educate them. This means actively joining a TEA Party group in your State, and conversing with members. There are State and national TEA Party forums and message boards that can be utilized for this purpose. In Arizona, for example, you have the State TEA Party Patriots and their affiliated local groups. You also have the National Tea Party Patriots. Besides this, you have the National and Arizona State TEA Party Express, and there are other TEA Party organizations as well. We need to begin communicating with these groups.

              I will be writing up a brief message that folks can readily use to communicate with the national, State, and local TEA Party groups in an effort to promote the truth, offer the only true solution, and give people the chance to play a real part in restoring our lawful, constitutional government. I'll make that available as soon as I have it ready, and the rest will be up to individual efforts in the States where forum readers reside. We can, of course, each take this beyond that limitation and to organizations in other states, as well as to Facebook and other social networks, and it will be far more effective than promoting and joining in demonstrations and rallies, which are easily infiltrated by persons intent on bringing negative publicity to such events.

              Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
              Secondly, how do I find out who the electors are in my area, and if there already is a 'Govenor' in my state? I know this is part of what your 'working on' right now, but have to ask. I would be interested in linking up with others in my area, and in Arizona, I suspect there would be lots.
              It is easy enough to find out if there is a Governor in your State by going to the project's Map Page, and clicking on the name of your State in the US map shown near the bottom. If I am correct in assuming your state is Arizona, then clicking your State name will open this window, which will tell you that you do already have an elected original jurisdiction Governor, Kenneth Adrian Newman, who was seated in the last election. You will also see an address where you can write to your Governor, and you could ask him how many electors there are, and ask how you can help in securing his reelection. As you suggest, there may already be many electors involved in your State, but it may be very difficult to learn who the other electors are, and there are two reasons for that. First, since electors vote by secret ballots, it would be improper to disclose who those electors are. Secondly, if it were possible for anyone to determine who those electors are, or how many there are, then a malevolent group could use that information to harass or otherwise target those electors, or outnumber the electors with false votes for some other candidate, in an effort to derail "the plan." That doesn't stop you, of course, from becoming an elector, or actively recruiting other electors in your State. Arizona electors used this affidavit to affirm their votesfor Newman in the last election, and will use this again to reelect Newman. The document would need to be prepared in triplicate, signed and notarized before a notary public, and one copy filed with the county records clerk who handles absentee voter ballots. You would keep one copy for your own records, and forward the remaining copy to Governor Newman. Copies should be forwarded by content notarized mailings and certified return receipt with signature required, in order to secure your proof of vote. The full procedure, as used in the 2010 gubernatorial elections, is found here. You will find a great deal of other useful information and answers in the project's forum pages. Note that you may register to participate at the website, post in the forum, and send private messages, but the rules are quite different than here at energetic forum. Before asking any questions, one should read all the forum posts to see if that question has already been answered. Before making any forum posts, be sure to read the forum posting rules and to comply with them. The rules are intended to keep the forum area concise, readable, and meaningful to readers. Private Messages are not sent immediately, but rather go into an outbox, where it stays until the intended receiver picks it up.

              I hope that I have answered your questions satisfactorily, and provided you with enough information that you will now be able to forge ahead and join with others in your State to ensure success of "the plan" for restoring our lawful constitutional government.

              Best regards to all,

              Last edited by rickoff; 07-29-2011, 08:24 PM.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • The latest on Obama's "certificate."

                In a dramatic turn of events, the U.S. District Court of Hawaii granted attorney Orly Taitz a subpoena that allows her to examine the original 1961 Obama birth certificate on August 8 at 10 a.m. at the Hawaii Department of Health in Honolulu. Taitz will be accompanied at that designated time and place by computer scanning expert Doug Vogt, and typesetting expert Paul Irey, who will examine the original document if it actually exists and is produced as ordered by the subpoena.

                Taitz secured the subpoena by successfully arguing that Hawaii's claimed "privacy" regulations should be ignored, as Obama already has released what the White House purported to be a copy of the document to the public. It is amazing that this is the first US court that has permitted an Obama eligibility case to proceed to the "Discovery" stage, allowing the plaintiff attorney to issue subpoenas for existing documentation. Of course the court is a Corporation U.S. court which would normally deny such discovery, but even so it must follow the Corp. U.S. statutes. Those statutes can make provisions to protect the guilty, but the guilty can not be stopped from willingly giving up those protections. Obama unwittingly removed his right to protect himself from disclosure when he publicly released what he claimed to be his "original birth certificate." Because of this, neither he nor the State of Hawaii can claim that releasing the original document would violate Obama's right to privacy.

                Here's a view of the actual subpoena document:

                And here is an image of the proof that the subpoena was properly served upon Loretta Fuddy,
                director of the Hawaii Department of Health through Hawaii Deputy Attorney General Jill Nagamine, who is representing Fuddy:

                Because Fuddy neglected to file opposition to the court-issued subpoena within the 14 days specified, the Hawaii DOH appears to have little recourse but to comply with the subpoena.

                Of course we can safely bet that both Hawaii and the Obama administration will do everything possible to avoid producing the required documentation, which either doesn't exist or is far different from the document Obama produced on April 27th. Obama may assert an "executive order," the "government" may declare release of the document to be against "national security interests," it could be claimed that someone has broken into the records office and "stolen" the document, or that a fire or water from a storm has "irreparably damaged" the document. The bottom line, however, is that, as pointed out earlier, Obama is ineligible to serve either as President of Corporation U.S. or the United States of America, since he fails to meet the constitutional requirements of either. And the reason for this, of course, is that even if Obama could prove he was born in Hawaii, Hawaii never lawfully achieved statehood under our original jurisdiction government. It was only declared a state by Corporation U.S., which had no authority whatsoever outside the 10 mile square jurisdiction area of Washington, D.C.

                Last edited by rickoff; 07-29-2011, 09:45 PM.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Rick

                  Not as negative as you think.Sometimes its worth betting on a snowball in hell, when it beats the alternative. I like the plan you've outlined. Its 'out of the box' thinking, and 'out of the box' is where I live,man!
                  Its a little 'whacky, crazy' (at least to the average sheeple), and love that, too.
                  And, when you got to the horseraces, you can bet on the horse everyone else is betting on, thats a 'sure thing', and get maybe $2 for every $1 you bet, or you can bet on the 'longshot'.If it DOES 'come in', you get $400 for every $1 you bet.
                  I agree with your assesment of the Tea party, 100%, which is why I asked; the individual activists and groups, are going to be P.O.'d, when they find they have been had.That is, that the representatives they voted in, althogh well intentioned, yielded to pressure, etc.

                  Actually, I'm hoping against hope that D.C., by accident will end up with the right result; the credit rating being down graded.I used to believe as you have expressed; reduce taxes to cut off the supply of $ to D.C., in order to FORCE a downsizing of the Fed. Government.However, as we've seen, that hasn't worked, because D.C. has just used 'easy credit' to keep growing.A downgrading of the credit rating is what SHOULD happen.The 'ripple effect' of increasing interest for everyone else is also what SHOULD happen.The inevitable unemployeement is an unfortunate but necesary result of people buying what they can afford, instead of what they can charge.

                  Anyway, since the rating agencies are 'in on it', (the whole financial markets con), I doubt they really WILL downgrade corp. US's credit rating.

                  I will get involved in this, and contact my 'real' Govenor, etc. And I was thinking ahead when I asked about the Tea party, but you have expressed what I was thinking. Once they realised they've been screwed, just like Perot's party was screwed, they'll be ready to hear about this.I will re-read your previous posts, and figure out how i can get involved. It MAY be a snowball in hell, but I'll give it a shot! Jim


                  • Originally posted by Joit View Post
                    Still wonder about, where this Guys do come from, when they did take over Englands Economy with the Event of Napoleon 17xx, and later the rest from other from the other Countrys.

                    Or is it in the meantime a common Agreement, how you can easy control Masses of Peoples.

                    For now any Election is nothing more then, you can elect the one,
                    from which Guy you wanna get controlled.

                    Another Video from a Bohemian grove meeting, where you see, what sick Peoples that are.
                    ‪Dark Secrets inside Bohemian Grove ( Alex Jones )‬‏ - YouTube
                    In 1921 Otto Eissfeldt, excavating in the neighbourhood of Salammbó, Carthage, discovered inscriptions with the word MLK, which in the context meant neither "king" nor the name of any god. He concluded that it was instead a term for a particular kind of sacrifice, one which at least in some cases involved human sacrifice. .....
                    Eissfeldt further concluded that the Hebrew writings were not talking about a god Moloch at all, but about the molk or mulk sacrifice, that the abomination was not in worshiping the god Molech who demanded children be sacrificed to him, but in the practice of sacrificing human children as a molk. Hebrews were strongly opposed to sacrificing first-born children as a molk to Yahweh himself. The relevant Scriptural passages depict Yahweh condemning Hebrews sacrificing their first-borns; those who did were stoned to death, and those who witnessed but did not prevent the sacrifice were excommunicated.

                    Moloch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    Is it "Mock" or REAL CHILD SACRIFICE going
                    on at "The Bohemian Grove"???

                    ‪The Mystery Of Molech III - The Sacrifice‬‏ - YouTube



                    • Hello Rick, I like the sound of this latest 'court' action.
                      Do you know if it is still on for Aug:8th ?
                      I won't hold my breath, but I will hope that we are about to witness something very special.

                      regards, bren.


                      • Dr. Stiffler, your thoughts on Rick's Historical review?

                        Would be interested in hearing your take, as I suspect it may conicide with some of my thoughts.Freedom is never free, and the usual 'currency of exchange' is blood.I don't see the 'Bankers' et al giving up power and authority without a fight.

                        On the other hand, Rick, the part about the military supporting, or at least not opposing jives with something I've been thinking.Everyone in the military takes an oath to support and defend the Constitution, and when they took that oath, I'm pretty sure they were thinking of #'s 1 and 2, and NOT #3.

                        So, assuming the military refuses to accept unlawful orders to shoot on their own people, I could see 'general strikes' being used as an effective tool, to 'wrest power' away from this Corporation US, and restore a legally constituted Gov't. As I have said before, no "Gov't" (even if it is a corporate entity) can govern without the passive acceptance and co-operation of the governed.So long as the majority of the citisenry continue to consume and produce, they can grumble all they want.However, if as little as 25-30% of the population STOP willingly participating in commerce; stop going to work, buying 'stuff', the whole system falls apart.Anyway, just looking ahead, and offering some thoughts for the future.What do you think, Doc? Jim


                        • Figure 48. Material is missing for WTC1, WTC2, WTC3, WTC4 (except north wing),
                          the holes in WTC5, the center of WTC6, and nearly all of WTC7.(9/23-26/01)

                          Anomalies at the WTC and the Hutchison Effect - page 4

                          Figure 54. Every building that was destroyed had a prefix of WTC. There was surprisingly little collateral damage
                          to nearby buildings that were not targeted. The WTC buildings
                          that were not totally destroyed had multiple circular holes
                          visible at Ground Zero -- especially in buildings WTC5 and WTC6. (high-resolution)
                          (9/23/01) Source: USGS/NOAA

                          Star Wars Energy Weapons 4

                          Page 7: The Conclusions

                          At the time this article was being developed, many people expressed disbelief that energy weapons
                          existed outside of science fiction until they were reminded of the Star Wars Program, also known as
                          the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)*. The name of this article was chosen as a reminder that energy
                          weapons do exist and have been developed over 100years. Most of this technology is classified information.
                          It can also be assumed that such technology exists in multiple countries. The purpose of this article was to
                          begin to identify the evidence of what happened on 9/11/09 that must be accounted for.
                          In doing so, the evidence ruled out a Kinetic Energy Device (bombs, missiles, etc.)
                          as the method of destruction as well as a gravity-driven "collapse."

                          Star Wars Energy Weapons 7

                          The Journal of 9/11 Research and 9/11 Issues



                          • Tomorrow's the day.....

                            Originally posted by brenie View Post
                            Hello Rick, I like the sound of this latest 'court' action.
                            Do you know if it is still on for Aug:8th ?
                            I won't hold my breath, but I will hope that we are about to witness something very special.

                            regards, bren.
                            Hi Bren,

                            I'll be watching for news relating to the document subpoena, and will post an update as soon as I hear what happens. Tomorrow is the day, and I wish that I could be there in Honolulu to witness what actually happens, but I'll have to rely on second hand news like most other people. Legally, the Hawaii Department of Health should have no choice but to comply with the subpoena, but we all know that the Corporation U.S. judicial system exists only to protect Corporation U.S. interests. Therefore, it is my expectation that the DOH will refuse to comply, and that they will cite as their reason something like a directive issued by Attorney General Holder that release of the document would be a threat to national security. Obviously Obama doesn't want the truth of the document to come to light, and he will use his executive privilege to thwart any attempt to unveil it - if it actually exists.

                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Melatonin

                              It is interesting to note that the melatonin rhythm does disappear in healthy old men, except centenarians....
                              The Timing of the Shrew: Continuous Melatonin Treatment Maintains Youthful Rhythmic Activity in Aging Crocidura russula

                              In conclusion, pineal melatonin secretion is affected by age and by the degree of cognitive impairment. In centenarians the maintenance of the circadian organization of melatonin secretion may suggest that the amplitude of the nocturnal peak and/or the persistence of a prevalent nocturnal secretion may be an important marker of biological age and of health status.
                              Qualitative and quantitative changes of melatonin levels in physiological and pathological aging and in centenarians - Magri - 2004 - Journal of Pineal Research - Wiley Online Library

                              Has anyone experienced "Protandim"?



                              • Update on the Hawaii "document" subpoena saga

                                When California lawyer Orly Taitz showed up at the Hawaii Department of Health (DOH) in Honolulu on Monday to demand access to Obama's original birth certificate, as granted by court order, DOH officials presented her with a letter refusing to comply with her subpoena on grounds that Hawaii privacy laws prevented officials from releasing Obama's birth records to the public.

                                While I fully expected that the DOH would not comply with the subpoena, their reasoning for not complying has no legal basis. The reason why, of course, is that Obama already requested a waiver from DOH to supposedly publicly release what he claimed was a true copy of his original birth certificate. Therefore, since the document was already made public by Internet posting at the White House website on April 27th, there is absolutely no case to be made for privacy protection. Taitz had expected the DOH response, and immediately returned to Hawaii's US District Court to secure an order from Magistrate Judge Richard L. Puglisi demanding Loretta Fuddy, director of the Hawaii DOH, appear in federal court September 14th to show why Taitz should be prevented from seeing whatever original 1961 documents the agency has on record regarding Barack Obama's birth.

                                "Getting a federal judge to demand Fuddy's attendance at a show-cause hearing is a victory," Taitz said. "I will return to Hawaii on Sept. 14 and I expect then to be able to force the Hawaii DOH to turn over the relevant records as demanded by the subpoena."

                                The demand to Fuddy requires the "original 1961 typewritten birth certificate #10641 for Barack Obama … issued 08/08/1961, signed by Dr. David Sinclair, Stanley Ann Dunham Obama and registrar Lee, stored in the Health Department of the State of Hawaii from 08/08/1961 until now."

                                Whatever reasoning Fuddy comes up with at the September 14th hearing will of course be ludicrous and laughable, and one would expect that Magistrate Puglisi will order Fuddy to comply with the subpoena. I think we can all expect, though, that someone high up in the Obama regime's DOJ, such as Attorney General Holder, will step in to prevent actual disclosure of any existing (or more likely non-existing) documentation, just as he has done in dismissing cases against terrorists, and against New Black Panther Party activists charged with voter intimidation.

                                Last edited by rickoff; 08-12-2011, 08:20 PM.
                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

