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The American Ruling Class

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  • Americans Elect

    Have you heard about this? Saw it last night. A group of people have organised, and are planning on having an alternative 'virtual' convention, in 2012. You can go on their website, and sign up to be a delegate. They are currently filing papers in 21 states, to get their candidate on the ballot in 2012. They have to wait till next year to file papaers in the other 29 states.
    Then delegates wil nomonate candidates, and select a candidate to be the candidate for this 'third party', (although its not REALLY a 'third party'), they say it will truly be a candidate selected by 'the people'.
    I haven't even gone to their website, yet to check it out, but will be shortly.
    As a delegate, you can participate in a poll, regarding your views on major issues, and the results will be used to write a platform.
    As they are doing the difficult work of getting on ballots in all 50 states, wondering if this might be something that could be used, in conjuction with what you are talking about, Rick. Jim


    • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
      Have you heard about this? Saw it last night. A group of people have organised, and are planning on having an alternative 'virtual' convention, in 2012. You can go on their website, and sign up to be a delegate. They are currently filing papers in 21 states, to get their candidate on the ballot in 2012. They have to wait till next year to file papaers in the other 29 states.
      Then delegates wil nomonate candidates, and select a candidate to be the candidate for this 'third party', (although its not REALLY a 'third party'), they say it will truly be a candidate selected by 'the people'.
      I haven't even gone to their website, yet to check it out, but will be shortly.
      As a delegate, you can participate in a poll, regarding your views on major issues, and the results will be used to write a platform.
      As they are doing the difficult work of getting on ballots in all 50 states, wondering if this might be something that could be used, in conjuction with what you are talking about, Rick. Jim
      Hi Jim,

      While the aim of Americans Elect (to have REAL and eligible candidates for President and Vice President, actually chosen by the people) is admirable, the aim misses the mark for three reasons:
      1. While this can succeed in placing candidate names on the ballot, it cannot succeed in actually getting these candidates elected. That, of course is because of the ease of tampering with electronic voting and vote counting. Corporation U.S. will never allow their hand-picked candidates to be displaced through fair elections. Media attacks to make the people's candidates look like jackasses, along with vote fraud if necessary, will prevent any such candidates from ever becoming elected.
      2. Even If it were actually possible to have these candidates win an election (which could only be made possible by manually filling out ballot cards and manually counting them), it would not change anything in Washington DC because Congress has the final say in all matters, and Congress will remain mostly establishment Democrat and Republican politicians in 2012. The Americans Elect candidates, if seated as President and Vice President, would be "lame ducks."
      3. Most importantly, Americans Elect fails to understand that they would only succeed in placing candidate names on the Corporation U.S. election ballots to elect Corporation U.S. officers. Their efforts would be totally wasted, because even if successful (which is not at all likely), they will have failed to seat any original jurisdiction government office holders.

      I'll place a link to Americans Elect in the list found in post #2019. All of these organizations, and others like them, need to be made aware that their current efforts are being largely wasted, and made aware that there is a better way - and the only way to restore our true government and save our Republic that can succeed in 2012.

      Last edited by rickoff; 08-24-2011, 05:28 PM.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Remember Joe Wilson?

        Nearly two years after shouting “You lie!” at Barack Obama during an address to a joint session of Congress, South Carolina Representative Joe Wilson says he has been vindicated.

        Wilson was heavily criticized for his outburst during Obama’s speech outlining his ObamaCare plans, but now Joe says he has been proven right.

        Wilson’s outburst came after Obama stated that illegal immigrants would not benefit under his plan. “The reforms I am proposing would not apply to those that are here illegally,” Obama said.

        See video of Obama making this false statement, and hear Joe's "You lie!" reply.

        But Wilson says that $8.5 million of a $28.8 million ObamaCare award to community healthcare centers has been specifically set aside to help seasonal and migrant farm workers, and that the clinics have been told not to ask for immigration status.

        "It is clearly providing money that should be going to American citizens, not to illegal immigrants," he told the news show “America Live.”

        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
          Nearly two years after shouting “You lie!” at Barack Obama during an address to a joint session of Congress, South Carolina Representative Joe Wilson says he has been vindicated.

          Wilson was heavily criticized for his outburst during Obama’s speech outlining his ObamaCare plans, but now Joe says he has been proven right.

          Wilson’s outburst came after Obama stated that illegal immigrants would not benefit under his plan. “The reforms I am proposing would not apply to those that are here illegally,” Obama said.

          See video of Obama making this false statement, and hear Joe's "You lie!" reply.

          But Wilson says that $8.5 million of a $28.8 million ObamaCare award to community healthcare centers has been specifically set aside to help seasonal and migrant farm workers, and that the clinics have been told not to ask for immigration status.

          "It is clearly providing money that should be going to American citizens, not to illegal immigrants," he told the news show “America Live.”

          Hi Rick
          We cheered when we heard him say "You Lie" My only regret is that I cant cant vote for Joe Wilson. Although we did elect Mike Kelly into Office so we can't complain too much.
          2012 can't come fast enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          Smile it doesn't hurt!

          Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


          • 14 Conspiracy theories the Media now admits are conspiracy facts

            All of these stories were initially labeled as "nutty conspiracy theories" by the mass media, but they are now forced to admit they have been proven true:
            1. Fukushima, Japan area uninhabitable.
            2. A US military attack on Libya.
            3. Widespread use of RFID chips in humans
            4. Gold prices to soar well above $1400 an ounce.
            5. Obama to impose an executive "backdoor amnesty" for illegal aliens.
            6. US "government" providing weapons to drug cartels.
            7. Fluoride in water is harmful to human health.
            8. The Federal Reserve favors big banks.
            9. Cell phones linked to cancer.
            10. The credit rating agencies are corrupt.
            11. Prescription drugs kill many Americans.
            12. Bisphenol-A, a chemical found in thousands of plastic products, is linked to infertility.
            13. The "Super Congress" is in the pocket of Wall Street interests.
            14. Christian groups are being targeted as "right wing extremists."
            Read more about these items here.
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Obama now must admit he is "irresponsible" and "unpatriotic."

              In 2008, candidate Obama had some harsh words about President George W. Bush’s fiscal policy:
              "The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up the national debt from 5 trillion for the first 42 presidents — number 43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic."

              See video of that speech here.

              Yes, the debt was raised $4 trillion during the 8 terrible years of the Bush presidency, but Obama managed to do the same in just 2 and 1/2 years. What would the debt level be at after 8 years of an Obama regime?

              CBS News reported this Monday:
              "The latest posting by the Treasury Department shows the national debt has now increased $4 trillion on President Obama’s watch. The debt was $10.626 trillion on the day Mr. Obama took office. The latest calculation from Treasury shows the debt has now hit $14.639 trillion. It’s the most rapid increase in the debt under any U.S. president."
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • The Obama Downgrade

                Ever since the S&P downgrade of the US credit rating, liberal politicians and mainstream media pundits have been attempting to blame the downgrade on the Tea Party. Amazingly, most liberals buy into this absurd belief. In retort, here's a great 36 second video that lays the blame squarely where it belongs.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Regarding #2032

                  It is actually the same what happend at Germany 1998, looks like a cheap rerun from it.
                  A Party claimed, to now go off from all the Dept, but they have to raise all Taxes and cut other Benefits, then, in 10 Years, they promised, there will be no new indebtedness.
                  But look close, they only mean no new Indebtedness, means, they tried to persuade, they can equal the montly Interests, but not pay back any from the Main Credits. The Slogans been similar to "Yes we Can", " We have a strong and stable Economy".
                  All what was left then been skyhigh Taxes and more Depts as ever before.

                  Looks like, all runs after the same Plans, this Guys really seems have not much Fantasy and work allways with the same Pattern.
                  If someone ever has figured out, how this System runs, then he has to commit, that it seems That Politicans have no single Clue about Politic and how this System really runs.

                  And still the big Question, what you can ask anyone.
                  When all Gouvernments have Debts somewhere, Who are the one Where they have the Debts.
                  Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                  • Economist and writer John Perkins was deeply involved in Washington's economic schemes to create a global empire. Now he tells RT what's come out of it - and who really controls the world's biggest economy.

                    Economic Hitman reveals shocking truths about the Government - YouTube



                    • Proof that the Good Lord is a conservation

                      This week there was an earthquake just outside of Washington D.C. resulting in the Washington Monument being cracked and forcing many of our government buildings to evacuate.

                      Now Hurricane Irene is hitting our East Coast and bearing down on Martha's Vineyard Forcing Obama to cut his vacation short.

                      Obviously (like us Americans) God has had enough of the stealing and lies in D.C. and is sending them warnings.

                      Naturally Obama doesnt see it that way. He just confirmed that the Va. earthquake occurred on a rare and obscure fault-line, apparently known as "Bush's Fault". And Mixine Waters is investgation the Tea Party's ties to the hurricane.

                      Smile it doesn't hurt!

                      Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                      • "IN GOD WE TRUST" Shekels that Shackle

                        Ron Paul Exploding through the Republican Primary. Even though he seems to be the Front Runner, the media refuses to even acknowledge that he exists. Even despite Rons finish in the Iowa Straw Poll which was 2nd by less than 1%. Jon Stewart, CNN, FOX news, Alex Jones, Jack Cafferty all speak on why we need to vote for Ron Paul. This is meant to be a inspirational video showing Ron Pauls predictions that have come true.
                        RON PAUL is EXPLODING - YouTube



                        • Government Efficiency

                          Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                          What we need to realize is that the $14.6 Trillion "officially" reported national debt, while gargantuan in itself and representing 97% of annual US Gross Domestic Product (GDP), is a far cry from the actual truth of the matter. That figure does not take into account the current $40 Trillion personal, business, state, and local government debts, nor the $115 Trillion and growing debt obligation of the totally unfunded Social Security, Medicare, and Prescription Drug programs. The true debt obligation to our nation, therefore, is around $170 Trillion, which is nearly 3 times the annual GDP of all nations combined! To put this in perspective, there are only 112 million taxpayers in the 312 million US population, and our true overall debt places an average burden of $1,528,777 on the back of every one of these taxpayers! It is unrealistic to think that the present debt could ever be paid off, let alone a future debt which could likely double in the next decade if Congress has its way.

                          There are 4 reasons why Congress did relatively nothing to address our debt problem:
                          1. They realized that the real problem is so severe that simply halting any further debt growth would require massive spending cuts which would anger a great many constituents, thus causing an end to many political careers.
                          2. They realized that no solution put on the table for discussion would have actually helped solve the problem by reducing US debt obligations.
                          3. The establishment Republicans and Democrats who overwhelmingly control Congress are fixated on ever expanding the size of government, and the cost of providing government entitlement programs.
                          4. The President, Vice President, and all those in Congress, are not representatives of our government, and haven't been since 1913, when our original jurisdiction federal government ceased to exist because of the unconstitutional and unratified 17th Amendment. They are simply elected officers of a foreign owned corporation, known as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which gained ownership of Corporation United States (otherwise known as Washington, D.C.) in 1944 under the Bretton Woods Agreement Act, and are focused solely on the IMF agenda, which is the destruction of the United States of America and its monetary system, a transfer of all our nation's wealth and resources to the wealthy elite who control the IMF, and creation of a one-world government and monetary system controlled by the IMF. Thus, to achieve the IMF goals, it is imperative that our nation go broke, and that every person and business is drowning in debt - which we most assuredly already are.

                          One would think it astounding that not a single person in the current Washington DC Congress or administration suggested a very real alternative to extending our national debt. No one suggested doing away with the private and corrupt foreign controlled corporations known as the IRS and Federal Reserve, and simply having the Treasury print enough US Notes (already recognized as legal tender) to pay off all legitimate current debts, to finance all 2011 budgeted items, finance new infrastructure projects in every state to immediately put all unemployed US citizens to work, and offer a $10,000 per person payout to every taxpaying US citizen family member to assist families in paying off debts and jump starting the economy. This would have solved nearly all our debt and unemployment problems overnight, given an instant and lasting boost to renewed economic prosperity, and would have cost us nothing more than the paper and ink used to print the US Notes. No interest, and no payback required! The people would have accepted and used these notes just as they use Federal Reserve notes. Both are actually worthless fiat currency which is not backed by anything of value, but as long as people accept either one as legal tender then why not opt to print US Notes rather than Federal Reserve notes which must be repaid at interest? You can, and should, ask this question of every one of your Senators and Representatives in Washington, but don't hold your breath waiting for an answer. And don't let yourself be fooled into thinking that they don't understand this remedy, or how simple it would be to implement it.

                          The hopes of a very large number of Americans these days are pinned to a strategy whereby the TEA Party would largely take over the Republican Party, oust many Democrat politicians by taking their seats, and thus gain majority control of both the House and Senate. While this is a worthy effort, we must realize that it cannot possibly succeed in 2012. There are currently only 40 Tea Party candidates to the House who were seated in the 2010 election. While all House seats will be up for bid in 2012, we must remember that only 32% of the 2010 Tea Party candidates succeeded in winning seats. Thus, if the same holds true in 2012, and if every one of the 435 open seats has a Tea Party candidate running for it, we can only expect that 139 Tea Party candidates will be seated. That is far from a 218 simple House majority, let alone a 290 member 2/3 majority. The outlook in the Senate is even worse, where only 5 Tea Party candidates were seated in 2010, and where only 1/3 of the remaining 95 Senate seats will be up for bid in 2012. If the Tea Party could capture all 32 open seats (which is highly unlikely), that would only give them 37 seats, which is neither a 51 seat simple majority nor a 67 seat 2/3 majority. It is not enough to simply give the Republican Party an iron clad majority, as the recent debt ceiling debates proved that the already existing Republican House majority was not willing to take a firm stand to refuse any plan that would raise the debt. They had the power to vote against any such agreement, which would have caused Congress to take immediate steps to bring spending under control by slashing the budgets of wasteful and unnecessary federal agencies and departments, and repealing ObamaCare and other legislation which we can not afford. As you can plainly see, what all of this this means is that establishment Republican and Democrat politicians will remain in full control of Congress after the 2012 election, and they will continue to press the IMF agenda to its designed conclusion. But do not despair!

                          The only realistic hope to thwart their agenda by 2012, and to restore our true constitutional government while saving our Republic, is to participate in the already well underway plan to reseat our original jurisdiction state and federal governments. To understand why this needs to be done, how this can be accomplished by 2012, and what part everyone can play in accomplishing this goal, go here.

                          Best to all,


                          Mamou, Louisiana

                          It's a slow day in a Mamou, Louisiana . The sun is beating down, and the streets are deserted. Times are tough, everybody is in debt, and everybody lives on credit.

                          On this particular day a travelling Shreveport salesman is driving through town. He stops at the Hotel Cazan and lays a $100 bill on the desk saying he wants to inspect the rooms upstairs in order to pick one in which to spend the night.

                          As soon as the man walks upstairs, Bosco,the owner, grabs the bill and runs next door to pay his debt to Boudreaux the butcher.

                          Boudreaux takes the $100 and runs down the street to retire his debt to the Trosclair the pig farmer.

                          Trosclair takes the $100 and heads off to pay his bill at T-Boy’s Farmer’s Co-op, the local supplier of feed and fuel.

                          T-Boy at the Farmer's Co-op takes the $100 and runs to pay his debt to the local prostitute, Clarise, who has also been facing hard times and has had to offer her "services" on credit.

                          Clarise rushes to the hotel and pays off her room bill with Bosco, the hotel owner.

                          Bosco then places the $100 back on the counter so the travelling salesman will not suspect anything.

                          At that moment the salesman comes down the stairs, picks up the $100 bill, states that the rooms are not satisfactory, pockets the money, and leaves town.

                          No one produced anything. No one earned anything. However, the whole town is now out of debt and now looks to the future with a lot more optimism.

                          Government Efficiency-Do you have a story? - Topix



                          • Time to cry uncle!

                            You may remember my post #868 in this thread, which detailed how Obama's aunt Zeituni Onyango, an illegal immigrant, lived Boston public housing and received nearly $700 a month in disability. She had been ordered deported, but didn't leave and instead got a sweet deal because of her relationship to her nephew Barry.

                            Well, in the latest turn of events, it has now been revealed that Barry's uncle, who is aunt Zeituni's brother, was arrested for drunk driving in Framingham, Massachusetts. Obama Onyango is also an illegal immigrant, and just happens to have a job working at a Framingham liquor store. Hmmmm, probably drinking on the job, too. He was pulled over after he barely missed plowing into a police cruiser, and was found to be twice the legal limit for intoxication. When told he could make one phone call, he said to police, “I think I will call the White House!”

                            Apparently, Barry's uncle has been in the US for quite some time. Makes one wonder how he and aunt Zeituni arrived here. Perhaps they arrived at the same time as Barry, who is also quite likely an illegal alien.
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                              You may remember my post #868 in this thread, which detailed how Obama's aunt Zeituni Onyango, an illegal immigrant, lived Boston public housing and received nearly $700 a month in disability. She had been ordered deported, but didn't leave and instead got a sweet deal because of her relationship to her nephew Barry.

                              Well, in the latest turn of events, it has now been revealed that Barry's uncle, who is aunt Zeituni's brother, was arrested for drunk driving in Framingham, Massachusetts. Obama Onyango is also an illegal immigrant, and just happens to have a job working at a Framingham liquor store. Hmmmm, probably drinking on the job, too. He was pulled over after he barely missed plowing into a police cruiser, and was found to be twice the legal limit for intoxication. When told he could make one phone call, he said to police, “I think I will call the White House!”

                              Apparently, Barry's uncle has been in the US for quite some time. Makes one wonder how he and aunt Zeituni arrived here. Perhaps they arrived at the same time as Barry, who is also quite likely an illegal alien.
                              Hi Rick
                              I wonder if Barry will bail out his uncle before the election or wait til afterwards. Regardless this just shows why he is so infavor of allowing "undocumented workers" to reamin. in addition to the fact they usually vote for democrats anyway.

                              I heard a rumor I dont know if it is true or if he would even be allowed to do it but I thought I would through it out any way. I heard that regardlless of the outcome of the election win or lose, that Obama was going to pardon all illegals and allow them to stay in the US. can he do that legally?
                              Smile it doesn't hurt!

                              Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                              • Architects & Engineers - Solving The Mystery Of WTC 7

                                Join actor, Ed Asner and Architect Richard Gage, AIA and Architects and Engineers as they narrate an unfolding story that decimates the official account ("collapse due to normal office fires") of this 47 story high-rise which was destroyed on the afternoon of 9/11 in record time: top to bottom in under 7 seconds - and at free-fall acceleration for a third of its fall. Solving the Mystery of the Free-Fall collapse of WTC 7.

                                Architects & Engineers - Solving The Mystery Of WTC 7 - YouTube

