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The American Ruling Class

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  • Spock: That is wise. Were I to invoke logic, however, logic clearly dictates that
    the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

    Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) - Memorable quotes



    • Al,

      Didn't the sequel substantilly 'disprove' this proposition? Ultimately, we can best see to the needs of the many, by insuring we see to the needs of the one.
      Otherwise you start down a slippery slope; why not do human experiments which will ultimately prove fatal to the subjects, in order to develop 'cures' which can help millions, etc.Morality is not 'logical', but it is a necesary component in the mix.Jim


      • DOJ wants ObamaCare decision by SCOTUS.

        The 11th Circuit appeals court, based in Atlanta, ruled by a 2-1 vote last month in favor of 26 states and others who challenged the ObamaCare mandate for exceeding the power of Congress. Previously, another court decision had ruled all of ObamaCare to be unconstitutional because of the mandate requiring that citizens must either pay for insurance or face fines and jail time. A U.S. appeals court based in Cincinnati, however, ruled Congress had the power to adopt the individual mandate, which takes effect in 2014.
        Rather than appeal the 11th Circuit decision, the Obama administration and Eric Holder's Department of "Justice" are taking the matter directly to the US Supreme Court.

        This is going to be interesting. Five of the nine SCOTUS justices are considered conservatives, while two of the remaining four are liberal progressive radicals appointed by Obama. For two reasons, any decision on this case by the SCOTUS will be null and void:
        1. Sotomayor and Kagan, both appointed by Obama, should not be permitted to take part in any SCOTUS discussion or decision until the constitutional eligibility of Obama to act as President and make such appointments has been determined, which it hasn't. Furthermore, even if Obama is eligible to sit as President, he is not the President of the United States of America as his election was never confirmed by a constitutionally lawful US Senate.
        2. None of the justices currently seated in the SCOTUS were appointed by a President of the lawful original jurisdiction government of the United States of America. All were simply appointed by a president (aka CEO) of the foreign owned Corporation U.S.

        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
          Didn't the sequel substantilly 'disprove' this proposition? Ultimately, we can best see to the needs of the many, by insuring we see to the needs of the one.
          Computer programming is fun, debugging or rewriting a program takes time.

          Sheen is still FURIOUS with the Anti-Defamation League for saying the actor exhibited "borderline anti-Semitism" when he referred to the "Two and a Half Men" creator by his Hebrew name Chaim Levine.
          ....Sheen's lawyer -- legal pitbull Marty Singer -- has fired off a letter to the ADL demanding a retraction ...

          Charlie Sheen Demands Apology from Jewish Group |

          Mostly the originals are remembered or talked about not its sequels.



          • removed from thread
            Last edited by minoly; 03-12-2012, 09:16 PM.


            • removed from thread
              Last edited by minoly; 03-12-2012, 09:16 PM.


              • Quotable quote of the day

                "To take from one, because it is thought that his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, “the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry, & the fruits acquired by it.'”
                -Thomas Jefferson
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                  "To take from one, because it is thought that his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, “the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry, & the fruits acquired by it.'”
                  -Thomas Jefferson

                  Evaluations by historians

                  The biographer Merrill Peterson said that Jefferson's ownership of slaves "all his adult life has placed him at odds with his moral and political principles. Yet there can be no question of his genuine hatred of slavery or, indeed, of the efforts he made to curb and eliminate it."[8] Historian Peter Onuf stated Jefferson was well-known for his "opposition to slavery, most famously expressed in his ... Notes on the state of Virginia."[9] Biographer John Ferling said that Thomas Jefferson claimed to be "zealously committed to slavery's abolition."[10]

                  The historian David Brion Davis noted that after Jefferson returned to the US in 1789 from France, what was notable was his "immense silence." He took no action to challenge slavery.[11] Paul Finkelman wrote that Jefferson's greatest failing was "his inability to join the best of his generation in fighting slavery and in his working instead to prevent any significant change in America's racial status quo."[12]

                  Thomas Jefferson and slavery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



                  • Rick

                    Totally putting aside, (for the moment) this issue you have discussed re; U.S. Corporation vs. Constitutional representative gov't., I am very sceptical that a majority of Supreme court will uphold individual mandate, and without IM, the balance of the law is unworkable and falls apart.

                    Is this just hubris, and blindness? I should think Obumr's best strategy would be to avoid as long as possible having Obumrcare go to Supreme Court.Do they actually thing 5 conservative justices are going to vote in favor of individual mandate? Or, is 'the fix in'? I simply can't imagine anyone believeing its constitutional to mandate purchasing a product, under the commerce clause, or any other rational for that matter.

                    Its one thing to mandate auto insurance; you don't HAVE to drive, and you have the potential to cause someone else catastrophic costs in an accident.

                    To make the leap to saying you are costing everyone by not having medical insurance, therefore you are required to is rediculous.It makes at least as much sense to say "Insurance drives up the cost of health care, therefore everyone who has insurance is increasing the costs for everyone else!

                    Anyway, glad it IS getting pushed to the Supreme Court, but can't fathom why Obumr would want it 'rushed'. Jim


                    • I don't know if you've seen this vid, but i would highly suggest you do...

                      Trader on the BBC says Eurozone Market will crash - YouTube

                      In a scary and painfully frank interview a freaked out BBC interviewer is visibly shaken when market trader Alessio Rastani predicts that the "Market is Toast."
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • About 2 Years back a Bankster said the same allready about the Euro, but they only streched it again few more Years, soon before that Goldman-Sachs Deal with the Bad Investments came. I dont know, if it is mentioned at the Video, but they did KNOW, that the Investments are bad, and did make Bets on it, what you can regulary do on the Stock Market, that this Assets will go down. So they had a Win-Win Situation again, plus the Rescue Attempts afterwards from anyone around in Europe. And the stupid German Politican still act like, they can rescue anything, when they pump further Money into corrupt and half dead Countrys or Banks. Yes sure, because they shall be seen as the Flagship from Europe, and anyone else shall follow them. Probatly into the Bermuda Triangle.

                        Anyway, they only ordered more Money, and could extend the Pain, it are anyway only Digits. Who knows, maybe they know, that some Countrys still have some Reserves, Propertys, Industral Property or some Billionairs, what they can let bleed out again, with giving them more Mickey Mouse Money or Credits for the cost of the Energy for the Computer, to type digits in in Exchange for Valuables, until Goldman Sachs prepare their next Deal.
                        Or both been Insider and only a 'warning Voice' but allready know, that they next big Deal from the Banksters is allready on the Way.
                        Looks like they do her best what they can, for a World currency
                        Last edited by Joit; 09-29-2011, 10:52 PM.
                        Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                        • The latest round in the Obama crony capitalism saga

                          As reported by Conservative Action Reports:

                          The Solyndra "ECO-SCAM" is GROWING -- Obama's "Crony Capitalism" Gives BILLIONS in Taxpayer Money to His Rich Buddies!

                          Guess who's getting the latest TAXPAYER-FUNDED PAYOFF in the ever-growing ECO-SCAM of Barack Hussein Obama's Crony Capitalism?

                          HEADLINE: "$737 Million Green Jobs Loan Given to Nancy Pelosi's Brother-In-Law!"

                          You read that right: according to a brand new report from The Weekly Standard, "Despite the growing Solyndra scandal, yesterday the Department of Energy approved $1 billion in new loans to green energy companies -- including a $737 million loan guarantee to a company known as SolarReserve...

                          On SolarReserve's website is a list of 'investment partners," including the "PCG Clean Energy & Technology Fund (East) LLC." As blogger American Glob quickly discovered, PCG's number two is none other than "Ronald Pelosi, a San Francisco political insider and financial industry polymath who happens to be the brother-in-law of Nancy Pelosi, the Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives."
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


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                            • The American Ruling Class

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                              Last edited by minoly; 03-12-2012, 09:16 PM.


                              • Anyone else?

                                I'm really starting to get the feeling that the sheep are starting to look up; that the P*ssing and Moaning that people are doing, expressing their disatisfaction, is fundamentally different than what we've seen in the past.

                                And, that for the most part, the 'establishment' are in denial, and/or simply don't know 'what to DO about it.

                                I 'chat'with strangers, a lot; waiting in line, etc. And when I do, I LISTEN,a lot, and watch peoples facial expressions/reactions.I find when I say things that 5 years ago would have had people politely disengageing with me, (like "thank God for light poles, all we need is lots of rope!" when referring to politicians/beurocrats) now they are finishing the thought for me, and going on to expound on the thought/feeling, themselves.They AREN'T looking at me like I'm some nut, or agreeing just to avoid an argument, etc. And age, economic 'class', race, etc. don't seem to be relevent.

                                Anyone else notice the "sheeple' are beginning to 'look up'? Jim

