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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
    I should think Obumr's best strategy would be to avoid as long as possible having Obumrcare go to Supreme Court. Do they actually think 5 conservative justices are going to vote in favor of individual mandate? Or, is 'the fix in'? I simply can't imagine anyone believing its constitutional to mandate purchasing a product, under the commerce clause, or any other rationale for that matter.

    Its one thing to mandate auto insurance; you don't HAVE to drive, and you have the potential to cause someone else catastrophic costs in an accident.

    Anyway, glad it IS getting pushed to the Supreme Court, but can't fathom why Obumr would want it 'rushed'. Jim
    It's quite simple, actually. Court decisions thus far in the ObamaCare matter have been inconsistent, and Obama wants the matter to be settled before the 2012 elections. First it was decided that the entire ACT was unconstitutional because of the individual mandate, and that logically stands to reason because if any part of the ACT is unconstitutional then the ACT should not stand. In a second case, it was determined that the individual mandate is not unconstitutional because the "government" is granted the authority, under the Constitution's commerce clause, to make such a provision. In a third case, which took part in 11th Circuit Appeals Court, the decision was that only the portion of the ACT dealing with the individual mandate was unconstitutional, and that the remainder could stand. Obama does not want to have the 11th Circuit Appeals Court rehear the case, as the outcome is not likely to change, and without his individual mandate ObamaCare could not be funded. If he loses the fight to fully implement ObamaCare, this would be seen by Democrats as a crushing defeat, and a good reason to throw Obama under the bus in the 2012 elections. That is why he wants to fast track this to the SCOTUS. He understands that the odds are stacked against him by the fact that 5 of the 9 SCOTUS justices are so-called "conservative" appointments, but he also realizes that he only needs to sway just one vote in order to have the outcome he wants. Do you really think that is impossible, and that all five of the "conservative" justices are morally beyond being influenced? Remember, these same justices have shirked their responsibility by refusing to hear legitimate cases questioning Obama's constitutional eligibility to sit as POTUS, so why should we believe that any other constitutional question would be heard or decided by them in good faith?
    Last edited by rickoff; 10-01-2011, 06:57 PM.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post

      Anyone else notice the "sheeple' are beginning to 'look up'?
      It's an undeniable fact that the people of this nation are finally beginning to wake up in large numbers to the fact that something is very wrong, and that the politicians in both state and federal positions are largely to blame and are offering no viable way out of the mess our nation is in. People are worried, scared, angry, and frustrated. Just about anyone you speak to understands that something needs to change very soon, or our nation will continue in its downward death spiral.

      Problem is, though, there is mass confusion, and very little understanding among the people as to how the problems can be solved. Most will agree that Obama (a.k.a "Obummer") must go, and even millions of former Obummer supporters are now agreeing and calling for someone else to run in 2012 which we could very well see happen. The Democrat party realizes that Obummer's chances for reelection are slim as long as the economic and jobs outlooks remain bleak. Democrats will do anything necessary to remain in control, and if that means throwing Obama under the bus and running Hillary Clinton as their favored candidate then they will do it. There aren't very many people out there who are happy with the Republican party either, but feel they must cast their votes for whatever Republican candidate has the best chance of defeating Obummer. The general consensus out there at this time is that, first of all, anyone but Obama (ABO) must be elected in 2012. And you can see right now that, according to the media pundits, the 3 Republican candidates who have the best chance at defeating Obummer are Romney, Perry, or Cain. Unfortunately, these three are the preferred choices of the Ruling Class elite, and none of these candidates would fight to end the Federal Reserve and IRS, the two corrupt institutions which are responsible for our economic dilemma, and which must go if we are ever to crawl out of the current quagmire and have a prosperous future. No one but Ron Paul is calling for an end to these institutions, but of course the establishment politicians and mainstream media are doing a great job of marginalizing Ron's candidacy, and labeling him as "an isolationist," and his ideas as being "a bit nutty." The Republican Party, which is still controlled by left leaning establishment politicians and RINOS, will never allow Ron Paul to become the Republican candidate on the 2012 election ballot. And even if Paul sidestepped to run as an independent, was elected by an overwhelming majority of voters, and the election results were not effectively thwarted by electronic vote count rigging, he would serve only as a lame duck President because his efforts to end the FED and IRS would be overturned by a Congress ruled by establishment politicians indebted to the private banking cartels and dedicated to preserving these institutions, just as they have done in the past.

      I'm not saying that to vote for Ron Paul is senseless. I'll vote for him in 2012 unless he drops out and isn't on the ballot, in which case I'll vote for an ABO "conservative." At the same time, though, I will be doing all I can to ensure that a sincere original jurisdiction Governor in my state remains seated in 2012, and that people in other states participate in the same manner so that the plan to reseat our original jurisdiction state and federal governments will succeed by 2012. We cannot afford to wait any longer. That is why those of us who understand this must do everything possible to educate the awakening "sheeple" as to the real and only solution which can bring about the necessary changes.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Warning: The threat Of Suspended Elections in 2012 is very real

        As Obummer's approval ratings continue to plummet, and the majority of those polled now see him as a one-termer, the Democrat Party now has only two choices:
        1. Convince Obama that he must drop out and let a more viable candidate (such as Hillary Clinton) step in. This would prove difficult, for Obummer is not likely to concede defeat and go quietly. King Obummer is such an egotistical narcissist that he truly believes he is the best thing to ever happen to this country, and that he must remain at the helm of the marxist socialistic agenda which he has promoted.
        2. Those who are truly at the helm of the Democrat Party and acting as the puppeteers (George Soros, for one) understand that the only absolutely sure way to remain in control would be to create a new public panic similar to the 9/11 events, and to use this as a reason to suspend the 2012 elections for an indefinite period of time in the supposed "interest of public safety." Don't think that this is entirely unlikely. Democrat Governor Bev Purdue, of North Carolina, recently said this before the Rotary Club:
        "I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won't hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover," she said. "I really hope that someone can agree with me on that. ... You want people who don't worry about the next election." The audio has been posted online. An award winning Canada Free Press journalist has written an article pointing out the very real possibility that the Obama administration will opt to employ such a tactic in order to remain in control. Some of the more important aspects of her write-up are as follows:
        Don’t let the state-controlled mainstream media lure you back to sleep by saying if there is no election, then why is Obama so diligently campaigning.
        Obama is not campaigning. He is preparing for Stage Two of the Total Transformation of America, using taxpayer money to prepare his Internet-identified 'troops' for the coming Marxist Revolution.
        He must not be allowed to get away with it. Patriots should now be doing everything legal to stop him in his tracks.
        Nothing is impossible when all the control is held by a tyrant.
        Obama and his masters already pulled the biggest scam on any country in modern times by making it to the White House without legitimate I.D.
        A dangerous new chapter is being written in American history that, if successful, is destined to impact the history of the West. It’s called ‘Re-Election by Suspended Election Revolution’.
        Patriots who want their grandchildren to grow up in a Marxist-free America should start the counter revolution called the ‘Revolution for an Obama-free America’ and they should start it 'like yesterday'. - Judy McLeod, Canada Free Press

        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Obama is correct in claiming he has saved jobs, and here's the proof!

          At least one job was definitely saved by the Obama administration using "Stimulus" funds. When the Obama administration received word that Oregon State University athletic director George Carolis was thinking very seriously about firing basketball coach Craig Robinson after a losing season, Undersecretary of Education Martha Kanter was dispatched to Oregon with $17 million in "Stimulus" funding for the University. As a result, Craig Robinson's job is now safe for another year. Whew! That's great news, huh?

          For those of you unfamiliar with coach Robinson, he just so happens to be the brother-in-law of none other than "President" Obummer. Yes, that's right, he is Michelle Obummer's brother. What does the cost of saving just one job matter when it is a relative, and the taxpayers are footing the bill?
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • I would not go with Ron Paul, it seems hes only another Freemason, Grand Loge of Texas.
            Ron Paul is New World Order he is a freemason and this video proves it - YouTube
            He may only not agree with the radical Methods from the other Party,
            but his Goal seems is the same as from everyone, to keep the Control.
            And its may one from the obvious Signs, that he dont agree at 9/11 as a False Flag attack, where the Proofs are actually here.
            Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


            • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
              "IN GOD WE TRUST" Shekels that Shackle

              THE PARADOX
              To the Qabbalists, God is an infinite Sea of Being (En Sof) without any limits; hence without any qualities, without desire or will of any kind. He is totally incomprehensible.
              American rabbi: the life and thought ... - Steven T. Katz - Google Books
              June 16, 1854
              From the Southern Episcopalian , Charleston, S.C.,
              here is a sample of the Catechism:

              Who keeps snakes and all bad things from hurting you —God does.
              Who gave you a master and a mistress? – God gave them to me.
              Who says that you must obey them? – God says that I must.
              What book tells you these things? – The Bible.
              How does God do all His work? – He always does it right.
              Does God love to work? – Yes, God is always at work.
              What does God say about your work? – He that will not work shall not eat.
              What makes the crops so hard to grow now? - Sin makes it.
              What makes you lazy? – My own wicked heart.
              What teaches you so many wicked things? – The Devil.

              A Catechism for Slaves



              • Thanks to Professor Jones to leading me to this...

                Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's ~BW~ It's kind of fun to do the impossible ~WD~ From now on, I'll connect the dots my own way ~BW~ If I shall be like him, who shall be like me? ~LR~ Had I not created my whole world, I would certainly have died in other people’s ~AN~


                • And their actual website...

                  Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's ~BW~ It's kind of fun to do the impossible ~WD~ From now on, I'll connect the dots my own way ~BW~ If I shall be like him, who shall be like me? ~LR~ Had I not created my whole world, I would certainly have died in other people’s ~AN~


                  • Ironically

                    Bev Purdue ought to join the Tea party! After all, this was the very idea put forth by many Tea Party candidates; that they were running in order to go to Washington, and vote to do 'the right thing', with absolutely no intention of running for re-election, and therfore not effected by the normal influences.
                    Granted, it was only partly succesful, but it was the same idea.

                    "Remember, these same justices have shirked their responsibility by refusing to hear legitimate cases questioning Obama's constitutional eligibility to sit as POTUS, so why should we believe that any other constitutional question would be heard or decided by them in good faith?"

                    I DO see a difference. Not that I AGREE with this position, but I see the Court as being able to 'sidestep' the issue of Obummers eligibility, what with all the disinformation campaign, ('Birthers' are just rascist nuts, etc.)

                    On the other hand, Obumercare is something everyone has KNOWN from day one, was eventually going to have to be decided by the Court.Based on past history, Kennedy will be the 'swing vote', and it would be very interesting to see how he's come down in the past, on 'Commerce' clause and related issues, such as the scope and limit of congressional power, etc.

                    What I'm saying is, I can 'see' how they can avoid looking at the Obumer eligibility issue, but they can't avoid looking at the obumercare constitutionality of the individual mandate. What they will decide is another matter.They aren't elected, and are appointed for life, and have (many times) made rulings which were unpopular. Personally, I can't see the mandate being constitutional, and if it IS found constitutional, then the idea of limits on the Power of the Fedreal Gov't are gone.

                    Thinking back to recent gun control rulings, and trying to remain hopeful.Jim


                    • The criminalization of the American ruling class

                      removed from thread
                      Last edited by minoly; 03-12-2012, 09:17 PM.


                      • Originally posted by minoly View Post

                        link was at one time here:

                        “Wall Street and the Financial Crisis: Anatomy of a Financial Collapse,”
                        Lol. They been VERY fast.

                        Quote from the Article
                        The third section documents the systematic manner in which the rating firms Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s gave top credit ratings to collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) and other complex securities backed by subprime and other toxic mortgages,
                        Standard & Poor, a Rating Company, we heared from from them lately, everyone can now figure, from which Camp they do come. Nothing else then Showmans.
                        Last edited by Joit; 10-02-2011, 10:06 PM.
                        Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                        • Originally posted by Joit View Post
                          I would not go with Ron Paul, it seems hes only another Freemason, Grand Lodge of Texas.

                          He may not agree with the radical Methods from the other Party,
                          but his Goal seems is the same as from everyone, to keep the Control.
                          And its may one from the obvious Signs, that he dont agree at 9/11 as a False Flag attack, where the Proofs are actually here.
                          Whether or not Ron Paul is a Mason should not be a deciding factor in determining his suitability. What President hasn't been a Mason, including all the best ones? And don't fall into the trap of believing that if Ron doesn't publicly state that 9/11 was an inside job that he must be in with those who perpetrated it. Publicly stating such a belief would be political suicide for Ron, and definitely prevent him from becoming elected. If you wouldn't go with Ron Paul for president and CEO of Corporation U.S., then who would you go for? Would you vote for Obama, or would you vote for a true constitutional conservative? If you would vote for the latter then consider the following:

                          None of the current Republican candidates, with the exception of Ron Paul, advocate for an end to the corrupt, unconstitutional, and economically devastating foreign owned corporations known as the Federal Reserve and IRS, and 2 of the other candidates (Cain and Bachmann) were formerly and willingly employed by those slimeball entities. The remaining candidates are establishment career politicians.

                          Ron Paul is the only candidate who has the right answers to all the major issues, which are eliminating the Federal Reserve and the personal income tax, halting illegal immigration and eliminating birthright citizenship for illegals, ending excessive government regulation and immoral mandates, upholding and never infringing in any way upon the arms bearing rights of citizens, offering tax credits to homeschooling parents who don't wish to have their children indoctrinated by liberal progressive teachers, assuring that every American will have the right to work where they choose without being forced to join and pay dues to union bosses and leftist PACS for that privilege, eliminating the federal tax on gasoline and providing tax credits for the purchase and production of alternative fuels, defeating the proposed carbon taxes, eliminating capital gains and death taxes, refusing to raise the US debt ceiling, and vetoing any unbalanced budget that Congress would approve. When people talk about Ron Paul being "a bit nutty," or "an isolationist," they are really just restating the propaganda espoused by the mainstream media and political pundits of the establishment Democrat and Republican parties. Is it really nutty to advocate all of the reforms mentioned above, or are these logical steps in the right direction? Is it truly isolationist policy to call for ending our deployment of more than 700 military bases and 369,000 personnel at more than 150 countries worldwide, and bringing these resources home where they could better be used to guard our own unprotected borders? Is it really a bad idea to end our hefty contributions and involvement with the UN, which we know seeks to take away the liberties of all Americans while pushing their agenda for a one-world government with unlimited power and dominion over all peoples of this earth? I think not.

                          The real problem with Ron Paul, or any other candidate who might be genuinely wanting to correct the worst of what has gone wrong, is that he or they would be a lame duck President because the establishment politicians will remain in control after the 2012 elections and will kill every effort made to change the status quo. And that is even if he or they can actually become elected, which is extremely doubtful given the high level of media spin to promote Dr Paul as a kook, along with the high incidence of electronic voting and vote counting election fraud that can be expected, as documented in the video Hacking Democracy .

                          The only reason why I will participate in the 2012 Corporation U.S. national elections is that I want to see Obummer the usurper defeated and out of the White House a.s.a.p. I fully realize that my vote may not be processed and counted correctly, and also am fully aware that these elections will only result in seating corporate officers. That is why I will also be pursuing a parallel course to restore our lawful original jurisdiction state and federal governments.
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • Rick

                            "The real problem with Ron Paul, or any other candidate who might be genuinely wanting to correct the worst of what has gone wrong, is that he or they would be a lame duck President because the establishment politicians will remain in control after the 2012 elections and will kill every effort made to change the status quo. And that is even if he or they can actually become elected, which is extremely doubtful given the high level of media spin to promote Dr Paul as a kook, along with the high incidence of electronic voting and vote counting election fraud that can be expected, as documented in the video Hacking Democracy .

                            The only reason why I will participate in the 2012 Corporation U.S. national elections is that I want to see Obummer the usurper defeated and out of the White House a.s.a.p. I fully realize that my vote may not be processed and counted correctly, and also am fully aware that these elections will only result in seating corporate officers. That is why I will also be pursuing a parallel course to restore our lawful original jurisdiction state and federal governments."

                            I agree with everything you say about Ron Paul, including that he has no chance of getting elected.An example would be his stand on FEMA; it is NOT a 30 second soundbite answer, and so people quit listening, and 'soundbite' it to R.P. would eliminate FEMA; no more disaster relief to people struck by tornadoes, etc. What he actually SAID was that the Federal Gov.'t is engaged in an insane policy of offering 'flood insurance' to people who choose to live in an area where the private insurance Companies WON'T, because they are living in a flood plain. But, people don't HEAR that, cause it takes more than 30 seconds to explain, and it takes a little thinking.

                            Unfortunately, I fear the effort to restore out lawful, jurisdictional gov't. is doomed for the same reasons that a candidate like R.P. is doomed to NOT be elected to even 1 term. The Sheeple ARE starting to 'look up', and they are getting angry. But, will they LISTEN, and THINK, long enough to understand what R.P. is saying, and/or what you are saying re: jurisdictional Gov't?

                            The biggest tool in the toolbox has always been apathy.SECOND has been the 'dumbing down' of the populace. After all, couldn't have 'got away' with dumbing down, if the apathy hadn't been there to start with.Jim


                            • "The Supremes"

                              Saw an article in the sunday paper, on the next session of the Supreme Court. Said potentially historic; they anticipate they will be looking at cases involving Obumercare, SB1070,(immigration/states rights), and affirmitive action, amongst others.Should be,.....interesting. One thing it pointed out was that the only one that can 'recuse' a justice on a particular case is the justice, themself.Apperently there isn't even any established way for one of the parties to request a recusal. Jim


                              • FDR’s Infamous Court-Packing Scheme
                                by Jacob G. Hornberger

                                Among the things that pro-New Deal advocates hardly ever bring up is one of the most shameful acts by a president in U.S. history. That’s the infamous “court-packing” scheme that President Franklin Roosevelt proposed when the Supreme Court was declaring much of his New Deal unconstitutional.

                                Roosevelt had an option that he could have pursued to circumvent the Supreme Court, one that the Constitution itself provided. To achieve the economic revolution that he sought, he could have pursued an amendment to the Constitution, one in which he formally asked the American people to reject the free-market way of life on which the U.S. had been founded and to accept a socialist and interventionist economic system.

                                Instead, he deceitfully led the American people into believing that this new economic system would actually “save” freedom and free markets, despite the fact that its welfare-state and regulatory principles were directly contrary to those of a free-enterprise system, that is a system free of government control and interference.

                                With his court-packing scheme, Roosevelt tried to tamper with that system. While the scheme failed in the short run, Roosevelt got his way in the long run.

                                FDR's Infamous Court-Packing Scheme


