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The American Ruling Class

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  • If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

    "During the summer of 1780 this wretched 'Continental' currency fell into contempt. As Washington said, it took a wagon-load of money to buy a wagon-load of provisions. At the end of the year 1778, the paper dollar was worth sixteen cents in the northern states and twelve cents in the south. Early in 1780 its value had fallen to two cents, and before the end of the year it took ten paper dollars to make a cent. In October, Indian corn sold wholesale in Boston for $150 a bushel, butter was 812 a pound, tea
    190, sugar $ 10, beef $8, coffee $12, and a barrel of flour cost $1,575. Samuel Adams paid $2,000 for a hat and suit of clothes. The money soon ceased to circulate, debts could not be collected, and there was a general prostration of credit. To say that a thing was 'worth a Continental * became the strongestpossible expression of contempt."—J. Fiske, The Am. Revolution, eft. 13 {v. 2).—Before the close of the year 1780, the Continental Currency had ceased to circulate. Attempts were subsequently made to have it funded or redeemed, but without success. See United States Ok Am.: A. D. 1780 (january— April).

    History for ready reference, from ... - Alan Campbell Reiley - Google Books

    In 1785 the United States pegged its currency to silver, an act reinforced in 1792.....This too proved irksome, as the ratio tended to make silver more valuable internally than it was internationally; hence foreign traders and international currency speculators demended gold for silver, leading to a drain on gold reserves.
    Class in America: A-G - Robert E. Weir - Google Books

    Where this has been the policy (in Connecticut for instance) the prices of every article have fallen and the money consequently is in demand; but in the other States you can scarce get a single thing for it, and yet it is with-held from the public by speculators, while every thing that can be useful to the public is engrossed by this tribe of black gentry, who work more effectually against us than the enemys Arms; and are a hundd. times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in.
    Washington to Edmund Pendleton, November 1, 1779 - For Teachers (Library of Congress)

    Last edited by aljhoa; 10-07-2011, 04:18 PM.


    • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
      Whether or not Ron Paul is a Mason should not be a deciding factor in determining his suitability. What President hasn't been a Mason, including all the best ones? And don't fall into the trap of believing that if Ron doesn't publicly state that 9/11 was an inside job that he must be in with those who perpetrated it.

      None of the current Republican candidates, with the exception of Ron Paul, advocate for an end to the corrupt, unconstitutional, and economically devastating foreign owned corporations known as the Federal Reserve and IRS, and 2 of the other candidates (Cain and Bachmann) were formerly and willingly employed by those slimeball entities. The remaining candidates are establishment career politicians.

      Ron Paul is the only candidate who has the right answers to all the major issues, which are eliminating the Federal Reserve and the personal income tax, halting illegal immigration and eliminating birthright citizenship for illegals, ending excessive government regulation and immoral mandates, upholding and never infringing in any way upon the arms bearing rights of citizens, offering tax credits to homeschooling parents who don't wish to have their children indoctrinated by liberal progressive teachers, assuring that every American will have the right to work where they choose without being forced to join and pay dues to union bosses and leftist PACS for that privilege, eliminating the federal tax on gasoline and providing tax credits for the purchase and production of alternative fuels, defeating the proposed carbon taxes, eliminating capital gains and death taxes, refusing to raise the US debt ceiling, and vetoing any unbalanced budget that Congress would approve. When people talk about Ron Paul being "a bit nutty," or "an isolationist," they are really just restating the propaganda espoused by the mainstream media and political pundits of the establishment Democrat and Republican parties. Is it really nutty to advocate all of the reforms mentioned above, or are these logical steps in the right direction? Is it truly isolationist policy to call for ending our deployment of more than 700 military bases and 369,000 personnel at more than 150 countries worldwide, and bringing these resources home where they could better be used to guard our own unprotected borders? Is it really a bad idea to end our hefty contributions and involvement with the UN, which we know seeks to take away the liberties of all Americans while pushing their agenda for a one-world government with unlimited power and dominion over all peoples of this earth? I think not.

      The real problem with Ron Paul, or any other candidate who might be genuinely wanting to correct the worst of what has gone wrong, is that he or they would be a lame duck President because the establishment politicians will remain in control after the 2012 elections and will kill every effort made to change the status quo. And that is even if he or they can actually become elected, which is extremely doubtful given the high level of media spin to promote Dr Paul as a kook, along with the high incidence of electronic voting and vote counting election fraud that can be expected, as documented in the video Hacking Democracy .

      The only reason why I will participate in the 2012 Corporation U.S. national elections is that I want to see Obummer the usurper defeated and out of the White House a.s.a.p. I fully realize that my vote may not be processed and counted correctly, and also am fully aware that these elections will only result in seating corporate officers. That is why I will also be pursuing a parallel course to restore our lawful original jurisdiction state and federal governments.
      But you see, that you only get the same Peoples again, or the Nest, where they come out. Ron Paul dont deny the Story about 9/11, he seems still accept it as Truth, and that is, what should let anyone think about it. He might wanna do some Steps into a better Direction, but was'nt Obama not the same? A Big Mouth full with Promises, and nothing left from what he hold out in Prospect, Business as usual.
      I dont know what the Reasons for that been, either, that Obummer is such a Clown and a Puppy and allways do what others say, even, as they told him to go for President, or if there is Pressure behind, but as i estimate him, seems OB is only another Comedian as Reagen is, what have a good Time a few Years of 'beeing President'. Anyhow a bit strange too, that more Policitans right now are like this, they have apathetic Eyes, and out her Mouth only comes, what does serve this sick System, but not the Peoples.

      For now i got really Doubts about it, that it will work in any way to vote for another Head from the Snake, and Hope for slow Changes into the Future, but tied again a few Years until to the next Elections. And even as you posted the Link from the manipulated Voting machines, i do not think, that any from the Elections will run fair, even more, that the Elections are allready everwhere in the World manipulated, and at the End, the Mainstreammedia the does help, to reinforce and try to convince the 'Common Opinion' about the Result, when one from her new Puppys won the 1st-Choice-Election Prize. For any from the Candidates does Geroge Calin still count.
      George Carlin on American Owners and Education - YouTube

      But still a interesting Note at one from Alhojas Links at Post #2125
      As well as being feared, the Chinese are admired for being cleverer than everybody else. The same mixture of fear and awe is often evident in people’s views of the U.S., and, indeed, of the Jews. Japanese anti-Semitism is a particularly interesting case. Japan was able to defeat Russia in 1905 only after a Jewish banker in New York, Jacob Schiff, helped Japan by floating bonds. So The Protocols of the Elders of Zion confirmed what the Japanese already suspected: Jews really did pull the strings of global finance. But instead of wishing to attack them, the Japanese, being a practical people, decided they would be better off cultivating those clever, powerful Jews as friends.
      Japanese, and China did ally with the Jews from the Financial System, so, how far is the Influence still from China or Japan today into our Economy, how much Strings they still hold today in her Hands, what did they learn in this Times as they did ally, or do they only sit back right now and laugh, because they are more or less 'Debt free'.
      Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


      • Originally posted by Joit View Post
        For now i got really Doubts about it, that it will work in any way to vote for another Head from the Snake, and Hope for slow Changes into the Future, but tied again a few Years until to the next Elections.
        Joit - if I understand you correctly then it seems that you probably will not vote at all in the 2012 Corporation U.S. elections, even if you are eligible to do so. That's okay, and it is quite understandable that you would not want to vote in an election that has no chance of changing anything for the better, other than to remove Obummer the usurper, but let me ask you this: If you could vote to elect officers of an original jurisdiction government that would restore state and federal governments to the limited powers set forth in the Constitution, while returning the federal government's wrongfully acquired powers to the People and the States, would you do so?
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
          Joit - if I understand you correctly then it seems that you probably will not vote at all in the 2012 Corporation U.S. elections, even if you are eligible to do so. That's okay, and it is quite understandable that you would not want to vote in an election that has no chance of changing anything for the better, other than to remove Obummer the usurper, but let me ask you this: If you could vote to elect officers of an original jurisdiction government that would restore state and federal governments to the limited powers set forth in the Constitution, while returning the federal government's wrongfully acquired powers to the People and the States, would you do so?
          Rick, i am not eligible to Vote in the US, i am in Europe. I did do Vote in 'Hope' for Changes few Times as i was young and first times able to Vote, but leave it after that, as i did see, nothing makes Changes.
          There is the Point of Walfare and Warfare again. We have 2 main Partys also, one for the Peoples, so called, Socialist, what should represent the Social Aspects from the Country, the other, a oculary christian Party, what represents the Industry with it Wealth and her Interests. So, each Time, when you vote for the Socialists, they increase ie the Family benefits, lower the Tax for low Earner and other Social Institutions like Schools and any other Social Sevices (Where the crazy Part at the Social Institutions is, they allways have to spend her 'Budget' to the maximum, or they will get a lower Budget next years, and therefor they allways look to spend all her Money into Investments). When you vote for the other Party, Wealth will be lesser taxed and ie the Costs for running Companys, even, where i am sure, that we do not even hear about it anymore, what each Party does change, mabye only the Tax advisers, what then send out short notes. Over time, its only to turn the Tax screw deeper and deeper. Each 'Program' from each Party only creates allways Deficit at the other Site, either the Economy or the Social Sector, so at all it is only a Swing, what moves between this 2 Points, but never solves any Problem, but only make anything more worse because of the higher Costs.
          I am sure you have the same 2 Partys there, what are actually only acting like Swings between 2 Deficits, where one Party never solves the Problems from the other Party in her Program.
          So i give nothing on any Promises from single Persons, even when they sound honest.
          Maybe Oh-bummer was about on the same, like disband Guantanamo and take the Troups Home, but after he was 2 Months on the Office, anything from this Promises been gone, and most you did hear out his Mouth was the same, as the 'Councils' at Row 2 behind him agreed with, nodding.
          And for sure, anyone else will be a Puppy like this, when he is elected. It s may the Point, that his 'Councils' whisper them, that "It would be sad, when they loose another President like it happend with Kennedy".
          Another Pressure from the Side from the Economy can be like, as it did allready happen here, when you dont 'sell' our Product, or stop the War, we are increasing the Prices, or stop delivering anything to anyone on this, certain Market.
          So no, it does not seems like, any Politican can change anything, before they do not destroy the Connections to the Industry, Companys, Global Corporations without any Leaders anymore, but just only Manager and Shareholders. And also they wont change it, because it s the Hand what feed most of them with 'Donations'.
          Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


          • Name calling

            removed from thread
            Last edited by minoly; 03-12-2012, 09:19 PM.


            • Originally posted by minoly View Post
              On this American Ruling Class thread, I expected more. However, name calling also acts as a distraction rather than to keep the focus on the "real" issue - perhaps I have it all wrong and the main purpose of this tread is not what I imagined it to be.
              Minoly - specifically what "name calling" are you referring to?
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • removed from thread
                Last edited by minoly; 03-12-2012, 09:19 PM.


                • Originally posted by minoly View Post
                  So sad to see seemingly intelegent people resorte to name calling.
                  John Boner is just as guilty, the teabaggers - "Tea Party want-to-be's" do nothing but damage the Republi-con's image. Meanwhile the true Tea Party is being sandbagged... All corporate tactics to keep our eyes on anything but the ball.

                  On this American Ruling Class thread, I expected more.
                  Seems like you are referring to the common Campaigns. But its a common Tactic, to give anyone a Opinion, where they then can discuss about or distract from the main Target
                  But mostly more Show then anything and later you see them together laughing again, just about Whom? Us?
                  Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                  • Occupy Wall Street

                    Here is a thread dedicated to the Occupy Wall Street movemement
                    spreading across the country.

                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • removed from thread
                      Last edited by minoly; 03-12-2012, 09:20 PM.


                      • Originally posted by minoly View Post
                        Specifically the act of calling someone a name by which they would not otherwise be called -
                        "As a cognitive bias in propaganda".
                        Name calling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        There is plenty of name calling to go around if the target is truly the american ruling class. I do not see it here - IMHO
                        You still haven't answered the question. Specifically what person, in your opinion, was unfairly called a name by which he or she would not normally be referred to as? I'm just asking for one specific example of a post in this thread that qualifies under your complaint.

                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Joit

                          You did make a valid point, in post 2135; and yes, as you describe in Europe, in the US we also seem to swing back and forth, between the 2 parties, and the 2 political viewpoints, about every 8 years or so.

                          Its kind of like a Merry-Go-Round; we go 'up' and 'down', as the party we are enthusiastic about goes 'into' and 'out' of power, and we go round and round, but we don't really GET anywhere.

                          The political system in Brussels (EU) and Washington (US) both seem to be unwilling/unable to truly address the needs of the people.Our political systems are failing us, just as many of the other 'systems' we have created are also failing us.Legal system, Financial system,healthcare system, enrgy and transportation, education system, all seem to be failing humanity, and furthering undesirable goals, and thwarting desirable goals.

                          At some point it seems to me, you GOT to ask yourself; Is it possible this whole 'experiment' of 'civilisation' which is less than 10,000 years old, (a mere fraction of a second, in the history of humanity) is a failed experiment? Is it possible we simply CAN'T continue to put band-aid on top of band-aid, we simply have to scrap the whole thing, and start all over again from scratch?



                          • Originally posted by Joit View Post
                            Ron Paul dont deny the Story about 9/11, he seems still accept it as Truth, and that is, what should let anyone think about it.
                            Ron Paul Questioned about 9/11 - YouTube

                            Originally posted by Pamela View Post

                            Here's one article I find particularly compelling.
                            Edward Murray: The Hidden Power of Occupy Wall Street
                            Wagon’s warped rim, with the hub full of grease, new spokes can realign.

                            Large sealed bearing eliminates the need for grease monkey and the hub, see
                            hubless wheel of Billy Lane.



                            • Good link, Al. I've seen that one before, and it does illustrate that Ron Paul is all for a new investigation into 9/11. In the video, Martell (with Scholars For 911 Truth) asks Ron, "Would you advocate for a new investigation into 9/11?"

                              Ron's reply: "Yes, I think we have to look at the details of it. You know, the investigation was an investigation in which there were government cover-ups."

                              To my way of thinking, that is a rather bold statement in and of itself. He did not say that there may have been government cover-ups, he said that, "there were government cover-ups." Obviously then, Ron is aware that the government lied about details and otherwise obfuscated the investigation for the purpose of covering up the truth. Members of the 9/11 Commission have stepped forward to say this is so. And why would the government do that unless the truth would implicate persons in high government positions?

                              Believe me, Ron is no fool. Obviously he knows more about 9/11 than he lets on. He is probably our best chance to ever have a new, thorough, and honest investigation if he were to become President of Corporation U.S. Until such time as that happens, and the truth finally comes out, though, Ron cannot simply state that 9/11 was an inside job. That would amount to political suicide.

                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Yes, and what is really interesting about that is that it took place in Washington, D.C., in the very heart of Corporation U.S. territory. Just goes to show how fed up the People are with Washington's establishment politicians, like Newt (who only got 3% of the votes), and Romney (who only pulled in 4%).

                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

