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The American Ruling Class

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  • Hi Tyson,

    Thanks for the NESARA link in post 193. I had looked up NESARA in Wikipedia, and I'm not at all surprised to see they had the NESARA name acronym stated incorrectly. I have had quite a few arguments with Wikipedia articles, especially 911 related events.

    I do like some of the NESARA suggestions, but I'm still opposed to a national sales tax as a replacement to Federal Income tax, even if it is only on "non-essential items." Under the current Federal tax, most Americans actually have no tax liability whatsoever if the tax laws are applied correctly, as pointed out by H2O. As the articles point out, the only persons who must pay income tax are those who are foreigners earning income in the US, US citizens earning income outside the US, and all persons who are employed by the US government, either directly or indirectly. For example, I worked for the US Postal Service until retiring, and was therefore required to pay income tax. As the articles point out, a national sales tax really isn't needed to provide operational funds for government, because the Founding Fathers provided adequate means for that through the Constitution. A national sales tax is just an idea that the Ruling Class devised to make people think that it would be better than the Federal income tax, but for the vast majority of Americans it won't be. It's really just another extortion scheme presented in Problem-Reaction-Solution format, with the expectation that the people will actually demand passage of this so-called "Fair Tax."

    One of the NESARA proposals, #5 in your post #193 above, I find to be quite alarming. It states that, "Federal Reserve facilities and most personnel are absorbed into the US Treasury Bank System." I see no problem with FED facilities being taken over by the Treasury department, but the FED personnel should not be absorbed and given Treasury jobs. They should be thrown out into the streets - Geithner, and his cronies too. The very idea of FED officials being in charge of, or working at the Treasury department, is very disturbing to me, and I can't see why NESARA would include such a stipulation unless it was designed to benefit the Ruling Class. As for NESARA, I'm left wondering why it is said that Congess passed the Act. Surely everyone in Congress would have realized that they would be thrown out of office if the Act passed, so why would they deliberately approve such legislation? I can see why they would be reluctant to announce such an Act, but why would they approve it in the first place, and where is the proof of such approval? I have seen it stated that the NESARA was initiated in secret by Congress in March of 2000, approved by Congress on September 9, 2001, and again passed in November, 2001, but have yet to see substantiated proof of this. Did it ever actually happen? I'm not convinced, but would like to see what others can dig up on this.

    Last edited by rickoff; 01-03-2012, 09:50 PM. Reason: sp
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Hi folks, Hi rickoff, thanks for the replies to my posts. Yes your concerns are the same as mine with NESARA. It could very well be it was meant as a half solution, when just following common law principles would suffice. And I've changed my views on it over time as well, although the main idea of bringing us back within the proper functioning of the constitution would be a good thing, I'm at the point where any centralized system or organization with power, in the type of realm we live in, without enough people fully awake is not a good idea as is evidenced by our reality. When enough people become fully awake, they would not give there power away to others, therefore government and centralized anything will be a footnote in history.
      peace love light


      • Just thought I'd put a small note in here. When I saw the post about the so-called American Dream(tm) and about owning one's own home, it immediately brought to mind the fact that you absolutely cannot own your own home as long as you have to pay property taxes on it. If the government can take away your home for non-payment of property taxes, then you don't really own it now, do you?

        Please spare the usual platitudes about having to pay for public education--those institutions are in dire need of being dismantled and it needs to happen now.


        • Hi folks, Hi shamus. I was aware of this situation as well about property taxes and not truly owning your house, never mind also the fact that they hold the true allodial title (wrong spelling) and when I made that statement to a couple people they became angry at me for giving them the message, oh well. And yes schools are a mind control joke.
          peace love light


          • Only schools are a mind control joke?


            The FACT that similar verses of this Creation Myth are HIDDEN in Genesis within a phonetic version of Emesal dialect, shows that the true origin of the Book of the Dead is SUMERIAN!

            A COVER UP of this FACT (The Torah is really Sumerian) started after the Torah was first translated into Greek around 300 B.C., since it would have been OBVIOUS to such scholars, that the Hebrew letters was a simple phonetic recording of an ancient SUMERIAN CREATION MYTH!

            The FACT that Jews claim authorship of these words is a LIE. The fact that both the New Testament authors and authors of the Qur'an all claimed a "Divine Authority" due to the LIES recorded in Jewish vowel pointed Torah's, also reveals those works are LIES.

            The Western Worlds RELIGIONS were all based upon a FOUNDATION OF LIES.
            The "GOD" found in Judaism, Christianity and Islam is MANMADE. A myth first started when JEWS started to CREATE a story by using vowel points over PHONETIC EMASAL DIALECT PAGAN POETRY.



            • Sollog


              I don't think I would believe anything this guy said or wrote:

              Heavenly Justice



              • @ aljhoa,

                I'm not quite certain what you were getting at in post #200. No one had said that schools are the only mind control joke played upon us. It is difficult to see how your post ties in with the Ruling Class, which is the subject of this thread. It could be said that the Ruling Class has used religion to their advantage, and that all religions have been so used and abused, but that did not seem to be what you were saying. Perhaps you could explain in clearer terms what you meant, and how it ties in with the Ruling Class. Unless it is clearly related to the Ruling Class discussions, it might better be stated in one of the religious discussion threads - especially if it asserts that any one religion is superior to others, or directly assaults any group's religious beliefs. That can only lead to anguish and endless arguments, and becomes a distraction to the real subject matter here. I do appreciate all relevant contributions posted here by you and others, and thank everyone for their efforts to keep this discussion thread on track.

                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • "My Awakening" by David Duke

                  I asked myself two questions: “Why was the historical truth about the Communist revolution suppressed?” and “How, in a free world, could that suppression have been accomplished?” The first question had an obvious answer in the fact that the forces of international Jewry would not want it generally known that they were the primary authors of the most repressive and murderous evil in the history of mankind: Communism.

                  The answer to the second question of “how” was more elusive. I realized that only very powerful forces could suppress important parts of the historical record and create a false impression of a “Russian Revolution” when there were only 13 ethnic Russians in the first Bolshevik government. Obviously the Jews historically did have a lot of power – as evidenced by Jacob Schiff, the Rothschilds, and others – but the power to change the perception of history – that seemed preposterous. Yet only a few months before, when Mattie Smith had told me at the Citizens Council that the Russian Revolution was Jewish, I had thought the idea was ridiculous. Now, I knew differently, and I knew I was just beginning to discover a new reality in the world.

                  My Awakening – Chapter 15 – The Jewish Question | The Official Website of Representative David Duke, PhD



                  • aljhoa

                    Seems strange that a successful, Jewish led revolution would resault in the persicution of all religions, yes Jewish too. If you knew enything about Jews you would know that they stick together like a close knit family. One does not persicute ones Uncles, or Children. The leaders ( high religious guys ) are to be respected and obeyd. Good luck trying to persicute them, your own mother would bop your ears.

                    Might I suggest you look further, in your reasurch, before commiting these thoughts here, as fact? And no I'm not Jewish.

                    My only bious (sorry spelling sucks here), is that I hate , hate mongering. If there is a problem lets fix it. But sometimes the problem is in the one who speeks the hate, and not in the object of the hate.

                    I'm not qualified. But ALJHOA, how may we help you ?

                    Andrew T.
                    Last edited by BobBrown; 12-04-2009, 06:42 PM.


                    • Hate mongering not for this thread


                      Please take your garbage somewhere else. Rick has already pointed out to you that it has nothing to do with this thread. And no I am not Jewish either. If you really think someone would want to read your trash then start your own thread.

                      Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                      • Alijhoa - Are you by any chance a card carrying member of the Ku Klux Klan? You certainly have the right to be a member, and I don't question that right. I am just wondering why, in post #203, you are citing David Duke, a former KKK Grand Wizard as a supposedly reliable source of information, and why non-KKK folks should be interested in reading Duke's discourse. It is also not clear whether you were referring to yourself as having attended a "Citizens Council" meeting, or if this was a quote of something David Duke had said. In any case, it would appear to be a reference to the white supremacist organization White Citizens Council, or one of its offshoot groups. The WCC was seen by many as being more socially acceptable than the KKK, since it operated on principles of economic reprisals rather than acts of violence. The end goal was the same, though - repression and intimidation of non-white races, and that is every bit as tyrannical as the Ruling Class agenda.
                        Last edited by rickoff; 12-05-2009, 08:55 PM.
                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Originally posted by BobBrown View Post
                          If you knew anything about Jews you would know that they stick together like a close knit family.
                          Andrew T.
                          In all fairness, Andrew, while what you state is largely true, it is not always the case. Take for example the Ponzi scheme that Bernard Madoff used to bilk huge numbers of fellow Jews out of vast sums of money. It was relatively easy for Madoff to pull off this scam simply because the victims never would have believed that a fellow Jew would even think of such a deplorable scheme, let alone act upon it. Certainly there are bad people, like Madoff, who come from all ethnic groups, and who get caught up in the quest for wealth and power. And in that respect they do represent the ideals of the Ruling Class.

                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


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                            • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                              In all fairness, Andrew, while what you state is largely true, it is not always the case. Take for example the Ponzi scheme that Bernard Madoff used to bilk huge numbers of fellow Jews out of vast sums of money. It was relatively easy for Madoff to pull off this scam simply because the victims never would have believed that a fellow Jew would even think of such a deplorable scheme, let alone act upon it. Certainly there are bad people, like Madoff, who come from all ethnic groups, and who get caught up in the quest for wealth and power. And in that respect they do represent the ideals of the Ruling Class.

                              LOL , I see you've met my Aunts husband. A black sheep in every family. sigh.

                              Andrew T


                              • Originally posted by BobBrown View Post
                                LOL , I see you've met my Aunts husband. A black sheep in every family. sigh.

                                Andrew T
                                Oh no! Your aunt's husband is Bernie Madoff?
                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

