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The American Ruling Class

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  • Will the Republican party support Ron Paul?
    WASHINGTON, November 11, 2011―
    On Fox News Sunday Chris Wallace interviewed Republican Presidential candidate, Ron Paul.
    During the interview, Wallace asked Paul if he could support another Republican in the general election if he did not get the nomination.
    Dr. Paul then responded with an answer which most likely infuriated the Republican establishment.

    “If they believe in expanding the wars,
    if they don't believe at looking at the Federal Reserve,
    if they don't believe in real cuts,
    if they don't believe in deregulation and a better tax system it would defy everything I believe in.
    So I would be reluctant to jump on board and tell all the supporters,
    who have given me trust and money,
    that all we've done is for naught and let's support anybody.”

    Will the Republican party support Ron Paul? | Washington Times Communities



    • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
      Will the Republican party support Ron Paul?
      I don't believe that the Republican party has ever truly been supportive of Ron Paul, at least not since Ronald Reagan endorsed him, and I think they will do everything possible to ensure that another candidate (most likely their preferred candidate, Mitt Romney) wins the nomination. I don't think that will deter Ron from running as an independent, and he has enough support that he probably could win if elections were fair and honest, but let's face it -they are neither fair nor honest. If he does run as an independent then the media will do everything possible to manipulate public opinion against Ron Paul by ridiculing him into oblivion, and even if he manages to overcome that with strong public support and a well run campaign, we all know that the Ruling Class, through vote fraud, will have no problem making Dr Paul appear as the loser come election time. That, of course, does not mean that we should consider Ron as a "throwaway vote," or that we should not even bother voting. Our vote is all that we have, and we should all vote our conscience, no matter what the outcome may be.

      Some will say that Ron Paul running as an independent would very likely siphon off votes that would have gone to assuring a Republican victory in 2012, and allow Obama to win reelection. While that definitely holds some truth, we would be no better off if Mitt Romney were to win, as nothing that needs changing would ever be changed by Romney, who is the status quo candidate. Therefore, I myself feel very comfortable in voting for someone like Ron Paul, or Laurie Roth, even though the establishment will likely prevent them from winning. I don't mind losing, as long as I have voted my conscience, and to vote any other way would be an even greater loss. In any case, I will also be casting my vote in the original jurisdiction election to assure not only that my vote really does count, but also to help assure that our true constitutional government is restored.

      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Ron Paul's 11.11.11 Veteran's Day Moneybomb
        Raises Over $700K and Counting

        Ron Paul receives more military donations than all the other GOP presidential candidates, and President Obama combined. As an Air Force veteran, Ron Paul not only understands what it means to serve his country, but he also understands the costs of an adventurous foreign policy. Both the blood and treasure of a nation are exhausted in a time of war, and Ron Paul is the only one who has been consistent in his support of a non-interventionist foreign policy for decades.

        The only way for Ron Paul to become President is if he gets the GOP nomination;
        The only way for Ron Paul to get the GOP nomination is if we become delegates.
        As delegates, we'll be voting to pick the GOP nominee
        just like the electors in the electoral college vote to pick the President;
        Delegates determine and decide who the GOP nominee is—it's that critical!

        How to Become a Ron Paul Delegate

        Delegate Training for Ron Paul
        Ron Paul Delegates | Delegate Training for Ron Paul!



        • Creditor's Arsenal in the Money Tree

          We borrowed 100 percent of the purchase price. In fact, I was told I could borrow even more if I wanted. I had perfect credit and a solid income that was growing. But even so, when the lender approved us at 100 percent, it was more than I had expected. I remember thinking something like “Wow. I guess if they’re willing to lend it to us it must be O.K.”

          In late 2004, a year after buying the house, we refinanced our mortgage with World Savings Bank, which later ended up in the hands of Wells Fargo, using one of the pick-a-payment loans that let you choose your own payment each month.

          I remained troubled by the ethical implications of what I was doing, but I soon started seeing some of my friend’s arguments echoed in the work of Brent T. White, a law professor at the University of Arizona. He and others were arguing that homeowners should act more like companies — taking into account legal and economic reasons for stopping a regular payment rather than “perceived moral obligations.”

          As I was writing this article, I pulled behind a truck with a bumper sticker, “Honk if I’m paying your mortgage.”

          I guess one of the ideas behind that bumper sticker is that
          people like Cori and me who couldn’t afford to pay off our mortgages are to blame for the financial crisis
          and the bank bailouts that followed.

          How a Financial Pro Lost His House - Yahoo! Finance

          Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
          Bills to increase penalties for filing false liens on judges, court personnel moving in AR and PA

          Among the myriad of challenges facing judges and court staff beyond the threat of physical violence is the prospect of having liens and similar instruments filed on their homes. A federal law adopted in 2008 (and codified as 18 USC 1521) provides

          SB 50 would also make specific crimes of tactics often used by “common law court” and militia/patriot groups such as “impersonating public official or legal tribunal” and use of unofficial license plates. SB 50 was introduced on January 12 and is currently pending in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
          Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
          Search Debt Validation

          A Tale of You, Joe, Bob and Money Borrowed

          Let's say you borrowed money from your friend Joe. Joe would be the creditor of this debt, the original creditor. Let's say some time has gone by and you think you might still Joe money, though you're not sure how much.
          One day, a guy named Bob comes up to you and says he is collecting the money you owe Joe. Bob is acting just like a collection agency for a credit card company would. Think about it - having never met Bob before, would you just hand over the cash to him? No. Or at least I hope you wouldn't. You should have these questions for Bob:

          You should have the same thoughts about a collection agency who sends you a bill for a debt you may or may not owe.

          Debt Validation - The Ultimate Weapon Against the Collection Agencies
          Originally posted by Kokomoj0 View Post
          Its one big happy family at the top.

          There is no such thing as "branches" of government. There is only sub divisions of the united states, no different than personal, marketing, manufacturing, accounting, purchasing ceo and board(s) of directors etc etc of any other company. none

          On October 25, 2011, In Foreclosures, Fraud, Stop Foreclosure, By

          Superior Courts of Los Angeles Served!!!

          Banks as servicers, not even the owner of the notes, have been getting away with judges ruling in their favor by dismissing cases without having the banks prove they even have a claim to a mortgage. Servicers file fraudulent Robo Signed documents and these federal and state judges don’t even allow homeowners to get to a trial and have discovery. I hope this sends a message that judges hear how there lives are tied to the success of the banks and that will certainly impair there judgements.

          When Attorney general are working out a 20 billion dolor settlement for improper filing of recorded documents but home owner that sue for the same thing get dismissed with prejudice there is something very broken with the courts. We at the foreclosure Legal Rights Commend Occupy Wall Street to standing up and being heard by the citizens of the United States of America. They get a big Thumbs Up!!!!!

          Occupy Wall Street Serves Courts in California and Washington | Foreclosure Legal Rights

          and that is only the tip of the iceburg!

          Judicial Racketeering RICO ACT on - YouTube


          • Hi folks,

            Just wanted to notify you that I have purchased a new homestead and will be very busy for the next few weeks preparing to move there, so I'm not quite sure how much time I will have available to monitor, read, or contribute to this thread until after I'm settled in. I'm really happy about acquiring the new homestead, as it will be a renewable energy bonanza. The house is of passive solar design, and located on a clearing of about two acres which will be great for an orchard and large garden, as well as raising some livestock. There is also a 20 acre woodlot with a stream running approximately 2,000 feet through it. I plan to enhance the solar capabilities of the home, as well as to construct a windmill, and a hydro project (water wheel, most likely) on the stream. I have posted a satellite image of the property in the water wheel thread, if anyone is interested.

            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Congrats, Rick!

              Way to go! Hopefully 'regular'contributors to this topic will 'monitor' it,and keep it on topic. Wish you well in your new adventure, I am embarking on one of my own, as mentioned in a previous post. The stuff is getting ready to hit the fan, and everyone better start batting down the hatches, cause on heck of a s*itstorm is coming! Jim


              • Rick, Congratulations, and Thanks

                Hi Rick, From the satellite image it truly looks like you have found your slice of heaven here on earth, and I hope and pray for you and yours as you start this new, and exciting chapter of your life. I only wish that I lived closer to you so I could lend a hand with all these projects you have in mind.

                I would like to take this time to thank you for starting this thread, and all your contributions here, for if it were not for this I would surly be continuing on through life as one of the media driven sheeple. Scrambling in the last week or two before election time trying to decide my vote, only to find a year or so latter that I had fallen for all the dis-info and feeling as though I had wasted my vote. It is because of this thread that I have opened my eyes to the how and why we find ourselves in these troubled times, world wide, and how I too must accept responsibility for some of the destruction of this God given fragile planet that we all must learn to share and take care of, even if it was through manipulation by the American ruling class. This year I feel that my vote shall be the most truly informed vote of my life, and as things stand at the moment it will be for Ron Paul even if I have to write it in. I hope it will be counted.

                Many Thanks and Best Regards,


                • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                  Hi folks,

                  Just wanted to notify you that I have purchased a new homestead and will be very busy for the next few weeks preparing to move there, so I'm not quite sure how much time I will have available to monitor, read, or contribute to this thread until after I'm settled in. I'm really happy about acquiring the new homestead, as it will be a renewable energy bonanza. The house is of passive solar design, and located on a clearing of about two acres which will be great for an orchard and large garden, as well as raising some livestock. There is also a 20 acre woodlot with a stream running approximately 2,000 feet through it. I plan to enhance the solar capabilities of the home, as well as to construct a windmill, and a hydro project (water wheel, most likely) on the stream. I have posted a satellite image of the property in the water wheel thread, if anyone is interested.

                  Hi Rick
                  It look slike a very nice property! Is the timber sallable? I used to work for my dad's sawmill for many years and know quite a few things about timber sales if you have any questions I would be happy to help(free of charge of course)
                  Also Jim had a great suggestion. Could you start a new thread detailing your existing power supply and your improvements you make? This may be very helpful and encourage others to do the same.
                  Smile it doesn't hurt!

                  Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                  • tragedy and hope

                    Hi all,

                    I don't know whether the following links have been posted in this thread already ...
                    Anyway, some people are taking a closer first-hand-look at the history of the USA and are providing podcasts about their findings, which you might find as interesting as I did.

                    The latest episode (#043) can be downloaded from here:
                    PodOmatic | Podcast - Peace Revolution's Podcast
                    The direct link to the .mp3 file is:

                    Be warned, the "talk" is quite long - almost 200 minutes - well, you may find it rewarding, nevertheless.

                    The home of the entire project is:
                    Last edited by marxist; 11-15-2011, 04:33 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
                      Hi Rick
                      It look slike a very nice property! Is the timber sallable? I used to work for my dad's sawmill for many years and know quite a few things about timber sales if you have any questions I would be happy to help(free of charge of course)
                      Also Jim had a great suggestion. Could you start a new thread detailing your existing power supply and your improvements you make? This may be very helpful and encourage others to do the same.
                      While I really haven't had the time yet to walk the wooded portion of the property, it does appear that it is a very nice timber stand with much wood that could be readily salable. Thing is, though, I wouldn't even think of selling any of it unless I become very economically depressed. I'd prefer to manage the woodlot for optimum growth, and utilize any wood cut from it for renewable energy projects on the property, such as home heating, water heating, steam production, and operating a wood-gas fueled generator and tractor. With 20 wooded acres, such operations could easily be self sustainable and allow me to live entirely off grid if I desire, or to sell excess generated power back to the electric utility. I don't think that I will need much wood to heat the home, since it features a passive solar attic that blows heated air down to the living quarters when the thermostat calls for heat, and this system provides all heating needs during the daylight hours even on very cold days. Here's a photo of house exterior showing the 9 large windows of the solar attic which face due south:

                      As you can see, the angle of the windowed roof is quite steep to afford maximum sun penetration throughout the day, and also prevents snow from accumulating and obstructing sunlight. The floor of the attic also has windows that provide cheery lighting to the downstairs.

                      The only heat supplementation needed will be at night, or on heavily overcast days. The current occupant has been using electric baseboard heating for supplemental heat, and there is also a nice propane heater in case the power goes out, and I'll probably keep those installations for backup use at times when I am seldom not at home, but it would be foolhardy not to make use of the available wood for heating. The current occupant hasn't done that primarily because her husband passed away several years ago and she is 90 years old.

                      While this home and property already offers a great head start on becoming independent through utilization of renewable energy and natural resources, my mind is churning with thoughts on enhancing the features that already exist, as well as new projects to employ currently unused resources such as solar electric, wind power, and hydro power, not to mention a large vegetable garden and some livestock for food production. I can hardly wait to get started!
                      Last edited by rickoff; 11-15-2011, 04:33 PM.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Here's a link to a very well put together video that shows, in under 5 minutes, many of the major flaws in the "official" 9/11 cover-up story:

                        9/11: A Conspiracy Theory
                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Hi Rick,
                          Thanks for the link. Much truth in five minutes. This has to be one of the most heartless. greedy, selfish, things that has ever been done to man, in all history. All for power and money. I feel for the families of the victims.


                          • Hi Gene,

                            The victims side of this issue is perhaps the most difficult aspect to understand. It brings up many questions, such as, who were the victims of 9/11? Were they the people in the WTC Twin Towers, and in the aircraft said to have been involved? Were they the families of those who disappeared on 9/11? Were they the firefighters and rescue workers, many of which either died in their valiant efforts to save lives, or have experienced debilitating health problems ever since 9/11? Or could we rightfully say that all of the American public, having been duped and lied to, are victims of 9/11? If we only consider those who died as a result of 9/11 as the true victims, then of course the question is how many really died, and who were they? Whatever that actual number is, it is very likely far, far fewer than what was reported. To pull off a deception of this magnitude, there obviously had to be some verifiable victims who perished, but just as in the plans for Operation Northwoods, there would also be plans for news releases of staged funerals and victim memorial events. As covered in earlier posts, there are reports of the towers having been largely unoccupied, and even hollowed out prior to 9/11 in preparation for collapse. Many of the alleged WTC victims do not show up in a search of the Social Security Death Index, and this is also true of persons listed a passengers on flights alleged to have crashed on 9/11. Many photos of 9/11 "victims" posted in an online victim's memorial website by CNN have been proven to have been prepared before the alleged events took place, and many more were prepared on the day of 9/11, well before any "victim" information had been released. Months after 9/11, hardly any families of alleged flight passengers had come forward to claim a right to benefits from the 9/11 Victim's Compensation Fund, and when this was brought to light the names and numbers of those who received compensation was suddenly stricken and wiped from the Internet. There were undoubtedly many false claims made to the compensation fund by "golddiggers," but the biggest scam artists of all were those who sat in high places and made all of the 9/11 events and aftermath possible.
                            Last edited by rickoff; 11-18-2011, 05:09 PM.
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Fracking Hell: The Untold Story

                              An original investigative report by Earth Focus and UK's Ecologist Film Unit looks at the risks of natural gas development in the Marcellus Shale. From toxic chemicals in drinking water to unregulated interstate dumping of potentially radioactive waste that experts fear can contaminate water supplies in major population centers including New York City, are the health consequences worth the economic gains?

                              Fracking Hell: The Untold Story - YouTube



                              • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                                Fracking Hell: The Untold Story

                                Fracking Hell: The Untold Story - YouTube

                                The main issues regarding groundwater in the Western half of the United States are that:

                                •The depletion rate is much higher than the recharge rate.
                                •There is groundwater contamination.
                                •High groundwater depletion rates harm ecosystems which is detrimental to biodiversity.
                                •States' groundwater regulations are too lenient and do not consider the multi-state nature of the resource.
                                •Public policies regarding environmental protection lack long term goals and seem to overlap each other to some extent

                                Mission 2012 : Clean Water


